+4|6614|Montreal, Quebec
Hey guys I'm not really an active member more of a lurker type unless I feel compelled to put my two cents in...but that's not why I'm writing I'm writing cause I've seen some people post requests for help on social and relationship issues so I tought id try it out. Long story short I've been living for about a year and half with my roomate (girlfriend of my sisters) and at first she had a boyfriend so we didn't really get to know each other that well and we pretty much just talked once in a while (perfect roomate if you ask me ) but a few months ago she broke up with her boyfriend and as more time passes on were getting closer and hanging out together. She's moving out at the end of june but she's only moving 1 floor down from where I live and my question is should I wait to make a move so it isn't as weird or make a move right now. Because living together before sleeping together messes up the whole order of things up and would make sleeping together really weird ... I dunno thats what I think ...what do you guys think?

I'll appreciate all serious responses but I'm well aware of where I'm posting so also expecting some funny shit I won't take it the wrong way lol

Last edited by DoN_KiNgPiN69 (2008-06-11 14:48:45)

+75|6635|Birmingham UK
u gotta ask urself....could u live with her...and do you really like enough to "movin in for the kill" before she leaves
i g

i think we're going to need pics my friend.

if you think that she's attracted to you at all, fucking go for it. you don't want to wonder later on down the road what could have happened...
[]D [] []\/[] []D
+177|6893|United States
She's moving out.  You already lost your chance, tbh.  Had you acted sooner, she wouldn't be moving out in the first place.

Mint Sauce
Frighteningly average

You missed the boat bub.
+1,452|6547|The Gem Saloon

Eye-GiZzLe wrote:

if you think that she's attracted to you at all, fucking go for it. you don't want to wonder later on down the road what could have happened...
dont listen to the rest, ig knows whats up.
you still have a chance, but you need to make your move. sit there and ponder about it, and chances are, you will talk yourself out of it.

fortune favors the bold, but abandons the timid.
Cheeky Keen
+329|6709|Kent, UK
As she heads out the door for the final time, call out to her "Wait! You forgot something!" then capture her face with your gentle caress and kiss her softly on the lips.

Then go jerk off.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
Ask her before she gets away.  Do you have any idea how many horny males are out there and will pounce?
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
has joined the GOP

Bert10099 wrote:

She's moving out.  You already lost your chance, tbh.  Had you acted sooner, she wouldn't be moving out in the first place.

wrong. she might not have rented the apartment yet, and even if she has, maybe she doesn't have a roomie yet. he could just move with her. besides, she's moving downstairs.

Make a move. If she's moving out on her own anyway, all the better. That way it won't be weird since the end of June is two weeks away.

But I think you should make a move. Look for signs, though. She may have just been looking for a friend. HOWEVER, don't be surprised that if something happens, it doesn't get serious and you're just her rebound guy. Trust me, it happens. If you go in with your hopes up and you're just the rebound, then it sucks afterwards. Unless you can make yourself into the rebound and main guy at one time.

Like Parker said, though, fortune favors the bold.
Black Panzer Party
+184|6875|Eastern PA
Ask her out...with Shake Ya Ass by Mystikal in the background.
Positive Karma Here!
fap on her face

Last edited by 2tuff (2008-06-12 06:49:55)

+4|6614|Montreal, Quebec
lol at the shake ya ass comment lol  and thanks for the serious responses as well...I think I'll go with ig on this one thx m8s
The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6826|Cardiff, Capital of Wales
I'd make a move for it now, you don't have her so can't loose her.  If it comes off it will be a good thing she is moving.  She has already been in a relationship recently so will want to take things slow.  Her not living with you means you can be friends still while moving things on.  Kissing>>hair pulling and finally, poking ya finger up her bum.  I'd give that a full week cycle from Kissing>>finger poking.  Don't ask her first either, just go for it.

If you do get it together your relationship will last a lot longer because your not living together, your not a million miles away, just the 1 floor infact.  This sounds a really good opportunity and you will get good advice here but none as good as what your Sister could offer, afterall, them two are good mates by the sounds of it.  There is no "order" as you put it in regards to what comes first (oh make sure she does if you want it to last) there is no rule book on this so dont feel you have to do this first, or that first, just do what comes natural.  Just make sure your hands are clean first.

Buckles wrote:

As she heads out the door for the final time, call out to her "Wait! You forgot something!" then capture her face with your gentle caress and kiss her softly on the lips.

Then go jerk off.
Cliche'd, I like it.

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