Anyone watching Dispatches on British Channel 4 right now? Slam dunk. Hopefully it'll appear online. The anti-Muslim brigade won't like this one bit! … im/2314592 … Report.pdf … ege_LR.pdf

Last edited by CameronPoe (2008-07-07 12:19:26)

+3,611|6662|London, England
lol at the Daily Express guy. He totally dodged the question when asked what he thinks about the average muslim guy who isn't a terrorist.

The Sun rep had some better points though.
Some of the earlier stories from the Express were shockingly exaggerated/fabricated. This journalist is doing a bang up job.
Doh! My girlfriend only has Irish stations on her TV. Dispatches is always interesting viewing.

The website link contains a rather telling tidbit though...

"Oborne concludes that in today's climate the media say things about Islam and Muslims they would never say about other groups. When he replaces the word' 'Muslim' in some recent headlines with 'Jews', 'Blacks' and 'Gays' and shows them to members of the public, they find those headlines deeply offensive."

I'm sure the Jews felt the same in 1930's Germany.
Jesus there are some scumbags on this program. The BNP guy: "swarm of cockroaches".
The language of ethnic cleansing, as the journalist says.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2008-07-07 12:38:42)

I oppose Muslim genocide.

Until they try to pass Shia(sp) law in Texas.
+3,611|6662|London, England
This program is abit biased though. They only seem to be speaking to people who either hate Islam or people who talk about how it's the most peaceful invention since sliced bread

Last edited by Mek-Stizzle (2008-07-07 12:43:18)

It is of course, but the odd thing is that that journalist has just signed with the Daily Mail as a columnist. WtF???

None of the facts he presents are refutable though.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2008-07-07 12:44:54)

Where's Pat Condell when you need em.
❝ Nurses Told to Turn Muslims’
Beds to Mecca
– Daily Express, 4 December 2007

This story claimed that “NURSES have been told to stop treating patients while they move Muslims’
beds FIVE TIMES a day to face Mecca.” We discovered that in reality nurses would only move
terminally-ill Muslim patients’ beds at their family’s request. The concession did not apply to all
Muslim patients, and certainly not five times a day. Julia Squire, chief executive of The Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS
Trust, which runs Dewsbury and District Hospital, said. “The press reporting on this matter is simply
incorrect. Let me be absolutely clear: no employee of The Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust
has been or will be ordered to turn hospital beds to face Mecca five times a day.”
The story originated from an anonymous quote from a nurse at the Dewsbury hospital used in the
Daily Express (and also in a similar account which appeared and in the same day’s Daily Star, which
is under the same ownership). According to the anonymous source, “If we are having to turn
dozens of beds to face Mecca five times a day, plus provide running water for them to wash before and
after prayers, it is bound to impact on the essential medical service we are supposed to be providing.”
Other news papers had run the story correctly, reporting that it would only happen to “very ill”
patients and even then not five times a day. Fascinatingly, even newspapers which had got the
story right, like the Daily Mirror, then inserted the five times a day claim, giving it a much more
prominent billing. The Daily Telegraph even went to the lengths of borrowing the anonymous
quote in the following day’s paper (6 December 2007). The story then gained momentum as angry
letters poured in and MPs voiced their outrage, prompting the Daily Star to glory in its investigative
journalism, boasting “OUR revelation that nurses are having to turn Muslim patients’ beds
to face Mecca has prompted a furious response from Brits. In the biggest response the Daily Star
has ever had to a story, thousands of angry readers swamped our offices with texts, phone calls and
e-mails”. The incident has now since entered folklore, becoming a central piece of evidence for those
who make the case that Muslims are invading the British way of life. When the Daily Star finally
quoted the NHS denials, they were presented as a U-turn rather than a mistake on the part of the

CameronPoe wrote:

