I realize this is late in the thread (can't post from work) and I haven't had a chance to read all the posts since I left work...
Poseiden wrote:
Dude - there's like a 40 foot wide hole where a plane the size of a football field length wise crashed into. There's NO MARKINGS at all from the wings. None! In fact, the sides of the building where it was attacked only have smoke damage and that's about it.
The wings folded in along the sides of the jet as soon as they impacted the wall. You're somehow expecting that the visible damage to the Pentagon would be identical to the visible damage to the WTC towers when they are made of completely different materials and built in completely different ways.
Poseiden wrote:
And by the way, for a 757, it certainly didn't extend very far into the building for the speed it was going.
And you base this on what forensic/scientific study you've done? The damage extended all the way through the C ring. Considering the size and construction of the Pentagon, that's no small feat.
Poseiden wrote:
You expect me to believe a fully loaded 757 plowed into that? Looks more like a truck bomb.
No, I expect you to believe in a ridiculous conspiracy theory with no foundation regardless of any cogent, countering facts put forth.
Perhaps you should look
here. It shows the security video and highlights the plane in the frame immediately prior to the explosion. You can even see the tail of the jet.
Here's a quote from the wiki article:
The 9/11 attacks have spawned a number of conspiracy theories challenging the mainstream account. One of the most well-known theories was put forward by Thierry Meyssan which contends that the Pentagon was not hit by a Boeing 757, but by a missile launched by the American military.[91] Proponents say that the 75-foot (23 m) hole is too small to account for an aircraft with a wingspan of 124 feet (38 m).[92] Mete Sozen, a member of the ASCE team onsite after the crash, explained that an airplane does not create a "cartoon-like outline of itself" when crashing into a reinforced concrete building.[93] Conspiracy advocates also point to other minutiae such as small amount of debris or condition grass on the lawn.[92] The documentary film Loose Change asserts that there were no discernible pieces of debris from Flight 77.[94] Blast expert Allyn E. Kilsheimer was the first structural engineer to arrive at the Pentagon after the crash and helped coordinate the emergency response. He states that Flight 77 "was absolutely a plane. I saw the marks of the plane wing on the face of the building. I picked up parts of the plane with the airline markings on them. I held in my hand the tail section of the plane, and I found the black box." In addition, Kilsheimer's account is supported by the photos of plane wreckage inside and outside the building.[93]
Good thing we don't rely on you for forensic analysis.