calling me a POG makes baby jesus cry.
Now we're getting by this definition turning a man down for a job because he might be a 'lazy porch monkey' isn't racism.Thorax wrote:
Blind, unreasonable, undebatable, unwavering and deadly hate towards every single individual of a specific race.Braddock wrote:
So what does constitute racism people? Seriously, what attributes or actions makes someone a 'racist'?
So asian people should be proud of the small penis stereotype?deeznutz1245 wrote:
I think it really depends on how racism is defined. I mean, I bet most of us look at someone and associate certain behaviors with the color of their skin. When I watch cops and I see some hillbilly toothless wonder get arrested for hitting his wife and you can see his pickup with a confederate flag in the background, I thnk white trash. When I see 16 people in line at Kentucky Fried Chicken and fourteen of those people are black, I chuckle. When I go to Foxwoods Casino on the weekends I can't help but notice 80% of the patrons are Asian. I will be at Wal-Mart and see a Puerto Rican woman with a carriage full of Goya. Everyone is Irish on St Patricks day. Who hasn't told a Polish joke? I think these are the things that identify us as cultures and we should just be proud we are unique. My problem is with the people who have malcontent and hatrid because of a skin color. Those are the poeple who are shallow and empty insideBraddock wrote:
So what does constitute racism people? Seriously, what attributes or actions makes someone a 'racist'?
P.S. I will always, and I mean always laugh when I see an Italian in an Iroc-z wearing excessive gold chains.
No. Prejudice. Read: Pre judging--prejudice.Braddock wrote:
Now we're getting by this definition turning a man down for a job because he might be a 'lazy porch monkey' isn't racism.Thorax wrote:
Blind, unreasonable, undebatable, unwavering or deadly hate towards every single individual of a specific race.Braddock wrote:
So what does constitute racism people? Seriously, what attributes or actions makes someone a 'racist'?
EDIT, upon further reading, I really should have replaced the "and" with an "or" to get my true point across.
Last edited by Thorax (2008-07-07 16:03:51)
That can lead to racism, prejudice can be just as bad because that person may not be a porch monkey even though you are calling him or her one.Thorax wrote:
No. Prejudice. Read: Pre judging--prejudice.Braddock wrote:
Now we're getting by this definition turning a man down for a job because he might be a 'lazy porch monkey' isn't racism.Thorax wrote:
Blind, unreasonable, undebatable, unwavering and deadly hate towards every single individual of a specific race.
coug, i can see where you are coming from.
i was one of like seven white kids in my high school, and i KNOW my thoughts were fucked up for a long time cause of shit i saw/endured.
experiences definitely change us.
i was one of like seven white kids in my high school, and i KNOW my thoughts were fucked up for a long time cause of shit i saw/endured.
experiences definitely change us.
I'm not one of those guys who screams blue murder when anyone points out the differences between ethnic groups. We are all different and that's what makes this world interesting but Thorax openly admits to having negative views of ethnic groups because of his experiences of sample groups.Kmarion wrote:
Braddock surely you can see that he is telling his side and sharing his experience. He is not advocating discrimination or violence. I disagree with a lot of what he has said on the subject, but I can understand why people come to these conclusions. It's easy to say racist.. it's much tougher to ask the question "But why?". If a society is ever really going to work through those barriers it must be willing to face those questions without immediately shutting them down with the your a racist (and therefor unpopular) line.
That's racism in my book: an inability to keep an open mind when meeting someone of a particular race because of stereotypes and negative experience of other people from that race. You don't have to go around waving baseball bats and attending clan meetings to be racist.
I disagree completely. You dont have to hate a specific race to be considered racist.
The fact that you "prejudge" people based on your experiences with particular individuals in a race, to me, is racism.
The fact that you "prejudge" people based on your experiences with particular individuals in a race, to me, is racism.
Last edited by God Save the Queen (2008-07-07 16:07:08)
Thats exactly what i was saying, because not everyone in a race should be treated the same way just because of the experiences with certain people who happen to be in that racial bracket.God Save the Queen wrote:
I disagree completely. You dont have to hate a specific race to be considered racist.
