+5,233|6563|Global Command

CameronPoe wrote:

Mek-Stizzle wrote:

Well if you want to go all the way back in history we can start off with the Islamic/Arab conquest of that region, not exactly a nice thing to do. Invade a country. They even built a mosque ontop of an important Jewish temple/site or something
Or perhaps we can go back to the Roman conquest prior to that, or the Israeli conquest of Cana'an or the Cana'anite conquest of what was originally Egypts?

PS The Dome of the Rock sits atop where Mohammed rather implausibly ascended to heaven on a winged horse. It also happens to be the 'rock' that Abraham (or Ibrahim) prepared to sacrifice his child by God's rather sick bidding. It's originally the site of the Temple of Solomon - which was destroyed by the Romans.

PPS You complain about Arabs invading a country IN DEFENCE of the Israeli conquest??!?!?!? It was the Romans who drove the Jews out btw.
So, your gripe is with the wrong group and you obviously need to blame Nero.
mostly afk
+480|6584|CH/BR - in UK

As much as I support Palestinians, this is ridiculous. Soldiers make mistakes, for fuck's sake. The hate goes too deep. This isn't the whole army speaking. I'm sure other Israelis have a bit more restraint than this. This is almost as bad as the Muslim stories popping up in the media...


konfusion wrote:

As much as I support Palestinians, this is ridiculous. Soldiers make mistakes, for fuck's sake. The hate goes too deep. This isn't the whole army speaking. I'm sure other Israelis have a bit more restraint than this. This is almost as bad as the Muslim stories popping up in the media...

Exactly - it's a bad soldier and he is being reprimanded.
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6616|SE London

ATG wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

Mek-Stizzle wrote:

Well if you want to go all the way back in history we can start off with the Islamic/Arab conquest of that region, not exactly a nice thing to do. Invade a country. They even built a mosque ontop of an important Jewish temple/site or something
Or perhaps we can go back to the Roman conquest prior to that, or the Israeli conquest of Cana'an or the Cana'anite conquest of what was originally Egypts?

PS The Dome of the Rock sits atop where Mohammed rather implausibly ascended to heaven on a winged horse. It also happens to be the 'rock' that Abraham (or Ibrahim) prepared to sacrifice his child by God's rather sick bidding. It's originally the site of the Temple of Solomon - which was destroyed by the Romans.

PPS You complain about Arabs invading a country IN DEFENCE of the Israeli conquest??!?!?!? It was the Romans who drove the Jews out btw.
So, your gripe is with the wrong group and you obviously need to blame Nero.
Why Nero?

He was Jewish himself (converted to Judaism later in life).
+233|5825|Dublin, Ohio

usmarine2 wrote:

Lisik wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

Nice work guys, the Palestinian was blindfolded, handcuffed and held while being shot in the leg at point blank range (with a rubber bullet apparently, although those .223 rubber coated steel bullets are pretty harsh).
You can see the muzzle blast, he was definitely shot.
I wonder what they do when there is no camera watching? … 2FShowFull

The soldier was arested, and going to be punished. We arent barbarians Dilbert_X, live with it.

exactly.  they go on trial and the pals get parades and gifts from iran.  how the fuck anyone can compare or use and example like this is beyond me really.

also, look out for a nazi called australian chainsaw.  He trolls to make comments about jews.
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

CameronPoe wrote:

What is the relevance of lobbing rockets and blowing up buses to the unsavoury conduct of this particular soldier? Two wrongs make a right or something?
The same as the relevance of the thread's title to reality (as indicated by Lisik's post).

Dilbert_X wrote:

Except one guy was holding him as the soldier levelled his rifle at him, another was standing watching, thats three soldiers.
And thats well beyond stupid, it was a deliberate cruel act.
Because the others had to automatically assume that the soldier pointing the rifle at the person was going to shoot him? Is that because, in your world, no one ever keeps their gun on a captive until that captive is inside a controlled area?

