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+177|6914|United States
On my house, we have Solar Tubes which heat the house and provide all hot water.

Guess how much it cost us to heat our house last winter?

prince of insufficient light

max wrote:

I'd rather have fusion reactors, but sadly they don't exist in real life.
Fusion reactors very much do exist in real life, outside of stars.

max wrote:

of course they are. All you ever hear are horror stories. Add to this that people have no idea how nuclear fission works. It's natural to be scared of things you don't understand. Hardly anyone does what I do. I STFU if I don't know know how something works. That's why I'll never tell you how to knit properly...
Nuclear power plants are still a risky business, look at Chernobyl, and closer to home, Three Mile Island. I agree Nuclear power is at the very least one way, if not the primary way forward in electricity production from alternative energy, but it is stupid to not recognize its downfalls.
+151|6403|NSW, Australia

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

Kangaroos? Do you have any personal experience? They're treated like pests in Austrailia, there must be a reason why, not to mention the problems with moving species around to places they are not meant to be. As an an environmental advocate you must know that.
yes i do, some are treated like pests, some arent. they eat farmers crops so we shoot them, but in other places theyre fine.
the meat is like 100% no fat
tastes good too
+429|6620|Chicago, IL


not in the foreseeable future (or maybe ever), it cannot be created in even atomic quantities, and cannot be stored for any duration of time (it would annihilate the container walls, and therefore must be magnetically suspended in a pure vacuum).

Is kangaroo any good?
Damn, I... had something for this
+725|6613|Brisbane, Australia

Kangaroo isnt too bad, it is stragne at first cause it looks like beef but has a very differnt texture.

I found it eatable and I am the pickiest eater I know.
Steve Irwin Reincarnate

TimmmmaaaaH wrote:

Kangaroo isnt too bad, it is stragne at first cause it looks like beef but has a very differnt texture.

I found it eatable and I am the pickiest eater I know.
It can be sorta stringy in places
Blademaster's bottom bitch
+387|6393|Phoenix, AZ
Kangaroo burgers... *om nom nom*
Save the BlobFish!
Kangaroo is great meat , only thing is that they are a bugger to fence in as they easily jump 6ft fences ( and higher). Good tucker though.
I am THE Frodo Baggins.
+124|6572|6 feet under

CapnNismo wrote:

3) Solar technology - it's becoming cheaper and cheaper. There is a cell phone coming out with built in panels to charge itself. You can buy various models of solar chargers that are portable and connect to mp3 players, phones, etc. Numerous governments are giving out subsidies to citizens that buy solar panels for their homes. The technology is only getting better.

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

Solar panels on small gadgets aren't going to make a lick of difference on a large scale. Home solar systems are a little better, but the only time solar energy is really efficient enough is on solar farms.
Not nessicilarly, my dad has a friend who solar paneled his home and ends up selling energy back to the energy company for extra cash.

Last edited by theit57 (2008-07-04 22:36:19)

Blademaster's bottom bitch
+387|6393|Phoenix, AZ

theit57 wrote:

CapnNismo wrote:

3) Solar technology - it's becoming cheaper and cheaper. There is a cell phone coming out with built in panels to charge itself. You can buy various models of solar chargers that are portable and connect to mp3 players, phones, etc. Numerous governments are giving out subsidies to citizens that buy solar panels for their homes. The technology is only getting better.

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

Solar panels on small gadgets aren't going to make a lick of difference on a large scale. Home solar systems are a little better, but the only time solar energy is really efficient enough is on solar farms.
Not nessicilarly, my dad has a friend who solar paneled his home and ends up selling energy back to the energy company for extra cash.
Yeah people in AZ have their roofs covered in solar panels (always sunny, usually no clouds)   and yes they put power ON the grid and the company PAYS them
prince of insufficient light

theit57 wrote:

CapnNismo wrote:

3) Solar technology - it's becoming cheaper and cheaper. There is a cell phone coming out with built in panels to charge itself. You can buy various models of solar chargers that are portable and connect to mp3 players, phones, etc. Numerous governments are giving out subsidies to citizens that buy solar panels for their homes. The technology is only getting better.

