Same with me and TF2 patton exact same situation.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
dont forget your disturbing attachement to project reality....i saw those wierd ass wall of text posts.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
+1,352|6806|N. Ireland
Interesting post. I always thought I was "addicted" because I didn't want to stop but I was nothing like you were (I bet that's nice to read in past tense). I used to come home and for about 3-4 hours most nights rack up, too, my 2500 points in BF2. In the past 9 months I've played about 5 games. I too just decided to stop and start enjoying life the way it was actually meant to be. With friends, laughing, knowing that you'd rather be nowhere else.

That was a nice read, patton

kylef wrote:

Interesting post. I always thought I was "addicted" because I didn't want to stop but I was nothing like you were (I bet that's nice to read in past tense). I used to come home and for about 3-4 hours most nights rack up, too, my 2500 points in BF2. In the past 9 months I've played about 5 games. I too just decided to stop and start enjoying life the way it was actually meant to be. With friends, laughing, knowing that you'd rather be nowhere else.

That was a nice read, patton
Yeah, thats what I did expect it was pure competetive gaming, I use to skip dinner just to play in a scrim, stay up late nights to practice, pub, i was enjoying it, i'm not going to lie, but I was struggling in high school cause of it, but after I was like you know what? I'm going to stop playing competetively and see how that turns how and it really worked, and I been doing things with friends as kyle has posted. Best thing that can ever happen to me
Missing, Presumed Dead

Very interesting read, and its great to hear that you have turned everything around. Congrats. Theres been a few of these topics / posts now, I did mine over here a few months ago: http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?pi … 6#p1995176

Its definitly something that is a serious issue and addiction. I tend to manage mine now, i.e. say "I wont play a game for the next hour or so" and do something else. I go out a lot more, but I still play quite a lot, so I get enjoyment from both. Just got my HND in Civil Engineering and going to Newquay next weekend, cant wait!!

m3thod wrote:

dont forget your disturbing attachement to project reality....i saw those wierd ass wall of text posts.
Yeah I admit i did go overboard on that. But it was really fucking fun to do so. *cough* Stranded on Kashan. */cough*
This is what bf2s is about.

Ive never went through any of those problems myself but I think I understand what you and alot of the people on these forums are/were going through. I usually only play video games if my friends are or as usmarine and the OP said.

usmarine2 wrote:

"games are for when nothing is good on TV"

Video games can be played on a regular basis. It just becomes a problem just like any other addiction (drugs, unprotected sex, drinking, stealing etc.) if you do it too much, and if you trick yourself into making something meaningless to you the center of your life.
maximum bullshit
+50|6644|teh alien spaceshit
guys, let me just say.. games are like drugs.
Sure, I enjoy some games like Arma still, but games like bf2 and crysis, or COD4, I have trashed forever.
If you like FPS so much, try paintball or airsoft.
You will get life, exercise, and social skills.
+43|6705|Wollongong, NSW, Australia
Asperger's is a bitch, aint it?
You orrible caaaaaaan't

David.P wrote:

Same with me and TF2 patton exact same situation.
I thought you hated tf2.
i g

great fucking post brother. i read the op, but i don't have time to read the whole thread right now. i'll have a lot more to say to you sooner or later man.
+145|6621|Keller, Tx
Same thing happened to me. I moved up to the Dallas area on 2001 and got a job at a movie theatre. Made friends with someone who was a Diablo 2 fanatic and he talked me into buying the game and jumping on battle.net with him. Needless to say, I played that game daily, for countless hours with him, for like 3 years straight. I finally decided that my life had turned to shit. I was overweight (still), no girlfriend and I didn't feel like I was going to get anywhere in life in my current state.

So, I quit D2, finally learned about correct nutrition and FINALLY got back into the gym. It only took about a year, but I was sleeping with one of the sexiest chicks at my work and had her under my thumb. It was great. Her and I were off and on for like 2-3 years, so in that time, I dated more. At one point, I had 4 girls going at once (one a bad ass stripper). I felt great, looked amazing (compared to before) and couldn't have wanted anything more.

I met my wife at work a bit later and she gave birth to our awesome little boy a year later. He's 14 months old now and my wife's 4 months prego now. We're moving into our house on Friday of this week and everything is looking up!!!

I've told her I wanted to get back into BF2 a bit, but I'm really still hesitant on actually doing it. I think I'll stay away, as my responsibilities are growing and I really can't afford to get back into the life.

So, to all the obsessed kids out there, fuck BF2, fuck video games, and fuck big corporate. Get out there, get a life, and fuck many many women... in their asses. They love it!

wah1188 wrote:

David.P wrote:

Same with me and TF2 patton exact same situation.
I thought you hated tf2.
It's love/hate. I loved it when it was just released and Everything was balanced. Not many bugs nor glitches. Then the "Updates" came. First was the sapper nerf, the ammo, facestab, and so on. Causing the game to go into a downward spiral, and all the higher skill class that were from the get go hard to learn, and hard to master, But deadly in the hands of a good player,  Then they were nerfed and handicapped for the whines of a few.

