The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6820|Cardiff, Capital of Wales
Im afraid so. Before we start, yes I have searched the forum and if it wasn't for all the other people questining him, I wouldnt be either.

Myself and a mate ran into him and his squad last night, approx 12 of them (not sure if they all are usa/ usa badges) whilst playing EA UK ONLY.  After a short period of being consistantly blown to bits by his helicopter whilst re-spawning he declares "sorry lads you will never beat BSF".  Don't get me wrong they were good, Ive read his posts about calling in air strikes etc, squad hopping (no mention of bunny hopping).  However I noticed a few things last night while all these guys were there. 1. Shooting through walls. 2. Finding me hiding whilst totally out of the way 3. Not hitting them even with apc's 4. My apc being taken out 1st hit.  5. (This didnt carry on re occuring, but "betnoonehasthisname" (or simular) swapped to our team and joined my squad.  I didnt see him join, I just saw him leave. Could this explain how they consistantly found me? Im in the middle of nowhere

After the 1st full round of all these "BSF" clan memebers being together they occupied the top 10/12 of other team, well played. (until proven guilty of the above strange going on's surley they are innocent, same goes for all the questions on this forum about him) All but two were disconnected, Butler and xanphi.  They won the next round but had to settle for silver and bronze.  They were a good 20 points off the gold medal winner.  I think that round they had decided to put there feet on the floor and had stopped the spawn and base raping with choppers.     Suddenly becoming average. The screen chat they were giving had stopped infact these two were being very quiet all of a sudden.  No more reminders of how "bsf always win" or "missed me again", like I said they were very quiet now.

Ive checked his stats and he meds a lot at karkland, buzzes round in a chopper and use the assult weapon a lot.  He's been kicked a hell of a lot and has 13 bans to his name.

He could well be better than what I will ever be, Im certanly not going to play it as much as he does, infact xanphi quotes on there website they need girlfriends or simular. 

To sum this post up, I'll give my opinion, which wether right or wrong Im entilted to.  I belive they (bsf) cheat, I know they don't like loosing, or having a full blackhawk shot down.  They certanly don't like it when you stand up to them.  Ive played agaisnt and with many other "top 10" players and the majority have my upmost respect because in those games, my apc didnt explode on 1 hit, my bullets didnt just pass through them magically, they didnt get "cocky" through chat and they certanly didnt join my sqd to tell there team mates where I was.
+55|6896|3 Miles west of smurf village
Yes I sent a player on your side just to track YOU and you alone down.  Lolz....j/k.  When one of our members is commander we call in UAVs and "area spots" to find enemies in areas of interest.  Sounds like you were in that area.  When one of us is commander....all he does is command.  That is the effect of a good commander....knowing where the enemy is and having players calling for spots and recieve them promptly.

We dont hack bro.

Last edited by NASTIE_BUTLER (2006-01-26 16:37:02)

Respekct dad i love u always
+946|6956|Marathon, Florida Keys
do u guys have a site?
Jet Rammer
+4|6873|Debris From Space


Yes I sent a player on your side just to track YOU and you alone down.  Lolz....j/k.  When one of our members is commander we call in UAVs and "area spots" to find enemies in areas of interest.  Sounds like you were in that area.  When one of us is commander....all we do is command.  That is the effect of a good commander....knowing where the enemy is and calling for spots and recieving them promptly.

We dont hack bro.
that was unexpected....
Uh, I was on a map with Butler about a week ago, and we beat their team. Think maybe two BSF were there at the time.

My point is.... who gives a shit?
+89|6860|Sheffield, England
hey nastie_butler, how come ya never go on your xfire anymore, and loki somehow shot me from far away with his j-10, how the hell does he do that
+8|6913|Kannapolis,North Carolina
Being a good commander will make it look like theres a cheater playing. Untill you blow up the Satalite and UAV, The commander is the all mighty show enemies we have all grown to hate in other games.
is drunk and crazy
I was on a wake server the other day and the BSF clan were in a black hawk, they all got over 100 points and one guy got over 120 kills.

A bsf guy joined my squad and was speaking to me on VoIP

He seemed pretty sound and explained how they get accused of cheating all the time
I'm your pusher
+9|6883|yorkshire penisula
i gotta admit that they are good players.dont think they should be so cocky as i played with loki allot before he had BSF tag and he wasent great and cried like a baby allot.they do dominate when there is a squad of em.
they dont hack tho,really doubt it.
+55|6896|3 Miles west of smurf village
I don't use xfire anymore.  Xfire was a way to stay in touch with players that I normally hang with.  Since we all joined BSF we have no need...I just log into our ts.

