please, post it again... i didn't see it in the other 5 postsGrasli wrote:
Stay positive guys.. Dont you want a new patch that fixes MANY things, as well as adding a few new more things?
IMO, I hope these things are being adressed (Please EA/DICE ):
* Implement the "Highway Tampa" map in the patch
* Fix server info bug (server name/ip not always showing on the loading screen and on the "Server info" tab on scoreboard)
* CTD when picking up a kit
* SQUAD BUG - No squads can be made, or only 1-2 can be made. To fix this, the server have to be restarted ..
* Balance the J-10 vs F-35b
* Add Widescreen support?
Please EA/DICE, I hope you read this and I hope you fix those issues.. If you do, DAMN I WILL LOVE YOU!! You are the best game developers out there, you can do this! Battlefield2 rocks! It is the best game ever!
So, stay positive guys and wait for Monday, 23. June
I bet it will be both a patch and info on BF3. I'd take the BF3 info over the patch any day.
Originally Posted by Sir. Blackhawk5
I have some exiting news for you guys. Dice is coming out with the ultimate and final patch for Battlefield 2. Note that this information has not been released, I have gotten hands of this and now released to the public! Here are the changes made:
Increased armor on the J-10: Dice has gotten so many complaints of Chinese pilots getting owned by the 1337 JSF h4x pilots that here at DICE we will be increasing the armor of the J10 to equal the jet balance.
Carriers are now Drivable: That’s right, you heard. This is what all have been waiting for. Now sailors can operate the aircraft carrier and drive it around maps. Don’t worry about inexperienced players beaching the vessel. Well that’s no more with new and improved way to avoid beaching. When the carrier hits land it will automatically form boosters on its hull, making it able to hover.
Decrease splash damage on the Blackhawk: Now that the Blackhawk has been too overpowered due to the 1.22 patch, we will decrease the splash damage of the mini-guns, so that it fires harmless paintballs, and an occasional bullet. Now the mini-guns will overheat after firing it for 2 seconds. Still think this is still unrealistic? Now the Blackhawk can only take off with 1 or less persons. Too much weight in the compartments will not make it take off.
C4 Damage: Here at Dice we have received many complaints of the C4 exploit. Now we decreased the amount of damage so instead of plastic explosives, it will now explode harmless dust. We know that dozens of Battlefield 2 players complained that they have been killed by C4 strapped on a vehicle. It’s now no more. If somehow, Battlefield 2 players get through this, there is a delay on the detonator. After you click on the detonator, it will only detonate after 2 rounds have completed.
Water Damage: Since the beginning of the game, DICE has received numerous complaints about players getting killed when making a wrong turn into a body of water. Now this is no more. In the case of driving into water, the trunk will automatically pop out propellers and can get across safely.
Battlefield 2 modifications are now illegal: There has been a shortage of players during the past months. DICE has found out the reason. Battlefield 2 players have downloaded modifications (we call it 3rd party hacks). Such modifications that are included in the list are: Point of existence 2, Battle racer, United States Intervention, Nations at War, Sir. Mod, Sandbox, Project Reality mini-Mod, Surreal mod, Operation Peacekeeper, Battle-paint, Desert Conflict, and more to name. Any player found playing any modification will be warned, 2nd time caught will have their CD-Keys banned. We can not have a shortage in players or it will hurt EA badly.
Grenade Launcher: We have had so many complaints about the grenade launcher, that the damage is now greater than ever, best effective at ranger between 0-5 feet. Also now assault classes will have 20 grenades.
Claymores: Claymores will now stay there until the round is finished. It can not be destroyed. DICE has received many complaints from fellow Battlefield2 players that their claymores disappear after a period of 10 minutes. This will be fixed. Also snipers will now have 9 claymores as it would be easier to set traps around his hiding spot, so he’ll stay safe.
M95: The M95 will have more damage. That means it takes 1 shot to destroy a helicopter and 2 shots to kill a tank. Also it takes 5 shots to kill an infantry and 9 shots to kill an enemy sniper. It will be changed to semi-auto and snipers will now have 8 magazines for the gun.Now all sniper rifiles will shoot rubber bullets and a huge muzzleflash, that it can be seen and heared all throught the map.
Hand Grenades: Hand grenades will have more damage radius. Anyone standing within a radius of 20 feet from the grenade will be killed. Also players will have 20 hand grenades. New feature allows throwing the grenade by ripping the pin by your teeth.
Ammo/First Aid bags: Now medics/support will have 20 ammo/first aid bags and be able to aid someone in half a second.
Anti-Tank: The firing rate of SRAW/ERX/RPG will now be changed to semi auto (3 times per second). Numerous complaints from Battlefield 2 players stated that it takes too long for Anti-Tank personnel to destroy a tank. The anti tank will have 999 rockets.
TV guided missile: So many complaints from DICE, of the TV missile being too powerful, here at DICE we have decided to decrease the damage so that it is the same damage as an anti tank rocket. If this is still unrealistic, DICE has made it so that attack helicopters are equipped with 1 missile, and are unguided.
Engineer: The engineers will have the same guns; aside we will be changing the wrench. To make it more realistic, engineers will not have the ability to repair a commander asset, vehicle, or mine. Instead, the wrench is used as an anti-infantry weapon, knocking enemy players out and killing them.
