
vqsnapp wrote:

Esker wrote:

I bet this kid tells people off in game.

"I need another clip for this AK101"

"EXCUSE ME! But it is not ACTUALLY a clip... It's ACTUALLY refered to as a MAGAZINE, a clip and a magazine are not the same thing!"

"Just drop a fucking supply bag already"
ahhh hahahaha thats funny.

now someone give me a clip, my thing that shoots the hot metal deathballs is clicking.
lol i laughed so much when i read that

Last edited by Dilbert2468 (2006-02-25 01:15:46)

Mod Incarnate

silentsin wrote:

oh well. clip is shorter than magazine, therefore i will continue to use it. not like it really matters anyways, clip is now just a slang word for magazine.

EDIT: Banana, you stole that from a comedian. I can't remember who though, lol.
Chris rock i believe. I could be wrong.
+4|6984|Marshall, IL
I'm still waiting for my clipozine.

mpsmith wrote:

I'm glad someone else cares that there's a difference. I can't stand all the misused firearms terminology.

I'm also in the same boat with regards to how the Marines in BF2 are called soldiers, when in reality Marines are called Marines (the Army has soldiers...), and the medics aren't called medics- they should be 'corpsmen.'

All of you people who say you don't care took the time to say you don't care... I don't get it. If you're going to take the time to post say "thanks," since he's trying to educate you guys. There's nothing wrong with that. Further, many of you could better spend your time learning to spell and use proper grammar than playing BF2.
Slightly OT: Regarding the corpsmen, they arent even Marines. They are Navy who serve with the USMC because officially the USMC doesnt have "Marine Medics".

AlbertWesker[RE] wrote:

Are you people high or something or just don't know ANYTHING about firearms.....

For the ill informed:

Clip: http://www.marstar.ca/ammo/images/Czech-762x25-Clip.jpg

Mag(Magazine): http://stun-ningsales.com/airsoft/airso … mag957.jpg

Comparison: http://members.cox.net/the_redstar_swl/clip-mag.JPG

That is all.
Whats the difference between an AlbertWesker and a cockjuggling cumguzzling Thundercunt..........oh like a clip and a mag as far as modern terms there is no difference....WHO CARES.... so tired of people calling them the same thing  good lord.... What a sad individual to try and bring some self importance into your life by starting a useless thread to share knowledge of something no one cares about and you probably have never had to use a clip under fire or mag for that matter anyway.... but I'll tell ya sign up step into the line of fire spend a little time in the gulf and when your screaming for a mag , I am quite sure you aren't going to stop to correct your buddy when he says "Catch man I got a couple spare clips" no you will grin...and sigh reload and keep firing!!!!
+383|7040|The Netherlands
So i m stupid and i dont know the difference between clips and magazines lol. Best one i heared in a while...

Mmm lets see, was it the clip i used to fill my mags in the dutch army or did we use empty mags to fill our clips? Wait a minute... its all coming back... my drillinstructor gave us small cardboard boxes containing bullets on plastic strips or speedloaders as we used to call em... and... yes i remember now... we fed those into an empty magazine.

Edit: the speedloader/clip was discarded after loading.

Last edited by General-Echo (2006-02-25 02:40:20)


batman_psu wrote:

i have enjoyed some good laughs with this thread.  good shit.  Wesker, excellent job man.  I'm in the Army and I still get into arguments all the time with my buddy over this.  And just to put it out there, we still use BOTH stripper clips and magazines.  A lot of times, when we receive ammunition before going to a range or whatever, the rounds come in cardboard boxes with 30 rounds to a box.  there are 3 stripper clips of 10 rounds in each box.  we use a small metal device called a "speedloader" that attaches to the tops of the 30 round magazines.  the stripper clips are placed into the speedloader and then are pushed down into the magazine.  the speedloader keeps the rounds in line and separates them from the stripper clip.  3 quick pushes and we have a fully loaded 30 round magazine.  just fyi.  go army.
Good to see im still behind with army cadets-we load 30 round mags 1 rounda t a time from a box of 30 rounds of ammunition. Takes about an hour to get a sectionr eady for an ambush or something. *sigh*
Destroy Noob Cannons
ZOMG! Lyk The L85 and lyk the other "assault rifles" aren't ASSAULT RIFLES! Are they carried by the assault kit? NO! STOP CALLING THEM ASSAULT RIFLES! GET YOUR TERMINOLOGY RIGHT! FFS.

Get a life.
+13|6961|Victoria, Australia
R. Lee Ermey says the magazine is where the clip goes in.

I trust Gunnery Seargent Hartman more than misinformation.