Yes if you see a group of four or more BSF members on one side I would say you are in for a challenge.  We all play hard and play to win.  There might be a player here or there that, at any given time, may be better than one of us at this or that but when we play as a team this has little impact.  For any one member that gets owned there are a couple that are moving into position to recover or take a flag at the same time.  We play together so much that tactics others would consider to be advanced are usually executed without a word. 

Yes we do have set strategies to accomplish specific tasks like asset revocation, asset deniability, spot-reinforcing, etc.  This is why it appears that we instantly spawn on far sides of the maps or are there just at the right time to steal vehicles.   This is why some vehicles that should spawn for enemy use....do not for the remainder of the round.  If we have an ace in the air and our ground force is pinned we can call an airstrike and guarantee that vehicle's destruction in less than five seconds.  We assign specific members to suppress other squads or vehicles that represent a threat.  We assign members to guard specific key points and they actually stay at their posts and report if they are overrun.  If a member needs back up its just a click away.

We pay attention to aspects....especially air superiority...that affect the game greatly.   We pay attention to choke points and to where the majority of the players on both teams gravitate towards at any given time given ownership of flags.  This allows you to take advantage of the situation and take the paths of least resistance to keep your team on top.

You will NEVER see any of us whine about baseraping, stolen vehicles, bunnyhopping, noob toobing, or any other aspect that the game allows....we are too busy reacting to them and countering.

We are no different that other players out there.  The big difference is that we are organized.  Even more important we have the mindset..... www.sirlin.net

Our website is www.bsf-squad.co.uk .....we are called British Special Forces but we are international.  We are not recruiting through our website but we are recruiting personally.  If you want to join look us up and play with or against us.  The last two members we invited were players that owned us to the extent that it got our attention.  Again....its not just "uber-micro" that makes a good player....its communication/teamwork/judgement/awareness and the "will to win".   We have had invitees that after a period of playing with us "just don't get the teamwork aspect" despite their "skillz".  You must be aggressive AND a team player.

Last edited by NASTIE_BUTLER (2006-01-26 17:07:54)

+55|6896|3 Miles west of smurf village

DMFDxUconn wrote:

Being a good commander will make it look like theres a cheater playing. Untill you blow up the Satalite and UAV, The commander is the all mighty show enemies we have all grown to hate in other games.
Don't forget that a commander can still spot enemies even without the use of his assets.   It pays to spot areas in the map that you THINK the enemy will be at.  Another tip for being a good commaner is to always go medic.   This way you can see on your commander HUD where your team is being killed.   And for god sakes communicate with your people.
+89|6860|Sheffield, England
nastie butler, i played with u guys other day, on karkand, i wiped 4 of your players out before loki had to stop me with his tank, i was owning u all, then wake came and u owned us all

mate my name on bf2 is Team-E|Elite, we used to speak all of the time on catch gamer.no server

Last edited by elite (2006-01-26 17:20:36)

Note to self: never reload after capping only a single BSF person. I'll need the bullets in another 1.5 seconds..

Another note to self: Stay on whatever side BSF is on.
Destroy Noob Cannons
If you're the same BSF that I played with on Wake (I think it was Moders), You guys are a great team. Although you didn't let me stay in your squad
Is this the same BSF that Vengence is apart of?

EDIT: To the topic starter, a helo took you out in one shot? Oh darn. Them TV missles are hacks, eh?

Last edited by =[4th]=SlayThem (2006-01-26 18:10:49)

+4|6812|3 Miles East of Smurf Village

=[4th]=SlayThem wrote:

Is this the same BSF that Vengence is apart of?
Pretty impressive.  Liked the part where you blew up the Z-10 feet in front of the people that were running towards it.
who gives a big flying shit about bsf or nastie butler.  i played in all kinds of servers and ive owned alot of people.  I dont think these people are any better than any other regular player.  they are probably just like me.  i play the game, i kill alot more people than i get killed by.  Im am alot better player than most of your average or standard players.  i have played in a server one time where i was going on for around 4 hours winning first or second place every round.  nastie butler came in and i stll won.  he only got like 17 pts or so.  he got killed damn near just as much as he killed.  he also was tking people for no reason.  so who cares about people just because they have alot of pts.  they started the game the same time most other people did, the only difference is most normal people like me have real jobs and real lives, they play this game all the time.  i get to play when i get time.  so, as for me, i dont give a crap about those people with higher ranks.  i got my rank by playing legit.  i promsie you most of the people at the top arent any better.  some of them have cheated i can assure at least once.  look at the blazin uk guy, he has got killed a ton more than he has killed anyone.
¦Tactics Øver Principles¦