Maps: Since some maps are too much exploited, we here at DICE will be changing the map cycle. We will remove ‘Strike at Karkand’ and ‘Wake Island 2007’. We will replace them with ‘Strike at Karkand 2’. Strike at Karkand 2 is a rural map, very similar to Zatar wetlands, where a small tin shack in the middle of the map contains vital materials for both sides. USMC and MEC fight their way to the shack in order to claim the materials. ‘Wake Island 2007.5’ will not look like Wake Island at all. Instead, it will be in the middle of China with no water. It contains a vital gold, in which both sides can turn the gold into bullets.
New Awards:
Basic Team-kill badge: 5 teamkills IAR, 15 global teamkills
Veteran Team-kill badge: 10 teamkills IAR, 30 global teamkills
Expert Team-kill badge: 20 teamkills IAR, 100 global teamkills
Legion of Dishonor Badge: Basic teamkill badge, Veteran teamkill badge, Expert teamkill badge, 250 global punishes for teamkills.
Basic Shock-Paddle badge: 5 kills with a shock paddle IAR
Veteran Shock-Paddle badge: 10 kills with a shock paddle IAR, 30 global shock paddle kills.
Expert Shock-Paddle Badge: 30 kills with a shock paddle IAR, 250 global shock paddle kills.
New rank: The 5 star general (Supreme-Allied Commander) will be the highest rank earned in Battlefield 2. You must have 1,000,000 global points, and all the awards earned.
Squad hopping exploit: The squad-hopping exploit is still going on in Battlefield 2. To put a stop to it, DICE has disabled the uses of squads. That means everybody is a lonewolf or commander.
Illegal servers: We have seen many Battlefield 2 players playing on ‘knife and pistol’ servers. We banned only a small number of them, but they keep coming. Here at DICE, we decided to remove the Knife and the pistol from the weapons.
Artillery: Artillery will now have 50 cannons on each side, to provide a deadly artillery strike in maps. Any player within 1 mile diameter from the strike, will be killed immediately by the strike.
Wall Hacks: Numbers of players are hacking the files or using glitches to go inside buildings. Now it is easier for them to, once you walk to the door, press shift and you are inside the building.
I have some exiting news for you guys. Dice is coming out with the ultimate and final patch for Battlefield 2. Note that this information has not been released, I have gotten hands of this and now released to the public! Here are the changes made:
Increased armor on the J-10: Dice has gotten so many complaints of Chinese pilots getting owned by the 1337 JSF h4x pilots that here at DICE we will be increasing the armor of the J10 to equal the jet balance.
Carriers are now Drivable: That’s right, you heard. This is what all have been waiting for. Now sailors can operate the aircraft carrier and drive it around maps. Don’t worry about inexperienced players beaching the vessel. Well that’s no more with new and improved way to avoid beaching. When the carrier hits land it will automatically form boosters on its hull, making it able to hover.
Decrease splash damage on the Blackhawk: Now that the Blackhawk has been too overpowered due to the 1.22 patch, we will decrease the splash damage of the mini-guns, so that it fires harmless paintballs, and an occasional bullet. Now the mini-guns will overheat after firing it for 2 seconds. Still think this is still unrealistic? Now the Blackhawk can only take off with 1 or less persons. Too much weight in the compartments will not make it take off.
C4 Damage: Here at Dice we have received many complaints of the C4 exploit. Now we decreased the amount of damage so instead of plastic explosives, it will now explode harmless dust. We know that dozens of Battlefield 2 players complained that they have been killed by C4 strapped on a vehicle. It’s now no more. If somehow, Battlefield 2 players get through this, there is a delay on the detonator. After you click on the detonator, it will only detonate after 2 rounds have completed.
Water Damage: Since the beginning of the game, DICE has received numerous complaints about players getting killed when making a wrong turn into a body of water. Now this is no more. In the case of driving into water, the trunk will automatically pop out propellers and can get across safely.
Battlefield 2 modifications are now illegal: There has been a shortage of players during the past months. DICE has found out the reason. Battlefield 2 players have downloaded modifications (we call it 3rd party hacks). Such modifications that are included in the list are: Point of existence 2, Battle racer, United States Intervention, Nations at War, Sir. Mod, Sandbox, Project Reality mini-Mod, Surreal mod, Operation Peacekeeper, Battle-paint, Desert Conflict, and more to name. Any player found playing any modification will be warned, 2nd time caught will have their CD-Keys banned. We can not have a shortage in players or it will hurt EA badly.
Grenade Launcher: We have had so many complaints about the grenade launcher, that the damage is now greater than ever, best effective at ranger between 0-5 feet. Also now assault classes will have 20 grenades.
Claymores: Claymores will now stay there until the round is finished. It can not be destroyed. DICE has received many complaints from fellow Battlefield2 players that their claymores disappear after a period of 10 minutes. This will be fixed. Also snipers will now have 9 claymores as it would be easier to set traps around his hiding spot, so he’ll stay safe.
M95: The M95 will have more damage. That means it takes 1 shot to destroy a helicopter and 2 shots to kill a tank. Also it takes 5 shots to kill an infantry and 9 shots to kill an enemy sniper. It will be changed to semi-auto and snipers will now have 8 magazines for the gun.Now all sniper rifiles will shoot rubber bullets and a huge muzzleflash, that it can be seen and heared all throught the map.
