Back in battle after 3-year break
Let's give you some advice from a Gunsmith (I learned this profession years ago)

In the early years of firearms, that uses ammo with cases, there were only existing clips. They were made to reload repeating (and later semi-auto) arms faster, because the magazine (let's call it ammo holder) was build in the system of the rifle, like in the german K89 rifle (or pistol, like the Mauser C96).

Then comes the removable magazine, like we know it today. So, it's not particulary wrong, if someone calls a removable magazine "clip", because it sounds cooler or something. In fact, from a clear technical view, it's not the same, but who cares...?

EDIT: Oops, I missed the second page of this thread. I think in the meanwhile all is answered...

Last edited by [FB]Eraser (2006-02-24 00:54:15)

+3|7022|Essen - Germany
And the clips, magazines, drums and belts hold the cartridge (sometimes referred to as "round").
It is made up from the propelling charge and the projectile. There are cartridges that hold the propelling charge and projectile in a casing that is ejected from the gun when firing (except for revolvers, where the casing stays in the drum) and there are so called caseless cartridges.

The projectile is the "bullet" or "slug" that leaves the gun barrel and is supposed to hit the enemy

*steps off the soap box and sits down again in the backrow*

See you,
PF-Reign of Lead

AlbertWesker[RE] wrote:

Teckademics wrote:

the point of this?
I'm just sick and tired of hear people saying: "The G36E has a good amount of clips"....first of all that weapon system uses NO clips.  It is just amazing how people don't know the difference and listen to too many rap songs that call mags clips.  So bam, there it is folks, learn it and get it right.  Thanks
The Brits were the first to use a clip in the enfields to hold ammo to get it into the weapon.  Some also call them striper clips because you strip the clip when loading.
all your base are belong to us

AlbertWesker[RE] wrote:

Are you people high or something or just don't know ANYTHING about firearms.....

For the ill informed:

Clip: http://www.marstar.ca/ammo/images/Czech-762x25-Clip.jpg

Mag(Magazine): http://stun-ningsales.com/airsoft/airso … mag957.jpg

Comparison: http://members.cox.net/the_redstar_swl/clip-mag.JPG

That is all.
no......... WAY!
I have been calling those things Bananas for YEARS!
"yo toss me a banana, im out!"
Wow - you guys must have a lot of spear time - why donĀ“t you go play BF2 - you might just enjoy it!!!
Thank you, thank you, i will sleep better now knowing this.
Have a nice day!
AmmoBeltBoxMagazine.    PKM.
Who cares!? I LOVE Battlefield, provided I've got ammunition I don't care!!
Mod Incarnate
I dont care what its called. Its got bullets in it. Bullets go in my gun. I use my gun to kill people. Killing people is good.

Go play some bf2 already.
+-1|6968|S.F. Bay Area
What we need is bullet control.  Every bullet should cost 5,000 dollars.  You know why they should cost 5,000 dollars?  Cause if a bullet cost 5,000 dollars there would be no more innocent bystanders.
"He musta done something, they put fitty thousand dollars worth a bullets in his ass!!"
+3|7022|Essen - Germany
Chris Rock rocks

See ya,
enemy wheelbarrow spotted
I'm glad someone else cares that there's a difference. I can't stand all the misused firearms terminology.

I'm also in the same boat with regards to how the Marines in BF2 are called soldiers, when in reality Marines are called Marines (the Army has soldiers...), and the medics aren't called medics- they should be 'corpsmen.'

All of you people who say you don't care took the time to say you don't care... I don't get it. If you're going to take the time to post say "thanks," since he's trying to educate you guys. There's nothing wrong with that. Further, many of you could better spend your time learning to spell and use proper grammar than playing BF2.
bad touch

real guns have clips, pussy guns have mags, my terminology
The Magnetic Bullet Attractor
"Yo toss me a banana, I'm out!" - LOL that is the funniest thing I've heard all day
Rofl at this post...

I bet the original poster isn't even in the military.

"Do you want some bullets to go in that clip for you M16 buddy? Hell I've even got some bullets for that artillery over there too. Hell I could get you a mag for that M60 if you want me to. Hey look it's an one of those tanks with a little gun that carries people... Damn they are so awesome."

^^ I hope that makes you slit your wrists.
Mass Media Casualty

I always use mag. I really don't know any weapons that use clips, (in my personal life, or in Bf2 for instance,) but I always reckoned 'mags' sounded beter than clips anyway.

So instead of flaming you for this, or writing BF2 voice-commands, I'm going to say thank you for enlightening me to this piece of firearms trivia.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon

AlbertWesker[RE] wrote:

Are you people high or something or just don't know ANYTHING about firearms.....

For the ill informed:

Clip: http://www.marstar.ca/ammo/images/Czech-762x25-Clip.jpg

Mag(Magazine): http://stun-ningsales.com/airsoft/airso … mag957.jpg

Comparison: http://members.cox.net/the_redstar_swl/clip-mag.JPG

That is all.
Umm your the one who's high, clips and mags are the same thing, magazine is the proper way to say it and a clip is a street term that has been made mainstream.  And I know what I'm talking about I work in a gun shop on the weekends.  Learn your shit High Ass....
+60|6968|Under the River

Pernicious544 wrote:

sad to say it dude but your wrong

The clip is the thingie that has the ammo in it
The magazine is where the clip goes into the gun
The clip goes into the magazine, just like a clip and a magazine

dont bring up any ninny nany complaints to me, i got that off of Mail Call with R. Lee ermy on the History Channel
Amen to that brotha
Jeepers Creepers
+136|7051|Peoria, Illinois
What about chains? Nobody mentioned chains. Chains. I win.
I bet this kid tells people off in game.

"I need another clip for this AK101"

"EXCUSE ME! But it is not ACTUALLY a clip... It's ACTUALLY refered to as a MAGAZINE, a clip and a magazine are not the same thing!"

"Just drop a fucking supply bag already"

Last edited by Esker (2006-02-24 15:00:13)

Yes, there is a technical difference between "clip" and "magazine". The rifle geeks sparked my interest as to the sheer stupidity of 3 pages devoted entirely to the difference between clip/magazine. After perusing http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clip . i found that a clip is something that loads ammunition into a magazine, which in turn loads ammunition into the weapon itself.

(1) A clip holds the ammuntion rounds themselves. Clip is deemed appropriate in the phrase stripper clip (aka charger, as previously stated) if that is the ONLY thing put into the weapon to fire (see M1 Garand, Mauser 93, etc)

(2) In the case of the M16,M4, the venerable AK-47,etc all use magazines. Individual clips are loaded into a magazine, which loads the ammunition into the weapon itseldl, which is then fired via firing pin, which then enters the body of some unsuspecting fool who decided to reload standing up in the street at Karkand...
The Cereal Killer
+201|6978| United States of America
who gives a $h!t about it I don't
oh well. clip is shorter than magazine, therefore i will continue to use it. not like it really matters anyways, clip is now just a slang word for magazine.

EDIT: Banana, you stole that from a comedian. I can't remember who though, lol.

Last edited by silentsin (2006-02-24 15:14:57)

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