El pistolero7

from ur concious, Taking a human life, a person ,with a history a person with possibly a family
U´ll never be the same, you will change
And the demons will hunt U at night
And If we go into religion ,its the greatest SIN
But i belive u havent?

Rosse_modest wrote:

Defend and hold in high regard is probably a little over the top but I respect France and Germany a little more than average.

Least favourite country: the Netherlands.
Why the fuck don't you like the netherlands?
Aussie Outlaw
Holland is awesome
PV1 Joe Snuffy
+78|7076|MA, USA

El pistolero7 wrote:


from ur concious, Taking a human life, a person ,with a history a person with possibly a family
U´ll never be the same, you will change
And the demons will hunt U at night
And If we go into religion ,its the greatest SIN
But i belive u havent?

My experience of taking a life?  I have pointed my weapon at a man, I have pulled the trigger and watched the man die.  And the soldier next to me did exactly the same thing, at exactly the same time.

Did I kill that man?  I'll never know, but I do know this:  I sure fucking hope so.  The guy next to me was a terrible shot, and if I ever found out that he made the shot and I missed, I'd be really pissed off.

By the way, I'm not religious, and I sleep fine.

Enjoy your ongoing chats with God.

Edit: Corrected Grammar.

Last edited by whittsend (2006-03-02 07:30:28)

+53|6963|Calgary, Alberta
The United States of America gets my vote.  I want Alberta to secede from Canada and become the 51st State.
GunSlinger OIF II
i cant wait till i visit amsterdam
+3,135|7056|The Hague, Netherlands

I defend Nauru With my Life !

least favorite country : Vlaanderen ! (not even calling it Belgium)

Last edited by -=>cSc<=-*RunDje*cT| (2006-03-02 12:30:03)

Togs8896 is my evil alter ego
+567|6949|New Hampshire, USA
I'm a fan of Italy
+76|7093|Antwerp, Flanders

Dec45 wrote:

Rosse_modest wrote:

Defend and hold in high regard is probably a little over the top but I respect France and Germany a little more than average.

Least favourite country: the Netherlands.
Why the fuck don't you like the netherlands?
I strongly dislike most of the people. And most of them hate us or look down on us.
Probably has something to do with our country being put under Dutch rule by the European powers a little while ago as a bufferstate in case something like Napoleon happened again. A bufferstate which wouldn't be powerful enough to be a real player on the European scene, but which would slow down Napoleon wannabees enough to buy the real powers some time to mount an adequate response to the agressor.
Dutch weren't very nice. So we started a revolt.
Dutch were smart enough to send an army largely comprising Belgian soldiers to subdue the Belgian insurrection. The thought that Belgian soldiers would not be very motivated to fight against their own people and would switch sides had not occurred to them.
They handed us a means to defend ourselves on a silver platter.
We drove out what remained of their forces.
Since the Dutch have phobic tendencies towards battle and conflict (throughout their glory years the majority  of their armed forces were hired foreigners, such as the Swiss - expensive but then again compared to their size the Dutch were probably the richest nation in Europe at the time) they didn't want to send in more armies.

Guess they like blaming us for their own stupidity? I mean send foreign soldiers to kill their own countrymen? If it doesn't occur to you that that might become somewhat problematic then maybe you should go home and milk some cows. Guess "Leadership and basic military strategies for dummies" wasn't out yet.

There used to be a time when I laughed with the Dutch bacause they speak so funny, sound almost retarded. I was 10 years old. Then adolescence came, together with a slowly developing sense of criticism. So I observed the Dutch coming here. Some of them were OK, even now I occasionally meet OK Dutchies at the University. But most of them simply bothered me. I dunno, a lot of them were just offensive, extremely arrogant or just plain ill mannered. Despite that I still set out with a somewhat "mature" attitude to not dismiss every Dutchman as a piece of shit. Spending a lot of time on forums and playing mulitplayer on the internet has severely eroded that attitude though. When I see Dutch players online and want to start a friendly conversation, 90% of the time I get branded as a "dumb Belgian" or retard as soon as they find out where I'm from.