Hand Grenades: Hand grenades will have more damage radius. Anyone standing within a radius of 20 feet from the grenade will be killed. Also players will have 20 hand grenades. New feature allows throwing the grenade by ripping the pin by your teeth.
Ammo/First Aid bags: Now medics/support will have 20 ammo/first aid bags and be able to aid someone in half a second.
Anti-Tank: The firing rate of SRAW/ERX/RPG will now be changed to semi auto (3 times per second). Numerous complaints from Battlefield 2 players stated that it takes too long for Anti-Tank personnel to destroy a tank. The anti tank will have 999 rockets.
TV guided missile: So many complaints from DICE, of the TV missile being too powerful, here at DICE we have decided to decrease the damage so that it is the same damage as an anti tank rocket. If this is still unrealistic, DICE has made it so that attack helicopters are equipped with 1 missile, and are unguided.
Engineer: The engineers will have the same guns; aside we will be changing the wrench. To make it more realistic, engineers will not have the ability to repair a commander asset, vehicle, or mine. Instead, the wrench is used as an anti-infantry weapon, knocking enemy players out and killing them.
Maps: Since some maps are too much exploited, we here at DICE will be changing the map cycle. We will remove ‘Strike at Karkand’ and ‘Wake Island 2007’. We will replace them with ‘Strike at Karkand 2’. Strike at Karkand 2 is a rural map, very similar to Zatar wetlands, where a small tin shack in the middle of the map contains vital materials for both sides. USMC and MEC fight their way to the shack in order to claim the materials. ‘Wake Island 2007.5’ will not look like Wake Island at all. Instead, it will be in the middle of China with no water. It contains a vital gold, in which both sides can turn the gold into bullets.
New Awards:
Basic Team-kill badge: 5 teamkills IAR, 15 global teamkills
Veteran Team-kill badge: 10 teamkills IAR, 30 global teamkills
Expert Team-kill badge: 20 teamkills IAR, 100 global teamkills
Legion of Dishonor Badge: Basic teamkill badge, Veteran teamkill badge, Expert teamkill badge, 250 global punishes for teamkills.
Basic Shock-Paddle badge: 5 kills with a shock paddle IAR
Veteran Shock-Paddle badge: 10 kills with a shock paddle IAR, 30 global shock paddle kills.
Expert Shock-Paddle Badge: 30 kills with a shock paddle IAR, 250 global shock paddle kills.
New rank: The 5 star general (Supreme-Allied Commander) will be the highest rank earned in Battlefield 2. You must have 1,000,000 global points, and all the awards earned.
Squad hopping exploit: The squad-hopping exploit is still going on in Battlefield 2. To put a stop to it, DICE has disabled the uses of squads. That means everybody is a lonewolf or commander.
Illegal servers: We have seen many Battlefield 2 players playing on ‘knife and pistol’ servers. We banned only a small number of them, but they keep coming. Here at DICE, we decided to remove the Knife and the pistol from the weapons.
Artillery: Artillery will now have 50 cannons on each side, to provide a deadly artillery strike in maps. Any player within 1 mile diameter from the strike, will be killed immediately by the strike.
Wall Hacks: Numbers of players are hacking the files or using glitches to go inside buildings. Now it is easier for them to, once you walk to the door, press shift and you are inside the building.
Hopefully...Sambuccashake wrote:
I have a feeling there will be a PLA city map...
I can feel it!
you forgot the G36E now has a 1200 round magazine with deviation decreased and bullet power increased 30%VividSynergy wrote:
Originally Posted by Sir. Blackhawk5
I have some exiting news for you guys. Dice is coming out with the ultimate and final patch for Battlefield 2. Note that this information has not been released, I have gotten hands of this and now released to the public! Here are the changes made:
Increased armor on the J-10: Dice has gotten so many complaints of Chinese pilots getting owned by the 1337 JSF h4x pilots that here at DICE we will be increasing the armor of the J10 to equal the jet balance.
Carriers are now Drivable: That’s right, you heard. This is what all have been waiting for. Now sailors can operate the aircraft carrier and drive it around maps. Don’t worry about inexperienced players beaching the vessel. Well that’s no more with new and improved way to avoid beaching. When the carrier hits land it will automatically form boosters on its hull, making it able to hover.
Decrease splash damage on the Blackhawk: Now that the Blackhawk has been too overpowered due to the 1.22 patch, we will decrease the splash damage of the mini-guns, so that it fires harmless paintballs, and an occasional bullet. Now the mini-guns will overheat after firing it for 2 seconds. Still think this is still unrealistic? Now the Blackhawk can only take off with 1 or less persons. Too much weight in the compartments will not make it take off.
C4 Damage: Here at Dice we have received many complaints of the C4 exploit. Now we decreased the amount of damage so instead of plastic explosives, it will now explode harmless dust. We know that dozens of Battlefield 2 players complained that they have been killed by C4 strapped on a vehicle. It’s now no more. If somehow, Battlefield 2 players get through this, there is a delay on the detonator. After you click on the detonator, it will only detonate after 2 rounds have completed.
Water Damage: Since the beginning of the game, DICE has received numerous complaints about players getting killed when making a wrong turn into a body of water. Now this is no more. In the case of driving into water, the trunk will automatically pop out propellers and can get across safely.