SlayThem: The M-16 is an assault rifle but that's also carried by medic, you moron. An assault rifle is a rifle that is automatic, and uses rifles rounds.

Last edited by Jakethe8lf (2006-02-25 06:03:38)


batman_psu wrote:

i have enjoyed some good laughs with this thread.  good shit.  Wesker, excellent job man.  I'm in the Army and I still get into arguments all the time with my buddy over this.  And just to put it out there, we still use BOTH stripper clips and magazines.  A lot of times, when we receive ammunition before going to a range or whatever, the rounds come in cardboard boxes with 30 rounds to a box.  there are 3 stripper clips of 10 rounds in each box.  we use a small metal device called a "speedloader" that attaches to the tops of the 30 round magazines.  the stripper clips are placed into the speedloader and then are pushed down into the magazine.  the speedloader keeps the rounds in line and separates them from the stripper clip.  3 quick pushes and we have a fully loaded 30 round magazine.  just fyi.  go army.
That is what I like to see!  I used to do the same thing while I was in the army.   I wanted to take a picture of these the ammo loading process but I can't anymore.  Also take a picture of that heavy ass crate the ammo comes in, must be 70 punds or so.  Also, take a picture of the bandolier.  And the ammo cans too!  get a pic of the labeling on the side with the Ball and size and stuff!  Shit, take pics like it's a model at a photoshoot!

Clip ( or stripper clip) holds rounds.  Speedloader holds clip in place to put rounds into magazine.  Magazine goes into magazine well.  all is done.

Clips are loaded into older weapons that do not use magazines.

Corrupt, you aren't exactly wrong but whoever gave you single rounds is an a hole.  I was in army for 6 years.  Never did I get single rounds to go to the range for weapons qualification.

EDIT: I'll just find the pics myself

ammo crate side markings

ammo crate opened

Ammo can

the cardboard boxes containing clips of rounds

Stripper clips  with speed loaders and attached to a magazine


Last edited by jgrahl (2006-02-25 06:45:37)

PPl who dont know the difference arent stupid. For example, ppl who live in the uk, and arent in any form of military have probably had no contact with any form of firearm in thier lives.
A .22 air rifle is the closest ive ever got

Becasue we dotn live in a culture where guns are owned by perhaps a majority of the population. Does not make us stupid.
Before being so quick to get annoyed about terminoligy,think about where ur from, who u r , and what u do. Then think about someone who is almost the complete opposite of u,im sure 99% of ppl in ther world know something u dont.
I'll take two
+132|7105|Perth, Western Australia
Honestly who cares. If someone said "It has a good amount of clips" instead of mags you would know what they meant.

SharkyMcshark wrote:

Honestly who cares. If someone said "It has a good amount of clips" instead of mags you would know what they meant.
Yeah, but it's a bit like a friend of mine who used to constantly refer to the entire computer case as the CPU. I know what he meant, but he was still wrong, and he's got over that now and calls a case a case and a CPU a CPU.

I was pretty amused by this thread. Mostly because of the whiners who would resort to pathetic insults when they realised that they'd been saying clip all this time when they were referring to magazines, and didn't want to admit defeat. As RKKRom was saying, it's fair enough that not everyone knows this stuff, because it's not common knowledge. What IS stupid, though, is people attacking someone who hass his facts straight.

I mean, I use "clip" a fair bit when I actually mean "magazine" but I've known that it's wrong for a while and I don't try to pretend otherwise if I'm corrected.

The M-16 is an assault rifle but that's also carried by medic, you moron. An assault rifle is a rifle that is automatic, and uses rifles rounds.
Heh heh. That opens another whole can of worms because a weapon like the G3A3 fits that description, and is not an assault rifle, but a battle rifle.
Wow and I always thought a round was for boxing. Thanks for clearing that up.,lol j/j with ya ,lol.
my cat's breath smells like cat food :?
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7010|Tampa Bay Florida
Who the hell cares, when you and your squad are being shot at, real life or just a video game, no one CARES whether you say banana, clip, mag, magazine, it doesn't MATTER.  Wow.  There are so many other words that have been misused in the english language.   

Technically, you pronounce Iraq as "Irawk", not as "eyerack".  But then, some of you will say, who cares.  Half the people who are over there fighting don't even know how to pronounce it correctly.


...Yeah, and instead of saying "Enemy boat spotted" they should say "Enemy piece of shit RIB thingy spotted over there."


Yes, I already knew what the difference was...but who really knows about a gun's ammo? I mean, probably 99% of the people who play CounterStrike still think that the M249's ammo box holds 100 and loads from the right side into a little flap, neither of which are true.

And just because someone doesn't know EVERYTHING YOU FUCKING WANT THEM TO KNOW doesn't mean they're stupid.