Yeah I'm gonna skip the rest but you know what I'm getting at. Now I have nothing but hatred for Valve and TF2, Like Patton had for EA and BF2, Over the nerfs and other shit. All it did was cause more bugs, more complaints, and ruined the teamplay aspect on pub servers.
Say wat!?
I really don't get people who are addicted to a particular game. I play a lot of games, but never the same game over and over and over, I also have the ability to stop whenever and not think about a game at all. They really are there to just pass time for me.

.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:

trippy982 wrote:

Its great that the OP now has a life, but don't be too much of a socialite now.  Once in awhile its still ok to ignore a big party or not pick up the phone to talk to peeps (unless its an emergency) so that you can spend a few hours playing video games blowing stuff, shooting baddies, or fighting a dragon with a big ass wand in a metal costume, whatever wets your strudel.

I figure most of you people snap out of a full-time gaming life around college, and for the slow people, by the first 3 years after college once they have a job.  After 25, and you're still playing games like there's no tomorrow, then I would say you got issues.  Then again, some people just LOVE LOVE LOVE video games and its their passion/life.  Some people are just born to play games and be a loner.

For everyone else, everything is about balance.  Work/life, e-life/real life, eating/exercising, etc..  I would say having more of a real life over e-life is probably more beneficial, but if someone has a 50-50 I wouldn't think that's all bad.  What I'm saying is that it sounded like you think a successful real life is when you get numerous calls a day, get invited to parties, have tons of people at school like you, etc.. which is great but if shouldn't be the only thing that makes you life real life over e-life.  If you started to get no calls a day, don't get invited to parties as much, and the tons of people that like you no longer are around will you go back to e-life 100%?  Because that will happen when you start once you're out of college and into the real business world.
Well about the party thing, there is really nothing to do at night in the florida keys so thats what we do.
Dude theres NOTHING to do in Florida at all... lol

Although I did have fun in Miami 2 weeks ago.

But yea, I pretty much quit "Hard" gaming when I got my License last year.

But I have to say, video games like bf2, and css dont always mess people up for life. My friend Austin was a hardcore WoW and CSS gamer. He had something like 3 level 70's on wow, and I guess he realized the problem and shipped for the Army on July 3rd.

As for me, im pretty much done. Im not buying a new computer, when this one dies, o well Ill just spend my money on something else. I play CSS maybe 10 hours a week. I usually only play when I get home around 1am or 2am if im not completely exhausted.

Advice for anyone who is in an "Internet Addiction" situation, your best bet is to find something that interests you and work at it. Basically a new hobby. For me, I found automobiles, which is an expensive hobby =/ but I enjoy it over games.

Games arent bad, just with any habit you have to remember to keep it in moderation.
You orrible caaaaaaan't

David.P wrote:

wah1188 wrote:

David.P wrote:

Same with me and TF2 patton exact same situation.
I thought you hated tf2.
It's love/hate. I loved it when it was just released and Everything was balanced. Not many bugs nor glitches. Then the "Updates" came. First was the sapper nerf, the ammo, facestab, and so on. Causing the game to go into a downward spiral, and all the higher skill class that were from the get go hard to learn, and hard to master, But deadly in the hands of a good player,  Then they were nerfed and handicapped for the whines of a few.

Yeah I'm gonna skip the rest but you know what I'm getting at. Now I have nothing but hatred for Valve and TF2, Like Patton had for EA and BF2, Over the nerfs and other shit. All it did was cause more bugs, more complaints, and ruined the teamplay aspect on pub servers.
Must admit I have stopped playing spy.
. . .
Great post and thread.

My son is going through it a bit, though not quite as bad as you did. Technology (in this case playing games to much, spending to much time on Internet forums) is a form of self-imposed isolation and has lead to a small amount of depression in him. But, at the same time he is seeing that it is a disconnect with the real-world before him - the way he was pursuing his on-line time. It prevented him from spending time outside and exercising and that did not improve his sense of self-worth at all (nor do girls actually like soft dough boys who lack confidence). As he gains his senses more and more, he plays less and less and enjoys that smaller amount of time on-line more and more. He now is beginning to see it as a way to connect (with friends) and have fun - as opposed to his former way of thinking there is actually an e-penis enlargement pill to be had by scoring points or ranking up.
Aspiring Objectivist
It didn't ruin mine, if anything I made more contacts for partys & other fun stuff. You just have to know where to draw the line, getting a girlfriend helps with this sometimes if you don't lose her before you can get a handle on it. I prefer to call it my hobby one of many, and that is the spice of life, variety.
CC you in October
+131|6932|Medford, WI
yeah it really hasnt ruined my life yet, i play a lot(or atleast on the computer a lot) but I am still in football+tennis+band+whole crap load of clubs, and I love sports, and have great grades. Yet I play a lot, I have friends, they know i play a lot but when they wanna hang out or play some basketball or something, i can easily drop the keyboard and go.
Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|7065|Toronto, ON
Sticky request.

That took dedication, heart, and committment.