Battlefield 2 modifications are now illegal: There has been a shortage of players during the past months. DICE has found out the reason. Battlefield 2 players have downloaded modifications (we call it 3rd party hacks). Such modifications that are included in the list are: Point of existence 2, Battle racer, United States Intervention, Nations at War, Sir. Mod, Sandbox, Project Reality mini-Mod, Surreal mod, Operation Peacekeeper, Battle-paint, Desert Conflict, and more to name. Any player found playing any modification will be warned, 2nd time caught will have their CD-Keys banned. We can not have a shortage in players or it will hurt EA badly.
Grenade Launcher: We have had so many complaints about the grenade launcher, that the damage is now greater than ever, best effective at ranger between 0-5 feet. Also now assault classes will have 20 grenades.
Claymores: Claymores will now stay there until the round is finished. It can not be destroyed. DICE has received many complaints from fellow Battlefield2 players that their claymores disappear after a period of 10 minutes. This will be fixed. Also snipers will now have 9 claymores as it would be easier to set traps around his hiding spot, so he’ll stay safe.
M95: The M95 will have more damage. That means it takes 1 shot to destroy a helicopter and 2 shots to kill a tank. Also it takes 5 shots to kill an infantry and 9 shots to kill an enemy sniper. It will be changed to semi-auto and snipers will now have 8 magazines for the gun.Now all sniper rifiles will shoot rubber bullets and a huge muzzleflash, that it can be seen and heared all throught the map.
Hand Grenades: Hand grenades will have more damage radius. Anyone standing within a radius of 20 feet from the grenade will be killed. Also players will have 20 hand grenades. New feature allows throwing the grenade by ripping the pin by your teeth.
Ammo/First Aid bags: Now medics/support will have 20 ammo/first aid bags and be able to aid someone in half a second.
Anti-Tank: The firing rate of SRAW/ERX/RPG will now be changed to semi auto (3 times per second). Numerous complaints from Battlefield 2 players stated that it takes too long for Anti-Tank personnel to destroy a tank. The anti tank will have 999 rockets.
TV guided missile: So many complaints from DICE, of the TV missile being too powerful, here at DICE we have decided to decrease the damage so that it is the same damage as an anti tank rocket. If this is still unrealistic, DICE has made it so that attack helicopters are equipped with 1 missile, and are unguided.
Engineer: The engineers will have the same guns; aside we will be changing the wrench. To make it more realistic, engineers will not have the ability to repair a commander asset, vehicle, or mine. Instead, the wrench is used as an anti-infantry weapon, knocking enemy players out and killing them.
Maps: Since some maps are too much exploited, we here at DICE will be changing the map cycle. We will remove ‘Strike at Karkand’ and ‘Wake Island 2007’. We will replace them with ‘Strike at Karkand 2’. Strike at Karkand 2 is a rural map, very similar to Zatar wetlands, where a small tin shack in the middle of the map contains vital materials for both sides. USMC and MEC fight their way to the shack in order to claim the materials. ‘Wake Island 2007.5’ will not look like Wake Island at all. Instead, it will be in the middle of China with no water. It contains a vital gold, in which both sides can turn the gold into bullets.
New Awards:
Basic Team-kill badge: 5 teamkills IAR, 15 global teamkills
Veteran Team-kill badge: 10 teamkills IAR, 30 global teamkills
Expert Team-kill badge: 20 teamkills IAR, 100 global teamkills
Legion of Dishonor Badge: Basic teamkill badge, Veteran teamkill badge, Expert teamkill badge, 250 global punishes for teamkills.
Basic Shock-Paddle badge: 5 kills with a shock paddle IAR
Veteran Shock-Paddle badge: 10 kills with a shock paddle IAR, 30 global shock paddle kills.
Expert Shock-Paddle Badge: 30 kills with a shock paddle IAR, 250 global shock paddle kills.
New rank: The 5 star general (Supreme-Allied Commander) will be the highest rank earned in Battlefield 2. You must have 1,000,000 global points, and all the awards earned.
Squad hopping exploit: The squad-hopping exploit is still going on in Battlefield 2. To put a stop to it, DICE has disabled the uses of squads. That means everybody is a lonewolf or commander.
Illegal servers: We have seen many Battlefield 2 players playing on ‘knife and pistol’ servers. We banned only a small number of them, but they keep coming. Here at DICE, we decided to remove the Knife and the pistol from the weapons.
Artillery: Artillery will now have 50 cannons on each side, to provide a deadly artillery strike in maps. Any player within 1 mile diameter from the strike, will be killed immediately by the strike.
Wall Hacks: Numbers of players are hacking the files or using glitches to go inside buildings. Now it is easier for them to, once you walk to the door, press shift and you are inside the building.

