a fly
+105|6679|The netherlands
a complaint that cant be fixed by any patch: people that use flares, but still go the same way, thinking a HEATSEAKING missile would hit a heatsource behind them. the flares work perfectly, it is even sayd somewhere on ea that, and i qoute: "EVADE using flares". im a plane/chopper whore, i was bad with the mec chopper as pilot. with less rockets it is a flying bus, not a chopper. as plane pilot: i love shooting aa. and dogfights? the longest i was in was 5 min before the patch. such a waste of points!!! and evading air-to-air missiles isent that hard..... IF its a noob pilot. but a good pilot will hit you, just like before 1.2
I agree with the poster. I'm not whining. Each patch has made the game better. This one the best. Noob tubing is kept to a minimum. Its great. And no more C4 throwers
i have already posted my complaints on patch 1.2

I hope to something good that they nerf the freaking MG's. The most accurate weapon in the game right now for shots 2-10? the MG36. The other day i was sniping, friend of mine right beside me with the PKM *hitting the same targets*. The LMG's are too accurate now. They were just right before.

I hope they do something about the helicopter. Im not saying that heli's are useless now, but the learning curve is wicked. AA is just right; just give the heli's back *some* of their hit points. I agree heli's did need to be nerfed, but they got hobbled, not just nerfed.

I hope they do something about Air to Air combat. The missles on jets now are insane. I used to fly without missles, i only used guns. Now, any two bit pilot can nab an easy kill.

Oh, and a greater arming distance on GL. puh-leez. I still get 'tubed from across the room when im inside, and thats dumb. *finger cross for 15m arming distance*
I am a cat ¦ 3
+369|6865|Denver colorado

{RS}Diamonddog wrote:

In other news EA and DICE have fired their previous patching team and taken away their peanuts.
http://www.hafdis.dk/pictures/silly/ani … onkeys.jpg
w00t!!!!! thats cool. we kinda needed better patchers because there are alot of people saying "ea, to do this insert this"

but. i love this patch and all the people who complain are just people who lost their noob toob easy kills *noob toob still works well* c4 frizbies *PEOPLE ARE SAYING THAT IT TOOK SKILL* and people who cant bunny hop or BEAT a freaking support gunner
I fly jets quite a bit and choppers a little, and when i first played this patch I thought it was gonna suck big time,with the super accurate AA but all it does is make you adapt. Stay real high or come low and fast, strike and get the hell out of there, it keeps jets from hanging around, and definatly helps the carrier base raping. Dogfights, while usually quicker, can still get interesting, I think its way better then tailing a guy for 5 minutes before killing him, if at all. And doing aircombat is actually worth the points now, actually get a good number of points from downing fighters and bombers. THough i do know what people mean about it feeling too easy, maybe they could keep the accuracy but limit missiles to one at a time, or maybe have it so you have to keep the target in lock until the missile hits, like old sarh missiles.

However, I find a few things like the missiles locking onto friendlies a little much. I know this can happen in real life, but if I lock a jet or chopper, and am right behind, the missile shouldn't make a 90 degree turn to go after my own chopper or friendly jet. I think that should be a more rare occurance, like only if the friendly is in the missiles path after it misses. Also, the bombing locks have got to be fixed, empty and friendly stingers and tows coming up as enemy, same with buggies that friendlies jsut got out of. I used to be able to do a pass to check, but now it a little more dangerous if they have effective AA or enemy fighters. nothign like a couple punishes to ream on your score. For choppers, I think they should get some armour back, the idea that a JSF can take 3 stingers and a attack chopper can only take 2 is ridiculous, not to mention the 50 cals, they just eat choppers, and there are so many, buggies, jeeps, the tanks, I think they should do very little compared to how much they do now, a dune buggy should have little chance against a cobra, even if it does get the jump on the chopper. Though the tank gun should definatly be killing in one shot.

I think dice went a bit to extreme with the kits though, i find snipers are a lot more common, but a moving target still isn't an easy shot, a body shot sure, but ayou can live though that and as for the claymores, no big problems other then I think they should have to be set, not thrown. It should take the sniper a second or two to do it. Snipers got the boost they needed anyway. Now support, I don't know, they were a bit too unaccurate before, but now they're deadly in close, deadly at range, in all there stances, standing, prone or crouched. Just too accurate, the weapons bulk and weight aren't respresented well enough. I do think assault was nerfed a bit too much, it never helped the main problem with the GL, with it being used in close, but now that it bounces off  vehicles and its blast is even smaller, its just not that reliable for what it was designed for. Assault can only get points by killing troops or light vehicles and capping, they can't kill apcs or tanks effectively, can't fix, can't heal, can't blow up assets, they should be effective at what they do, but honestly, as infantry, I'm more worried about almost any other class over assault now, especially at range. Cept those poor little engies. lol. At least its easier to get top assault these days.

my 2 cents...plus tax

Last edited by Blak7hursday (2006-02-26 00:45:53)

You guys want to see what the new AA really does? Check this screenshot out that I took.

Funny thing is... the 1.21 patch is not even out yet...
+0|6768|Brisbane, Australia
where you actually shooting at something, or was the heatsource of its own missle engine the best it had to go for?

Even though you dont want to be shooting your own planes down, i'd like it much better if it showed locks against the friendlies.  That way, you at least know that if you fired now, you'd most likely hit your own rather than that jet that just flew past.  Afew times when i've been in AA, there's been a friendly helo out of my FOV, but the missles have gone straight there instead of the enemy that i had a supposed "Lock" on.  It would be better for the shoot now mechanism just to be a bit more honest and tell you which one you're going to hit, rather than refuse to lock on a friendly, even though thats what it is going to do.

