
Spend Money to Improve the Skill/Appearance of your Player?

Neva!72%72% - 47
Maybe $10 if I got an advantage over others18%18% - 12
$30 for New weapons, A top hat and tails.1%1% - 1
$50 for the Pimpest Snoopdog-Rambo Killing Machine7%7% - 5
Total: 65
+14|6899|London, England
Actually I apologise.  After taking more note of where I am I realise that this is indeed inappropriate for a forum that contains debate worthy threads such as:

7 Ways to Tell If You Are Addicted to Porn
I fall off a 2nd floor roof onto grass
Chino Cheese - I had to click on that one to see what it was.. I lolled

So If I may swing it back on topic....  as it seems to be getting some attention, albeit in D&ST.
+1,452|6545|The Gem Saloon

fo0k wrote:

Actually I apologise.  After taking more note of where I am I realise that this is indeed inappropriate for a forum that contains debate worthy threads such as:

7 Ways to Tell If You Are Addicted to Porn
I fall off a 2nd floor roof onto grass
Chino Cheese - I had to click on that one to see what it was.. I lolled

So If I may swing it back on topic....  as it seems to be getting some attention, albeit in D&ST.
no one said it wasnt appropriate.
we all just told you that you might have more responses in a different section of THIS forum.....i know, thats tricky, but thats all anyone was trying to do buddy
+1,352|6645|N. Ireland
Both. Why not? I don't get why you guys get so...pissed off...at a little ad in the game. It's not like it takes anything away. If anything, it adds cover and concealment for you! I won't be paying for any weapon upgrades or anything like that but it is EA's decision, and your decision whether or not to buy them. So if when you do buy them, don't come bitching here.
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6693|Texas - Bigger than France
I guess my question is - when you bought the expansion packs for BF2, did the idea of "better" weapons factor into your decision?

fo0k wrote:

Battlefield Heroes is free to download...  and then you can improve your characters skills, weapons and appearance etc by spending little bits of REAL money..
I'd just like to point out to everyone that that isn't true whatsoever. DICE have said time and time again that spending money won't give you any advantage in-game.

The only thing you can do is change the appearence, and passive things like increased skill progression. Nothing that gives you an edge.

I have no problem with BF:H. It's free.

Last edited by Spidery_Yoda (2008-05-27 11:35:20)

be nice
+2,646|6605|The Twilight Zone

sergeriver wrote:

I prefer to pay my game and to have the same character skills and weapons than other people.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6689|Long Island, New York
I'm going to spend money on Battlefield: Heroes and only if I REALLY like it (like as much as I like TF2/FSX/DOD:S). $20 at max.
Germans did 911
+427|6833|Disaster Free Zone

Pug wrote:

I guess my question is - when you bought the expansion packs for BF2, did the idea of "better" weapons factor into your decision?
Nope, more maps, SAS and night maps... Unfortunately no one else thinks like me and only 'bought' it so they could whore better on Karkand with the G36E.

There is no way in hell I'm going to spend money to change the appearance of a game and buying 'upgrades' to me just seems like a legalised hack... If I get the game (which I probably wont) there is no chance I'll be spending any money on it.
+53|6065|Glendale, CA
It's really stupid when they do that.  I wanna play a game for free but I still gotta pay, bullshit.
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6693|Texas - Bigger than France

DrunkFace wrote:

Pug wrote:

I guess my question is - when you bought the expansion packs for BF2, did the idea of "better" weapons factor into your decision?
Nope, more maps, SAS and night maps... Unfortunately no one else thinks like me and only 'bought' it so they could whore better on Karkand with the G36E.

There is no way in hell I'm going to spend money to change the appearance of a game and buying 'upgrades' to me just seems like a legalised hack... If I get the game (which I probably wont) there is no chance I'll be spending any money on it.
Me too.  I would have bought them for the new maps alone...but I did think...hmmmm...new weapons.
+25|6803|Denmark/Minnesota (depends)
wait a minut, they do require money for some new looks (hats, pants etc) but they do not have any new weaponry or skills bought by real money. just wanted to clarify this.

konfusion wrote:

mtb0minime wrote:

It's pretty sad that you have to buy skill and talent instead of just playing the game to earn it...
It's nothing new. Look at politics.