In other words...hand out aimbots to everyone..:ronin:.|Patton wrote:
you forgot the G36E now has a 1200 round magazine with deviation decreased and bullet power increased 30%VividSynergy wrote:
freeking long post
Ah... For gods sake, stop joking.. We are glad to hear that we might get some news about a patch for BF2.. So stop joking and stay positive.. BF2 is the best game you know...VividSynergy wrote:
Originally Posted by Sir. Blackhawk5
I have some exiting news for you guys. Dice is coming out with the ultimate and final patch for Battlefield 2. Note that this information has not been released, I have gotten hands of this and now released to the public! Here are the changes made:
Bored, are we?VividSynergy wrote:
Wall of text
Copy-paste, more like itSnake wrote:
Bored, are we?VividSynergy wrote:
Wall of text … gelog.htmlWallpaper wrote:
Copy-paste, more like itSnake wrote:
Bored, are we?VividSynergy wrote:
Wall of text
only 2 yrs old tho
VividSynergy wrote:
Originally Posted by Sir. Blackhawk5
I have some exiting news for you guys. Dice is coming out with the ultimate and final patch for Battlefield 2. Note that this information has not been released, I have gotten hands of this and now released to the public! Here are the changes made:
Increased armor on the J-10: Dice has gotten so many complaints of Chinese pilots getting owned by the 1337 JSF h4x pilots that here at DICE we will be increasing the armor of the J10 to equal the jet balance.
Carriers are now Drivable: That’s right, you heard. This is what all have been waiting for. Now sailors can operate the aircraft carrier and drive it around maps. Don’t worry about inexperienced players beaching the vessel. Well that’s no more with new and improved way to avoid beaching. When the carrier hits land it will automatically form boosters on its hull, making it able to hover.
Decrease splash damage on the Blackhawk: Now that the Blackhawk has been too overpowered due to the 1.22 patch, we will decrease the splash damage of the mini-guns, so that it fires harmless paintballs, and an occasional bullet. Now the mini-guns will overheat after firing it for 2 seconds. Still think this is still unrealistic? Now the Blackhawk can only take off with 1 or less persons. Too much weight in the compartments will not make it take off.
C4 Damage: Here at Dice we have received many complaints of the C4 exploit. Now we decreased the amount of damage so instead of plastic explosives, it will now explode harmless dust. We know that dozens of Battlefield 2 players complained that they have been killed by C4 strapped on a vehicle. It’s now no more. If somehow, Battlefield 2 players get through this, there is a delay on the detonator. After you click on the detonator, it will only detonate after 2 rounds have completed.
Water Damage: Since the beginning of the game, DICE has received numerous complaints about players getting killed when making a wrong turn into a body of water. Now this is no more. In the case of driving into water, the trunk will automatically pop out propellers and can get across safely.
Battlefield 2 modifications are now illegal: There has been a shortage of players during the past months. DICE has found out the reason. Battlefield 2 players have downloaded modifications (we call it 3rd party hacks). Such modifications that are included in the list are: Point of existence 2, Battle racer, United States Intervention, Nations at War, Sir. Mod, Sandbox, Project Reality mini-Mod, Surreal mod, Operation Peacekeeper, Battle-paint, Desert Conflict, and more to name. Any player found playing any modification will be warned, 2nd time caught will have their CD-Keys banned. We can not have a shortage in players or it will hurt EA badly.
Grenade Launcher: We have had so many complaints about the grenade launcher, that the damage is now greater than ever, best effective at ranger between 0-5 feet. Also now assault classes will have 20 grenades.
Claymores: Claymores will now stay there until the round is finished. It can not be destroyed. DICE has received many complaints from fellow Battlefield2 players that their claymores disappear after a period of 10 minutes. This will be fixed. Also snipers will now have 9 claymores as it would be easier to set traps around his hiding spot, so he’ll stay safe.
M95: The M95 will have more damage. That means it takes 1 shot to destroy a helicopter and 2 shots to kill a tank. Also it takes 5 shots to kill an infantry and 9 shots to kill an enemy sniper. It will be changed to semi-auto and snipers will now have 8 magazines for the gun.Now all sniper rifiles will shoot rubber bullets and a huge muzzleflash, that it can be seen and heared all throught the map.
Hand Grenades: Hand grenades will have more damage radius. Anyone standing within a radius of 20 feet from the grenade will be killed. Also players will have 20 hand grenades. New feature allows throwing the grenade by ripping the pin by your teeth.
Ammo/First Aid bags: Now medics/support will have 20 ammo/first aid bags and be able to aid someone in half a second.
Anti-Tank: The firing rate of SRAW/ERX/RPG will now be changed to semi auto (3 times per second). Numerous complaints from Battlefield 2 players stated that it takes too long for Anti-Tank personnel to destroy a tank. The anti tank will have 999 rockets.
TV guided missile: So many complaints from DICE, of the TV missile being too powerful, here at DICE we have decided to decrease the damage so that it is the same damage as an anti tank rocket. If this is still unrealistic, DICE has made it so that attack helicopters are equipped with 1 missile, and are unguided.
Engineer: The engineers will have the same guns; aside we will be changing the wrench. To make it more realistic, engineers will not have the ability to repair a commander asset, vehicle, or mine. Instead, the wrench is used as an anti-infantry weapon, knocking enemy players out and killing them.
Maps: Since some maps are too much exploited, we here at DICE will be changing the map cycle. We will remove ‘Strike at Karkand’ and ‘Wake Island 2007’. We will replace them with ‘Strike at Karkand 2’. Strike at Karkand 2 is a rural map, very similar to Zatar wetlands, where a small tin shack in the middle of the map contains vital materials for both sides. USMC and MEC fight their way to the shack in order to claim the materials. ‘Wake Island 2007.5’ will not look like Wake Island at all. Instead, it will be in the middle of China with no water. It contains a vital gold, in which both sides can turn the gold into bullets.
