NJG HukaMaster
Ok everyone go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and get cheney ? no thanks...

fire them all and get nader up in this piece!!11
+17|7061|Switzerland (Im not swiss tho)
+17|7061|Switzerland (Im not swiss tho)
nader is a scruffy looking piece of shit who can't dress himself properly. i don't care if he might be better for the country/be the best president in ages.

he dresses like crap.


NJG HukaMaster
Actually, as much as I hate Bush, I Have to give him credit.  Ever since Kadafi, the middle east has become somewhat sly on the terrorist anti-american semitism, and by creating the whole WMD save Iraq thing, the republicans will cause the region to go back 150 years through instability and civil destruction. There is a secret agenda out there and my guess is that the government is trying to topple the region before the energy crisis goes full swing and the middle east rules the world.  Bush Does not give a fuck about any of the people in that region.  He wouldn't use the towels on their heads to wipe his ass.

In Short...
To stay on top the NATO alliance is looking to the future to remain in power, when things get tough all because our petroel loving autos wont go.

Bushs plan---> 1) topple evil regime
                       2) pretend he cares and get foot in the door
                        3) Cuase entire region to self destruct
                         4)  Help out picking up the pieces
                          5) Invest in Cheneys old company
                           6) retire a rich man
                            7) Save the US and its allies by giving us the resources we need.

OH well he's an ASS
W = good president, NO.  However, in the last election the way I see it, I did not vote for Bush, i voted AGAINST Kerry... I have a feeling that this is probably the reason why he won re-election.  I figure 4 more years of W was better then a potential 8 years of the anti-american flip flopping socialist that Kerry was.  And that whole Vietnam thing made me dislike kerry even more.  W was not a good president, and Kerry was not a good candidate... anyway, hopefully we can get a good pres in 08... i think Rudy should def. run.  McKain and Hillary suck. Guliani (Sp?) could definatly do some good things for this country.
+1|6972|The Cat House
You can impeach my balls.  I love how everyone on this forum thinks that they are politicians.  Shut up and play BF2.

You can't impeach Bush, especially since that twat Clinton didnt get impeached for getting jobbed in the oval office.
One-eyed Wonder Mod
+368|7011|San Francisco
As much of a nice idea as it would seem, impeaching Bush would only put Cheney in power.  Cheney is one of the original drafters and signers of the PNAC, so that is immediately extremely scary.  If we can somehow manage to get Cheney impeached, then the Senate president pro tem becomes President, which is Ted Stevens, a republican from Alaska...it'd be a huge waste of time and resources.

The only thing that can be done to change the situation is to boot out the Repubs in the House and Senate and get a Democratic majority in both this November.
3 points I'd like to bring up.
1.  The press is LIBERAL?????  Give me a break.  The mainstream press is owned, printed, and distributed by a conservative, stictly business-oriented, and (like the current administration) only tells people what they and their advertisers think people want to hear.  It's always the old saw: because I don't like what the press is telling me, it must be liberal.  The few times it does support the republicans, it's "they're telling me the truth". . .  Fox is just the more extreme of the mainstream conservative, me-first, fuck anyone who acts/talks/thinks differently from me CONSERVATIVE press.
2.  Bush is a tool.  Impeaching him will do no good.  Is nobody able to perceive that the guy has NO FUCKING CLUE as to what is going on?  His only strength is that he can be easily led by people (like Cheney) who know what power is, and how to use it.
3.  Clinton.  Monica.  WHO REALLY GIVES A DAMN that he got a blowjob?  Jesus, anyone in the corporate world is getting this regularly.  The guy had a chick go down on him, and somehow that is some huge moral dilemma, we should impeach the lying bastard and all that shit.  The only person who should/could be really worried about that is Hillary.  NOT US.  Personally, I'm much more worried about an idiot in the white house, elected with like 20% of the populations direct assent, running around, attacking everyone in sight, abrogating all international commitments, and making his goddam friends rich.  The cynical homeland shit just brings it home for me.

Sorry for the multiple post / spamming.  I initially intended this to be on this thread, not the Katrina one.

Well that's my rant for now.  I'm ready for the personal attacks, unfounded by any logic, that are sure to follow.

Marconius wrote:

As much of a nice idea as it would seem, impeaching Bush would only put Cheney in power.  Cheney is one of the original drafters and signers of the PNAC, so that is immediately extremely scary.  If we can somehow manage to get Cheney impeached, then the Senate president pro tem becomes President, which is Ted Stevens, a republican from Alaska...it'd be a huge waste of time and resources.

The only thing that can be done to change the situation is to boot out the Repubs in the House and Senate and get a Democratic majority in both this November.
Good luck, you saw the voter turnout last election. VOTE OR DIE!!!!

Lol, Dems need a HUGE facelift and PR campaign, or they are doomed to minority status for a loooong time.

