I'm looking for a 15"-20" television with a built in DVD player.  I don't really want to spend more than $150 but there are almost no more tube tv's left on the market.  I've been to Walmart, Target, Circuit City and Best Buy and the only tv's i have found are all LCD flat screen, which for some reason, seem to be worth three times as much as a regular tv would cost.  A 19" LCD TV would cost me $400, thats ridiculous.

At this point, I'm willing to forgo the built in dvd player, I just want a tv that fits my budget.

Anybody know any good stores/websites that I could get a good deal at?
Meow :3 :3
i have a 21" tube tv with a built in dvd player and a built in vcr player.

i g

try craigslist
has joined the GOP
look for polaroids. they're fantastic TVs and quite cheap.
Well man If you want HD then save up another 150-200 bucks and get a nice 26" TV or just buy my old 37" SD TV $75

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