Props all the way.
Alpha as fuck.

wah1188 wrote:

Must admit I have stopped playing spy.
As did I. The last round of 'Fixes' Not only ruined Spy for me, But for about a few hundred other people. I could tolerate shittier sapper, Lower chance of backstabs, and the other Minor shit, But come on! 1.5 second stab to cloak delay? Wtf! Does anyone at Valve even play Spy?(I don't believe Gabe does at all anymore) Tell me do you know How hard it is to land a Backstab already? And if you miss? Well then... Your cloak was the only thing that would save you! But no now engineers have it easier then ever! Their sentries will beep if you miss and disguising wont do shit! Yet Valve has never once 'balanced' or 'fixed' Engy! Not once! I know about 20 valve fanboys are gonna descend upon this comment and start the usual "David sucks learn to play/adjust" shit. Bullshit! I hear that every time I make a comment on the state of the 'Harder' Classes in TF2. But yet you are too proud of yourselves and Valve to actually admit that "Hey he does have a point though, Valve has been giving the Harder classes more shit to deal with." Or even 'Valve can do wrong' Would suffice for me. But alas it's all about Pride and not the Principal of the matter. If Valve was truly the "Best" PC FPS gaming company.  Then I guess they could admit to their wrongs. *sigh* It's too bad that Valve had to listen the Whines of the Skill less few and ruin the game for most of us. And you know what I find also funny? People say that I'm wrong about Valve targeting the Xbox live kiddies or other under 17 players(The game is rated M in the states), But yet they are the ones most praising the updates and unlocks!

Way to kill the teamwork aspect of TF2 valve. The game was batshit insane, fun, crazy, less buggy, and let even newbies stand up to pros with the critical hit system, when first released! But now you're using the Critical Hit system as a backbone for your Class updates because you know doing it any other way would drive away the target audience! Look at the Blutsauger! No crits for +3 health per needle, Yet the basic syringe rarely get crits anyway, Not because it sucks, Because combat medics were a rare breed before the update!

Sorry for going off like that. I just hate blind loyalty and fanboyism. But remember "When you only see one side of an Issue you really don't see it at all."

Someday I do hope that there will a PC FPS company that has the Balls to say "Hey we were wrong, We're sorry and we admit it! We'll be undoing the Last change next update, Because it hasn't balanced Gameplay" Or one that doesn't force us into Playing the game how they want us to play it.

I could bring up another few paragraphs of my points But i wont because it's getting Too long to read.

Long story Short. Pride > Principal. Or in the Business world. Profit > Everything else.

EDIT: Fuck I am obsessed.

Last edited by David.P (2008-07-14 21:09:03)

Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6851|Long Island, New York

David.P wrote:

wah1188 wrote:

Must admit I have stopped playing spy.
As did I. The last round of 'Fixes' Not only ruined Spy for me, But for about a few hundred other people. I could tolerate shittier sapper, Lower chance of backstabs, and the other Minor shit, But come on! 1.5 second stab to cloak delay? Wtf! Does anyone at Valve even play Spy?(I don't believe Gabe does at all anymore) Tell me do you know How hard it is to land a Backstab already? And if you miss? Well then... Your cloak was the only thing that would save you! But no now engineers have it easier then ever! Their sentries will beep if you miss and disguising wont do shit! Yet Valve has never once 'balanced' or 'fixed' Engy! Not once! I know about 20 valve fanboys are gonna descend upon this comment and start the usual "David sucks learn to play/adjust" shit. Bullshit! I hear that every time I make a comment on the state of the 'Harder' Classes in TF2. But yet you are too proud of yourselves and Valve to actually admit that "Hey he does have a point though, Valve has been giving the Harder classes more shit to deal with." Or even 'Valve can do wrong' Would suffice for me. But alas it's all about Pride and not the Principal of the matter. If Valve was truly the "Best" PC FPS gaming company.  Then I guess they could admit to their wrongs. *sigh* It's too bad that Valve had to listen the Whines of the Skill less few and ruin the game for most of us. And you know what I find also funny? People say that I'm wrong about Valve targeting the Xbox live kiddies or other under 17 players(The game is rated M in the states), But yet they are the ones most praising the updates and unlocks!

Way to kill the teamwork aspect of TF2 valve. The game was batshit insane, fun, crazy, less buggy, and let even newbies stand up to pros with the critical hit system, when first released! But now you're using the Critical Hit system as a backbone for your Class updates because you know doing it any other way would drive away the target audience! Look at the Blutsauger! No crits for +3 health per needle, Yet the basic syringe rarely get crits anyway, Not because it sucks, Because combat medics were a rare breed before the update!

Sorry for going off like that. I just hate blind loyalty and fanboyism. But remember "When you only see one side of an Issue you really don't see it at all."

Someday I do hope that there will a PC FPS company that has the Balls to say "Hey we were wrong, We're sorry and we admit it! We'll be undoing the Last change next update, Because it hasn't balanced Gameplay" Or one that doesn't force us into Playing the game how they want us to play it.

I could bring up another few paragraphs of my points But i wont because it's getting Too long to read.

Long story Short. Pride > Principal. Or in the Business world. Profit > Everything else.

EDIT: Fuck I am obsessed.







All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
i bet you're still a virgin.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
Excellent post, that took determination anf some fucking heart.

Sticky request.

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