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

Solar panels on small gadgets aren't going to make a lick of difference on a large scale. Home solar systems are a little better, but the only time solar energy is really efficient enough is on solar farms.
Not nessicilarly, my dad has a friend who solar paneled his home and ends up selling energy back to the energy company for extra cash.

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

First of all, the cost for a solar system is still very, very high, namely in the battery storage necessary. Second, though at peak production times you may be able to sell electricity back to the grid depending on your setup, you don't have any production at night or on poor weather days. Without government subsidies solar energy in the residential sector isn't feasible, and even with subsidies the cost is still high.
woo reading

To Godfather, even if there is little weather to worry about, there is still 12 hours of zero production at night. I don't know about you guys, but I'm sitting here typing this at 1:13, and I know my computer, our dishwasher, and our air conditioning are all on.

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

I have radiant barrier + insulation (R-30 maybe). It makes a difference. The cost for cooling my 2k+ sqft house is the same as my old apt. It was half the size.
Yeah, radiant barrier, that's what the stuff is called. We got that put in and additional foam insulation in our attics and it about halved our cooling costs I believe.

CapnNismo wrote:

Source for point #1: … han-prius/

The Hummer will last longer than the Prius. Toyota says the Prius's battery will last 100k miles. Search around for more corroboration.
Besides talking about a Hummer and not a Land Rover, your "source" is titled "Questionable report claims Hummer is greener than Prius". lol

CapnNismo wrote:

#2: Kangaroos are overpopulated in Australia. They can live just about anywhere and survive on just about any plant. Look at the Outback for crying out loud. When Australian farmers go out and shoot the Roos, they leave the bodies to just rot more often than not. That's perfectly good meat that could be put on the market and turn an easy profit. Kangaroo meat is almost 100% total "natural". There was one thing keeping them from that classification, but I can't remember what it was, but it was trivial. But the kangaroo is a free range animal and doesn't require much in the way of tending. Just a fence and enough grass and whatever to eat and water to drink.
So what makes them different from cattle? You have almost perfectly described cattle in the central U.S. Kangaroos still shit.

CapnNismo wrote:

#3: Maybe from person to person, but what if everything was moved to solar? Imagine the impact. In the personal home, you can take an electrical bill to almost NOTHING with solar cells.

First of all, the cost for a solar system is still very, very high, namely in the battery storage necessary. Second, though at peak production times you may be able to sell electricity back to the grid depending on your setup, you don't have any production at night or on poor weather days. Without government subsidies solar energy in the residential sector isn't feasible, and even with subsidies the cost is still high.

CapnNismo wrote:

#4: Then use water energy or solar if you can't use wind.
So the people in an apartment are going to build a dam in their sink for their power? Stick a solar panel on the window? I'm going to build a line from my house to the nearby creek?

CapnNismo wrote:

#5: This house isn't even finished being built, yet. But he's moving in during the winter. Supposedly it harnesses all ambient heat and redirects it around the house. The guy runs a heating and cooling and plumbing business and he's self-installed everything. I know the man, he knows his shit.
I would be interested in the performance in semi-extreme seasons.

CapnNismo wrote:

#7: It's in the future. LHC?
Is designed to look for very exotic particles that we have no expectation in the foreseeable future to have a practice purpose for. Putting our hope in advanced experimental physics to solve our energy problems later is irresponsible.
I did just read an article that was saying the amount destruction to the environment due to nickel mining, exceeds the amount a normal gas car will produce in it's expected lifetime.  Let me see if I can find it.  I do know that nickel mining is really harsh and hard on the environment.
.yag era uoy fi siht deaR
Burn plastic, Drive blown V8's, Breed cows and leave every light on in house. Get that shit over and done with.
+319|6565|Southern California

Blehm98 wrote:

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

Blehm98 wrote:

positive net energy reaction...using dark energy would be nice
Energy goes in ---> moar energies come out, plus sum heliums

ZPM from stargate, that's dark energy i believe

edit: fusion reactors for the moment take more energy to run than they produce, resulting in a net energy production that is negative
Hahahaha..... ahahahhahaa..

Please, just punch your self in the face, really really hard.