New Awards:
Basic Team-kill badge: 5 teamkills IAR, 15 global teamkills
Veteran Team-kill badge: 10 teamkills IAR, 30 global teamkills
Expert Team-kill badge: 20 teamkills IAR, 100 global teamkills
Legion of Dishonor Badge: Basic teamkill badge, Veteran teamkill badge, Expert teamkill badge, 250 global punishes for teamkills.
Basic Shock-Paddle badge: 5 kills with a shock paddle IAR
Veteran Shock-Paddle badge: 10 kills with a shock paddle IAR, 30 global shock paddle kills.
Expert Shock-Paddle Badge: 30 kills with a shock paddle IAR, 250 global shock paddle kills.
New rank: The 5 star general (Supreme-Allied Commander) will be the highest rank earned in Battlefield 2. You must have 1,000,000 global points, and all the awards earned.
Squad hopping exploit: The squad-hopping exploit is still going on in Battlefield 2. To put a stop to it, DICE has disabled the uses of squads. That means everybody is a lonewolf or commander.
Illegal servers: We have seen many Battlefield 2 players playing on ‘knife and pistol’ servers. We banned only a small number of them, but they keep coming. Here at DICE, we decided to remove the Knife and the pistol from the weapons.
Artillery: Artillery will now have 50 cannons on each side, to provide a deadly artillery strike in maps. Any player within 1 mile diameter from the strike, will be killed immediately by the strike.
Wall Hacks: Numbers of players are hacking the files or using glitches to go inside buildings. Now it is easier for them to, once you walk to the door, press shift and you are inside the building.
look at the post above yoursVividSynergy wrote:
VividSynergy wrote:
Originally Posted by Sir. Blackhawk5
I have some exiting news for you guys. Dice is coming out with the ultimate and final patch for Battlefield 2. Note that this information has not been released, I have gotten hands of this and now released to the public! Here are the changes made:
Increased armor on the J-10: Dice has gotten so many complaints of Chinese pilots getting owned by the 1337 JSF h4x pilots that here at DICE we will be increasing the armor of the J10 to equal the jet balance.
Carriers are now Drivable: That’s right, you heard. This is what all have been waiting for. Now sailors can operate the aircraft carrier and drive it around maps. Don’t worry about inexperienced players beaching the vessel. Well that’s no more with new and improved way to avoid beaching. When the carrier hits land it will automatically form boosters on its hull, making it able to hover.
Decrease splash damage on the Blackhawk: Now that the Blackhawk has been too overpowered due to the 1.22 patch, we will decrease the splash damage of the mini-guns, so that it fires harmless paintballs, and an occasional bullet. Now the mini-guns will overheat after firing it for 2 seconds. Still think this is still unrealistic? Now the Blackhawk can only take off with 1 or less persons. Too much weight in the compartments will not make it take off.
C4 Damage: Here at Dice we have received many complaints of the C4 exploit. Now we decreased the amount of damage so instead of plastic explosives, it will now explode harmless dust. We know that dozens of Battlefield 2 players complained that they have been killed by C4 strapped on a vehicle. It’s now no more. If somehow, Battlefield 2 players get through this, there is a delay on the detonator. After you click on the detonator, it will only detonate after 2 rounds have completed.
Water Damage: Since the beginning of the game, DICE has received numerous complaints about players getting killed when making a wrong turn into a body of water. Now this is no more. In the case of driving into water, the trunk will automatically pop out propellers and can get across safely.
Battlefield 2 modifications are now illegal: There has been a shortage of players during the past months. DICE has found out the reason. Battlefield 2 players have downloaded modifications (we call it 3rd party hacks). Such modifications that are included in the list are: Point of existence 2, Battle racer, United States Intervention, Nations at War, Sir. Mod, Sandbox, Project Reality mini-Mod, Surreal mod, Operation Peacekeeper, Battle-paint, Desert Conflict, and more to name. Any player found playing any modification will be warned, 2nd time caught will have their CD-Keys banned. We can not have a shortage in players or it will hurt EA badly.
Grenade Launcher: We have had so many complaints about the grenade launcher, that the damage is now greater than ever, best effective at ranger between 0-5 feet. Also now assault classes will have 20 grenades.
Claymores: Claymores will now stay there until the round is finished. It can not be destroyed. DICE has received many complaints from fellow Battlefield2 players that their claymores disappear after a period of 10 minutes. This will be fixed. Also snipers will now have 9 claymores as it would be easier to set traps around his hiding spot, so he’ll stay safe.
M95: The M95 will have more damage. That means it takes 1 shot to destroy a helicopter and 2 shots to kill a tank. Also it takes 5 shots to kill an infantry and 9 shots to kill an enemy sniper. It will be changed to semi-auto and snipers will now have 8 magazines for the gun.Now all sniper rifiles will shoot rubber bullets and a huge muzzleflash, that it can be seen and heared all throught the map.
Hand Grenades: Hand grenades will have more damage radius. Anyone standing within a radius of 20 feet from the grenade will be killed. Also players will have 20 hand grenades. New feature allows throwing the grenade by ripping the pin by your teeth.
