prince of insufficient light
Yes we are a terrorist country, and we're better at it than anyone else, so shut up before we bomb the crap out of you.

Worked pretty well for us so far in terms of national success.

rammunition wrote:

3,000,000 Vietnamese People murdered over 30years of US Aggression

Well over 300,000 Japanese massacred when the US dropped nuclear bombs on the urban civilian areas of Nagasaki and Hiroshima and firebombed Tokiyo

More than 4,000 innocent civilians killed in Panama during the US invasion in 1989

Over 500,000 people were killed in Laos when America subjected civilians to "secret bombing" from 1964 to 1973, dropping over two million tons of bombs on the country. Over one fourth of the population also became refugees

100,000 people were murdered in South Korea prior to the Korean War by a brutal repression supported by US forces in 1945. This includes between 30,000 and 40,000 killed during the suppression of a peasant revolt on Cheju Island

Up to 4,500,000 Koreans were killed from 1951 to 1953 during America's massive slaughter in the Korean War

200,000 were murdered when the Philippines were conquered by American forces. This took place just over 100 years ago

23,000 people were slaughtered in Taiwan by US-backed, trained, equipped, and funded forces (Chiang's Nationalist army) during the late 1940s

700,000 Indonesians (mostly landless peasants) were murdered in 1965 when the US armed and supported General Suharto

200,000 were slaughtered in East Timor in 1975 by General Suharto with US support

600,000 civilians in cambodia killed by US bombing 1969-1975

750,000 civilians were driven from their homes in East Timor by Indonesian forces in 1999 and 10,000 were killed

Over 1,700,000 Iraqis have been killed by US bombings and sanctions, mostly women and children

Over 1,000,000 lives were lost during the Iran-Iraq War in the 1980s in which the US used direct force and supported Hussein and Iraq

45,000 people were killed in South Lebanon since 1982 by Israel, always armed and supported by the US

Thousands have been killed in Palestine and millions (in both Palestine and Lebanon) were made refugees by US-backed Israel

Over 75,000 civilians were killed and over one million refugees were created in El Salvador from 1980 to 1994 when the US intensely supported the efforts of a brutal regime and its death squads to eliminate a popular uprising

40,000 civilians were killed by the US-backed National Guard in Nicaragua over the course of almost 50 years

30,000 lives were killed by the US contras in Nicaragua from 1979 to 1989

200,000 Guatemalans were slaughtered from 1960-1990s by a military apparatus trained, armed, funded, and assisted by America

Over 35,000 Colombian civilians have been killed during the US-supported Columbian war against left-wing rebels

Over 3,000 were killed and countless others injured by US interventions in Cuba

Up to 10,000 more Somalians were killed by US troops during America's "humanitarian mission" in 1993

1,500,000 were killed between 1980 and 1988 in southern Africa by the US-armed South Africa

quite a list of the MILLIONS MURDERED, guess who?
its pretty obvious
You could add one nut kickin from me
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
+617|6559|NSW, Australia

how many Aboriginals did the British kill?, because im pretty certain it was more than a few
Commie Killer
This topic still makes me lol, literally.
+100|6652|State of RETOXification
I read through a lot of the 5 pages of posts here and noticed a trend.  Although many have called the numbers inflated or an outright lie they can't seem to show why they think that way and instead op for bashing and ridicule.  These numbers may be really out of whack but lets see some counter arguments besides "I'm American and it's the best goddamn country in the whole US of A!".  This is D&ST so let's get serious and talk about it instead of posturing patriotism.

I will say one thing though, if Iraq is a representation of how the US military handles its business then it is no wonder there are so many parts of the world where the US is completely hated.  Every country has its problems and every country has skeletons.  Seems though that if the US would stop poking around in other peoples closets theirs might not be so full of dead people.

To be fair, my Country has some skeletons:

Somalia - Two airborne soldiers torture and kill a Somali teen.  Soldiers are charged, regiment is disbanded after resulting investigation.
Afghanistan - Transferring combative prisoners to Afghan officials where those combatants are sometimes tortured.  Canadian Parliament erupts with cries to change it, we demand and receive access to the jails to view the prisoners after to ensure no torture is happening (ok, grain of salt on that one)
Canada - Oka, nuff said.

In fact, apart from the torture and murder of a Somali teen the greatest injustice Canada has done to the world is on it's own First Nation's people. 

...that and Celine Dion... again we are very sorry for inflicting her on the planet.
Fully Loaded
can someone help me update this???
Stocking ur medpacks
+135|6815|Groningen, The Netherlands

rammunition wrote:

can someone help me update this???
Why don't you end this rant and go on a trip to indonesia and see what unopressed radicals do to civilians, you won't like it.
Support fanatic :-)

rammunition wrote:

can someone help me update this???
Your thread, you update ... if merely a bump in disguise it will get closed ...
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
Fully Loaded

Varegg wrote:

rammunition wrote:

can someone help me update this???
Your thread, you update ... if merely a bump in disguise it will get closed ...
ok, ok ,just wanted a bit of help
Support fanatic :-)

rammunition wrote:

Varegg wrote:

rammunition wrote:

can someone help me update this???
Your thread, you update ... if merely a bump in disguise it will get closed ...
ok, ok ,just wanted a bit of help
And if you wan't credibility you should supply some sources in your OP ... as it looks now it's just another hate thread with random numbers ...
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
'Light 'em up!'

rammunition wrote:

Varegg wrote:

rammunition wrote:

can someone help me update this???
Your thread, you update ... if merely a bump in disguise it will get closed ...
ok, ok ,just wanted a bit of help
Five thousand killed in Zimbabwe? All the US's fault?
Fully Loaded

Varegg wrote:

rammunition wrote:

Varegg wrote:

Your thread, you update ... if merely a bump in disguise it will get closed ...
ok, ok ,just wanted a bit of help
And if you wan't credibility you should supply some sources in your OP ... as it looks now it's just another hate thread with random numbers ...
trust me, i am going to update this thread soon as it hasn't been updated in 6 months and will add some sources, i have lots
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6838|United States of America

M.O.A.B wrote:

rammunition wrote:

Varegg wrote:

Your thread, you update ... if merely a bump in disguise it will get closed ...
ok, ok ,just wanted a bit of help
Five thousand killed in Zimbabwe? All the US's fault?
Yep. Don't forget the Holocaust, those were US troops, too.

