Thorax wrote:
Just a few things I have pondered:
1. Why do black people consistantly complain about the fact that they are not given a fair lot in life, that they are unusually suseptable to crime and violence but then turn around and embrace a pop-culture that glorifies crime and being, for lack of a better word, stupid (i.e bad grammar, idiotic choices, degradation of women)?
The disintegration of the traditional black family is a large part of it. Without a stable 2-parent household to grow up in combined with being raised in poverty leads many blacks astray into glorifying the most profitable lifestyle in the ghetto (selling drugs).
Thorax wrote:
2. Why is it, that Africa can't seem to get it's shit together? Anytime any natural resource of any importance is discoved it leads to genocide or famine? Why are warlords allowed to rule by the people who by far out number them. (I.E. Zimbabwe, when ruled by the British one of the most prosperous and peaceful countries in Africa, when they leave it turns violent and the economy falls into shambles)?
Europe thoroughly fucked Africa by drawing up borders that split up tribes. Most wars in Africa are both focused on resources and ethnic conflict. Add to this situation the natural harshness of most of sub-Saharan Africa's environment (droughts and nasty diseases), and it doesn't allow for much progression civilization-wise. The Europeans managed it mostly through using outside resources in combination with Africa's and through strict military force.
It's very difficult to maintain a democracy in an environment plagued by cultural conflict, droughts and disease. The harsh desert environment of the Middle East in combination with cultural conflict is why many Islamic countries suffer similar (albeit much better) fates to Africa when it comes to instability and oppression.
Thorax wrote:
3. Why is it that Native Americans receive more goverment aid and assistance than any other group of people in the U.S. yet prominent NA communities are in shambles, crime is high and unemployment is sky high?
Ineffective self-rule in combination with a genetic vulnerability to alcoholism is most of the problem. Native Americans would likely be better off as being part of outside society, since cultural isolationism in combination with government dependence on funds is usually a recipe for depression and corruption.
Thorax wrote:
4. Why is it that Asian and Indian immigrants are able to do so well for themselves after coming to the U.S. but other races tend to fail or simply not flourish?
Don't forget Hispanics... All 3 groups are remarkably successful because of synergy and familial ties. Hispanics are especially resourceful when it comes to working together and saving up funds while living frugally. Asians and Indians both depend on strong focuses on family life. Working hard is part of their cultures, and they rarely hesitate in helping each other out when they are in need. Extended families living together are the norm rather than the exception.
Thorax wrote:
5. Why is it that predominately white cultures have seemingly been the ones that have dominated, flourished longer and more lavishly thoughout history, even today becoming the majority of peaceful and civilized countries on earth, but have not existed as long as some other cultures. (I.E. comparing the English, German, U.S. Australian,, etc etc countries against African Nations and South American nations.)?
This is only partially true. There are many Asian cultures that have dominated for far longer than any European country, but in only more recent centuries, the Europeans have dominated. For example, China was a world class power for millennia until the Opium Wars, but in recent decades, they've begun a new economic rise that will likely restore them as a superpower.
What generally leads to ultimate success is technological superiority. Different areas have had this at different times. The Chinese, Romans, and Egyptians had it in ancient times, the Islamic World had it during Europe's Dark Ages, Europe didn't really restore its dominance until the Renaissance and, more conclusively, the Industrial Revolution.
Thorax wrote:
6. Why is it that the people who demand the most from their governments and societies are usually the ones who contribute the least to their governments and societies?
That depends on how you measure that. Both freeloaders and lobbyists fit this description, but corporations also demand a lot in the form of corporate welfare (although they admittedly contribute more to the system).
Thorax wrote:
7. Why is it that the people who tend to "defend" minorities are normally the ones who gives minorities the worst names and why are these people allowed to keep their positions?.
PC sells... plus, people like to compensate for their personal problems through actions in public life.
Last edited by Turquoise (2008-07-07 18:10:04)