I demand that lowing protest in the streets at this outrage. I think it is quite telling that he screams blue murder at the smallest act of so-called appeasement and yet doesn't get in the least bit vocal over any offence caused by an act of violence in his name such as this!
+240|6708|Austin, TX
Another wedding bombing?
July 1, 2002
May 30, 2003
Oct 8, 2004
...there are more, but I have to get ready for work.

To be honest, I am not sure if I want to get upset at the military, wonder if the "bad guys" are trying some propaganda, or chide wedding guests who use firearms as instruments of celabration.  The jury is still out, for me.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.

m3thod wrote:

Nuh, it duzn't count coz it woz an accident.
+5,233|6572|Global Command
If they would stop hanging with the Taliban they wouldn't get bombed.

Ah fuck, I wish they drop one on me.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

Braddock wrote:

m3thod wrote:

Nuh, it duzn't count coz it woz an accident.
seriously is it only me who think that bombing weddings seem to be waaaaaaaaaaaay to much of a coincidence to be an 'accident'.  Is it some sort of initiation for the fly boyz?

Just how can you mistake an afghan weeding for a bunch of rpg totting nutjobs?! I've been to a Pakistani wedding in Kashmir of which i would expect to be simialar and there is no way it could be mistaken for a terrorist ganbang.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.

m3thod wrote:

Braddock wrote:

m3thod wrote:

Nuh, it duzn't count coz it woz an accident.
seriously is it only me who think that bombing weddings seem to be waaaaaaaaaaaay to much of a coincidence to be an 'accident'.  Is it some sort of initiation for the fly boyz?

Just how can you mistake an afghan weeding for a bunch of rpg totting nutjobs?! I've been to a Pakistani wedding in Kashmir of which i would expect to be simialar and there is no way it could be mistaken for a terrorist ganbang.
I reckon they make the noobies 'do' a wedding to prove they're a team player and that they are 100% committed to the cause.
'Light 'em up!'

m3thod wrote:

Braddock wrote:

m3thod wrote:

Nuh, it duzn't count coz it woz an accident.
seriously is it only me who think that bombing weddings seem to be waaaaaaaaaaaay to much of a coincidence to be an 'accident'.  Is it some sort of initiation for the fly boyz?

Just how can you mistake an afghan weeding for a bunch of rpg totting nutjobs?! I've been to a Pakistani wedding in Kashmir of which i would expect to be simialar and there is no way it could be mistaken for a terrorist ganbang.
High altitude. From up there, a gathering of people looks like a gathering of people. There would have been some reason why the area was designated to be hit though, they wouldn't just look for a group of wedding guest to drop a 500 pounder on.

M.O.A.B wrote:

m3thod wrote:

Braddock wrote:

Nuh, it duzn't count coz it woz an accident.
seriously is it only me who think that bombing weddings seem to be waaaaaaaaaaaay to much of a coincidence to be an 'accident'.  Is it some sort of initiation for the fly boyz?

Just how can you mistake an afghan weeding for a bunch of rpg totting nutjobs?! I've been to a Pakistani wedding in Kashmir of which i would expect to be simialar and there is no way it could be mistaken for a terrorist ganbang.
High altitude. From up there, a gathering of people looks like a gathering of people. There would have been some reason why the area was designated to be hit though, they wouldn't just look for a group of wedding guest to drop a 500 pounder on.
I'm sure if the US military explain it to the relatives (if there are any left) like that then they will understand.

I'm sorry but I'm fed up with the 'accident' excuse, I don't care if it was an accident or not...those wedding guests are dead because of the US military. If I were a religious man I'd say that pilot was going to hell.
Cowboy from Hell

M.O.A.B wrote:

m3thod wrote:

Braddock wrote:

Nuh, it duzn't count coz it woz an accident.
seriously is it only me who think that bombing weddings seem to be waaaaaaaaaaaay to much of a coincidence to be an 'accident'.  Is it some sort of initiation for the fly boyz?

Just how can you mistake an afghan weeding for a bunch of rpg totting nutjobs?! I've been to a Pakistani wedding in Kashmir of which i would expect to be simialar and there is no way it could be mistaken for a terrorist ganbang.
High altitude. From up there, a gathering of people looks like a gathering of people. There would have been some reason why the area was designated to be hit though, they wouldn't just look for a group of wedding guest to drop a 500 pounder on.
Lol.  Sorry lady but you are too short and from here I didn't notice my dick was in your mouth.
'Light 'em up!'

Braddock wrote:

M.O.A.B wrote:

m3thod wrote:

seriously is it only me who think that bombing weddings seem to be waaaaaaaaaaaay to much of a coincidence to be an 'accident'.  Is it some sort of initiation for the fly boyz?

Just how can you mistake an afghan weeding for a bunch of rpg totting nutjobs?! I've been to a Pakistani wedding in Kashmir of which i would expect to be simialar and there is no way it could be mistaken for a terrorist ganbang.
High altitude. From up there, a gathering of people looks like a gathering of people. There would have been some reason why the area was designated to be hit though, they wouldn't just look for a group of wedding guest to drop a 500 pounder on.
I'm sure if the US military explain it to the relatives (if there are any left) like that then they will understand.

