The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6820|Cardiff, Capital of Wales
A lot of the above gets mentioned and added into my post about my experiences with them.  Do they still join your squad whilst leaving their mates on the other team? Ask the clown in the above pic.  And isn't that house used in the "shameless" (uk tv) programme?  Suprised the house has such techno as broadband.  Must be annoying having to outside for a shit?

Anyway, the link is below  if anyone hasn't read it, there are many views on BSF etc there. I'd say they have become the most infamous clan on the net, nothing to be proud of though due to the high amount of negative comments.

Alright, you're good to go!
+124|6875|Honolulu, HI
Well...I can't speak for every clan out there, I'm sure many of them are egotistic, vehicle-whoring assholes, but I can assure you [QXJZ] isn't one of them.  Hell, check my stats!  See my total time in vehicles?  My total teamkills?  There are Corporals out there with more.

As for Butler's stats, it wasn't very long ago (i.e., before his stats got reset) that his overall K/D was about equal to mine (and that includes a K/D of ~3 in vehicles that accounted for half his BF2 play time?)...I have to say, if I started a new BF2 profile my "new" K/D would be pretty close to 2 as well.

So to wrap up...SOME bad clans give ALL of them a bad name.

|TOP|Capt_Kefra (don't look at my sig)
I dunno, they always seemed pretty nice to me, Especially Research Kitchen, whenever he is in the same server as me he always invites me to his squad. but i dont think he plays with top as i havent seen a tag on him in  while,  but he doesnt talk much i think its cuz one time i called him research kitten.  And i love to make fun of nastie when he is in the same server. but i make fun of everyone better than me, and im usually just messing around. i like to have fun. bf2 is fun.
Can I just point out that almost nothing can be gleaned from looking at stats. Everyone plays the game differently so it's not going to tell you much when you compare stats between players.

Example: Player A who plays in a jet or heli or armour might have a k/d of 4.35 but Player B who plays as infantry may have a k/d of 1.10. So to compare them tells you nothing about their skills relative to one another.

Another reason why stats are pointless is that so many people have padded their stats either by killing/ reviving or team-switching to get a win, that the whole system is now corrupt.

Even the hit/ miss ratio is meaningless. You might find a 1337 player who is on target 40% of the time but whose ratio is only 15%. This is because he spends the rest of the time shooting into thin air because he likes the sound of his new sniper rifle.

Stats are at best a very vague representation of a player's skills.

To get a good idea of a player's skills, you have to play with them for [let's say, for argument's sake] 10 rounds. And even then, it depends on the person being able to recognise skill within another player. Since not everyone is exactly the same perception-wise, there are those who wouldn't even be able to recognise skill if it bit them on the nuts. There are still others who wouldn't in a million years be honest about another player's skill level, due to their lack of honesty/ jealousy/ agenda.

Basically, a good player is one who contributes to the good of the team whilst using a minimum amount of resources.
A good player is one who does simple things like offering a lift to other players rather than taking a vehicle on their own.
A good player is someone who does not tk for assets.
A good player is someone who does not need to exploit unfortunate game features in order to succeed.
A good player is someone who does not play with the personal score being the main objective.

The best player might just be the one you never notice - the one who takes a flag then defends it.

4 real.

|TOP| xanthpi
The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6820|Cardiff, Capital of Wales
I had a feeling we were going to recieve a lesson/lecture.

1927 wrote:

I had a feeling we were going to recieve a lesson/lecture.
Do you think there is nothing of value in my post?
The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6820|Cardiff, Capital of Wales
I totally agree with you on the "stats" bit. No way can you read a full picture of someone from stats alone. So thats good value I think. The lesson though in being a "good player" isn't though. You may help others so perhaps my personal view that most of us already knew these points, from early on in our bf2 careers.  I ecspecially like the bit about TK ing for vehicles. Thats what started the thread off in the 1st place.  "Exploit unfortunate game features" What on earth could you mean? lol
That might mean such things as impersonating a rabbit or a dolphin, or spinning a turret to enter a building.

xanthpi wrote:

1927 wrote:

I had a feeling we were going to recieve a lesson/lecture.
Do you think there is nothing of value in my post?
One word answers don't really work with questions like that.

