Dec45 wrote:
Rosse_modest wrote:
Defend and hold in high regard is probably a little over the top but I respect France and Germany a little more than average.
Least favourite country: the Netherlands.
Why the fuck don't you like the netherlands?
I strongly dislike most of the people. And most of them hate us or look down on us.
Probably has something to do with our country being put under Dutch rule by the European powers a little while ago as a bufferstate in case something like Napoleon happened again. A bufferstate which wouldn't be powerful enough to be a real player on the European scene, but which would slow down Napoleon wannabees enough to buy the real powers some time to mount an adequate response to the agressor.
Dutch weren't very nice. So we started a revolt.
Dutch were smart enough to send an army largely comprising Belgian soldiers to subdue the Belgian insurrection. The thought that Belgian soldiers would not be very motivated to fight against their own people and would switch sides had not occurred to them.
They handed us a means to defend ourselves on a silver platter.
We drove out what remained of their forces.
Since the Dutch have phobic tendencies towards battle and conflict (throughout their glory years the majority of their armed forces were hired foreigners, such as the Swiss - expensive but then again compared to their size the Dutch were probably the richest nation in Europe at the time) they didn't want to send in more armies.
Guess they like blaming us for their own stupidity? I mean send foreign soldiers to kill their own countrymen? If it doesn't occur to you that that might become somewhat problematic then maybe you should go home and milk some cows. Guess "Leadership and basic military strategies for dummies" wasn't out yet.
There used to be a time when I laughed with the Dutch bacause they speak so funny, sound almost retarded. I was 10 years old. Then adolescence came, together with a slowly developing sense of criticism. So I observed the Dutch coming here. Some of them were OK, even now I occasionally meet OK Dutchies at the University. But most of them simply bothered me. I dunno, a lot of them were just offensive, extremely arrogant or just plain ill mannered. Despite that I still set out with a somewhat "mature" attitude to not dismiss every Dutchman as a piece of shit. Spending a lot of time on forums and playing mulitplayer on the internet has severely eroded that attitude though. When I see Dutch players online and want to start a friendly conversation, 90% of the time I get branded as a "dumb Belgian" or retard as soon as they find out where I'm from.
Kinda like being baseraped: first u get blown to smithereens by a couple of tanks and apc's rolling over the tarmac, then the enemy commander sends the rain of death (affectionately referred to as "arty") down on your head 2 seconds after you respawn, next the hostile flyboys nuke the hell of you with their shiny little bombers and fighters. When u respawn, you see this 1 enemy spec ops guy take out your UAV trailer and an arty gun, who decides he's gonna be the ONE guy that refuses to baserape and takes off in his FAV again.
Then come the ****heads in the cobra to mow some people down but take off again as soon as they've lost 2 bars of armor ("waaaaaaaaaah they're fighting back run ruuuuuuuuun!").
And there it is again, like clockwork, the enemy's arty strike.
Repeat until all tickets are exhausted.
It starts to get to you after a while.
Last edited by Rosse_modest (18 years, 10 months ago)