We have Mid East Theater, Far East Theater and Special Forces Maps. Euro Force Map is coming soon. All those maps are landmark or similar to other country's landscape. I wonder if they will create some maps at America's landscape and landmark?

Here is my cool or worst idea of new maps...

U.S. Capitol - It will be cool to have USA defend the building like one in SF:Warlord.

Pentagon - Five stories and plenty of rooms to spawn and defend.

New York, Central Park - Plenty of landscape and hide place with beautiful sight of surround building.

Los Angeles, Coliseum - Capture the Stadium and elimate Insurgent Forces.

If you have more idea, let me know.

The final question, can it be done?
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6817|NT, like Mick Dundee

Armoured Fury. All maps in the US of A

Do a search for some guy's Spokante (I think thats how you spell it) map, he is going to build it and ask for official ranked status for the map, I think its set in a suburb of DC.

Hope that helps.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.

aslpride wrote:

We have Mid East Theater, Far East Theater and Special Forces Maps. Euro Force Map is coming soon. All those maps are landmark or similar to other country's landscape. I wonder if they will create some maps at America's landscape and landmark?

Here is my cool or worst idea of new maps...

U.S. Capitol - It will be cool to have USA defend the building like one in SF:Warlord.

Pentagon - Five stories and plenty of rooms to spawn and defend.

New York, Central Park - Plenty of landscape and hide place with beautiful sight of surround building.

Los Angeles, Coliseum - Capture the Stadium and elimate Insurgent Forces.

If you have more idea, let me know.

The final question, can it be done?
eh non of the maps in BF2 are actually real so it would make no sense to include maps like that
what they will do in armored fury is have American archictecture - ie massive freeways
Yep, I miss that info. Thanks, but I still would like U.S. Capitol Map.
Aspiring Objectivist
looks like you'll get your wish for american maps.
hmmm a pentagon map, should be fairly easy to get the floor planes, just as your local taliban representative
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6827|Canberra, AUS
Ask some modder to do it.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
Death is my Dominion
+10|6810|Sydney, Australia
american or not, I want to see a map that takes place in a 2 6-10 story buildings along side from one another. You would need zip line/grappling hook/parachute from the top/base entry to get into the other one. Not vehicles at all (cept maybe a stunt bike for between buildings.... thatd be cool), so a totally infantry-based level.

There would not be any need for UAV here, all skill. And maybe a room that if you destroy some machinery, the lights go out in the building, and an engineer needs to repair it for the lights to come back on.

Storyline something like terrorists have taken over one building, and the US (or whomever... im a bit tired of US atm) has to infiltrate the building to cap it back. The US/whoever would have an uncappable point (no flags here, specific points.... flags wouldnt work too well) at the base of their building, and some neutral at the start, and the opposing force (MEC/anyone else) has 3 or 4 cappable bases in the other building.

There would be sandbags tipped over in the hallways (could lie prone and be hidden), glass could be smashed to gain entry to rooms/levels, mounted machine gun in big mezanine area, and open rooftops looking at each other for grenade-offs (like karkand ) and sniping etc.
The rooms would have a set of offices, board meeting rooms, giant halls, confined hallways etc.

I think that would be sweet
There is.
+1,380|6843|Devon, England
yeh ud probably hav to make a whole new mod for them maps, cos u can only use the static objects that bf2 givs ya in bf2 maps. im a mapper myself and i wud help u out but i dont know how to make a whole new mod and make new buildings, just placing old ones in different ways.
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6817|NT, like Mick Dundee

$kelet0r wrote:

aslpride wrote:

We have Mid East Theater, Far East Theater and Special Forces Maps. Euro Force Map is coming soon. All those maps are landmark or similar to other country's landscape. I wonder if they will create some maps at America's landscape and landmark?

Here is my cool or worst idea of new maps...

U.S. Capitol - It will be cool to have USA defend the building like one in SF:Warlord.

Pentagon - Five stories and plenty of rooms to spawn and defend.

New York, Central Park - Plenty of landscape and hide place with beautiful sight of surround building.

Los Angeles, Coliseum - Capture the Stadium and elimate Insurgent Forces.

If you have more idea, let me know.

The final question, can it be done?
eh non of the maps in BF2 are actually real so it would make no sense to include maps like that
what they will do in armored fury is have American archictecture - ie massive freeways
Wake Island is real. Its an atoll some where in the pacific of three different islands, one of which is Wake.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6817|NT, like Mick Dundee

Hugh_Jasss wrote:

american or not, I want to see a map that takes place in a 2 6-10 story buildings along side from one another. You would need zip line/grappling hook/parachute from the top/base entry to get into the other one. Not vehicles at all (cept maybe a stunt bike for between buildings.... thatd be cool), so a totally infantry-based level.

There would not be any need for UAV here, all skill. And maybe a room that if you destroy some machinery, the lights go out in the building, and an engineer needs to repair it for the lights to come back on.

Storyline something like terrorists have taken over one building, and the US (or whomever... im a bit tired of US atm) has to infiltrate the building to cap it back. The US/whoever would have an uncappable point (no flags here, specific points.... flags wouldnt work too well) at the base of their building, and some neutral at the start, and the opposing force (MEC/anyone else) has 3 or 4 cappable bases in the other building.

