Nu7 wrote:
Racist nonsense...Racist nonsense...Racist nonsense
Thorax wrote:
Please state the historical inaccuracies in this please.
Nu7 wrote:
Slavery was great for blacks. Free food, free home, free clothes,
Are there reliable records documenting the quality of food, clothing and accommodation given to slaves during this period? If so, I'd love to see them...I can't imagine too many objective statistics bodies back in that era. Also I wouldn't describe my 'owner' being allowed to beat me as "great" in any scenario.
Nu7 wrote:
Easy work(most blacks were house help)
That's pure subjective opinion, not fact and therefore not considerable as 'accurate'. Also "most" isn't exactly an accurate amount.
Nu7 wrote:
When slavery ended, most blacks didn't want to leave their masters because they had it a lot better than the whites that were free.
Unless he can provide accurate historical information and statistics on this it is again opinion. Again, "most" isn't exactly an accurate amount.
Nu7 wrote:
There were only a few slave owners and all of them were rich men, even blacks owned blacks slaves.
"A few" isn't a very accurate amount. He claims only "a few" (yet another accurate amount!) people owned slaves and yet according to an 1860 census roughly
1 in 4 families in the Southern States had slaves...and how come he doesn't provide statistics for how many free blacks owned slaves? Is it perchance because there was nowhere near as many black slave owners as white or because many historians, such as James Oakes, claim that a lot of black slave ownership was done out of benevolence in the same way that Oscar Schindler recruited Jews to save them from labour camps and extermination?
Nu7 wrote:
There were also millions of WHITE SLAVES during that period as well and they were treated worse because they were given freedom after 7 years.
Again opinion and not fact. Why would a slave have it worse because he gets freedom after 7 years? That's like saying a prisoner with a 7 year sentance is worse off than someone serving life...utter nonsense.
And anyone who would choose to side with someone like this in an argument about race is obviously a toothless, banjo picking, redneck, simpleton.