"ZPM from stargate, that's dark energy i believe

Vela Incident
+1,652|6741|NYC / Hamburg

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

max wrote:

I'd rather have fusion reactors, but sadly they don't exist in real life.
Fusion reactors very much do exist in real life, outside of stars.
yeah, we call them nukes

max wrote:

of course they are. All you ever hear are horror stories. Add to this that people have no idea how nuclear fission works. It's natural to be scared of things you don't understand. Hardly anyone does what I do. I STFU if I don't know know how something works. That's why I'll never tell you how to knit properly...
Nuclear power plants are still a risky business, look at Chernobyl, and closer to home, Three Mile Island. I agree Nuclear power is at the very least one way, if not the primary way forward in electricity production from alternative energy, but it is stupid to not recognize its downfalls.
True. Since then reactor designs have evolved a lot. With modern reactors these accidents could be avoided. I'd certainly rather have the first world continue develop new designs instead of the Chinese, the north Koreans or the Iranians while we me futile efforts to set up a couple of windmills. In the end we need a something that can provide us with loads of reliable energy. With our technical knowledge you can either burn something or use nuclear power. All other sources won't solve our problem and themselves aren't without drawbacks. I would rather run the low risk of the Nuclear Plants than to burn coal with their huge environmental impact.
once upon a midnight dreary, while i pron surfed, weak and weary, over many a strange and spurious site of ' hot  xxx galore'. While i clicked my fav'rite bookmark, suddenly there came a warning, and my heart was filled with mourning, mourning for my dear amour, " 'Tis not possible!", i muttered, " give me back my free hardcore!"..... quoth the server, 404.
Maybe we should put treadmill generators in our cellars, so that our daughters can do something productive during the day rather than just sitting round getting fat?
Vela Incident
+1,652|6741|NYC / Hamburg

Pubic wrote:

Maybe we should put treadmill generators in our cellars, so that our daughters can do something productive during the day rather than just sitting round getting fat?
daughters locked up in cellars. I like your thinking
once upon a midnight dreary, while i pron surfed, weak and weary, over many a strange and spurious site of ' hot  xxx galore'. While i clicked my fav'rite bookmark, suddenly there came a warning, and my heart was filled with mourning, mourning for my dear amour, " 'Tis not possible!", i muttered, " give me back my free hardcore!"..... quoth the server, 404.
I can haz titanium paancakez?

max wrote:

Pubic wrote:

Maybe we should put treadmill generators in our cellars, so that our daughters can do something productive during the day rather than just sitting round getting fat?
daughters locked up in cellars. I like your thinking
That basement thing has already been pioneered here in Austria ...

That link for the cars was the only one I could find. The Hummer and the Discovery are both used interchangeably a lot with that discussion. Now that the Hummer H1 is no longer in production, the Discovery is Greenpeace's latest target. I wish I could find the original report that I found, because it is rather interesting. But comparing the actual operational lives of the two vehicles is what they did. It's not my fault that the blogger that wrote that summary is a fucking idiot.

Kangaroo meat is ten times healthier than beef. Like a member said, virtually no fat. They can be considered almost "100% Natural" under the various government regulations because they're a free roaming animal. They're not kept in barns and cages and whatnot. Just turn them loose onto the field and let them run around and just live. It's also not only manure where all the gases come from. Cattle fart a lot and they do produce more than your average animal.

Solar is very feasible. There are more efficient nanotech models running through testing and advanced R&D at the moment. The CEO of Google (or maybe his 2nd, but pretty sure the CEO) is helping to fund a lot of it. That stuff is supposed to bring up the efficiency of the systems by a rather high number ... I really need to keep these magazines or sites where I am reading this crap ...

Once again, when you don't have favorable weather, you have BATTERIES. Or you can fall back on a city grid if you can't meet your own energy requirements for a short time period. But the Sun is pretty much always there. And in the night, how much of those 12 hours are you really using electricity??? Come on, you may not be producing, but you're not using it, either.

