Cowboy from Hell
Ok, here are some predictions about Sony announcements or more like what Sony should do:
-This is not new, but they will show that crap Sims wannabe "Home".
-They need to announce some PSN service for movies and TV, like MS did.  I already read something about it, but I'm not sure.
-They need to make some big announcement regarding exclusive games.  What could it be?  MS got FF and Rockband 2 is being released first on Xbox.  So, they need something big to counter that.
Say wat!?
Pretty pissed off that I can't get the new levels for portal on the PC. The system that has kept valve alive for the past 10 years.

Vilham wrote:

Pretty pissed off that I can't get the new levels for portal on the PC. The system that has kept valve alive for the past 10 years.
You're not the only one: "Thanks for spitting in the face of PC gamers Valve"

I really hope they make a PC announcement soon. I know that they may not make one at all, but that would suck balls so much that i'm not considering it at the moment.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6692|Long Island, New York

sergeriver wrote:

Ok, here are some predictions about Sony announcements or more like what Sony should do:
-This is not new, but they will show that crap Sims wannabe "Home".
-They need to announce some PSN service for movies and TV, like MS did.  I already read something about it, but I'm not sure.
-They need to make some big announcement regarding exclusive games.  What could it be?  MS got FF and Rockband 2 is being released first on Xbox.  So, they need something big to counter that.
Unless they come up with the fact that the PS3 can cure cancer, I don't see them overshadowing MS. That FF announcement was gigantic.

They have to have kept things under MAJOR wraps to surprise people, just as MS did with FF. NOBODY expected that. Everything else was just about predicted.
Cowboy from Hell

Spidery_Yoda wrote:

Vilham wrote:

Pretty pissed off that I can't get the new levels for portal on the PC. The system that has kept valve alive for the past 10 years.
You're not the only one: "Thanks for spitting in the face of PC gamers Valve"

I really hope they make a PC announcement soon. I know that they may not make one at all, but that would suck balls so much that i'm not considering it at the moment.
They can't make an announcement for PC when MS announced it today for Xbox.  They said it was exclusive.  So, it's not gonna happen.
Cowboy from Hell

Poseidon wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

Ok, here are some predictions about Sony announcements or more like what Sony should do:
-This is not new, but they will show that crap Sims wannabe "Home".
-They need to announce some PSN service for movies and TV, like MS did.  I already read something about it, but I'm not sure.
-They need to make some big announcement regarding exclusive games.  What could it be?  MS got FF and Rockband 2 is being released first on Xbox.  So, they need something big to counter that.
Unless they come up with the fact that the PS3 can cure cancer, I don't see them overshadowing MS. That FF announcement was gigantic.

They have to have kept things under MAJOR wraps to surprise people, just as MS did with FF. NOBODY expected that. Everything else was just about predicted.
Yup, the FF announcement was an epic fail for Sony.
That's how I roll, BITCH!

GTA V exclusive for the PS3

Sony does have a solid first party exclusives though this fall. R2, K2, LPB, Socom Bla Bla Bla

They have Bioshock on the PS3 as well.

Mass Effect maybe?

God of War III?

Gran Turismo 5 new game footage/ trailer?

Home will help the PSN, with the Game Launch feature.

Last edited by r'Eeee (2008-07-14 13:35:55)

Cowboy from Hell

r'Eeee wrote:

GTA V exclusive for the PS3

Sony does have a solid first part exclusives though this fall. R2, K2, LPB, Socom Bla Bla Bla

They have Bioshock on the PS3 as well.

Mass Effect maybe?

God of War III?

Gran Turismo 5 new game footage/ trailer?

Home will help the PSN, with the Game Launch feature.
Well, they need to show Gran Turismo 5 asap and Killzone 2 as well.  And LittleBigPlanet is a huge game.  But they need something nobody's expecting, like the FF thing man.

Last edited by sergeriver (2008-07-14 13:38:23)

That's how I roll, BITCH!

sergeriver wrote:

r'Eeee wrote:

GTA V exclusive for the PS3

Sony does have a solid first part exclusives though this fall. R2, K2, LPB, Socom Bla Bla Bla

They have Bioshock on the PS3 as well.

Mass Effect maybe?

God of War III?

Gran Turismo 5 new game footage/ trailer?

Home will help the PSN, with the Game Launch feature.
Well, they need to show Gran Turismo 5 asap and Killzone 2 as well.  But they need something nobody's expecting, like the FF thing man.
Yea that's true. Can't think of any big surprise as this one too.
Cowboy from Hell

r'Eeee wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

r'Eeee wrote:

GTA V exclusive for the PS3

Sony does have a solid first part exclusives though this fall. R2, K2, LPB, Socom Bla Bla Bla

They have Bioshock on the PS3 as well.

Mass Effect maybe?

God of War III?

Gran Turismo 5 new game footage/ trailer?

Home will help the PSN, with the Game Launch feature.
Well, they need to show Gran Turismo 5 asap and Killzone 2 as well.  But they need something nobody's expecting, like the FF thing man.
Yea that's true. Can't think of any big surprise as this one too.
Nobody was expecting that, so maybe they have something unexpected too, maybe they don't.
Say wat!?
Im guessing you can expect a GoW III video, but I bet it just shows Kratos and then fades out to "GoW III" or some fail exposure like they always do for new games.

