OK, so there are people always telling us how to save the environment. I've come up with a list of things the world (and individuals) can do to help out:

1) Boycott hybrid technology. The production of those cars produces more pollution than a Land Rover Discovery (tis true!)

2) Stop eating sheep and beef. We need kangaroos to flourish across the world. Sheep and cattle are responsible for roughly 25% of greenhouse gas production in the world. Fine, keep the cows for the dairy and the sheep for the wool - but stop eating the fat shits. Poultry and kangaroo meats are leaner, easier to raise (kangaroos are a cinch, just let em run around), and neither animal produces that much greenhouse gas. Kiwis - I guess you can all keep a sheep for fornication, but put a balloon over the fun-hole when you're not using it, OK?

3) Solar technology - it's becoming cheaper and cheaper. There is a cell phone coming out with built in panels to charge itself. You can buy various models of solar chargers that are portable and connect to mp3 players, phones, etc. Numerous governments are giving out subsidies to citizens that buy solar panels for their homes. The technology is only getting better.

4) Wind energy - totally natural. The wind blows. Use it? The Dutch did for their grain and water management. Why can't we for the TV?

5) More efficient heating and cooling systems - Most of us here are all young and will be buying or building houses in the next 10 years. My girlfriend's mother's boyfriend has built a house that uses passive heating and cooling. The ducts trap the heat and redistribute it around the house and the same with cooling. I wish I knew the name of it in English, but maybe one of you fellow nerds can find it. Really trick stuff. But basically, he doesn't have a single heating unit in the entire house. Really cool.

6) Simplest of them all - throw your fucking trash away and recycle when you can.

7) Anti-matter - nuff said.

Not sure what else. Add to it, though.
+2,187|6741|Mountains of NC
+233|5964|Dublin, Ohio
stay off the internet and stop playing video games and ipods that waste elec and money??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
God Save the Queen
+628|6516|tropical regions of london
+233|5964|Dublin, Ohio

fucking awesome

usmarine2 wrote:

stay off the internet and stop playing video games and ipods that waste elec and money??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

I vote we keep consuming at alarming rates until science perfects methods that require no user interaction. There's no room in my decadent lifestyle for worrying about future generations.
+233|5964|Dublin, Ohio

mikkel wrote:

usmarine2 wrote:

stay off the internet and stop playing video games and ipods that waste elec and money??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

I vote we keep consuming at alarming rates until science perfects methods that require no user interaction. There's no room in my decadent lifestyle for worrying about future generations.
turn off you computer then.

usmarine2 wrote:

mikkel wrote:

usmarine2 wrote:

stay off the internet and stop playing video games and ipods that waste elec and money??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

I vote we keep consuming at alarming rates until science perfects methods that require no user interaction. There's no room in my decadent lifestyle for worrying about future generations.
turn off you computer then.
There's no room in my decadent lifestyle for changing my environmentally destructive habits, either.
prince of insufficient light

CapnNismo wrote:

1) Boycott hybrid technology. The production of those cars produces more pollution than a Land Rover Discovery (tis true!)
I've heard this before. I need a source.

CapnNismo wrote:

2) Stop eating sheep and beef. We need kangaroos to flourish across the world. Sheep and cattle are responsible for roughly 25% of greenhouse gas production in the world. Fine, keep the cows for the dairy and the sheep for the wool - but stop eating the fat shits. Poultry and kangaroo meats are leaner, easier to raise (kangaroos are a cinch, just let em run around), and neither animal produces that much greenhouse gas. Kiwis - I guess you can all keep a sheep for fornication, but put a balloon over the fun-hole when you're not using it, OK?
Kangaroos? Do you have any personal experience? They're treated like pests in Austrailia, there must be a reason why, not to mention the problems with moving species around to places they are not meant to be. As an an environmental advocate you must know that.

The greenhouse gases come primarily from the manure, which can be used as a fertilizer, and it is a problem you are going to have with any animal farm.

CapnNismo wrote:

3) Solar technology - it's becoming cheaper and cheaper. There is a cell phone coming out with built in panels to charge itself. You can buy various models of solar chargers that are portable and connect to mp3 players, phones, etc. Numerous governments are giving out subsidies to citizens that buy solar panels for their homes. The technology is only getting better.
Solar panels on small gadgets aren't going to make a lick of difference on a large scale. Home solar systems are a little better, but the only time solar energy is really efficient enough is on solar farms.

