SenorToenails wrote:
B.Schuss wrote:
have you ever thought about the possibility that voter tournout would be higher if the electoral college was removed and replaced with a more direct voting method ? The way I see it people are simply tired of voting, because they don't feel that their votes actually mean anything.
Give them back their voting power, and voter turnout will be higher.
If that were true, then more people would vote for midterm senate and representative elections. But they don't.
I really think people just don't care enough to vote, which is pretty sad.
let's look at the stats then. For the 2000 general elections, voter tournout varied considerably between the states, with Minnesota coming in at 70 %, and Arizona at just 46,6%. Overall voter turnout was at 55,3%.
in 2004, Minnnesota again claimed the top spot, with 77,21%. This time, West Virginia was last, with an estimed 54,22% voter turnout. Overall turnout was 60,93%
sources: and to other western nations, those numbers are quite low. check here for a comparison: … ifferencesThe question I ask my self when looking at these numbers is, why are americans overall less willing to take part in their democratic process ?
the wikipedia article brings up some interesting aspects, one of them being voter registration, which is said to reduce voter turnout.
I am a strong supporter of compulsory voting, btw. With turnouts as low as 50%, how can any government claim legitimacy ?