Of course, I've adjusted my play, and dont take the shot unless the sky is clear of friendlies.

BOOM PKM fucker

jonnykill wrote:

happybhoy74 wrote:

Jet 2 Jet AA needs to be nerfed - current AA is fine bar the mad glitches. If you can't avoid an AA lock and you think that flares don't work then - LEARN TO FLY THE FECKIN CHOPPERS BETTER. I can do it and I'm nowhere near as good as half the pilots I come up against. I'm glad the AA has been improved and I fly the choppers a lot. Pre-1.2 all AA made you do was a little defensive flying your only concern was other helicopters and the occasional jet. It's far better now, you actually have to use a little skill and your chances of finishing a game with a handful of deaths is long gone - which is exactly the way it should be. I can understand some people being upset that they can no longer be near invincible flying death machines but the fact of the matter is that the game was unfairly tilted towards the choppers and jets, its now been balanced out the game is fairer as a result - you can piss and whine about it all day or you can suck it up and move on.
I know how to take counter measures . I know how to fly decently . I know how to use terrain and building to cover and conceil me . I know where every AAA is loactaed . I know every rount to take that has me with a better chance of survival when taking out AAA . What I'm saying is that the flares must be broken . I use flares and they simply don't do thier job . I get locked on , I hit flares , boom dead . What I'm trying to say is perhaps the flares are just not working ? So no matter hoiw good you fecking fly the chopper dead meat .
On that note the best way to balance out the choppers is give enough strength to the chopper so that after being hit by 2 AAA missles it's has like 10% health left . At least this way you have a slight chance of flying back to base for repairs . Now , that's it your locked on to , your fucking dead and thier ain't shit you can do about it . Talk about no fucking skill - aim shoot done !
OK, first off it takes three direct hits with a stinger missle to down a chopper now with patch 1.2 firing from a ground AA, the lock on is much better, instead of your missiles going where ever the hell they won't they hit like there suppose to. As far as your chaff and flares they work also you just have to be more skilled with the use of them, if you don't let them off right when the guy on the ground fires you will get hit. Just stop bitching, it could be worse!

In the real world they have shoulder mount SAM's that do not go after chaff and flares and never miss, if the guy on the ground gets a solid lock on you I promise you are a dead man and he will not have to hit you three times to get the job done, one shot one kill!

Last edited by EVIL_STYX (2006-02-26 01:13:00)


wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

New to 1.21:

Fixed - heat seeking bullets now are more accurate.  Just fire into the air and you will get kills.
Fixed - grenades are now heat seeking as well.
Fixed - Soldiers can no longer move from where they spawn. (this is to prevent stat padding)
Fixed - No more planes.
Fixed - we took away the assault kit to prevent heat seeking grenade launcher spamming.
Fixed - Helicopters are just for looks now since you can't move.

We at DICE and EA appreciate all you have done and are showing it by the newest patch.  Now you can play the game to your little heart's content.

See you on the battlefield soldier.

one day lol.

n e way there fixing the stuff that no1 has ever notice we dont need these fixes!!
Well there were no enemy aircraft or friendly aircraft in the sky when I had shot it.
prince of insufficient light
I think the AA is fine now, and this is coming from a pilot. However, I think the chopper hitpoints need to be putb ack where they were. A chopper couldn't take 2 AA missles before, and that was good, but now it's especially vulnerable to vodniks and small arms fire. Yesterday I took down a cobra with two clips of my m95, just because he couldn't find out where I was! IMO, it's harder to fly a chopper on a map like sharqi than it is to fly on a map like daqing! Daqing is a map with mobile AA all over the place, but with my friend who is pretty good with the tv gunning for me, he went about 33 kills to 3 deaths one round and I went about 9 kills to 3 deeaths. It's harder, but it's not impossible.
+45|6828|South Cybertown, Texas
I would like to see everyones 1,2,3.. list of what should be fixed!
Dodging stinger missles really isn't that hard in a chopper.

I rarely get downed by AA, usually by some nub ramming me in a jet because he can't shoot me down, or by jeeps, and the occasional good jet pilot that actually can shoot me down. Those are my usual deaths, or course I die by other means.. sometimes stingers, other choppers, accidently running into something, etc.

But what I'm saying is, I rarely get downed by AA. Why? Well, because I don't just hover there like a tard and expect my flares to save me, I do evasive manuveours, like backflips, rolls, strafeing to the sides, etc and then I get out of the area and go somewhere else.. not worth dying trying to kill one loan man in an AA when I can do better elsewhere.

Although I must say, dodging mobile AA and the phalanx on the essex is very difficult, unless they're a rookie with it..and even then it's hard, too many missles. But I usually come in from an unexpected angle and fly real low so he can't see me, then pop up and have my gunner nail him.

You have to think of tactics with the chopper, it's really not that hard to fly in 1.2, harder than 1.12, but still not that hard if you learn and adapt.
The only thing i want is for TV missiles to have their range back. Now they fly what? a meter? well around 420-450 meters, but thats stupid. u have to fly face to face with the enemy and then shoot. May be after a new patch EA/DICE will exchange all the rockets on chopers to baseball bats, so we can just fly next to each other and fight it out with sticks (though it would be rather fun)

And oh yes, those AA missiles and plane missiles are too good. I kill a lot form plane, and it takes almost no skill, I shoot them down and go Meh.... whats new. hitting planes/choppers from AA is so easy now, if someone cant do it, they have to quit the game.
when Hell is full...
made expert explosive just with clays! thx EA now reduce em
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