Yeah but that's IRL

We're talking using RL muniez to buy skill and talent in the virtual world. Makes the playing field pretty uneven. Games are about having fun, so it's better if everyone has the same playing field and their individual talents are what get them ahead. Would be very lame if some rich guy who sucks completely at the game maxed out his stats and gets to rampage all over everyone. Or worse yet, someone who's already good enough at the game spends as much money as possible maxing out and becoming unbeatable.
It's almost like legitimate hacking. You use it to make the playing field uneven and give yourself an advantage in an unfair way. I guess it's not entirely unfair this way since technically anyone could purchase that stuff, but it just ruins the spirit of friendly competitive gaming.
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6693|Texas - Bigger than France

motherdear wrote:

wait a minut, they do require money for some new looks (hats, pants etc) but they do not have any new weaponry or skills bought by real money. just wanted to clarify this.
ok, let me let you know where i'm going with this then.

if you are playing online and are getting some "cool gear" to pimp out your avatar.

there's a monthly fee or per hour charge for playing online.

so if you are out searching for "gear" to "pimp" yourself, aren't you paying for it?
+877|6113|Washington DC

Pug wrote:

motherdear wrote:

wait a minut, they do require money for some new looks (hats, pants etc) but they do not have any new weaponry or skills bought by real money. just wanted to clarify this.
ok, let me let you know where i'm going with this then.

if you are playing online and are getting some "cool gear" to pimp out your avatar.

there's a monthly fee or per hour charge for playing online.

so if you are out searching for "gear" to "pimp" yourself, aren't you paying for it?
not really, you're paying for internet access regardless.
Frosties > Cornflakes

I wouldnt mind considering it is only $10 and the game it's self is free.

Youve only got anything to complain about if you paid $50 for it and THEN they tried to squeeze yet more cash out of you.  If its free you dont have a leg to stand on. 

No, I like to pay for my game and then play the same game with the same stuff as everybody else.

DrunkFace wrote:

Pug wrote:

I guess my question is - when you bought the expansion packs for BF2, did the idea of "better" weapons factor into your decision?
Nope, more maps, SAS and night maps... Unfortunately no one else thinks like me and only 'bought' it so they could whore better on Karkand with the G36E.

There is no way in hell I'm going to spend money to change the appearance of a game and buying 'upgrades' to me just seems like a legalised hack... If I get the game (which I probably wont) there is no chance I'll be spending any money on it.
I was wondering if someone was gonna pull the whole "unlocks are for noobs" thing...although I admit you didn't say those exact words...it stills brightens my day just a little...
A friend of mine outlined this same concept for the online gaming market years ago - his concept was for an online car racing community where 'garages' (digital design houses) would customise your vehicle for a fee. At the time I thought it seemed like a good idea but very much 'pie in the sky'...looks like he was onto something.
+188|6308|Anaheim, Mexifornia

fo0k wrote:

MetaL* wrote:

Why is this in D&ST?
It's serious and worth the debate...  where the fuck should it be?

god I hate people like you.  You kill, send offtopic and generally ruin forums.
fo0k: Srs Business
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6826|Canberra, AUS

MetaL* wrote:

fo0k wrote:

MetaL* wrote:

Why is this in D&ST?
It's serious and worth the debate...  where the fuck should it be?

god I hate people like you.  You kill, send offtopic and generally ruin forums.
fo0k: Srs Business
This forum is serious. So what's the problem?
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
can detect anyone's visible post count...
+691|6917|Cambridge (UK)

FallenMorgan wrote:

It's really stupid when they do that.  I wanna play a game for free but I still gotta pay, bullshit.
Yeah, 'cos computer games grow on trees.

+188|6308|Anaheim, Mexifornia

Spark wrote:

MetaL* wrote:

fo0k wrote:

It's serious and worth the debate...  where the fuck should it be?

god I hate people like you.  You kill, send offtopic and generally ruin forums.
fo0k: Srs Business
This forum is serious. So what's the problem?
lulz I'm not even going to say anything.
Say wat!?

Scorpion0x17 wrote:

FallenMorgan wrote:

It's really stupid when they do that.  I wanna play a game for free but I still gotta pay, bullshit.
Yeah, 'cos computer games grow on trees.


Games are going to increasingly be more like this and its likely they will all have console ports with less and less games being developed for the PC market.

This isnt new either. For the last 3 years some games have been doing this. Mainly with free JRPG's.

konfusion wrote:

Because D&ST isn't in a gaming forum.
+14|6899|London, England

Vilham wrote:

Games are going to increasingly be more like this and its likely they will all have console ports with less and less games being developed for the PC market.
or will it...

http://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/t … f-consoles

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