And the fact that you can sell the energy back to the rest of the community alone is worth something, dude. That helps pad the expense of the solar panels. Not only do the subsidies help, but there are tax breaks along with it. Like when the various hybrids came out in the USA the US govt was handing out rather large tax breaks in the beginning to folks who bought them. But the cost of new technology is always high. Look how expensive a PC used to be back in the day. Now they're so cheap that if it breaks, just take it to the local recycling center and go buy a new one!

Why does it have to be a single apartment building to harness the power of a windmill or a river? You build one thing that a whole group of people can live off of. Most settlements are all built around running water, chief. Hell, it's not like the Dutch are really doing anything with theirs at the moment ...

When this townhouse/apartment I am referring to is finished, I'll remember to compare the costs of the house I live in compared to his and we'll see what they're like.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Save Water. Drink Beer.
prince of insufficient light

max wrote:

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

max wrote:

I'd rather have fusion reactors, but sadly they don't exist in real life.
Fusion reactors very much do exist in real life, outside of stars.
yeah, we call them nukes
Agreed with the rest though.
i g

prince of insufficient light

CapnNismo wrote:

That link for the cars was the only one I could find. The Hummer and the Discovery are both used interchangeably a lot with that discussion. Now that the Hummer H1 is no longer in production, the Discovery is Greenpeace's latest target. I wish I could find the original report that I found, because it is rather interesting. But comparing the actual operational lives of the two vehicles is what they did. It's not my fault that the blogger that wrote that summary is a fucking idiot.
AOL is a stupid blogger?

CapnNismo wrote:

Kangaroo meat is ten times healthier than beef. Like a member said, virtually no fat. They can be considered almost "100% Natural" under the various government regulations because they're a free roaming animal. They're not kept in barns and cages and whatnot. Just turn them loose onto the field and let them run around and just live. It's also not only manure where all the gases come from. Cattle fart a lot and they do produce more than your average animal.
I would like to see how little fat the kangaroo has and how much it farts when kept in a ranch. Big lifestyle difference.

CapnNismo wrote:

Solar is very feasible. There are more efficient nanotech models running through testing and advanced R&D at the moment. The CEO of Google (or maybe his 2nd, but pretty sure the CEO) is helping to fund a lot of it. That stuff is supposed to bring up the efficiency of the systems by a rather high number ... I really need to keep these magazines or sites where I am reading this crap ...
A stamping method has gotten the efficiency to around ~40%, up from around 10% on a typical solar panel. That efficiency is still very low, and panels with higher efficiency usually have a prohibitively high production cost.

CapnNismo wrote:

Once again, when you don't have favorable weather, you have BATTERIES. Or you can fall back on a city grid if you can't meet your own energy requirements for a short time period. But the Sun is pretty much always there. And in the night, how much of those 12 hours are you really using electricity??? Come on, you may not be producing, but you're not using it, either.
You have to have batteries in the system no matter what, I said that in this thread, but batteries are very expensive. Falling back on the grid is fine for what most people are looking for, but the new alternative source of energy can't just "fall back" on coal power plants.

We actually do quite a bit after dark, the whole family is usually watching tv, lights on, computers on and such until at least 9. Last night I had my computer on until 2. During the winter we usually haven't even eaten dinner by the time dark falls.

CapnNismo wrote:

And the fact that you can sell the energy back to the rest of the community alone is worth something, dude. That helps pad the expense of the solar panels. Not only do the subsidies help, but there are tax breaks along with it. Like when the various hybrids came out in the USA the US govt was handing out rather large tax breaks in the beginning to folks who bought them. But the cost of new technology is always high. Look how expensive a PC used to be back in the day. Now they're so cheap that if it breaks, just take it to the local recycling center and go buy a new one!
I really, really doubt he is getting that much money back from the power company. Significantly less than $100. If not, he must have very sunny conditions and moderate weather so his heating/cooling isn't running very much.

PCs are still expensive, the half decent ones. I don't know about you, but if mine broke, I would definitely try to fix it.

CapnNismo wrote:

Why does it have to be a single apartment building to harness the power of a windmill or a river? You build one thing that a whole group of people can live off of. Most settlements are all built around running water, chief. Hell, it's not like the Dutch are really doing anything with theirs at the moment ...
Good luck convincing the urbanized countries of the West to move people out into villages to "harness the power of a windmill or a river"

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