Ammo/First Aid bags: Now medics/support will have 20 ammo/first aid bags and be able to aid someone in half a second.
Anti-Tank: The firing rate of SRAW/ERX/RPG will now be changed to semi auto (3 times per second). Numerous complaints from Battlefield 2 players stated that it takes too long for Anti-Tank personnel to destroy a tank. The anti tank will have 999 rockets.
TV guided missile: So many complaints from DICE, of the TV missile being too powerful, here at DICE we have decided to decrease the damage so that it is the same damage as an anti tank rocket. If this is still unrealistic, DICE has made it so that attack helicopters are equipped with 1 missile, and are unguided.
Engineer: The engineers will have the same guns; aside we will be changing the wrench. To make it more realistic, engineers will not have the ability to repair a commander asset, vehicle, or mine. Instead, the wrench is used as an anti-infantry weapon, knocking enemy players out and killing them.
Maps: Since some maps are too much exploited, we here at DICE will be changing the map cycle. We will remove ‘Strike at Karkand’ and ‘Wake Island 2007’. We will replace them with ‘Strike at Karkand 2’. Strike at Karkand 2 is a rural map, very similar to Zatar wetlands, where a small tin shack in the middle of the map contains vital materials for both sides. USMC and MEC fight their way to the shack in order to claim the materials. ‘Wake Island 2007.5’ will not look like Wake Island at all. Instead, it will be in the middle of China with no water. It contains a vital gold, in which both sides can turn the gold into bullets.
New Awards:
Basic Team-kill badge: 5 teamkills IAR, 15 global teamkills
Veteran Team-kill badge: 10 teamkills IAR, 30 global teamkills
Expert Team-kill badge: 20 teamkills IAR, 100 global teamkills
Legion of Dishonor Badge: Basic teamkill badge, Veteran teamkill badge, Expert teamkill badge, 250 global punishes for teamkills.
Basic Shock-Paddle badge: 5 kills with a shock paddle IAR
Veteran Shock-Paddle badge: 10 kills with a shock paddle IAR, 30 global shock paddle kills.
Expert Shock-Paddle Badge: 30 kills with a shock paddle IAR, 250 global shock paddle kills.
New rank: The 5 star general (Supreme-Allied Commander) will be the highest rank earned in Battlefield 2. You must have 1,000,000 global points, and all the awards earned.
Squad hopping exploit: The squad-hopping exploit is still going on in Battlefield 2. To put a stop to it, DICE has disabled the uses of squads. That means everybody is a lonewolf or commander.
Illegal servers: We have seen many Battlefield 2 players playing on ‘knife and pistol’ servers. We banned only a small number of them, but they keep coming. Here at DICE, we decided to remove the Knife and the pistol from the weapons.
Artillery: Artillery will now have 50 cannons on each side, to provide a deadly artillery strike in maps. Any player within 1 mile diameter from the strike, will be killed immediately by the strike.
Wall Hacks: Numbers of players are hacking the files or using glitches to go inside buildings. Now it is easier for them to, once you walk to the door, press shift and you are inside the building.
Stale pasta is stale, either wayEye-GiZzLe wrote: … gelog.htmlWallpaper wrote:
Copy-paste, more like itSnake wrote:
Bored, are we?
only 2 yrs old tho
Eye-GiZzLe wrote:
look at the post above yoursVividSynergy wrote:
VividSynergy wrote:
Originally Posted by Sir. Blackhawk5
I have some exiting news for you guys. Dice is coming out with the ultimate and final patch for Battlefield 2. Note that this information has not been released, I have gotten hands of this and now released to the public! Here are the changes made:
Increased armor on the J-10: Dice has gotten so many complaints of Chinese pilots getting owned by the 1337 JSF h4x pilots that here at DICE we will be increasing the armor of the J10 to equal the jet balance.
Carriers are now Drivable: That’s right, you heard. This is what all have been waiting for. Now sailors can operate the aircraft carrier and drive it around maps. Don’t worry about inexperienced players beaching the vessel. Well that’s no more with new and improved way to avoid beaching. When the carrier hits land it will automatically form boosters on its hull, making it able to hover.
Decrease splash damage on the Blackhawk: Now that the Blackhawk has been too overpowered due to the 1.22 patch, we will decrease the splash damage of the mini-guns, so that it fires harmless paintballs, and an occasional bullet. Now the mini-guns will overheat after firing it for 2 seconds. Still think this is still unrealistic? Now the Blackhawk can only take off with 1 or less persons. Too much weight in the compartments will not make it take off.
C4 Damage: Here at Dice we have received many complaints of the C4 exploit. Now we decreased the amount of damage so instead of plastic explosives, it will now explode harmless dust. We know that dozens of Battlefield 2 players complained that they have been killed by C4 strapped on a vehicle. It’s now no more. If somehow, Battlefield 2 players get through this, there is a delay on the detonator. After you click on the detonator, it will only detonate after 2 rounds have completed.
Water Damage: Since the beginning of the game, DICE has received numerous complaints about players getting killed when making a wrong turn into a body of water. Now this is no more. In the case of driving into water, the trunk will automatically pop out propellers and can get across safely.
