The jewish lobby control america. You cannot be president of America unless you support AIPAC. The jewish lobby is what americans should be scared of,not sharia law ccoming in, but zionists controlling ever aspect of Ameriacn law.Scorpion0x17 wrote:
So the opinions of a lobby group are more important than national security?Turquoise wrote:
Because AIPAC is very powerful.Scorpion0x17 wrote:
Actually, there is an important question here:
If as is stated in the video (by reputable sources) AQ attacked the US on 9/11 because of 'the Palestinian problem', why isn't the US changing it's policy of support for Israel?
The reason of this post was because a lot of Americans i have asked on others forums why America was attacked on 9/11, most of them would say "the terrorists hate Americas freedom/way of life, which is entirely nonsense and hiding from the truth.
i also agree, talking with a group like Al Qaeda is not on the cards. the taliban,hamas and other militia groups should be sat down and talked to, just like in Northern Ireland to disarm them.Al Qaeda are on a different level . Its possible but EVERYONE must talked to and no isolated, Like whats being done to hamas at the moment