I take the Baldwin route, if Stevens were ever put in office, I'd leave the country.
Kung Jew
That one mod
+331|7063|Houston, TX
All the anti Dubya activists are spamming the mutiny/kick vote Pg Up keys.....

If we impeached Dubya, imagine bringing Cheney's hardcore Annouce-where-you're-coming-from-or-I'll-shoot-you-in-the-face politics to the table. 

yes i enjoy comparing lying to the american public for a false pretense of war that gets thousands of people killed with oral sex .. i mean we all know oral sex is the real culprit
One-eyed Wonder Mod
+368|7011|San Francisco

Erkut.hv wrote:

Marconius wrote:

As much of a nice idea as it would seem, impeaching Bush would only put Cheney in power.  Cheney is one of the original drafters and signers of the PNAC, so that is immediately extremely scary.  If we can somehow manage to get Cheney impeached, then the Senate president pro tem becomes President, which is Ted Stevens, a republican from Alaska...it'd be a huge waste of time and resources.

The only thing that can be done to change the situation is to boot out the Repubs in the House and Senate and get a Democratic majority in both this November.
Good luck, you saw the voter turnout last election. VOTE OR DIE!!!!

Lol, Dems need a HUGE facelift and PR campaign, or they are doomed to minority status for a loooong time.

I take the Baldwin route, if Stevens were ever put in office, I'd leave the country.
Yeah, I know.  The Dems in power need to stop being so moderate/centrist in order to try to gain more votes.  They need to stick to their political charges and beliefs and ride them out, or at least be more proactive and be less of a "well, HA!  We have a Better way!!" party.  That way it gives citizens more of a choice rather than being able to be swayed by one party standing on an issue and the other acting in a way that leans more towards public opinion.
+18|6957|I Fight for Bush !!
On what grounds??

Instead of making bullet statements like you suffer from terrets syndrome... facts and a reasonable argument would be cool.

Last edited by agwood (2006-03-02 13:14:14)

Quite frankly, to the Liberal socialist nuts that say, oh, if a republican wins ill leave the country. GO, LEAVE, GET THE HELL OUT, NO ONE IS KEEPING YOU HEAR. Like baldwin, wasnt he supposed to be leaving is W got elected... I'm sure no one would miss him and the country would be a much better place without him and his kind.
+302|7053|Salt Lake City

Phantasm wrote:

Quite frankly, to the Liberal socialist nuts that say, oh, if a republican wins ill leave the country. GO, LEAVE, GET THE HELL OUT, NO ONE IS KEEPING YOU HEAR. Like baldwin, wasnt he supposed to be leaving is W got elected... I'm sure no one would miss him and the country would be a much better place without him and his kind.
Says the pot to the kettle...
Squishing Your Head
+1|6994|Bolton UK
I hear Bush's approval rating in the US dropped to an all time low of 33%..........sheesh with all the satanists in the world, even the Devil gets a better rap than Bush......but hey at least old Nick was upfront about what he was up to

Badvock wrote:

I hear Bush's approval rating in the US dropped to an all time low of 33%..........sheesh with all the satanists in the world, even the Devil gets a better rap than Bush......but hey at least old Nick was upfront about what he was up to
Those same polls predicted a kerry win.  The mean absolutely nothing.

Phantasm wrote:

Quite frankly, to the Liberal socialist nuts that say, oh, if a republican wins ill leave the country. GO, LEAVE, GET THE HELL OUT, NO ONE IS KEEPING YOU HEAR. Like baldwin, wasnt he supposed to be leaving is W got elected... I'm sure no one would miss him and the country would be a much better place without him and his kind.
Baldwin heads the Film Actors Guild!!
NJG HukaMaster

IA_Ace_oF_H4DES wrote:

You can impeach my balls.  I love how everyone on this forum thinks that they are politicians.  Shut up and play BF2.

You can't impeach Bush, especially since that twat Clinton didnt get impeached for getting jobbed in the oval office.
You do realize he is not the first to get a hummer in the whitehouse, and yes there is life outside the whitehouse, and no you can't impeach bodyparts.
R.I.P. Neda
+456|7146|Grapevine, TX
Based on what FACTS?
You have none.
Flame on....
Close topic.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6992|Canberra, AUS
Mmmm, he won't get impeached (though he should). Various reasons.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
Mod from the Church of the Painful Truth
+533|7124|Orlando, FL - Age 43
Page-down on the mutiny vote.
+6|7022|New Jersey
He's done nothing Impeachable (new word).
+17|7111|Dayton, Ohio

IA_Ace_oF_H4DES wrote:

You can impeach my balls.  I love how everyone on this forum thinks that they are politicians.  Shut up and play BF2.

You can't impeach Bush, especially since that twat Clinton didnt get impeached for getting jobbed in the oval office.
JFK was boning Marilyn Monroe in the white house.  He didn't get impeached...oh that's right he got a bullet in the head instead.

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