CapnNismo wrote:

4) Wind energy - totally natural. The wind blows. Use it? The Dutch did for their grain and water management. Why can't we for the TV?
Because most of us don't live in places where it is a reliable form of energy. Places where the wind just doesn't blow, tall buildings everywhere, and if you're in an apartment forget it.

CapnNismo wrote:

5) More efficient heating and cooling systems - Most of us here are all young and will be buying or building houses in the next 10 years. My girlfriend's mother's boyfriend has built a house that uses passive heating and cooling. The ducts trap the heat and redistribute it around the house and the same with cooling. I wish I knew the name of it in English, but maybe one of you fellow nerds can find it. Really trick stuff. But basically, he doesn't have a single heating unit in the entire house. Really cool.
Efficient heating and cooling is a must, and there are lots of different kinda out there. The problem with some of them is they don't work so well, has that house gone through a full year of being lived in?

A better thing to look at is good insulation. Foam insulation is easier to put in than the traditional pink stuff and much more effective, and there are window screens you can have put on that will dramatically reduce your heating and cooling costs by blocking the majority of radiant heat from the sun. (it has made a big difference in our home)

CapnNismo wrote:

6) Simplest of them all - throw your fucking trash away and recycle when you can.

CapnNismo wrote:

7) Anti-matter - nuff said.

About as feasible as fusion reactors.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6774|132 and Bush

I have radiant barrier + insulation (R-30 maybe). It makes a difference. The cost for cooling my 2k+ sqft house is the same as my old apt. It was half the size.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Source for point #1: … han-prius/

The Hummer will last longer than the Prius. Toyota says the Prius's battery will last 100k miles. Search around for more corroboration.

#2: Kangaroos are overpopulated in Australia. They can live just about anywhere and survive on just about any plant. Look at the Outback for crying out loud. When Australian farmers go out and shoot the Roos, they leave the bodies to just rot more often than not. That's perfectly good meat that could be put on the market and turn an easy profit. Kangaroo meat is almost 100% total "natural". There was one thing keeping them from that classification, but I can't remember what it was, but it was trivial. But the kangaroo is a free range animal and doesn't require much in the way of tending. Just a fence and enough grass and whatever to eat and water to drink.

#3: Maybe from person to person, but what if everything was moved to solar? Imagine the impact. In the personal home, you can take an electrical bill to almost NOTHING with solar cells.

#4: Then use water energy or solar if you can't use wind.

#5: This house isn't even finished being built, yet. But he's moving in during the winter. Supposedly it harnesses all ambient heat and redirects it around the house. The guy runs a heating and cooling and plumbing business and he's self-installed everything. I know the man, he knows his shit.

#7: It's in the future. LHC?
prince of insufficient light

Kmarion wrote:

I have radiant barrier + insulation (R-30 maybe). It makes a difference. The cost for cooling my 2k+ sqft house is the same as my old apt. It was half the size.
Yeah, radiant barrier, that's what the stuff is called. We got that put in and additional foam insulation in our attics and it about halved our cooling costs I believe.

CapnNismo wrote:

Source for point #1: … han-prius/

The Hummer will last longer than the Prius. Toyota says the Prius's battery will last 100k miles. Search around for more corroboration.
Besides talking about a Hummer and not a Land Rover, your "source" is titled "Questionable report claims Hummer is greener than Prius". lol

CapnNismo wrote:

#2: Kangaroos are overpopulated in Australia. They can live just about anywhere and survive on just about any plant. Look at the Outback for crying out loud. When Australian farmers go out and shoot the Roos, they leave the bodies to just rot more often than not. That's perfectly good meat that could be put on the market and turn an easy profit. Kangaroo meat is almost 100% total "natural". There was one thing keeping them from that classification, but I can't remember what it was, but it was trivial. But the kangaroo is a free range animal and doesn't require much in the way of tending. Just a fence and enough grass and whatever to eat and water to drink.
So what makes them different from cattle? You have almost perfectly described cattle in the central U.S. Kangaroos still shit.