"Requesting supply drop."
"zOMG its a suply CRAET stupid"
"Thanks. Now we don't need it anymore, our whole squad's DEAD."

...And yes your cat's breath smells like catfood.

Last edited by k30dxedle (2006-02-25 07:48:23)

Well i have to say that has definately cleared things up in my mind. I feel so foolish for getting these two mixed up...........i couldn't care if you loaded a dildo into a gun, its a game m8. so what do rocket launchers have? and what do water pistols have? see if you can answer that one. bubble guns?
canisters vs taps: are you all just stupid?

AlbertWesker[RE] wrote:

Are you people high or something or just don't know ANYTHING about firearms.....

For the ill informed:

Clip: http://www.marstar.ca/ammo/images/Czech-762x25-Clip.jpg

Mag(Magazine): http://stun-ningsales.com/airsoft/airso … mag957.jpg

Comparison: http://members.cox.net/the_redstar_swl/clip-mag.JPG

That is all.
And why does this bother you so much?  When I was in the suck I would say clip when talking about pistol mags once and a while, big friggin deal.
+28|7055|Houston, TX
Anyone saying some one here is stupid for not knowing the difference between mags' and clip is the stupid one. If not knowing a trivial piece of information makes some one stupid I guess everyone is.  I call mags' and clips, clips.  When I go to a range they call them clips. The only people I ever really here refer to mags' as magazines are my grandfather and, uncles that served in the Air Force and Army. When you have to deal with both types then yea calling them clips and mags makes a difference. This is a forum for a video game not, gun dealers. So if some one doesn't now the diference. Oh well. It doesn't make someone stupid. The person that is basing their intellegence (and others) on some trivial crap is an idiot themselves.

W    W    W  H        H      OO            CC       A          RRRR     EEEE     SSSS
W  W W  W  H        H     O   O         C         A  A        R     R     E        S 
WW   WW   HHHHHH     O   O        C         AAAA       RRRR      EEEE    SSSS
  W      W    H        H      O   O        C        A      A      R      R    E                S
  W      W    H        H         O            CC   A        A     R       R   EEEE    SSS
Not Human Anymore
+144|6964|Seattle, WA
A little clarification guys, let me apologize for the thread topic assuming people were stupid, that was more of a joke and I apologize....spearhead my point was NOT while in the game, it was on THESE forums people referring to it, and yes of course IRL if I were being shot at I wouldn't care, that was NOT my point.  My point was just referring to terms on this forum

he_who_says_zonk wrote:

SharkyMcshark wrote:

Honestly who cares. If someone said "It has a good amount of clips" instead of mags you would know what they meant.
it's fair enough that not everyone knows this stuff, because it's not common knowledge. What IS stupid, though, is people attacking someone who hass his facts straight.
+10,000 couldn't agree more. thank you.  The point of this thread really was not meant to be mean as suggested by the title as I previously said, sorry bout that guys, but more to just put some info out there.

Jakethe8lf wrote:

R. Lee Ermey says the magazine is where the clip goes in.

I trust Gunnery Seargent Hartman more than misinformation.
R. Lee is a very respectable individual and I love his show and his credentials...however on that episode you are mentioning he is talking about the M1 Garand in particular and other rifles that use magazines integral to the rifle and clips to load into that magazine.  PLEASE read my other posts...thanks.

Edit: And its spelled Sergeant  , and if you think the two sources posted are misinformation, you have a lot of learning to do.

Last edited by AlbertWesker[RE] (2006-02-25 10:23:23)

Destroy Noob Cannons

Jakethe8lf wrote:

R. Lee Ermey says the magazine is where the clip goes in.

I trust Gunnery Seargent Hartman more than misinformation.

SlayThem: The M-16 is an assault rifle but that's also carried by medic, you moron. An assault rifle is a rifle that is automatic, and uses rifles rounds.
Wow, just wow.
First of all, my post was a joke.
Second, You're wrong. LMGs use rifle rounds and it's not an assault rifle.

+101|6996|Southern California
now since we have advanced beyond basic ammo terms let's move into the advanced area....  o.O

There are:
short mags
long mags
banana mags
rotary mags
drum mags
duct-tape 2 mags bak to back for quick switch (idk wth they are called)
brass bags
old hags

give me belt fed ammo or give me....belt fed ammo
This thread needs a good artillary attack!!!

34766 wrote:

Teckademics wrote:

34766 wrote:

All of you are losers...

look at your sig *cough*
Your ganna tell me you dont like it?
You know damn well what im thinking but im not ganna say it cause i wanna keep things peacefull
I like it....

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