Cowboy from Hell
Why are most terrorists /extremists committing violent acts in the name of their Religion? 

In the past it was Christianity.  Now is Islam.  Atheists committed hideous crimes too, but there's no love and peace message within Atheism.  I don't justify those crimes, but at least there was no hypocrisy.

If you take a look at the New Testament, you'll find it impossible that people following those teachings are the responsible for the Inquisition, the Crusades and a lot of brutal and savage crimes.  Christianity has now more than 2,000 years, and it has evolved.   

Today, Islam is being used to commit a lot of atrocities and those using that Religion to justify their actions are giving a very bad name to a whole community.  While I always advocated that generalizing is wrong and it generates anger, most modern terrorism is committed in the name of Islam.  The thing is Islam didn't evolve yet.  It needs "Reformation".  It needs to separate those who worship their God in moderate ways from those who use their God to achieve political goals.  Because, after all, Religious extremism and politics go hand in hand.

Is the message Religions give being misunderstood?  Was Christianity misunderstood centuries ago?  Is Islam misunderstood today?  If so, who's fault is it?  Are Religious leaders giving the right message?  Or are they wrongly using Islam to brainwash moderate people and convert them into radical elements?  How can moderate Islam be saved?
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
Because their true motivation is a political or economic one.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

DoctaStrangelove wrote:

Because their true motivation is a political or economic one.
The first man to be banned from Trackr gets the award! Money, money. money...power, power, power is what's its always been about.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
+119|6503|CA, USA
religion is a tool used to gain power as evidenced by the catholic church in the old days and as evidenced by islamic world today in various countries.  the religion keeps control over the people so those weidling the power can do what they desire.  in islamic world today, there are vast economic inequities and lack of education so it becomes even easier for these people to be controlled.

it's all about power
O Canada
+1,596|6551|North Carolina
The surest way to encourage insanity is to convince people that God is on their side no matter what they do.
Because religion is a convenient badge separating one group of people from another - 'clubs' in which a siege mentality or mass psychosis can be generated. The underlying motivations of the elite in each religion are generally always politically or financially motivated however. The mindless masses, the proles and plebs, are just gormless malleable idiots the 'religious' elite (Pope, Caliph, Rabbi, Osama) can shape into whatever frenzied monsters they desire.

The problem is the stupidity/gullibility/brainwashability of the proletariat and the cunning of the background 'religious' policy-makers. This alone would make the case for a world free from religion.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2008-06-17 16:24:19)


sergeriver wrote:

In the past it was Christianity.  Now is Islam.  Atheists committed hideous crimes too, but there's no love and peace message within Atheism.  I don't justify those crimes, but at least there was no hypocrisy.
Not really an appropriate comparison - Atheists don't do stuff in the name of atheism.
God Save the Queen
+628|6489|tropical regions of london
I null voted
+429|6593|Chicago, IL
the promise of eternal paradise can make an uneducated futureless idiot do crazy things...

Religion has, and will continue to be used as a way to motivate people to do things they would, under other circumstances, never agree to, that is why religion was created, and that is why it persists.
+5,233|6675|Global Command
Aspiring Objectivist
It's an excuse for the actions they take, & since religion is open to any joe blows interpretation of the message it often gets skewed in the process.

As soon as everyone evolves past silly religions we will see major discoveries & perhaps a new golden age as people will be using their minds & not some blind hope that in the next life it will be good for them.

Live the life you have now, not the one you might have.
+119|6503|CA, USA
moderate islam can be saved when moderate islam does something to speak out about the more radical elements of their religion.  people on here say that they do this all the time yet i don't hear a whiff of it in the news.  moderate islam should somehow get their message out that they do not agree with the terrorists' perversion of their faith and that they wish to live in harmony (peacefully) with all other religions.  take a full page add out in the NY Times.  Put up some billboards.  hold a few demonstrations.  i have seen not much of this.

most of the BS that we in the west disagree with Islam is not really Islam but the stupid backward cultural things that get mixed up with the religion.  The way that certain groups of non-western people treat their women as breeding machines rather than equal partners, etc - well all know the cultural differences between the permissive west and the very conservative rest of the world.

interestingly, the liberals believe that this permissiveness is what raises us up - indicates progress of a society.  this is exactly what the conservative cultures of the non-west despise about the US.  it's not the freedom per se that we have but it's the way in which we use that freedom to preach debauchery and lewd behavior that shocks them.  is this shock because they would lose control over what they have now?  i always wondered about that. 

another thought i had about this was that why in the ME we have to wrap up the woman like a mummy?  why can't the men control their own urges?  is this a way to prevent or reduce rape?  did they have a massive rape issue back in the day so that someone declared that they should cover up under guise of showing humility to god to help solve the problem?  I think perhaps ideas like this are similar to why jews and muslims don't eat pork - because if not cooked right - it gets you sick.  back in the day, they couldn't regulate temperature of campfire, so people got sick all the time - so ban pork because god says you should do so and problem solved.  but again, why can't arab men not respect women enough and control their primal urges enough not to want to act on them.  a woman could be naked next to you - doesn't mean you should rape her.  is this a deficiency in their culture?  or just that we are so socialized into equality over here in west that we are just that different?
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6747|132 and Bush

As humans we have evolved and existed around the desire to be something bigger than self. It is a doubled edged sword.