CapnNismo wrote:

#3: Maybe from person to person, but what if everything was moved to solar? Imagine the impact. In the personal home, you can take an electrical bill to almost NOTHING with solar cells.

First of all, the cost for a solar system is still very, very high, namely in the battery storage necessary. Second, though at peak production times you may be able to sell electricity back to the grid depending on your setup, you don't have any production at night or on poor weather days. Without government subsidies solar energy in the residential sector isn't feasible, and even with subsidies the cost is still high.

CapnNismo wrote:

#4: Then use water energy or solar if you can't use wind.
So the people in an apartment are going to build a dam in their sink for their power? Stick a solar panel on the window? I'm going to build a line from my house to the nearby creek?

CapnNismo wrote:

#5: This house isn't even finished being built, yet. But he's moving in during the winter. Supposedly it harnesses all ambient heat and redirects it around the house. The guy runs a heating and cooling and plumbing business and he's self-installed everything. I know the man, he knows his shit.
I would be interested in the performance in semi-extreme seasons.

CapnNismo wrote:

#7: It's in the future. LHC?
Is designed to look for very exotic particles that we have no expectation in the foreseeable future to have a practice purpose for. Putting our hope in advanced experimental physics to solve our energy problems later is irresponsible.
+3,936|6673|so randum
A nice start would be using Nuclear power tbh.
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
conservative hatemonger
1) Go to stanford or berkely and get a degree in particle/nuclear physics

2) Develop a working fusion reactor with a positive net energy reaction


Middle east will go bankrupt, all electricity will be dirt cheap, construction will probably half or quarter in price at least, etc etc
not too terribly complicated

of course using dark energy would be nice... astrophysics ftw
prince of insufficient light

Blehm98 wrote:

positive net energy reaction...using dark energy would be nice
conservative hatemonger

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

Blehm98 wrote:

positive net energy reaction...using dark energy would be nice
Energy goes in ---> moar energies come out, plus sum heliums

ZPM from stargate, that's dark energy i believe

edit: fusion reactors for the moment take more energy to run than they produce, resulting in a net energy production that is negative

Last edited by Blehm98 (2008-07-04 16:02:52)

has joined the GOP
just attach two simple devices to harness your own body power: the first one is a metal thing that straps to your dick and the other one is another metal thing (which generates electricity and sends it down a copper line to a battery) inside your wife/girlfriend/mother/sister/cousin/aunt/animal sex parter's vagina/asshole. sex powered ipods ftw!

seriously though, its all about solar with wind and tidal to top it off.
Vela Incident
+1,652|6741|NYC / Hamburg

I have a really nice and easy way to protect the environment. It's called nuclear power. It's cheap and causes no emissions. That way I can waste as much electricity as I want on heating/cooling, PCs, etc. without having to feel bad about it ...
once upon a midnight dreary, while i pron surfed, weak and weary, over many a strange and spurious site of ' hot  xxx galore'. While i clicked my fav'rite bookmark, suddenly there came a warning, and my heart was filled with mourning, mourning for my dear amour, " 'Tis not possible!", i muttered, " give me back my free hardcore!"..... quoth the server, 404.
prince of insufficient light

Blehm98 wrote:

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

Blehm98 wrote:

positive net energy reaction...using dark energy would be nice
Energy goes in ---> moar energies come out, plus sum heliums

ZPM from stargate, that's dark energy i believe

edit: fusion reactors for the moment take more energy to run than they produce, resulting in a net energy production that is negative
Okay, there is not such thing as a "positive net energy reaction".  Energy is neither created nor destroyed, it only changes forms. The temperature needed to create a sustainable fusion reaction is insane. The only fusion reactors right now literally fuse two particles, it's not what would be needed to make a power plant. Cold fusion is a myth.

Stargate is a show, a pretty good show, but it's bad science fiction even. Dark energy is what astrophysicists currently believe makes up about 70% of the universe, and they're using it to account for the accelerating expansion of the universe. The key property is that it acts like negative gravity, pushing outward instead of pulling inward. How you expect to harness an undetectable, possibly non-existent substance is beyond me.

max wrote:

I have a really nice and easy way to protect the environment. It's called nuclear power. It's cheap and causes no emissions. That way I can waste as much electricity as I want on heating/cooling, PCs, etc. without having to feel bad about it ...
No emissions if you don't count the radioactive waste that you can't get rid of.
You orrible caaaaaaan't
Lol my friends dad has just spent about £13000 on solar panels which will enable him to heat up his water for free. It repays itself in about 25 years of something. Wait isn't your phone going to be in your pocket most of the time?