Individual soldier does something stupid and your response is to get rid of that soldier's country. That's not at ALL over the top, now is it?

Dilbert_X wrote:

BTW please don't derail the thread or I may have a hissy fit smile
Debating whether the video you linked to in your OP is "Punishment Israeli Style" (that being the title of your OP) is a far cry from turning the debate into whether or not GWB lied to the world to start a war so his oil buddies could get rich and so he could further some undefined evangelical "bringing of Revelations to existence". See...that would be derailing the thread.

Go wash the sand out of your vagina, ffs.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
the ultimate accolade.

Usmarine calling other people trolls!

Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
+233|5825|Dublin, Ohio
i learned it by watching you
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

usmarine2 wrote:

i learned it by watching you
I hope you mean by reading my posts? As watching me would be reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally creepy.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
+233|5825|Dublin, Ohio

m3thod wrote:

usmarine2 wrote:

i learned it by watching you
I hope you mean by reading my posts? As watching me would be reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally creepy.
[insert ceiling cat pic]
The X stands for
+1,810|6140|eXtreme to the maX
Soldiers make mistakes, for fuck's sake. The hate goes too deep. This isn't the whole army speaking.
Sure about that? Read Lisik's link.

'The soldier and his commanding officer, a battalion commander with the rank of lieutenant-colonel, had given contradictory accounts of the incident to Military Police, blaming each other for the shooting, and soldiers who served under the battalion commander in the past said they weren't surprised by his attempts to blame the soldier.

The soldier who fired the rubber bullet told Military Police that he was given an order to fire the rifle by the battalion commander, Lt.-Col. Omri. He claimed that the commander ordered him to fire, saying "shoot him, shoot him."

During his interrogation, Omri denied telling the soldier to shoot, saying that he had merely told him to shake his gun in order to scare the Palestinian.
He said that he did not witness the actual shooting, but during his interrogation he did take a certain degree of responsibility for the incident, since it took place in his presence and under his command.

The incident was not reported to Military Police until the B'tselem human rights organization received the footage on Sunday morning and immediately forwarded a copy to the Military Police Investigation Unit.

The battalion commander is seen holding Abu Rahma's arm when the shot is fired.'
(Edited for brevity)

Its not one soldier being stupid, its a battalian comander, a soldier, the doctor who treated him and all the IDF standing around.
Without the video there would have been no investigation, all the above covered it up until the video came out.

PS Not sure what the point is of shaking a gun at someone who is blindfolded.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

Even in the worst case scenario, it's still not the entire IDF. At most, it's a dickhead battalion commander. You have no idea if there would have been an investigation or not, even if the video hadn't come out.

You are making subjective assumptions and generalizing based on your bias against the IDF specifically and Israel in general.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
The X stands for
+1,810|6140|eXtreme to the maX
Who ever said it was the whole of Israel or IDF?
I do happen to think there are too many of these incidents for it to be just the occasional bad apple.

This one was initially investigated by the IDF, and nothing found.
Now a video has surfaced they have to do a proper investigation.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

Dilbert_X wrote:

Who ever said it was the whole of Israel or IDF?
You did. In this thread.


Dilbert_X wrote:

I'm generalising as thats my perception of the IDF and what they stand for - I admit it entirely.

Dilbert_X wrote:

Soldiers make mistakes, for fuck's sake. The hate goes too deep. This isn't the whole army speaking.
Sure about that? Read Lisik's link.

Dilbert_X wrote:

I do happen to think there are too many of these incidents for it to be just the occasional bad apple.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
The X stands for
+1,810|6140|eXtreme to the maX
On the other hand you're saying its just one person, just one bad apple, as the Israel apologists always do.
Individual soldier does something stupid.
At most, it's a dickhead battalion commander.
This has been way too widespread and over much too long a period to just be one or two bad apples.