❝ Nurses Told to Turn Muslims’
Beds to Mecca
– Daily Express, 4 December 2007

This story claimed that “NURSES have been told to stop treating patients while they move Muslims’
beds FIVE TIMES a day to face Mecca.” We discovered that in reality nurses would only move
terminally-ill Muslim patients’ beds at their family’s request. The concession did not apply to all
Muslim patients, and certainly not five times a day. Julia Squire, chief executive of The Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS
Trust, which runs Dewsbury and District Hospital, said. “The press reporting on this matter is simply
incorrect. Let me be absolutely clear: no employee of The Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust
has been or will be ordered to turn hospital beds to face Mecca five times a day.”
The story originated from an anonymous quote from a nurse at the Dewsbury hospital used in the
Daily Express (and also in a similar account which appeared and in the same day’s Daily Star, which
is under the same ownership). According to the anonymous source, “If we are having to turn
dozens of beds to face Mecca five times a day, plus provide running water for them to wash before and
after prayers, it is bound to impact on the essential medical service we are supposed to be providing.”
Other news papers had run the story correctly, reporting that it would only happen to “very ill”
patients and even then not five times a day. Fascinatingly, even newspapers which had got the
story right, like the Daily Mirror, then inserted the five times a day claim, giving it a much more
prominent billing. The Daily Telegraph even went to the lengths of borrowing the anonymous
quote in the following day’s paper (6 December 2007). The story then gained momentum as angry
letters poured in and MPs voiced their outrage, prompting the Daily Star to glory in its investigative
journalism, boasting “OUR revelation that nurses are having to turn Muslim patients’ beds
to face Mecca has prompted a furious response from Brits. In the biggest response the Daily Star
has ever had to a story, thousands of angry readers swamped our offices with texts, phone calls and
e-mails”. The incident has now since entered folklore, becoming a central piece of evidence for those
who make the case that Muslims are invading the British way of life. When the Daily Star finally
quoted the NHS denials, they were presented as a U-turn rather than a mistake on the part of the
Disgraceful, shamelessly bad propaganda.
❝ Muslim’s hospital bug snub
– The Sun, 4 February 2008
From the rumours of Jews poisoning the wells during the Black Death in the fourteenth century to scare stories of
homosexual men spreading HIV in the 1980s the pattern of aliens spreading disease is part of a long tradition. Now the same kind of
accusations are being flung at Muslims. Last October The Times claimed that Muslim medical students “are refusing to attend
lectures or answer exam questions on alcohol-related or sexually transmitted diseases because they claim it offends their religious
beliefs.” This story stemmed from a British Medical Association statement warning the General Medical Council not to relax the
rules about opting out of parts of the course. When we approached the BMA, they told us the statement was based on anecdotal
evidence from one source, which they refused to reveal. A much more serious case came in February this year when
the Sun dramatically warned that “thousands of hospital patients are in danger of catching deadly superbugs because Muslim
medical students refuse to follow new hygiene rules.” The message from this Sun report was very serious indeed – that
thousands of patients who were attended by Muslim students risked catching a fatal disease as a result. The first piece of hard
evidence in the story came in the fifth paragraph, which stated that female students at Leicester University “had difficulty”
complying with a Department of Health directive that medical staff across the country should be “bare below the elbow” to stop infection.
We visited Leicester to determine whether Muslim students were in fact refusing to wash their hands and putting patients’ lives at risk. Not a single
doctor or member of staff we spoke to had come across any problems with hand-washing. Dr Paul Symonds, Reader and Consultant
Clinical Oncologist at Leicester University, told us: “I personally haven’t seen it. I know of no-one who says they’ve seen it, and I’ve
discussed it with our junior staff, nurses, colleagues, and everyone just looks blankly at me with blank incomprehension, what are you
talking about? … the issue has not arisen. We followed Muslim medical students on their ward rounds.
They were shocked by the stories in the press. Nabila Khan, a fourth year medical student, said, “It’s completely outrageous.
It’s not based on any facts. I don’t know where they got this information from. As a medical student myself I always roll up my
sleeves, and everyone that I know does. We’ve had no complaints, no-one’s ever said anything to me in the past about it, so I find
it ridiculous that all this stuff has been written in newspapers and things, and people have printed these stories without checking
them out first.” Ather Mirza, Leicester University’s press officer, told us that they were not even aware of the story until it
was splashed across the world’s media. He told us that after an investigation it emerged that “one student had asked a question about what the regulations were, she’d not objected to them, she just asked about them, this had got recorded and had spiralled in to a story about Muslim students being unhappy about the whole procedure. Well, that wasn’t the case at all.” As with many stories of this kind, there was a grain of truth. Some female Muslim students had indeed expressed reservations about the newly introduced Department of Health guidance, which stipulated that all doctors must be “bare below the elbow” – a phenomenon thrown up by a Freedom of Information Act request by the Sunday Telegraph journalist Julie Henry. But the highly inflammatory and insulting claim that Muslim students were putting thousands of patients’ lives at risk because they put their religious beliefs before patients’ safety was simply not backed up by the evidence.
^^^ Kind of ironic that Muslims would be labeled unclean on unsanitary when cleanliness is such an important part of their everyday life.