Our existentialism has been a key component in our survival as well.
Xbone Stormsurgezz

sergeriver wrote:

Why are most terrorists /extremists committing violent acts in the name of their Religion? 

In the past it was Christianity.  Now is Islam.  Atheists committed hideous crimes too, but there's no love and peace message within Atheism.  I don't justify those crimes, but at least there was no hypocrisy.

If you take a look at the New Testament, you'll find it impossible that people following those teachings are the responsible for the Inquisition, the Crusades and a lot of brutal and savage crimes.  Christianity has now more than 2,000 years, and it has evolved.   

Today, Islam is being used to commit a lot of atrocities and those using that Religion to justify their actions are giving a very bad name to a whole community.  While I always advocated that generalizing is wrong and it generates anger, most modern terrorism is committed in the name of Islam.  The thing is Islam didn't evolve yet.  It needs "Reformation".  It needs to separate those who worship their God in moderate ways from those who use their God to achieve political goals.  Because, after all, Religious extremism and politics go hand in hand.

Is the message Religions give being misunderstood?  Was Christianity misunderstood centuries ago?  Is Islam misunderstood today?  If so, who's fault is it?  Are Religious leaders giving the right message?  Or are they wrongly using Islam to brainwash moderate people and convert them into radical elements?  How can moderate Islam be saved?
The problem is, it is not the religion that needs to evolve, the teachings of Jesus are the same words now as they were then, peace and tolerance and love. Christianity didn't evolve, society evolved, the people evolved. The religion stays the same.

Islam teaches love and peace and tolerance, only for those that succomb to its teachings. This is why I hate this religion and why I can differenciate beteen Islam and an individual Muslim. Still, it is the people that need to evolve. Religion can not evolve, without starting another religion. It is like sayig the color purple has evolved from red..Well, no red has changed so much a different color was invented.
+43|6538|Wollongong, NSW, Australia

lowing wrote:

The problem is, it is not the religion that needs to evolve, the teachings of Jesus are the same words now as they were then, peace and tolerance and love. Christianity didn't evolve, society evolved, the people evolved. The religion stays the same.
The fallacy is that evolution is continuing, haven't you heard of DEVO? The society has devolved, peope have devolved, religion is the same stinking lie its always been.

lowing wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

Why are most terrorists /extremists committing violent acts in the name of their Religion? 

In the past it was Christianity.  Now is Islam.  Atheists committed hideous crimes too, but there's no love and peace message within Atheism.  I don't justify those crimes, but at least there was no hypocrisy.

If you take a look at the New Testament, you'll find it impossible that people following those teachings are the responsible for the Inquisition, the Crusades and a lot of brutal and savage crimes.  Christianity has now more than 2,000 years, and it has evolved.   

Today, Islam is being used to commit a lot of atrocities and those using that Religion to justify their actions are giving a very bad name to a whole community.  While I always advocated that generalizing is wrong and it generates anger, most modern terrorism is committed in the name of Islam.  The thing is Islam didn't evolve yet.  It needs "Reformation".  It needs to separate those who worship their God in moderate ways from those who use their God to achieve political goals.  Because, after all, Religious extremism and politics go hand in hand.

Is the message Religions give being misunderstood?  Was Christianity misunderstood centuries ago?  Is Islam misunderstood today?  If so, who's fault is it?  Are Religious leaders giving the right message?  Or are they wrongly using Islam to brainwash moderate people and convert them into radical elements?  How can moderate Islam be saved?
The problem is, it is not the religion that needs to evolve, the teachings of Jesus are the same words now as they were then, peace and tolerance and love. Christianity didn't evolve, society evolved, the people evolved. The religion stays the same.

Islam teaches love and peace and tolerance, only for those that succomb to its teachings. This is why I hate this religion and why I can differenciate beteen Islam and an individual Muslim. Still, it is the people that need to evolve. Religion can not evolve, without starting another religion. It is like sayig the color purple has evolved from red..Well, no red has changed so much a different color was invented.
All the major religions are characterized by having completely opposing messages in them and plenty of bits that make absolutely no sense whatsoever. Religions can and do evolve by the changing interpretations of the messages. Christians don't kill people for working on the Sabbath becaust thou shalt not kill. It's self contradictory and it's up to the people to choose which bit they ignore.

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