Kinda like being baseraped: first u get blown to smithereens by a couple of tanks and apc's rolling over the tarmac, then the enemy commander sends the rain of death (affectionately referred to as "arty") down on your head 2 seconds after you respawn, next the hostile flyboys nuke the hell of you with their shiny little bombers and fighters. When u respawn, you see this 1 enemy spec ops guy take out your UAV trailer and an arty gun, who decides he's gonna be the ONE guy that refuses to baserape and takes off in his FAV again.
Then come the ****heads in the cobra to mow some people down but take off again as soon as they've lost 2 bars of armor ("waaaaaaaaaah they're fighting back run ruuuuuuuuun!").
And there it is again, like clockwork, the enemy's arty strike.
Repeat until all tickets are exhausted.

It starts to get to you after a while.

Last edited by Rosse_modest (2006-03-04 02:43:37)

GunSlinger OIF II

whittsend wrote:

El pistolero7 wrote:


from ur concious, Taking a human life, a person ,with a history a person with possibly a family
U´ll never be the same, you will change
And the demons will hunt U at night
And If we go into religion ,its the greatest SIN
But i belive u havent?

My experience of taking a life?  I have pointed my weapon at a man, I have pulled the trigger and watched the man die.  And the soldier next to me did exactly the same thing, at exactly the same time.

Did I kill that man?  I'll never know, but I do know this:  I sure fucking hope so.  The guy next to me was a terrible shot, and if I ever found out that he made the shot and I missed, I'd be really pissed off.

By the way, I'm not religious, and I sleep fine.

Enjoy your ongoing chats with God.

Edit: Corrected Grammar.
I get tired of people asking me if I killed anyone but I guess Im gonna have a lifetime of answering that question.  People dont understand most time were in contact, we are not so close the enemy and you and whoever is covering that sector of fire (not to mention mass casualty producing weapons i.e. the saw) is firing at the same target.  You cant really know if it was your bullet or your buddies that got him, i always like to think its my steel downrange.  And when you go to see the damage chances are haji already picked up the body and all your gonna see is a blood trail not worth chasing after unless you got some brass up on the main net listening in.  then them fuckers want you to go bust some CSI shit trying to find the enmy wia or kia.  I had 8 confirmed kills (jk...the army does not do that confirmed kills bullshit).   The one thing that I can honestly say  that changes a person in war is the fact that you are not a human being with thoughts and feelings when your there.  Your not shooting at a person with a family or history or feelings and emotions, i mean this is all shit that went through my mind the first time, all your shooting at is an entity that has the ability to either pull a trigger, press a button or spot you or your buddies, trying to use those means that i just mentioned in order for you to stay permently.  and thats the shit that got me mad.  this fucker really wants me to never see the states again, FUCK HIM! and whenever I did see enemy kia I just keep that in my mind, this puddle of blood and guts has 10 grenades strapped to his chest a beat up AK with haji writing on it and about 5 magizines and this asshole wanted to use that on me, HAHA I dont think so sucker and now Im here going to school ( i wanna work for the state dept) and your in heaven I guess whereever it is you think youll be.  No remorse for that myfriend nbut I KNOW you could relate.  The one thing that I do regret though is seeing the amount of innocent non combatants killed, thats a real fucking tragedy right there man.  because I could relate to them.  Somebody minding their own business going to the market or whatever and then a terrorist decides this is the day for paradise and blows up a VBIED to prove a point ( the incident im talking about happened and when haji blew tjhe vbied, there was absolutley no american or iraqi army presence, they just decided to kill women and children.
PV1 Joe Snuffy
+78|7076|MA, USA