I've heard you even have to move to the back of the room if you fart while praying in a mosque...can anyone clarify that for me...m3thod!?
❝ Get off my bus I need to
– The Sun, 28 March 2008

This was the story of a Muslim bus driver ordering his passengers off
his bus so that he could pray. The Sun story, along with footage of
the bus driver praying, was widely circulated around right-wing
blogs. Dhimmi Watch, the right-wing blog on the site Jihad
Watch that catalogues perceived outrages committed by Muslims,
even included the Sun story in their “ever-expanding You Can’t
Make This Stuff Up file”. Well, actually you can. For the
Sun it was apparently a perfect example of a Muslim putting his
faith before the interests of the public and demanding special
treatment. The newspaper ran the story after giving London United
Bus Company very little time to investigate, obliging them to issue
a holding statement saying they would look into the matter. Once
they had done so it was clear that the story was rather different. The
bus had been delayed, so in order to maintain frequency the bus
company had ordered the driver to stop his bus and allow passengers
to board the bus behind. Tickets and CCTV evidence show that all
the passengers were on that bus within a minute. The driver was
under strict instructions not to allow any passengers onto his bus.
He was on a ten-minute break so could do what he wanted.
The so-called witness, a 21 year old plumber, who recorded
the bus driver praying, had not in fact been on the bus, and had
arrived after the incident to find a small crowd waiting outside a bus.
Jumping to a false conclusion, he sold his story to the Sun. The
bus driver is currently taking legal action against the Sun for
defamation and gross invasion of privacy. The article has been
removed from the Sun’s website.
❝ HOGWASH: Now the PC brigade bans piggy banks in case they
offend Muslims
– Daily Express, 24 October 2005

The story claimed that NatWest and Halifax had removed
images of piggy banks from their promotional material in an
effort to avoid offending Muslim customers, since pork is forbidden
in Islam. The paper quoted observers calling such action
“barmy” and “bonkers”, thereby stirring up a huge response from
the public. One letter to the paper was entitled “Piggy bank
climb-down is victory for the terrorists”. NatWest was originally
called by journalists from the Lancashire Evening Telegraph who
were told in no uncertain terms that the end of one promotion had
nothing to do with fear of causing offence. The Express then ran the
story without making reasonable checks with the banks. The article
manages to cite no evidence that piggy banks had been removed for
the reason cited in the inflammatory headline, confining itself to
expressing outrage from MPs and church leaders.
The banks themselves soon cleared up the matter. The Halifax
drily noted that it “has not withdrawn any piggy banks from
branches” and noted that in fact it had not used piggy banks in its
branches for a number of years. The NatWest press statement
noted that: “There is absolutely no fact in the story. We simply
had a UK wide savings marketing campaign, which included
pictures of piggy banks, running until the end of September. Piggy
banks have been and will continue to be used as a promotional item
by NatWest.” That is indeed the case, as NatWest’s piggy banks
feature prominently in their promotions to this day.
I am all that is MOD!

Braddock wrote:

^^^ Kind of ironic that Muslims would be labeled unclean on unsanitary when cleanliness is such an important part of their everyday life.