The fact that you "prejudge" people based on your experiences with particular individuals in a race, to me, is racism.
Last edited by Roc18 (2008-07-07 16:09:58)
No, but I did cash in on their, um, handicap if you will while I was in Okinawa. God damn those Asian chicks loved us Americans.Roc18 wrote:
So asian people should be proud of the small penis stereotype?deeznutz1245 wrote:
I think it really depends on how racism is defined. I mean, I bet most of us look at someone and associate certain behaviors with the color of their skin. When I watch cops and I see some hillbilly toothless wonder get arrested for hitting his wife and you can see his pickup with a confederate flag in the background, I thnk white trash. When I see 16 people in line at Kentucky Fried Chicken and fourteen of those people are black, I chuckle. When I go to Foxwoods Casino on the weekends I can't help but notice 80% of the patrons are Asian. I will be at Wal-Mart and see a Puerto Rican woman with a carriage full of Goya. Everyone is Irish on St Patricks day. Who hasn't told a Polish joke? I think these are the things that identify us as cultures and we should just be proud we are unique. My problem is with the people who have malcontent and hatrid because of a skin color. Those are the poeple who are shallow and empty insideBraddock wrote:
So what does constitute racism people? Seriously, what attributes or actions makes someone a 'racist'?
P.S. I will always, and I mean always laugh when I see an Italian in an Iroc-z wearing excessive gold chains.
Malloy must go
racism is a prejudice dealing specifically with race. prejudice isnt limited to race. Im prejudice against marxist. Im prejudice against religious people. Im prejudice against certain counter and sub cultures.
The shit i had to put as a kid because i was a 'fucking paki' is the fundemental reason i do not give a fuck about the UK. Fuck em.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
It is how you handle your prejudices that makes a person racist. Prejudices are developed with experience and are instinctual. By your logic racism is unavoidable. This I disagree with.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
prejudice and racism are not exclusive to each other.Kmarion wrote:
It is how you handle your prejudices that makes a person racist. Prejudices are developed with experience and are instinctual. By your logic racism is unavoidable. This I disagree with.
Ironically enough one of my best friends is Iraqi. He is very Americanized but people still give him shit here and there. He ignores it for the most part but I seriously doubt you should write off an entire country based on a few( unless it's France). Idiots are idiots where ever they call home.m3thod wrote:
The shit i had to put as a kid because i was a 'fucking paki' is the fundemental reason i do not give a fuck about the UK. Fuck em.
Last edited by deeznutz1245 (2008-07-07 16:13:02)
Malloy must go
wrong, whether you show or dont show your prejudices you still have that instinctual disposition towards a race which is still racist, its whether you learn to accept people for who they are and let go of those instincts is when you over come racism.Kmarion wrote:
It is how you handle your prejudices that makes a person racist. Prejudices are developed with experience and are instinctual. By your logic racism is unavoidable. This I disagree with.
Last edited by Roc18 (2008-07-07 16:14:27)
No they aren't always. Prejudice is an inevitable component of (real) racism though. Do you see the line?God Save the Queen wrote:
prejudice and racism are not exclusive to each other.Kmarion wrote:
It is how you handle your prejudices that makes a person racist. Prejudices are developed with experience and are instinctual. By your logic racism is unavoidable. This I disagree with.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
ofcourse, like I said before, I agree with the majority of what you are saying but I dont think this is the case with what we are talking about. no easy answers here.
That's it exactly for me.Roc18 wrote:
wrong, whether you show or dont show your prejudices you still have that instinctual disposition towards a race which is still racist, its whether you learn to accept people for who they are and let go of those instincts is when you over come racism.Kmarion wrote:
It is how you handle your prejudices that makes a person racist. Prejudices are developed with experience and are instinctual. By your logic racism is unavoidable. This I disagree with.
I've never been "racially" abused personally, but on a lower level my Dad used to get all kinds of abuse (he came to England for University education) - Just for being Irish. Some of the "abusers" had had bad experiences with Irish people before. Therefore it's predjudice - But it's also certainly racist.
