Un Moderador

Yeah, I noticed. You and your fake tits.

First thing I will notice is if she has an "au naturelle" look. I hate orange girls and one with 4 layers of make-up. Then, of course, you would look to see if she matches what I count is hot/pretty/beautiful ( note I didn't say "if she is hot" because beauty is in the eyes of the beholder ). I don't think any guy can say he looks for personality first, because it isn't the first thing you see; however, closely after looks I would want to know what type of person she is - looks in my opinion count for face more than anything else, if she was a bit chubby but was stunning, then why not? ).
I like simple ( not stupid ) and decent girls who aren't obsessed with their outlook. Then you have the characteristics of her personality, but as long as she isn't ignorant and intolerant and can laugh at crude jokes, then it's fine.
+1,106|6436|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

blademaster wrote:

Poseidon wrote:

5 things.

- Her face. If I'm going to look at a girl I'm dating, I don't want to cringe...
- Her personality. She doesn't have to be a genius, but atleast not oblivious to everything.
- Eyes. That's a BIG, BIG part.
- Body. I don't want a girl who's skinny as a stick, but I don't want a girl who's a fatass (lel, bbw). I mean, look at Lindsay Lohan. When she was a little bit heavier, she was HOT. Now she's close to anorexic and she's disgusting.
- A sense of humor. That's probably the most important. One girl who I felt I was going to go out with in November of '06 couldn't take a fucking joke and was some wannabe evangelical. It sucked. Now she's going out with some kid who looks like a pig. No joke.
why is everyone so obsessed with the eyes your not going to fu*k her in the eyes or thats none of my business but yeah
skullfucking ftw

smartness is a must
good-lookingness comes after that
God Save the Queen
+628|6489|tropical regions of london
her mommy parts
Semi Constructive Criticism
+1,431|6111|London, England

God Save the Queen wrote:

her mommy parts
An Apron and washing machine?
_______________________________________________________________________________________________ https://i.imgur.com/Xj4f2.png
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6684|Long Island, New York

blademaster wrote:

Poseidon wrote:

5 things.

- Her face. If I'm going to look at a girl I'm dating, I don't want to cringe...
- Her personality. She doesn't have to be a genius, but atleast not oblivious to everything.
- Eyes. That's a BIG, BIG part.
- Body. I don't want a girl who's skinny as a stick, but I don't want a girl who's a fatass (lel, bbw). I mean, look at Lindsay Lohan. When she was a little bit heavier, she was HOT. Now she's close to anorexic and she's disgusting.
- A sense of humor. That's probably the most important. One girl who I felt I was going to go out with in November of '06 couldn't take a fucking joke and was some wannabe evangelical. It sucked. Now she's going out with some kid who looks like a pig. No joke.
why is everyone so obsessed with the eyes your not going to fu*k her in the eyes or thats none of my business but yeah
Pff, so you THINK!

Plus, her having nice eyes (one girl I dated had these blue eyes like you'd never believe...) is just great if she wants to have one of those cheesy intimate moments with you.
Shock it till ya know it
+375|6488|Atlanta, Georgia

1927 wrote:

2 arms, 2 legs, 2 eyes anything else is a bonus really.
A penis is a bonus? What?
You orrible caaaaaaan't

NeXuS4909 wrote:

1927 wrote:

2 arms, 2 legs, 2 eyes anything else is a bonus really.
A penis is a bonus? What?
Haha I'm going to miss comments like that.
Firstly...face (let's face it you don't see a girl in a bar and think "I bet she has a nice personality")
Secondly...personality (you will want to have something to chat about on those cold winter's nights)
Thirdly...ass (what can I say I'm an ass fan, Paris Hilton and Kylie Minogue are the benchmark standard)

PS: my girlfriend is watching me while I type this.
Wiki Contributor

Braddock wrote:

Firstly...face (let's face it you don't see a girl in a bar and think "I bet she has a nice personality")
Secondly...personality (you will want to have something to chat about on those cold winter's nights)
Thirdly...ass (what can I say I'm an ass fan, Paris Hilton and Kylie Minogue are the benchmark standard)

PS: my girlfriend is watching me while I type this.
https://www.coolbuddy.com/Gallery_Pics/imgs/parishilton_ass03.jpg Not the best ass ever...

That's a nice ass, (I loved that scene)
You orrible caaaaaaan't

Braddock wrote:

Firstly...face (let's face it you don't see a girl in a bar and think "I bet she has a nice personality")
Secondly...personality (you will want to have something to chat about on those cold winter's nights)
Thirdly...ass (what can I say I'm an ass fan, Paris Hilton and Kylie Minogue are the benchmark standard)

PS: my girlfriend is watching me while I type this.
Well at least she can take some advice! Jessica Biel has a very nice body.
+1,452|6540|The Gem Saloon
right now my standards are pretty low.
they have to be fucking drop dead gorgeous, of course, and well.....beyond that, as long as they can fuck, its all good.
i dont need a girlfriend right now, so im not really looking for girlfriend material.
+3,611|6767|London, England
I don't know.