I'm sorry but I'm fed up with the 'accident' excuse, I don't care if it was an accident or not...those wedding guests are dead because of the US military. If I were a religious man I'd say that pilot was going to hell.
War's a war, people can be caught in the crossfire, its a very unfortunate event when this happens, and I'd doubt the pilot is jumping for joy if they turn out to be innocents. I heard just last night that a British Army Apache mistook a group of soldiers for Taliban fighters during a firefight and fired on them instead. When your caught in these kind of situation and you have to make a quick decision, you can't always be sure if its right or wrong until its too late.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

M.O.A.B wrote:

m3thod wrote:

Braddock wrote:

Nuh, it duzn't count coz it woz an accident.
seriously is it only me who think that bombing weddings seem to be waaaaaaaaaaaay to much of a coincidence to be an 'accident'.  Is it some sort of initiation for the fly boyz?

Just how can you mistake an afghan weeding for a bunch of rpg totting nutjobs?! I've been to a Pakistani wedding in Kashmir of which i would expect to be simialar and there is no way it could be mistaken for a terrorist ganbang.
High altitude. From up there, a gathering of people looks like a gathering of people. There would have been some reason why the area was designated to be hit though, they wouldn't just look for a group of wedding guest to drop a 500 pounder on.
I would expect support would be called in.  To be bombing indiscriminately from high altitude because 'they looked like a group of terrorists' well i doubt the US military is as stupid as that.

There are boots on the ground getting it wrong, time and time again.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
I hunt criminals down for a living
Didn't FEOS used to be Air Force? Maybe he could shed some light into these kind of incidents? How are the pilots briefed? Do they receive intel from the ground? Or are they just shooting on anything that moves and makes a noice?
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
He still is but i think he's a desk monkey though.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.

M.O.A.B wrote:

Braddock wrote:

M.O.A.B wrote:

High altitude. From up there, a gathering of people looks like a gathering of people. There would have been some reason why the area was designated to be hit though, they wouldn't just look for a group of wedding guest to drop a 500 pounder on.
I'm sure if the US military explain it to the relatives (if there are any left) like that then they will understand.

I'm sorry but I'm fed up with the 'accident' excuse, I don't care if it was an accident or not...those wedding guests are dead because of the US military. If I were a religious man I'd say that pilot was going to hell.
War's a war, people can be caught in the crossfire, its a very unfortunate event when this happens, and I'd doubt the pilot is jumping for joy if they turn out to be innocents. I heard just last night that a British Army Apache mistook a group of soldiers for Taliban fighters during a firefight and fired on them instead. When your caught in these kind of situation and you have to make a quick decision, you can't always be sure if its right or wrong until its too late.
People are dead because somebody fired a weapon...the rest is just details as far as I'm concerned. I know the guy may not have done this on purpose but as far as the relatives of these victims are concerned it makes little difference whether it's a fighter plane or a suicide bomber that pressed the button, their loved ones are dead. This to me is the same as the Omagh still bombing going off when there was confusion over the warning.

Braddock wrote:

I demand that lowing protest in the streets at this outrage. I think it is quite telling that he screams blue murder at the smallest act of so-called appeasement and yet doesn't get in the least bit vocal over any offence caused by an act of violence in his name such as this!
Nehhhhhhhh, can't be bothered by it...........I will also not be bothered to protest when the cartoons depicting this prints...See? consistency!!

that is my complaint Braddock..
smells like wee wee
If this had happened in the US or Europe...someone would be going to Jail.
Was anyone there on the ground after the bombing...? I wasn't... so i'm guessing that either the people are lying about what happened(shocker)
or these people were caught in the crossfire on a bombing to take out militants(militants hiding amongst them)... or the military made a horrible mistake or accident... I don't think anyone believes that the airforce targeted a weddding on purpose... Not very good for positive PR... in a 24/7 news world...
Love is the answer
God Save the Queen
+628|6386|tropical regions of london

ATG wrote:

If they would stop hanging with the Taliban they wouldn't get bombed.
Taken from your own article:

Correspondents say most civilian deaths in Afghanistan are caused by Taleban fighters and other militants opposed to President Karzai and US and Nato-led forces. On Monday a suicide attack on the Indian embassy in Kabul killed 41 people, most of them civilians.

So... where are your posts denouncing that?
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
Cowboy from Hell

DBBrinson1 wrote:

Taken from your own article:

Correspondents say most civilian deaths in Afghanistan are caused by Taleban fighters and other militants opposed to President Karzai and US and Nato-led forces. On Monday a suicide attack on the Indian embassy in Kabul killed 41 people, most of them civilians.

So... where are your posts denouncing that?
In the link?  I provided the link, didn't I?  I didn't denounce shit, I just quoted BBC.  They didn't put that part on top either, did they?
God Save the Queen
+628|6386|tropical regions of london
post a poll
Cowboy from Hell

God Save the Queen wrote:

post a poll
Eat a dick.
God Save the Queen
+628|6386|tropical regions of london
whats that got to do with civilians getting killed?  your lack of sincere concern is transparent.

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