I've heard you even have to move to the back of the room if you fart while praying in a mosque...can anyone clarify that for me...m3thod!?
Haha I always tried to press down extra hard on the pews when I had to fart in church!
Cowboy from Hell

Thorax wrote:

Where's Pat Condell when you need em.
Sucking a dick in his basement.
– Daily Star, 28 April 2008

The story did not, as readers might have inferred from the front-page
headline, reveal that Madeleine McCann had been kidnapped by
a Muslim “sicko”. In fact, it refers to a website on which claims were
made that Madeleine’s parents were involved in her disappearance.
The website apparently claimed that “SICKENING claims
which blame the McCanns for the disappearance of their daughter
Madeleine have been made by Muslim fanatics in internet rants.”
What is so striking about this Daily Star story is the way that a
Heath Robinson contrivance was found which added Muslims to
the Madeleine McCann tragedy, thereby confecting a misleading
and inflammatory front-page splash.


Braddock wrote:

^^^ Kind of ironic that Muslims would be labeled unclean on unsanitary when cleanliness is such an important part of their everyday life.

I've heard you even have to move to the back of the room if you fart while praying in a mosque...can anyone clarify that for me...m3thod!?
Haha I always tried to press down extra hard on the pews when I had to fart in church!
It's an art form...I got very good at it before eventually realising religion was a big sack of horse shit!
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

Braddock wrote:

^^^ Kind of ironic that Muslims would be labeled unclean on unsanitary when cleanliness is such an important part of their everyday life.

I've heard you even have to move to the back of the room if you fart while praying in a mosque...can anyone clarify that for me...m3thod!?
You're more likely to get a slap.

If you fart you have broken Wudhu and therefore have to go wash again.

Here is the process of Wudhu in a nice bbc photo gallery...they seem to miss the part where you have to wash you arse, cock and balls for some reason which you do first by the way.

You also have to make sure you have Wudhu when you handle the Quran.


you're right about the cleanliness bit given you have to prayer 5 times a day, you will wash 5 times a day too.

Last edited by m3thod (2008-07-07 13:14:59)

Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
British National Party spokesperson Nick Griffin:

“We bang on about Islam. Why? Because to the ordinary public out there it’s the thing they
can understand. It’s the thing the newspaper editors sell newspapers with. If we were
to attack some other ethnic group — some people say we should attack the Jews ... But
... we’ve got to get to power. And if that was an issue we chose to bang on about when
the press don’t talk about it ... the public would just think we were barking mad.”
Now which posters have been continually citing these shitheap newspapers the last few months? Hmmmmmmmmmmm.
+3,936|6541|so randum

CameronPoe wrote:

Now which posters have been continually citing these shitheap newspapers the last few months? Hmmmmmmmmmmm.
Daily Mail's got quite a good Sport section.
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
It was quite telling when he dredged up that headline regarding Jews in Britain in 1911 and compared it to the modern headlines. And when he went into a shopping centre to ask what people thought of the Muslim headlines having replaced the word 'Muslim' with 'Jew' or 'Black'.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2008-07-07 13:16:23)


m3thod wrote:

m3thod wrote:

Braddock wrote:

^^^ Kind of ironic that Muslims would be labeled unclean on unsanitary when cleanliness is such an important part of their everyday life.

I've heard you even have to move to the back of the room if you fart while praying in a mosque...can anyone clarify that for me...m3thod!?
You're more likely to get a slap.

If you fart you have broken Wudhu and therefore have to go wash again.

Here is the process of Wudhu in a nice bbc photo gallery...they seem to miss the part where you have to wash you arse, cock and balls for some reason which you do first by the way.

You also have to make sure you have Wudhu when you handle the Quran.

you're right about the cleanliness bit given you have to prayer 5 times a day, you will wash 5 times a day too.
That's what it was...the guy had to go outside and wash again not move to the back. Saw it on a documentary years ago, details were a bit fuzzy...especially the details regarding cock, arse and balls!

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