+385|6645|Northern California
Jason, 36, grew up in the SF Bay Area. 

Happily married to Jennifer and I have 3 little goobs with another due in the end of May.

I work at the best law firm in the country (for 4 years straight now according to Fortune 100 rankings), but I am not a lawyer..I'm the systems admin for one of the offices.

I am an improving Christian having served a 2 year mission to Brazil so I speak fluent Portuguese, and I also speak Spanish with about 75% fluency.

I am what some would call a "gun nut" which makes me an interesting breed of liberal.  If I could define my true political stance, it'd be easy to see I'm furthest from both parties and all alone in my centrist/left views...which views you've all seen in DS&T so I don't need to get into it.  But on the gun nut side, I'm happy to say I love my new M&P9.

I love my wife and children more than anything and will do anything for them...that is where my priorities lay.  I play BF2 maybe once or twice a month and I play COD4 single player sometimes..and some other war genre games (and guildwars a little).

I plan to move to Hamilton Montana where my mother lives and I hope to grow old and die there.

Last edited by IRONCHEF (2008-04-16 14:21:25)

Too legit to quit
+48|6269|Tampa, Florida
Name: Kris

Age: 15

From: Odessa, Florida

Reside: Odessa, Florida

Profession: High School Student

Education:  High School

Languages: English

Instruments: Trombone

Interests: Paintball, Wakeboarding, Surfing, Math, Engineering, Architecture

Political Leanings: Conservative

Religion: Christian

Hero: Anyone who has served honorably in the military

Music: Everything, mainly; Rock, Rap, Techno, Classical, jazz

Films: Top Gun, Gone in 60 seconds, Bruce Almighty, Saving Private Ryan, Michael Clayton, etc.

Books: Anything
Go Ducks.
I guess it's never too late...

Name: Lex

Age: 19

From: Eugene, Oregon

Reside: Ditto. My own apartment now though.

Profession: Deli Clerk. Sucks. I've also made a tad with my music.

Education: Through highschool. Gonna start college after this one-year break I'm on now.

Languages: English. A tad bit of Spanish and a tad bit of French.

Instruments: Keyboards, Vocals.

Interests: Music, Psychology, Evolutionary Biology and Psychology, Reading, Writing, Football, Baseball, Basketball, Rugby, Parties, Friends, Pool (billiards), and a ton of other things. Oh... Scrabble.

Political Leanings: Left. Liberal. Democratic. I am not, however, radical. There are a lot of issues about which I tend to hold moderate or conservative views.

Religion: I'm an Atheist, but that doesn't mean I dislike religion. I personally don't believe in God. Others may, and that's totally fine with me. A belief is a belief.

Hero: Douglas Adams

Music: A bit of everything. I tend not to like: Absurdly distorted guitar, shredding, mainstream country, mainstream hip-hop, vocalists with uncontrollable and annoying vibrato, bad drummers, overcompression, black/deathmetal, emo, this wretched pop music masquerading as 'R&B', Autotune, The Loudness War, screaming and "Heart and Soul."

Films: I like movies that make me really happy, and I like movies that make me really sad. When a movie is more than "awesome" and/or "hilarious," that's good. Not that there isn't room for "awesome" and "hilarious," as those movies are often awesome and hilarious, but I really like a movie that can kinda shock me with its humanity. The Truman Show, Hop (Belgian), Once, Magnoia... just a few of my favorites.

Books: Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (the whole series), A Farewell to Arms, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Nine Stories (J. D. Salinger's short stories), The Brothers K, Slaughterhouse Five... and the Scrabble Dictionary.
6 x 9 = 42
+298|6681|Portland, OR USA
Given that I seem to be sucked back into this, I'll throw myself out there to be seen ...

Name: Dan

Birthday: 05/1980

Marital Status: Engaged

From: Avon, IN

Resided: Plainfield, IN - Lafayette, IN - West Lafayette, IN - Danville, IN - Indianapolis, IN

Reside: Indianapolis, IN (buying home and moving there mid-May)

Profession: IT Admin

Education: High School, BS in Computer & Information Tech and most of a BS in Aerospace Engineering

Languages: English & German, aber mein Deutsch ist mehr und mehr Tot und weg.

Instruments: Vocal (toured Europe w/ state choir) and Baritone (kinda - was "drafted" senior year)

Interests: Swimming, building computers, Audio/Videophile, Space, Psychology/Sociology, Religion/Spirituality

Political Leanings: I don't really lean.  I love to take sides, but ultimately I end up with a zero sum political leaning

Religion: Generic Christian.  By that I mean I believe Christ existed, which is pretty much the de facto definition.  I view the Bible as a metaphor at best, believe in some manner of afterlife, and believe in reincarnation

Hero: None, merely aspects of certain individuals I try to merge into myself

Music: Anything but country or R&B/Rap.