A down to earth chick that's tall and good looking. When I mean tall, I'm not that tall myself (5'10) so I mean tall as in my height or one or two inches shorter. Definitely not taller than me, that's a big no no.

Also no fat chicks. Or chicks who are way too skinny (they never have an arse or tits)

I'm not looking for perfection, cos that'd just be pointless. Height really plays a large role though, looking back, every girl I've been with or liked has been around my height.

I guess, it might be a leg thing too.

I have a thing for the posh/well spoken girls too, they seem to be clued up on world events and stuff, it's nice when you can talk and stuff about things other than celebrities/music, I hate shallow girls like that

ah, what else

I dunno. That's what I'm looking for when I actually want a proper girl

and yeah Parker, what I described above, that's what she was like. Damn...
english accent

just sounds fun
can detect anyone's visible post count...
+691|6912|Cambridge (UK)

loubot wrote:

Scorpion0x17 wrote:

It's too complicated to explain...
.....waiting for explaination (to myself: this ought to be good)
Well, as you asked, I don't 'look for' anything.

I find most 'traditionally attractive' women not all that attractive, but others I fall for at first sight.
I find most 'untraditionally attractive' women not all that attractive, but others I fall for at first sight.
I find most unattractive women not all that attractive, but others I fall for at first sight.

In short, I don't fall for physical attributes.
But it's also not personality, as such, because I fall at first sight.

Call it an 'aura' or 'spirit', call it a 'vibe' or 'energy', or call what you will, I don't know what it is that I fall for, but some have it and some don't.

But still, even that, doesn't cover it...

Last edited by Scorpion0x17 (2008-07-08 18:31:47)


A12345 wrote:

english accent

just sounds fun
Srsly? The blonde Asian thing is kinda creepy IMO.

I'm gonna make a blanket statement and say that every girl I met in Hong Kong with blonde hair was a dirty slut.

But the English accent thing is pretty hot, I'll give you that.

However, I prefer Chinese girls speaking mandarin, even if they know English.

why? in America, they sound like bitchy white women, and in China (even Hong Kong) they may think they know English really well but it's still annoying to try and understand them. Cantonese doesn't sound very good IMO.
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|6926|Great Brown North
paris hilton has an ass? where?
can detect anyone's visible post count...
+691|6912|Cambridge (UK)

krazed wrote:

paris hilton has an ass? where?
Just above her neck.

krazed wrote:

paris hilton has an ass? where?
In her purse with all the other shit she carries.

What I need in a girl is

and also is not a retard

Last edited by The#1Spot (2008-07-08 19:29:47)

can detect anyone's visible post count...
+691|6912|Cambridge (UK)

The#1Spot wrote:

krazed wrote:

paris hilton has an ass? where?
In her purse with all the other shit she carries.

What I need in a girl is

For them to be a dubiously dressed black man?
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
Plehs video games

Has a job

Isn't fat

Individually that's not being to picky but put them all together and,,,

Last edited by DoctaStrangelove (2008-07-08 19:34:56)

16 more years
+877|6671|South Florida

Ability to laugh at the depth of my humor.

Ability to 'get it'
15 more years! 15 more years!
+1,452|6540|The Gem Saloon

Mek-Stizzle wrote:

and yeah Parker, what I described above, that's what she was like. Damn...
well Mek, im still awaiting to hear if you fucking called her or not....
pr0 tip:dont post in that thread saying you DIDNT contact her. you WILL get your man card pulled

and lol, who gave me the prison shower karma?
Semi Constructive Criticism
+1,431|6111|London, England

DoctaStrangelove wrote:

Plehs video games

Has a job

Isn't fat

Individually that's not being to picky but put them all together and,,,
You dont want one that plays video games, they are all freaks, you want one that ACCEPTS that YOU play video games, trust me.
_______________________________________________________________________________________________ https://i.imgur.com/Xj4f2.png
+1,411|6888|FUCK UBISOFT

Mutantsteak wrote:

DoctaStrangelove wrote:

Plehs video games

Has a job

Isn't fat

Individually that's not being to picky but put them all together and,,,
You dont want one that plays video games, they are all freaks, you want one that ACCEPTS that YOU play video games, trust me.
The one you get to play video games.

That's what you want.

Last edited by Miggle (2008-07-08 19:58:48)

Semi Constructive Criticism
+1,431|6111|London, England

Miggle wrote:

Mutantsteak wrote:

DoctaStrangelove wrote:

Plehs video games

Has a job

Isn't fat

Individually that's not being to picky but put them all together and,,,
You dont want one that plays video games, they are all freaks, you want one that ACCEPTS that YOU play video games, trust me.
The one you get to play video games.

That's what you want.
Exactly except i don't think im going to want my GF playing, a bit weird.
_______________________________________________________________________________________________ https://i.imgur.com/Xj4f2.png

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