Battlefield 2 modifications are now illegal: There has been a shortage of players during the past months. DICE has found out the reason. Battlefield 2 players have downloaded modifications (we call it 3rd party hacks). Such modifications that are included in the list are: Point of existence 2, Battle racer, United States Intervention, Nations at War, Sir. Mod, Sandbox, Project Reality mini-Mod, Surreal mod, Operation Peacekeeper, Battle-paint, Desert Conflict, and more to name. Any player found playing any modification will be warned, 2nd time caught will have their CD-Keys banned. We can not have a shortage in players or it will hurt EA badly.
Grenade Launcher: We have had so many complaints about the grenade launcher, that the damage is now greater than ever, best effective at ranger between 0-5 feet. Also now assault classes will have 20 grenades.
Claymores: Claymores will now stay there until the round is finished. It can not be destroyed. DICE has received many complaints from fellow Battlefield2 players that their claymores disappear after a period of 10 minutes. This will be fixed. Also snipers will now have 9 claymores as it would be easier to set traps around his hiding spot, so he’ll stay safe.
M95: The M95 will have more damage. That means it takes 1 shot to destroy a helicopter and 2 shots to kill a tank. Also it takes 5 shots to kill an infantry and 9 shots to kill an enemy sniper. It will be changed to semi-auto and snipers will now have 8 magazines for the gun.Now all sniper rifiles will shoot rubber bullets and a huge muzzleflash, that it can be seen and heared all throught the map.
Hand Grenades: Hand grenades will have more damage radius. Anyone standing within a radius of 20 feet from the grenade will be killed. Also players will have 20 hand grenades. New feature allows throwing the grenade by ripping the pin by your teeth.
Ammo/First Aid bags: Now medics/support will have 20 ammo/first aid bags and be able to aid someone in half a second.
Anti-Tank: The firing rate of SRAW/ERX/RPG will now be changed to semi auto (3 times per second). Numerous complaints from Battlefield 2 players stated that it takes too long for Anti-Tank personnel to destroy a tank. The anti tank will have 999 rockets.
TV guided missile: So many complaints from DICE, of the TV missile being too powerful, here at DICE we have decided to decrease the damage so that it is the same damage as an anti tank rocket. If this is still unrealistic, DICE has made it so that attack helicopters are equipped with 1 missile, and are unguided.
Engineer: The engineers will have the same guns; aside we will be changing the wrench. To make it more realistic, engineers will not have the ability to repair a commander asset, vehicle, or mine. Instead, the wrench is used as an anti-infantry weapon, knocking enemy players out and killing them.
Maps: Since some maps are too much exploited, we here at DICE will be changing the map cycle. We will remove ‘Strike at Karkand’ and ‘Wake Island 2007’. We will replace them with ‘Strike at Karkand 2’. Strike at Karkand 2 is a rural map, very similar to Zatar wetlands, where a small tin shack in the middle of the map contains vital materials for both sides. USMC and MEC fight their way to the shack in order to claim the materials. ‘Wake Island 2007.5’ will not look like Wake Island at all. Instead, it will be in the middle of China with no water. It contains a vital gold, in which both sides can turn the gold into bullets.
New Awards:
Basic Team-kill badge: 5 teamkills IAR, 15 global teamkills
Veteran Team-kill badge: 10 teamkills IAR, 30 global teamkills
Expert Team-kill badge: 20 teamkills IAR, 100 global teamkills
Legion of Dishonor Badge: Basic teamkill badge, Veteran teamkill badge, Expert teamkill badge, 250 global punishes for teamkills.
Basic Shock-Paddle badge: 5 kills with a shock paddle IAR
Veteran Shock-Paddle badge: 10 kills with a shock paddle IAR, 30 global shock paddle kills.
Expert Shock-Paddle Badge: 30 kills with a shock paddle IAR, 250 global shock paddle kills.
New rank: The 5 star general (Supreme-Allied Commander) will be the highest rank earned in Battlefield 2. You must have 1,000,000 global points, and all the awards earned.
Squad hopping exploit: The squad-hopping exploit is still going on in Battlefield 2. To put a stop to it, DICE has disabled the uses of squads. That means everybody is a lonewolf or commander.
Illegal servers: We have seen many Battlefield 2 players playing on ‘knife and pistol’ servers. We banned only a small number of them, but they keep coming. Here at DICE, we decided to remove the Knife and the pistol from the weapons.
Artillery: Artillery will now have 50 cannons on each side, to provide a deadly artillery strike in maps. Any player within 1 mile diameter from the strike, will be killed immediately by the strike.
Wall Hacks: Numbers of players are hacking the files or using glitches to go inside buildings. Now it is easier for them to, once you walk to the door, press shift and you are inside the building.

VividSynergy wrote: wrote:
look at the post above yoursVividSynergy wrote:

would have been better if i circled the IE too
Last edited by Eye-GiZzLe (2008-06-22 21:02:52)
I can hear all the moaning & whining now when/if the patch is released.
so they said monday?
what greenwich time?
what greenwich time?
I hate mondays
Its monday...

They lied. This is why i hate mondays. It's just a crap day.-=]NS[=-Eagle wrote:
Its monday...
lol stfu maybe they are still sleeping...
lies._Dominiko_PL wrote:
lol stfu maybe they are still sleeping...
Either way, it's like 12 - 3AM throughout the states.
Tis 9'oclock in Stockholm.
well only 15 minutes left of monday on the east coast...