I read this before but I just now saw the 10,000 Somalians, too. I'm not an expert on any of these claims, but that is one area where I have a bit of backing. He accepted the highest Somalian estimates for casualties during a nearly 1 day long conflict. Actual reasonable estimates are under 2,000 as I recall, but hey....look who wrote the figures...
'Light 'em up!'

DesertFox- wrote:

M.O.A.B wrote:

rammunition wrote:

ok, ok ,just wanted a bit of help
Five thousand killed in Zimbabwe? All the US's fault?
Yep. Don't forget the Holocaust, those were US troops, too.

I read this before but I just now saw the 10,000 Somalians, too. I'm not an expert on any of these claims, but that is one area where I have a bit of backing. He accepted the highest Somalian estimates for casualties during a nearly 1 day long conflict. Actual reasonable estimates are under 2,000 as I recall, but hey....look who wrote the figures...
Is that for Gothic Serpent and the BoM? I think the casualties of Somalias was roughly 1,000 or just over, not sre on that though. Wiki's article puts it at between 500-1500 killed from a 20,000 + force.
Should have ducked
+394|6640|Ham Lake, MN (Fucking Cold)
I hate to actually post in this thread to give dip shit more encouragement, but you might as well throw your loving country of England on their for the Vietnam conflict, they supported returning the colonial power to France while the US wanted to support the free elections that had elected the Viet Minh after WWII. Or what about the English Government propping up the White controlled countries in Africa that led to years of civil war and oppression? How about the British attack on Argentina for the Argentinians trying to claim a group of islands right off their coast?

You figures are flawed, you give no sources and you bumped this thread because you think you are funny.

Go play in traffic or die in a toxic spill.
if you go play in a toxic spill first
then go play in traffic it is more fun because when the car hits you
after you have been exposed to nuclear waste you are much more sponge like
and you will splatter like a tomato.

film it and put it on liveleak.com for me
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6818|NT, like Mick Dundee

SgtHeihn wrote:

Go play in traffic or die in a toxic spill.
Aaahhh free speech at work. Heihn, those your ribbons?

@ Ramm, until you start judging all countries by the same measure and begin to use historical context relative to the events at the time, you will not be taken seriously by many people here. Oh and if you really want to piss people off look into Noam Chomsky's work. Of particular relevance to this thread is his book 'Failed States'.

Which does exactly what your OP was intended to do buuuuuut.... Chomsky provides countless primary and secondary sources to back up his claims.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
can detect anyone's visible post count...
+691|6919|Cambridge (UK)

rammunition wrote:

guess who?
71077345 ?
Should have ducked
+394|6640|Ham Lake, MN (Fucking Cold)
Oh and don't forget Ramm, your country was the one that carved out the Jewish state after WWII and then proceeded to arm and train both sides of the conflict then walk away and leave them to their own devices.

Lets go back a bit farther since you want to bring up stuff that happened over a hundred years ago, the systematic slaughter of the Irish.
Since my post was deleted...

Rammunition, I agree with you that we need to get rid of this "terrorist country" America. Of course it will stop the terrorism, poverty and death all around the world...but only for a short period of time!

U C, the original creators(along with its followers) of this horrible and corrupt super power were orignally from Britian. Therefore, we must take out the source of the problem...GREAT BRITIAN AND ALL OF ITS POPULATION MUST BE ELIMINATED IN ORDER FOR THE WORLD TO ACHIEVE A PEACEFUL STATE! CUT OFF THE HEAD AND THE BODY WILL FALL!!!111

UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6695|Texas - Bigger than France
Is there any support for the acts in the OP as being terrorism?  Anywhere?

Why isn't it linked? 

If you want to argue the point these are terrorist acts, don't you have to support the argument?

Can I suggest doing that or at least changing the thread title to something more appropriate?

SgtHeihn wrote:

Oh and don't forget Ramm, your country was the one that carved out the Jewish state after WWII and then proceeded to arm and train both sides of the conflict then walk away and leave them to their own devices.

Lets go back a bit farther since you want to bring up stuff that happened over a hundred years ago, the systematic slaughter of the Irish.
I'm proud of all that, stop trying to make it pejorative!

Honestly though Heihn, don't mention the 'plans' that the Western nations had for Vietnam after the conflict. What was with the straying-over-into-Cambodia-killing-thousands-then-adding-to-the-famine-that-was-later-blamed-on-Pol-Pot-entirely thing all about? Bit of an unmentioned slip of 20th century history that.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6754|132 and Bush

Pug wrote:

Is there any support for the acts in the OP as being terrorism?  Anywhere?

Why isn't it linked?
You didn't get the note?
Xbone Stormsurgezz
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6818|NT, like Mick Dundee


Haven't I seen that list before? Somewhere?

Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
+605|6260|Birmingham, UK

XxRavenxX wrote:

how many Aboriginals did the British kill?, because im pretty certain it was more than a few
If you're refering to Australia i think we exterminated alot of them by sleeping with/raping the women and then doing the same over and over again. I may be wrong though, can't remember where i heard this.

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