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

I get tired of people asking me if I killed anyone but I guess Im gonna have a lifetime of answering that question.  People dont understand most time were in contact, we are not so close the enemy and you and whoever is covering that sector of fire (not to mention mass casualty producing weapons i.e. the saw) is firing at the same target.  You cant really know if it was your bullet or your buddies that got him, i always like to think its my steel downrange.  And when you go to see the damage chances are haji already picked up the body and all your gonna see is a blood trail not worth chasing after unless you got some brass up on the main net listening in.  then them fuckers want you to go bust some CSI shit trying to find the enmy wia or kia.  I had 8 confirmed kills (jk...the army does not do that confirmed kills bullshit).   The one thing that I can honestly say  that changes a person in war is the fact that you are not a human being with thoughts and feelings when your there.  Your not shooting at a person with a family or history or feelings and emotions, i mean this is all shit that went through my mind the first time, all your shooting at is an entity that has the ability to either pull a trigger, press a button or spot you or your buddies, trying to use those means that i just mentioned in order for you to stay permently.  and thats the shit that got me mad.  this fucker really wants me to never see the states again, FUCK HIM! and whenever I did see enemy kia I just keep that in my mind, this puddle of blood and guts has 10 grenades strapped to his chest a beat up AK with haji writing on it and about 5 magizines and this asshole wanted to use that on me, HAHA I dont think so sucker and now Im here going to school ( i wanna work for the state dept) and your in heaven I guess whereever it is you think youll be.  No remorse for that myfriend nbut I KNOW you could relate.  The one thing that I do regret though is seeing the amount of innocent non combatants killed, thats a real fucking tragedy right there man.  because I could relate to them.  Somebody minding their own business going to the market or whatever and then a terrorist decides this is the day for paradise and blows up a VBIED to prove a point ( the incident im talking about happened and when haji blew tjhe vbied, there was absolutley no american or iraqi army presence, they just decided to kill women and children.
That's it man.  Everyone I ever shot at was trying to kill either me or some other soldier.

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

I get tired of people asking me if I killed anyone but I guess Im gonna have a lifetime of answering that question.  People dont understand most time were in contact, we are not so close the enemy and you and whoever is covering that sector of fire (not to mention mass casualty producing weapons i.e. the saw) is firing at the same target.  You cant really know if it was your bullet or your buddies that got him, i always like to think its my steel downrange.  And when you go to see the damage chances are haji already picked up the body and all your gonna see is a blood trail not worth chasing after unless you got some brass up on the main net listening in.  then them fuckers want you to go bust some CSI shit trying to find the enmy wia or kia.  I had 8 confirmed kills (jk...the army does not do that confirmed kills bullshit).   The one thing that I can honestly say  that changes a person in war is the fact that you are not a human being with thoughts and feelings when your there.  Your not shooting at a person with a family or history or feelings and emotions, i mean this is all shit that went through my mind the first time, all your shooting at is an entity that has the ability to either pull a trigger, press a button or spot you or your buddies, trying to use those means that i just mentioned in order for you to stay permently.  and thats the shit that got me mad.  this fucker really wants me to never see the states again, FUCK HIM! and whenever I did see enemy kia I just keep that in my mind, this puddle of blood and guts has 10 grenades strapped to his chest a beat up AK with haji writing on it and about 5 magizines and this asshole wanted to use that on me, HAHA I dont think so sucker and now Im here going to school ( i wanna work for the state dept) and your in heaven I guess whereever it is you think youll be.  No remorse for that myfriend nbut I KNOW you could relate.  The one thing that I do regret though is seeing the amount of innocent non combatants killed, thats a real fucking tragedy right there man.  because I could relate to them.  Somebody minding their own business going to the market or whatever and then a terrorist decides this is the day for paradise and blows up a VBIED to prove a point ( the incident im talking about happened and when haji blew tjhe vbied, there was absolutley no american or iraqi army presence, they just decided to kill women and children.
So true. everytime im playing bf2 i dont care about the kid or his stats and medals and badges. I just want to kill him so i can get to the next rank...