Films: Fifth Element, Monty Python anything, American Beauty, What Dreams May Come, Emporer's New Groove, Stigmata, anything that cracks me up or makes me think really.  I tend to avoid "critically acclaimed" films.  It took me years to even watch American Beauty for that reason.  Low and behold, it IS actually really good.

Books: Discworld series, Hitchhiker series, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Stranger in a Strange Land, Forge of God/Anvil of Stars, Only Begotten Daughter, Shakespeare - most notably Hamlet


And because that's far too flattering, here's a more revealing shot:
Name: Major_Spittle

Age: 38
From: USA

Education: college

Languages: English, Canadian, Pig Latin

Interests:  none

Political Leanings: Fuck Liberals

Future plans: none

Religion: none

Music Taste: punk and not so punk punk

Movie Taste: popcorn and cherry coke

Books: college electronics and physics and math but i was forced too

Travels: none

Lotta_Drool wrote:

Name: Major_Spittle

Age: 38
I thought you said you fought in Vietnam?
+42|6006|Flyover country
Just a quick hello, since I am a Newb here.
Live in the midwest USA, 42 yrs old 

College dropout a year or two short of a wonderful liberal arts degree

Studied useful stuff like art, art history, lit, philosophy etc ..Then I woke up?

Politically, by issue. I don't have a stance that I identify with as a persona, I am a 'lib' on some things and 'conservative' on others.

Not religious at all. I don't really buy any of the versions of the omnipotent being that have been invented by people, but I also don't think that rules out spirituality (or morality) 

Travels, been all over the usa, visited Canada, and spent about 3 months in Europe when I was much younger (18)

Books, music and movies: Yes 

Hot girls, beer: Yes

That's it for now, maybe I will throw more info or a pic in here later (or tomorrow)
+14|6901|London, England
Hi, I'm fo0k, I'm 33 and from London.  Currently living in Sweden.

I have plenty of constructive and insightful thoughts to share here but admit that idiots and children really irritate me in forums.

My favourite films are The Cannonball Run, Blazing Saddles, Boogie Nights and High Fidelity.

I utterly detest religion.  It really does cause all the shit in the world.

My music tastes are varied ranging from my ecstasy fuelled cheesy hardcore raving days back in the early 90's through to legends like Phil Collins.  I love my 80's music probably most of all.

When it comes to politics I have never really felt that any particular leader was better or worse than the last.  I work, play, travel and have sex with women.  Politicians do not affect my life.

I have been a dedicated modder for BF1942 for over 6 years and love the Battlefield series.

I am a good virtual friend and loyal.  just don't say stupid things in front of me.
loop eneg
+51|5971|Crossroads, Barrens, Dreamaul
going to steal that guys template.

Name: Lindsay

Age: 15

From: Born in Duri, lived in Tasmania for most of my life though

Reside: Gold Coast, Australia.

Education: High school.

Languages: English, tidbits of other languages (Japanese, german, mandarin). Not enough to speak fluently/form a proper sentence.

Interests: IT (Hardware specifically), Science, Skating and Gaming.

Political Leanings: Currently none.

Future plans: Either accountant, psychologist or something IT based. Although I'm keeping my options as wide as possible at the moment.

Religion: Atheist.

Music Taste: Rock / Altern. Rock / Techno, electronica etc. / some metal / Industrial / Classical.

Movie Taste: Psychological thrillers or any movies that actually make you think. Fast paced action movies are good as well.

Books: I don't read books much.

Travels: Traveled/lived in alot of places in Australia. Duri, Tamworth, Mandurah, traveled all of Tasmania, Kempsey, brisbane, gold coast and many others. Never traveled overseas though.

I've been lurking around D&ST for awhile but haven't participated much as, although I have strong thoughts about some things, I currently have no political leanings and my debating skills are not the best (trying to learn). I know I've got a bit of a reputation of being a spamming dickwad in Everything Else but hopefully I can change that image.

Last edited by loop eneg (2008-06-06 04:56:25)

All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

loop eneg wrote:

going to steal that guys template.

Name: Lindsay

Age: 15

From: Born in Duri, lived in Tasmania for most of my life though

Reside: Gold Coast, Australia.

Education: High school.

Languages: English, tidbits of other languages (Japanese, german, mandarin). Not enough to speak fluently/form a proper sentence.

Interests: IT (Hardware specifically), Science, Skating and Gaming.

Political Leanings: Currently none.

Future plans: Either accountant, psychologist or something IT based. Although I'm keeping my options as wide as possible at the moment.

Religion: Atheist.

Music Taste: Rock / Altern. Rock / Techno, electronica etc. / some metal / Industrial / Classical.