He also got abuse from people who'd never really had any contact with Irish people before - making it plain racism.
Plain racism really really confuses me - Why would you make your mind up about a certain "group" of people, if you'd never encountered them before?
edit - Infact, i have been "racially" abused before: I was walking to the shop to get some smokes, wearing a German football shirt - some guys in a van shouted "Fuck off back home you Nazi bastard" as they drove past.
Me not being German, i found it pretty funny. Funny that they were that retarded.
He also got abuse from people who'd never really had any contact with Irish people before - making it plain racism.
Plain racism really really confuses me - Why would you make your mind up about a certain "group" of people, if you'd never encountered them before?
edit - Infact, i have been "racially" abused before: I was walking to the shop to get some smokes, wearing a German football shirt - some guys in a van shouted "Fuck off back home you Nazi bastard" as they drove past.
Me not being German, i found it pretty funny. Funny that they were that retarded.
Last edited by FatherTed (2008-07-07 16:20:21)
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
because the Irish drink?
I get racially abused in here all the time by usmarine and Lotta_Drool! I don't cry about it though because I know I'm genetically superior to them...Lotta_Drool pretends he's Irish and usmarine lives in a pretend Dublin, they're Irish wannabe's.FatherTed wrote:
I've never been "racially" abused personally, but on a lower level my Dad used to get all kinds of abuse (he came to England for University education) - Just for being Irish. Some of the "abusers" had had bad experiences with Irish people before. Therefore it's predjudice - But it's also certainly racist.
He also got abuse from people who'd never really had any contact with Irish people before - making it plain racism.
Plain racism really really confuses me - Why would you make your mind up about a certain "group" of people, if you'd never encountered them before?
Because people of certain races or ethnicities look alike and hes gonna remember what happened with that last person that looked Irish and have a predjudice against your dad. Thats the instinct that Kmarion was talking about, thats racism.FatherTed wrote:
I've never been "racially" abused personally, but on a lower level my Dad used to get all kinds of abuse (he came to England for University education) - Just for being Irish. Some of the "abusers" had had bad experiences with Irish people before. Therefore it's predjudice - But it's also certainly racist.
He also got abuse from people who'd never really had any contact with Irish people before - making it plain racism.
Plain racism really really confuses me - Why would you make your mind up about a certain "group" of people, if you'd never encountered them before?
edit - Infact, i have been "racially" abused before: I was walking to the shop to get some smokes, wearing a German football shirt - some guys in a van shouted "Fuck off back home you Nazi bastard" as they drove past.
Me not being German, i found it pretty funny. Funny that they were that retarded.
You may not use more than 10 karma points in 24 hours.Braddock wrote:
I get racially abused in here all the time by usmarine and Lotta_Drool! I don't cry about it though because I know I'm genetically superior to them...Lotta_Drool pretends he's Irish and usmarine lives in a pretend Dublin, they're Irish wannabe's.FatherTed wrote:
I've never been "racially" abused personally, but on a lower level my Dad used to get all kinds of abuse (he came to England for University education) - Just for being Irish. Some of the "abusers" had had bad experiences with Irish people before. Therefore it's predjudice - But it's also certainly racist.
He also got abuse from people who'd never really had any contact with Irish people before - making it plain racism.
Plain racism really really confuses me - Why would you make your mind up about a certain "group" of people, if you'd never encountered them before?
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
This is a simpletons view. It is completely illogical. To shove said feelings under the rug because it is the unpopular thing to do will never lead to progress. I'd rather take on the tougher challenges and explore why people feel this way. That is to say I'd rather look them in the eye than to shame them into submission.Roc18 wrote:
wrong, whether you show or dont show your prejudices you still have that instinctual disposition towards a race which is still racist, its whether you learn to accept people for who they are and let go of those instincts is when you over come racism.Kmarion wrote:
It is how you handle your prejudices that makes a person racist. Prejudices are developed with experience and are instinctual. By your logic racism is unavoidable. This I disagree with.
Xbone Stormsurgezz