Most of the alternative fuels are inefficient for the time being our take to long to pay back the initial cost of investing into in.

The general public are short-minded so fuck it light a nice BBQ throw some steaks on it, grab a cold one and watch the world end.

CapnNismo wrote:

That's perfectly good meat that could be put on the market and turn an easy profit. Kangaroo meat is almost 100% total "natural".
Huh? 100% natural? Huh?

Last edited by wah1188 (2008-07-04 18:47:53)

Vela Incident
+1,652|6741|NYC / Hamburg

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

max wrote:

I have a really nice and easy way to protect the environment. It's called nuclear power. It's cheap and causes no emissions. That way I can waste as much electricity as I want on heating/cooling, PCs, etc. without having to feel bad about it ...
No emissions if you don't count the radioactive waste that you can't get rid of.
there are reactor designs that minimize radioactive waste. Ofc there is still loads of room for improvement, but as running reactors across the world prove, it's not impossible to control the issue of nuclear waste.  I'd rather have fusion reactors, but sadly they don't exist in real life.

If you're really worried about it you can always remix and return. Take your waste, mix it with dirt and put it back to the mine from where it came.

Last edited by max (2008-07-04 19:00:11)

once upon a midnight dreary, while i pron surfed, weak and weary, over many a strange and spurious site of ' hot  xxx galore'. While i clicked my fav'rite bookmark, suddenly there came a warning, and my heart was filled with mourning, mourning for my dear amour, " 'Tis not possible!", i muttered, " give me back my free hardcore!"..... quoth the server, 404.
+877|6134|Washington DC
I thought they had found bacteria in Chernobyl that sort of 'ate' the alpha/beta/gamma rays?
You orrible caaaaaaan't

max wrote:

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

max wrote:

I have a really nice and easy way to protect the environment. It's called nuclear power. It's cheap and causes no emissions. That way I can waste as much electricity as I want on heating/cooling, PCs, etc. without having to feel bad about it ...
No emissions if you don't count the radioactive waste that you can't get rid of.
there are reactor designs that minimize radioactive waste. Ofc there is still loads of room for improvement, but as running reactors across the world prove, it's not impossible to control the issue of nuclear waste.  I'd rather have fusion reactors, but sadly they don't exist in real life.
People are skeptical about nuclear power because they watch The Simpsons too much.
Vela Incident
+1,652|6741|NYC / Hamburg

wah1188 wrote:

max wrote:

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

No emissions if you don't count the radioactive waste that you can't get rid of.
there are reactor designs that minimize radioactive waste. Ofc there is still loads of room for improvement, but as running reactors across the world prove, it's not impossible to control the issue of nuclear waste.  I'd rather have fusion reactors, but sadly they don't exist in real life.
People are skeptical about nuclear power because they watch The Simpsons too much.
of course they are. All you ever hear are horror stories. Add to this that people have no idea how nuclear fission works. It's natural to be scared of things you don't understand. Hardly anyone does what I do. I STFU if I don't know know how something works. That's why I'll never tell you how to knit properly...

EDIT: also let me address the meat issue. I agree that this is a problem. The emissions caused by farming are huge. However I don't really see a way around it. TBH there are just too many people on this planet. Let's nuke China and India to protect the environment

Last edited by max (2008-07-04 19:05:57)

once upon a midnight dreary, while i pron surfed, weak and weary, over many a strange and spurious site of ' hot  xxx galore'. While i clicked my fav'rite bookmark, suddenly there came a warning, and my heart was filled with mourning, mourning for my dear amour, " 'Tis not possible!", i muttered, " give me back my free hardcore!"..... quoth the server, 404.
Steve Irwin Reincarnate

Yes, please take away our Kangaroos, we have enough to go around   Fyi, the meat doesnt actually taste that bad, kind of like a mix between chicken and beef.

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