But seriously, your right
Thank you for serving for your country and protecting your people, if i knew where you lived id shake your hand. hah

Anyway, i would defend England, my dad was born there and they've been allies with us in 2 wars and enemies with us in 2 wars.
So were pretty much done fighting, makes us better allies.
If i had to take over a country i would choose canada because it would take 5 min and there like america jr. so they wouldn't care. Id be more like an annex

Last edited by 34766 (2006-03-02 17:54:27)


Marconius wrote:

Italy, hands down, because that's where both my parents and their families are from.  And you have hot women, a beautiful language, AWESOME food with a good welcoming atmosphere, and in general a well-to-do, simple life mentality.  And you can ride around in a Vespa and say "Ciao bella!" to the pretty girls on the sidewalk, and they'll actually respond positively to you rather than thinking you're a creep.
Si, pero, gli italiani sono pegri.  Io abito qua in italia da 4 anni.  Daverro che italia e bella, pero c'sono tanti cose che mi danno fastidio qua.
Horseman 77
Ciao bella !     put put put put put put
I'd defend the following:
- Palestine
- France (for helping us several times during our history to beat the brits)
- The rest of my European brethren (except the UK)
- Any Latin American Country
- Canada
Who do I particularly dislike?
- Israel: ironic modern nazis
- The UK: hey I'm Irish - 800 years of raping, starving, pillaging and destruction kind of riles you
- Taliban (currently without a country...)
- Myanmar

Edit: In response to a karma post: to check my deeper views on Israel just look up posts of mine in other debates, there are several references.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2006-05-31 10:15:41)

+276|6972|United States of America
Australia, Protectors of Marsupials(sp) and drinkers of beer.
Kniven Gaffeln Skeden
not USA, thats for sure...

but id go with germany, like that country.

..Cuba.. https://www.un.org/radio/photo/cuba-flag.jpg

Eventhough it can be considered a dictatorship, I have a strong belief that it could even work properly, if it wasn't for an embargo that actually is just remains of the Cold War..

Hasta la Victoria Siempre!

And hang in there!

Last edited by DonFck (2006-05-31 11:20:33)

I need around tree fiddy.
+9|7066|Philly PA USA

elite wrote:

usa, closest people to england as in allies
Second that here   HMMM  Plus the ladies there Hmmmm Hmmmm Good 

Possum61 wrote:

elite wrote:

usa, closest people to england as in allies
Second that here   HMMM  Plus the ladies there Hmmmm Hmmmm Good 
Page 3 Girls! FTW!

<drool>Krystal, hot. </drool>

A lot of countries thinking about it.

Switzerland, like France just without the french :p
Canada, another kick ass country
US is pretty damn cool, shame I disagree with it's forgein policy

Despite living in the Netherlands for most of my life, I don't know that I'd defend it. I don't care for the country that much, and TBH, I'm pretty much with what Rosse_modest said about the people. That said, there are a lot of nice Dutch people, but I don't meet them often when I'm out. I actually seem to get the best impression of Dutch people on the internet. A lot of Dutch people online are really cool when they know you live in their country.
Decepticons forever!
Japan, their whole culture is so interesting. everything about their history totally blows everything away by miles. by far the most intriguing country in the world. id love to go there someday, maybe even live there.
+3,135|7056|The Hague, Netherlands

ghettoperson wrote:

A lot of countries thinking about it.

Switzerland, like France just without the french :p
Canada, another kick ass country
US is pretty damn cool, shame I disagree with it's forgein policy

Despite living in the Netherlands for most of my life, I don't know that I'd defend it. I don't care for the country that much, and TBH, I'm pretty much with what Rosse_modest said about the people. That said, there are a lot of nice Dutch people, but I don't meet them often when I'm out. I actually seem to get the best impression of Dutch people on the internet. A lot of Dutch people online are really cool when they know you live in their country.
We back each other up m8
uk. lived there for a while some years ago and loved it. if i had to move to another country that would definitively be the uk
...to bodly spawn where no one has spawned before!
+66|6940|Born in West-Berlin
Hmm, since I am sympathetic to the USA, I could think of a temporary Tour of Duty in the US Navy.
A Post on a Arleigh Burke (Flight IIa)-class Guided-Missile Destroyer would be sweet.
Especially if it'd be USS Winston S. Churchill (DDG-81).

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