So, yes you think there is value or no you don't think there is value?

If no, then I'm sorry but there isn't a great deal I can do to help you.

Most clans I run into are filled with douche bags, and I know I am not the only one, so this can't be new news to anyone.
The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6820|Cardiff, Capital of Wales
Or maybe, (sneakily) Joining a sqd from the oppo team, shooting through walls, spawn raping and being able to TK someone for there vehicle. Not only is that unfortunate I suppose, but also the person who comes up against it is. I'd rather they concentrated in ridding the game of this rubbish rather than removing the opportunity to impersonate an animal whilst playing.

Im sorry but I don't underatand what you mean about turret spinning to enter a building. I have seen a video where a tank turret spins quickly though.
Beer Consumption Expert
+25|6877|Beerville, USA


E7IX3R wrote:

As far I can see, they're still pricks, nastie is still shit, cant fight on ground for shit and most of the others are just TK'ers.
LOL....have you seen my stats recently.   The more pure unfiltered butler stats (without the BH stats) has a  ratio of 2.55....yours is .83.  All my kits are positive ratios which I cant say for you.   And most importantly ALL of my "ground pounding" kit equipment ratios are positive and average at 2 which means ....i kill more than I die when I am on the ground 2 to 1.

Your kit equipment ratio is .75 which means if we met on the ground chances are I would own you three to four times before you got me.

Proof... http://bf2s.com/player/NASTIE_BUTLER/
Well Nastie if your stats currently showing on BF2s are accurate looks to me like your doing alot of team jumping for the win again, or can you explain a 13.33 Win/Loss Ratio.
+13|6784|1500 Gold Medaller's land
I can understand why so many people hate |TOP|. I don't care if they TK for vehicles, let them have them, all I need is my ground weapons. I played with them the other night, their teamwork together was really efficient. In Iron Gator they captured all the US flags like under maybe 15 mins. They play for winning but doesnt every good player play for win...at least I do. I would also like to say that they are very cocky. When we played Mass Destruction, I manage to win the whole game on foot when they were on the other team. On the next round I asked if I had any possibility to join |TOP| but they just called me a noob after an impressive win. The map was Surge and on the second round I got better points than any |TOP| members and got second right after  [N)@(M]Kain. They could be a little bit nicer I would say, at least I'm trying because then everyone would have fun playing and wins are more impressive when gotten in game where everyone enjoyed.

Last edited by DaJJ (2006-02-24 07:26:27)


maef wrote:

and... is there a reason you guys renamed your clan?

edit: typo... kinda
I'd guess because half of them had their stats wiped for padding, and they are trying to shake the negative rep that got them.

Yes, and there is nothing worse than some faggot who thinks he is better than you, tking you for a vehicle because he assumes he would outperform you. If he was so sure he would do better, he would just wait for you to crash/die and pick up the jet/heli then, but like I said, faggots. There is no excuse for intentional TKs, but arrogant assholes will continue to do it. This statement is a generalization, not particular in reference to the aforementioned situation.
+4|6812|3 Miles East of Smurf Village
I really dont think you get it. We are not cheaters, never will be, and never want to be. The mind will believe what ever makes you happy in some cases such as this one. We arent the average clan that go and put up a "Recruiting Now!!!" Logo on our server, sigs, or website (Website comming soon). We started with a select group of 6-7 guys  which we quickly named "The A team" (for blackhawking at the time) We were extremely good at what we did and how we did it.

Then as the future commenced, we wanted to share our knowledge and skill with other talented players. Hence the reason why all our players are top notch (Ironic - |TOP|). We went on a personal hand selected recruitment spree and picked what we felt was the best of the best. We went for people who had a variety of attributes in BF2. We have some guys that are amazing in the tank but terrible at the jet/heli. Then we have those who make up our TOP airforce and annilihate anything in the air but cant stand a chance on the ground.

That is the reason why we never lost a clan match since we all got into BSF. Before you start to make accusations, try getting to know us. We have a public TS and are willing to work with anyone who has the urge to see how we play and operate.