Movie Taste: Psychological thrillers or any movies that actually make you think. Fast paced action movies are good as well.

Books: I don't read books much.

Travels: Traveled/lived in alot of places in Australia. Duri, Tamworth, Mandurah, traveled all of Tasmania, Kempsey, brisbane, gold coast and many others. Never traveled overseas though.

I've been lurking around D&ST for awhile but haven't participated much as, although I have strong thoughts about some things, I currently have no political leanings and my debating skills are not the best (trying to learn). I know I've got a bit of a reputation of being a spamming dickwad in Everything Else but hopefully I can change that image.
Gene have a girls name? Hippy parents or somthing?

Last edited by m3thod (2008-06-06 05:30:21)

Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
The Gecko
Maybe he's a chick.

loop eneg
+51|5971|Crossroads, Barrens, Dreamaul
I know 3 other boys with the name Lindsay :\

I don't think it's strictly a girls name in Australa.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
change your name to Callum.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6692|Long Island, New York
Name: Alex

Age: 16

From: Long Island, NY

Reside: Currently still on Long Island.

Education: Sophomore in high school with plans to go to Embry-Riddle.

Languages: English, Moderate Spanish

Interests:  Gaming, Aviation, Military history/military in general, Ice Hockey, Football, Traveling, Computer tech

Political Leanings: Moderate, but I lean slightly to the left.

Future plans: Get my private pilot's license, go to Embry-Riddle or Florida Tech for 4 years and get my bachelor's in aeronautical science, then join the Air Force as an officer for 6-10 years.

Religion: Reform Judaism

Music Taste: Classic Rock mainly, Alternative rock, 90's grunge rock...almost all Rock, but mainly classic.

Books: War Stories; In the Company of Heroes, Flyboys, etc

Travels: NY, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, North/South carolina, Georgia, Florida, St. Maarten, St. Thomas, Puerto Rico, Bahamas.
AKA Selkies ftw
Name: Daniel

Age: 19

From: Alabama, US.

Reside: Jacksonville, AL

Education: Sophomore in College, studying jazz theory/psychology.

Languages: English, poor German.

Interests: Music, history, science, military

Political Leanings: Very far left, very liberal. Highly supportive of free-choice over anything else. Obama '08

Future plans: Music therapy.

Religion: Growing up from a young age, even though I went to church and such, I never believed in God. And through my years of life, my lack of belief has only grown stronger. You can call me an atheist, becuase I guess that is what category that I fit.

Music Taste: I like all sorts of music, and I hate all sorts of music.

Movie Taste: Musicals (especially Phantom of the Opera). I'll watch anything once.

Books: I am America, 1984, War of the Worlds, anything by: Tolkien, Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, etc.

Travels: I only travel when I have to play out of state gigs.
The Gecko

m3thod wrote:

change your name to Callum.
No, then people just think I'm gay.

Um.............I mean.......................then people just think you're gay.

Braddock wrote:

Lotta_Drool wrote:

Name: Major_Spittle

Age: 38
I thought you said you fought in Vietnam?
I did, it was after the war was over though.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

ZombieVampire! wrote:

m3thod wrote:

change your name to Callum.
No, then people just think I'm gay.

Um.............I mean.......................then people just think you're gay.
I was referring to Gene Pool....and you're already called Callum....
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
The Gecko
How did you know that?
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

ZombieVampire! wrote:

How did you know that?
You let it slip sometime before and I just have a very good memory.  I prob know the names of a lot of people in D&ST anyway.

Last edited by m3thod (2008-06-17 07:15:47)

Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
+3,611|6775|London, England
A generally unremarkable member
Name: Ciaran

Age: 14

From: Belfast, Northen Ireland

Reside: a small suburban area known as Carryduff 5 miles outside Belfast

Education: 3rd year in high school, moving to 4th

Languages: English, 2 years worth of spanish, not much though

Interests: Gaming (duh), Military, Military History, General History, Science, Football (Soccer), Computers

Future plans: i have no idea lol, maybe a comp technician or something

Religion: Christian (Catholic)

Music Taste: anything really

Books: War, anything by Tom Clancy, Chris Ryan or Andy McNab

Travels: US : (Flordia, NY, LA, LV, Bryce and Grand Canyons, DC, New England, Boston, and many more)
             Europe: (Spain, Ireland, France, Italy)
The X stands for
+1,813|6260|eXtreme to the maX
Welcome Ciaran

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2008-07-29 04:30:37)

Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
Hi Cairan,

Welcome to the forum. Do you like movies about Gladiators?
+5,233|6683|Global Command

Lotta_Drool wrote:

Hi Cairan,

Welcome to the forum. Do you like movies about Gladiators?
Did you hear about the guy having a clam muffing for his first time?

He was glad he ate her.

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