=[4th]=SlayThem wrote:

If you're the same BSF that I played with on Wake (I think it was Moders), You guys are a great team. Although you didn't let me stay in your squad
Is this the same BSF that Vengence is apart of?
Yes, when I play on moders with Nexar we like to have a 2 man squad so we can swap the squad leader position to spawn in the chopper, etc.

nezff wrote:

who gives a big flying shit about bsf or nastie butler.  i played in all kinds of servers and ive owned alot of people.  I dont think these people are any better than any other regular player.  they are probably just like me.  i play the game, i kill alot more people than i get killed by.  Im am alot better player than most of your average or standard players.  i have played in a server one time where i was going on for around 4 hours winning first or second place every round.  nastie butler came in and i stll won.  he only got like 17 pts or so.  he got killed damn near just as much as he killed.  he also was tking people for no reason.  so who cares about people just because they have alot of pts.  they started the game the same time most other people did, the only difference is most normal people like me have real jobs and real lives, they play this game all the time.  i get to play when i get time.  so, as for me, i dont give a crap about those people with higher ranks.  i got my rank by playing legit.  i promsie you most of the people at the top arent any better.  some of them have cheated i can assure at least once.  look at the blazin uk guy, he has got killed a ton more than he has killed anyone.
Yes, you were sent from god to own BF2.
hes not so tough
I killed him the other night

http://img56.imageshack.us/my.php?image … 1304ik.png
Death StatPadder
+228|6915|Human Meat Shield
Pretty impressive. Nice Clan. Like the organization. Nice words of not complaining and playing the game how its supposed to be played, overall it's just a game.

But not impressed with the helo (maybe a little on the guidance of the tv missle in some instances); but I see alot of pure carnage with anyone in vehicles, no matter who you are. To me it's not the individuals, it's the people working together as a team. Obviously practice is the key.
No place like
+76|6842|Gold Coast,QLD,Australia
how many times did he get you

EDIT: look at your health, butler?

Last edited by .ACB|_Cutthroat1 (2006-01-27 04:06:01)

+0|6835|Tampa, Florida
It has been PROVEN that BSF DO HACK and CHEAT, (i will post the evidence in a bit) anyway I have killed these twits myself, even though i suck at this game, BSF is NBOT hard to kill and they are NOT the ELITE players they claim to be.
Nasty Butler exploits alot of the game to his advatage...BUT...i will give credit where credit is due...TO ALL THE NORMAL PPL THAT PLAY THE GAME TO PLAY IT AND NOT WORRY ABOUT THE FUCKING PTS!!!!!
BSF is nothing but a bunch of NO LIFE kiddies that play on mommy & daddies computer and whine when they do not get their way and have circle jerks when they lose.
Let the little TWITS claim their fame under false pretenses, WHO REAlLY GIVES A FLYING SHIT!!!!!
I play to have fun and will continue to do just that.
BSF=Biggest Shit Fliers

GrimReaper121 wrote:

It has been PROVEN that BSF DO HACK and CHEAT, (i will post the evidence in a bit) anyway I have killed these twits myself, even though i suck at this game, BSF is NBOT hard to kill and they are NOT the ELITE players they claim to be.
Nasty Butler exploits alot of the game to his advatage...BUT...i will give credit where credit is due...TO ALL THE NORMAL PPL THAT PLAY THE GAME TO PLAY IT AND NOT WORRY ABOUT THE FUCKING PTS!!!!!
BSF is nothing but a bunch of NO LIFE kiddies that play on mommy & daddies computer and whine when they do not get their way and have circle jerks when they lose.
Let the little TWITS claim their fame under false pretenses, WHO REAlLY GIVES A FLYING SHIT!!!!!
I play to have fun and will continue to do just that.
BSF=Biggest Shit Fliers
whoa, they must have killed you too.
Death StatPadder
+228|6915|Human Meat Shield
I've killed both they aren't invincible, I just don't like it when people think they are untouchable; it's gloating and unsportsmanlike. I believe people should respect others ingame, give credit where credit is due, it's a learning process for some. Like the "Sorry Lads You'll Never Beat ...." or " Pwnd U n00bs" is not respect.

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