Now, the reason we ALL left BSF is because the lack of command the leaders were giving the BF2 division of BSF. They felt the 1988 game of JO:OPS and BHD are more important and felt BF2 didnt need any recognition. Everyone from BSF that was in the BF2 sector, is now TOP. And no, we have not recruited anyone since then.

Remember, you can go around calling us cheats/stat padders, but you really are just making yourself look like a douchebag who enjoys riding all the ass on the bandwagon.
Oh right, you just got your stats wiped for suspicious gameplay, you didn't actually do anything wrong. My bad.

Bunch of Tossers.
The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6820|Cardiff, Capital of Wales
Tell the above to EA/DICE as Im sure they would re instate your stats and hopefully admit to getting it wrong?  Your boys told me before when I put them under question that they didn't hack or cheat and I replied that I had no reason to not belive them. I accepted there word. It seems myself and Ea (along with countless others) made a mistake then for whatever reason they chose? And from what I gather only EA know the offical reason why they wiped you.

I'd be intrested to see a proof of your email to EA before you sent it. Their calling you cheats more than anyone else (by wiping) and they haven't provided any evidence. Surley you will send the email? Im suprised you haven't already, afterall I know I don't cheat and If mine got wiped I'd be fuming aswell and expect the full support of my clan.  You couldn't get away with this behaviour in real life so they shouldn't "online".


E7IX3R wrote:

As far I can see, they're still pricks, nastie is still shit, cant fight on ground for shit and most of the others are just TK'ers.
LOL....have you seen my stats recently.   The more pure unfiltered butler stats (without the BH stats) has a  ratio of 2.55....yours is .83.  All my kits are positive ratios which I cant say for you.   And most importantly ALL of my "ground pounding" kit equipment ratios are positive and average at 2 which means ....i kill more than I die when I am on the ground 2 to 1.

Your kit equipment ratio is .75 which means if we met on the ground chances are I would own you three to four times before you got me.

Proof... http://bf2s.com/player/NASTIE_BUTLER/
Yes. I proved them and there are a few abnormalities.

I played with you last year september on Karkand 24/[email protected], thought you're a good and fair player, but so it isn't.
You become a stat padder and a team killler.

You think you're the best and you and your clan can do what you want.
Change your prefix into |FLOP|, this is more better and it describes how you and your clan is playing

Zeibach wrote:


E7IX3R wrote:

As far I can see, they're still pricks, nastie is still shit, cant fight on ground for shit and most of the others are just TK'ers.
LOL....have you seen my stats recently.   The more pure unfiltered butler stats (without the BH stats) has a  ratio of 2.55....yours is .83.  All my kits are positive ratios which I cant say for you.   And most importantly ALL of my "ground pounding" kit equipment ratios are positive and average at 2 which means ....i kill more than I die when I am on the ground 2 to 1.

Your kit equipment ratio is .75 which means if we met on the ground chances are I would own you three to four times before you got me.

Proof... http://bf2s.com/player/NASTIE_BUTLER/
Yes. I proved them and there are a few abnormalities.

I played with you last year september on Karkand 24/[email protected], thought you're a good and fair player, but so it isn't.
You become a stat padder and a team killler.

You think you're the best and you and your clan can do what you want.
Change your prefix into |FLOP|, this is more better and it describes how you and your clan is playing
Ahahahaha....that's how they ALL think and that's why they annoy the shit out of people.

Last edited by usmarine2005 (2006-02-24 08:03:42)

The reason why nastie_butler has such a good win/ loss ratio is because he usually plays with a bunch of other clan members on the same side, and since we are comprised of good players, the chances are that that side gets the win. There's nothing wrong with that.

What is he supposed to do? Deliberately lose so as not to offend those who don't like players who are better than them?
Nothing wrong with a good W/L as long as it was obtained legitimately.

Cheating bitches.
"Generous mods" < Thats right Systray !

usmarine2005 wrote:

Cheating bitches.
Dude, go somewhere more useful for you, like in a corn field. All you do on these forums is down on people without any knowledge of what the fuck is going on. You don't ever have a damn thing to say that's either productive or even witty. It's the same shit every time, and no one likes you. Fuck off.

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