There would be sandbags tipped over in the hallways (could lie prone and be hidden), glass could be smashed to gain entry to rooms/levels, mounted machine gun in big mezanine area, and open rooftops looking at each other for grenade-offs (like karkand ) and sniping etc.
The rooms would have a set of offices, board meeting rooms, giant halls, confined hallways etc.

I think that would be sweet
Heh, good idea... BF2 always has had good infantry combat... Send it to DICE...
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
+10|6873|Kirkland, WA
If I can get Dice/EA to approve my map concept for ranked play I plan on creating a US-based city map that should provide some good infantry action. I don't think it will be entirely based on infantry play, but it will definitely have a strong focus in that area. You can check out the link to the thread I posted about it here:
I'll take two
+132|6937|Perth, Western Australia
In fact there is actually a Nuclear Plant at Dalian, and Oilfields at Daqing, and I was in an atlas recently the GUlf of Oman. And of course Wake is real too
Togs8896 is my evil alter ego
+567|6783|New Hampshire, USA

Hugh_Jasss wrote:

american or not, I want to see a map that takes place in a 2 6-10 story buildings along side from one another. You would need zip line/grappling hook/parachute from the top/base entry to get into the other one. Not vehicles at all (cept maybe a stunt bike for between buildings.... thatd be cool), so a totally infantry-based level.

There would not be any need for UAV here, all skill. And maybe a room that if you destroy some machinery, the lights go out in the building, and an engineer needs to repair it for the lights to come back on.

Storyline something like terrorists have taken over one building, and the US (or whomever... im a bit tired of US atm) has to infiltrate the building to cap it back. The US/whoever would have an uncappable point (no flags here, specific points.... flags wouldnt work too well) at the base of their building, and some neutral at the start, and the opposing force (MEC/anyone else) has 3 or 4 cappable bases in the other building.

There would be sandbags tipped over in the hallways (could lie prone and be hidden), glass could be smashed to gain entry to rooms/levels, mounted machine gun in big mezanine area, and open rooftops looking at each other for grenade-offs (like karkand ) and sniping etc.
The rooms would have a set of offices, board meeting rooms, giant halls, confined hallways etc.

I think that would be sweet
That would be sooo effing awsome.  I especially like the idea of destryoing the lights, then you'd need the nightvision to go fix it, otherwise it'd be pitch black.  Seriously, go ask someone to do that... NOW!
+1|6835|Oslo, Norway
i'd like to see an artic warfare map. with snowmobiles and winter camo snipers. Otherwise, known locations are a good idea. Protect the captol, the eiffel tower or maybe even prevent a terrorist attck at the superbowl or world cup soccer finals. objective based gaming would bring life to bf2. i think the game will need it eventually. im getting tired of kill-kill-die-spawn-die-revived-kill-cap a flag-die-spawn-get spawn raped-spawn again-kill-teamkill-die-end of round.
i think some europe maps would be cool with well known land marks. paris for instance. protecting a place like the louve (some place of historic value) or rome and have the coliseum as apart of the battlefield.
An Alcatraz map could be interesting I guess - skateboards could be included for some Tony Hawk action
Support fanatic :-)

Arctic expansion would be awesome, the russians invade norway and get kicked out again ;-)

Or maybe some maps in the Alps.

Someone also mentioned terrorist attacks on Europe`s Capitals, i could also see this happend in Hong Kong,Kualalumpur and Tokyo ...... also Jungle warfare in South America could be nice.
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
+0|6916|Givataim, Israel
of course gulf of oman is real.
Between Oman+Arab Emirates and Iran.
It is clear that the crusades against MEC are around Iran and not other country.
Well whatever's for sure is gulf of oman fight is meant to invade Iran.

megaboost wrote:

An Alcatraz map could be interesting I guess - skateboards could be included for some Tony Hawk action
That is great idea. Look at this picture in this web link...

The open field on Alctraz Island can be helicopter pad or ramp for skateboards? We can add USS Carrier nearby like The Iron Gator Map. The Helicopter and boats can over or underpass Golden Gate Bridge.
+10|6873|Kirkland, WA

aslpride wrote:

megaboost wrote:

An Alcatraz map could be interesting I guess - skateboards could be included for some Tony Hawk action
That is great idea. Look at this picture in this web link...

The open field on Alctraz Island can be helicopter pad or ramp for skateboards? We can add USS Carrier nearby like The Iron Gator Map. The Helicopter and boats can over or underpass Golden Gate Bridge.
If Dice/EA approves the idea of allowing US maps to be included in the game for ranked play then I would actually consider making a map of Alcatraz after finishing my map of Spokane. I actually thought Alcatraz would make a great map several years ago. My only aversion to the idea is that having a conflict on the island might seem similar to the movie "The Rock."

I like the idea because the island is small enough to provide for intense combat. Too often players suggest map ideas that just wouldn't be feasible with current technology and players per server limitations because the map area would be extremely large. Personally, I like large levels and working with huge scales, but not when they can only be populated by a small number of players and if the size of the level results in sacrificing detail.

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