Israeli officers have admitted various illegal policies against the Palestinians, targetting civilians, arbitrary punishments, summary executions etc.
Punishing one person or collective punishments for someone elses activities is well established Israeli policy.

For once we have some proof but according to you its only the one person who was dumb enough to get filmed

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2008-07-22 16:45:52)

Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

Dilbert_X wrote:

On the other hand you're saying its just one person, just one bad apple, as the Israel apologists always do.
Individual soldier does something stupid.
At most, it's a dickhead battalion commander.
This has been way too widespread and over much too long a period to just be one or two bad apples.

Israeli officers have admitted various illegal policies against the Palestinians, targetting civilians, arbitrary punishments, summary executions etc.
Punishing one person or collective punishments for someone elses activities is well established Israeli policy.

For once we have some proof but according to you its only the one person who was dumb enough to get filmed
All you have proof of is a single soldier doing something. And you say it's the entire IDF or the entire country of Israel, as Israel haters always do.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
The X stands for
+1,810|6140|eXtreme to the maX
All you have proof of is a single soldier doing something.
I see, so notwithstanding seeing a video of a soldier firing a bullet, his battalion commander holding the captive target and a third member of the IDF watching idly you still think its a bit of a jape by one stupid soldier?

What do they do in Republican party, teach lone gunman theory as a stock defence?

I note you didn't take time to condemn this, just jumped straight in with the Palestinian bashing.

That's MUCH worse than lobbing a rocket into a civilian area or blowing up a bus full of civilians.
And how does that statement square with your membership of the USAF, which has probably done more of this than any other organisation on earth?

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2008-07-23 05:29:17)

Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

Dilbert_X wrote:

FEOS wrote:

All you have proof of is a single soldier doing something.
I see, so notwithstanding seeing a video of a soldier firing a bullet, his battalion commander holding the captive target and a third member of the IDF watching idly you still think its a bit of a jape by one stupid soldier?

What do they do in Republican party, teach lone gunman theory as a stock defence?

I note you didn't take time to condemn this, just jumped straight in with the Palestinian bashing.
Did I in any way say that no one else was involved? No. The only proof you offered of your broad-brush accusation against all of the IDF/Israeli population was a video of a single soldier's act. That's it. Nothing more.

I didn't condemn the soldier's actions? Really? Hmmm...

FEOS wrote:

Individual soldier does something stupid.

FEOS wrote:

At most, it's a dickhead battalion commander.
Yeah..."stupid" and "dickhead" are normally glowing compliments, aren't they?
Can you not be bothered to read before you start hating? Or do they teach blind hatred without research in your world?


Dilbert_X wrote:

FEOS wrote:

That's MUCH worse than lobbing a rocket into a civilian area or blowing up a bus full of civilians.
And how does that statement square with your membership of the USAF, which has probably done more of this than any other organisation on earth?
The fact that you ask that question says more about your complete, utter lack of understanding than anything I could say.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
The X stands for
+1,810|6140|eXtreme to the maX
I didn't condemn the soldier's actions? Really? Hmmm...
Hmmm lets see how 'stupid' flies.

'My client is sorry for pushing those guys into the showers, unfortunately he's a bit stupid. Can he go home now?'
Doesn't work for me, sorry.

How about 'dickhead'.
'Yeah uh I didn't want to stick those bodies in the ovens but my commanding officer is a dickhead. I'd like to go now'
Nope, don't think so.

You need to do a bit better than 'stupid' or 'dickhead' before you start criticising the Palestinians.
Seeking to excuse and minimise the actions of the IDF in this case says something.
The fact that you ask that question says more about your complete, utter lack of understanding than anything I could say.
Maybe pictures will help you.
80,000 people wiped out in a split second by the USAF.
Thats ~2000 busloads of civilians.
Another 40,000 condemned to a horrible painful death.

What were you on about again?

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2008-07-26 00:52:23)

Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
HA HA HA! That was awesome!

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