Senate agrees to triple anti-AIDS funding
U.S. to spend up to $48 billion in ambitious foreign public health program
Senate agrees to triple anti-AIDS funding
U.S. to spend up to $48 billion in ambitious foreign public health program
We are fighting two wars and facing our own financial crisis. They are going to triple the amount of money we (the taxpayers) give to other countries. Somebody get me some rope... now. How about we invest that 48 billion into our own "public health program"? Or I don't know.. maybe border security?WASHINGTON - The Senate voted Wednesday to triple spending for a much-acclaimed program that has treated and protected millions in Africa and elsewhere from the scourges of AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis.
The 80-16 vote committed the United States to spending up to $48 billion over the next five years for the most ambitious foreign public health program ever launched by the United States.
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