Personally I think SquareEnix fucked themselves over, unless sony were the ones who said we aren't paying you for exclusivity anymore. Theres no one I know with a 360 that likes RPG's, so the increase in sales might not even outstretch the exclusivity deals.

Last edited by Vilham (2008-07-14 13:44:39)

Am I the only one that sees GT5 as so dull its hardly worth mentioning?

Maybe its because ever since GT2 i've played every game to almost 100% completion, but now I think the franchise is so tired that.. I dunno. Whenever I see GT5 listed among PS3 games I just think *yawn*.

As I said GoW3 really should be there. And no crappy teaser. A proper trailer showing awesome new features and the *amazing* graphics that the series is known for.

Hmm GTA. It's too soon for a proper sequel (since they're a once per gen thing), and didnt they say that the 360 DLC was like the equivalent of Vice City/San Andreas? Maybe not. It was more hinted than anything as far as I recall. An exclusive GTA would do the PS3 wonders.

Isn't the Mass Effect franchise properly exclusive? May be wrong.

Hopefully something completely unexpected will happen.

Last edited by Spidery_Yoda (2008-07-14 13:44:31)

Say wat!?
No Mass Effect is no longer exclusive. This is my point, nothing is exclusive any more. Games developers want to sell as many copies as possible. The only other time is when someone pays you 50 million for some content at some further date.
I got Mug 222 at Gritty's!!!!
+216|6794|Your moms bedroom

sergeriver wrote:

Poseidon wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

Ok, here are some predictions about Sony announcements or more like what Sony should do:
-This is not new, but they will show that crap Sims wannabe "Home".
-They need to announce some PSN service for movies and TV, like MS did.  I already read something about it, but I'm not sure.
-They need to make some big announcement regarding exclusive games.  What could it be?  MS got FF and Rockband 2 is being released first on Xbox.  So, they need something big to counter that.
Unless they come up with the fact that the PS3 can cure cancer, I don't see them overshadowing MS. That FF announcement was gigantic.

They have to have kept things under MAJOR wraps to surprise people, just as MS did with FF. NOBODY expected that. Everything else was just about predicted.
Yup, the FF announcement was an epic fail for Sony.
FF13 is going to come out on the ps3 as well
Say wat!?
obviously. But it was one of the big exclusives sony had.
That's how I roll, BITCH!

Vilham wrote:

No Mass Effect is no longer exclusive. This is my point, nothing is exclusive any more. Games developers want to sell as many copies as possible. The only other time is when someone pays you 50 million for some content at some further date.
Exclusives bother me really.

Seriously, I spent £300 on the PS3, £700 on my PC. And I can't even play games like Gears of War 2. Why the hell NOT?

It might increase the competition. But then again, competition can be between game developers, not between console developers.
I agree that exclusives arent very good. It just means lots of people won't be able to play them.

I was thinking just that before when Serge said that the FF announcement was bad. I thought: Its bad for Sony, yes, but for him a PS3 owner? No difference.

But on the other hand there's always that feeling. As much as I like to try and be open minded and unbiased, there's always that little feeling of "Aha! Exclusive!" whenever your console gets an exclusive. Hmmm. I think third party exclusives need to be gotten rid of really. It just causes grief for people who own one console, and elitism in those that own the console that gets whichever game is being discussed at the time.

Last edited by Spidery_Yoda (2008-07-14 13:55:17)

That's how I roll, BITCH!

It doesn't seem that we can watch EA conference.
Say wat!?
Holy fuck! Just saw on Thursday:

Red Faction: All-out destruction is back.

Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6692|Long Island, New York … -more.aspx

Also; I'm so pumped for Resistance 2 and Killzone 2, even though I didn't play the originals of either.
+399|6424 … mes-to-hdd

Looks like you'll be able to copy 360 games to the HDD. Optional installs . Except of the entire game . Useless to me of course with my 20Gb hard drive. Now Sony need to get devs to make those mandatory PS3 installs optional as well.

The installs and the complete in-game dashboard are far better announcements than crap like lips and avatars IMO.

Edit: Poseiden beat me to it.

So. Whats going on with the EA one then?

Last edited by Spidery_Yoda (2008-07-14 14:14:41)

Say wat!?
Optional installs is a very stupid idea. You will then have people bitching that their game is slower for some reason simply because they didn't install certain parts of the game. The whole point in consoles is that they all run the same. Uniformity.
I think its fine. I doubt it'll run much better really. Just a slight improvement in loading and streaming i'd think. Anyway the whole consoles = uniform  thing went down the drain with this gen anyway. I'm sure my friends GTA on my friends 360 has one extra loading artwork that mine doesnt.

Anyway think of it like this.

If you run the games off the 360 hard drive then it wont make that RACKET when the disc drive gets going .

Another thing to consider. Is MS going to force devs to make the install optional? Or are devs going to start including PS3 style installs? Time will tell.

Last edited by Spidery_Yoda (2008-07-14 14:21:52)

That's how I roll, BITCH!

Wow, MS are rather stupid in my opinon.

FF is only for the PS3 in Japan. How stupid that could be???

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