Ok got game finished in about 9 hours i think.
Its fun at the start of the game, then about after the 3-4 level it starts to get frustrating with the enemy AI being too good crack shots, it just starts to be shoot, g launcher, duck, health needle rinse repeat.... Also lack of diversity in terrain makes it bland, except for last level.
the levels are really big, but not used to their full extent.
Vehicles were fun to use, except half of the enemy had RPGs so you were constantly repairing your tank.
Towards the end of the game it starts to feel rushed, I liked the fact you could take your time and explore the vast maps, but the last few levels make you have to rush around and complety run through towns without looking around.
Multiplayer is really good now with the unlocks, the game feels completely different with unlocks.
New maps are alrite, although i need to play them more, because im completely lost on some.
Campaign: 7
Multiplayer: 9.5
Last edited by Machine_Madness (16 years, 8 months ago)