+3|6733|London, UK
Is it harder to hit with the new sniper rifle?

For the first time in many hours of play, my sniper rifle accuracy has fallen below 50%. Which seems right, because these days it seems to take several shots to a static target to get a kill.

I can be prone, 200m from an enemy soldier who is stationary, and have the crosshairs lined up the way I always would have done. But it'll take three or more shots to finish them.

Is there a trick to the sniper rifles since the 1.2 patch, or did they make it harder to hit a target now?
I think its safe to say that the accuracy has been INCREASED with the 1.2 patch. I'm not a sniper so I can't put that much input into this. But from what I have played since, I find it easier to snipe with an M95 and M24.
Nope, thinks its just you buddy. Sniping has become alot easier with the L96. One thing it might be though, is when I first started using it, I had to adjust from dealing with the crappy m95 scope to the much better l96 scope (in my opinion). Just a suggestion
+1,230|6881|Alberta, Canada

i find it awesome. i love the L96
I miss old sniping. It took skill to head shots with M95 calculating bullet drop. Now it sucks. Noobs can snipe. Same with Support gun. I had a friend that could use support gun at long range before this patch. It took skill to do that. Now even me that I played support only for veteran badge can use PKM at any range.
patch 1.2 has mucked up all the accuracy, i got sick of getting killed by the PKM so i joined in and started using it more. Its stupidly acurate as i was out sniping snipers from over 100 yrds away....
Got milk?
I stopped using support afer 1.2 (this was my fav kit before). It was cool when there are about 4 support guys per team. Now it's like a half of your team are support and the other half are snipers with their claymores. Where did all medics go lol? It was easy to find a medic before the patch, now it's much easier to find the ammo. So I'm using a medic kit until new changes...

Last edited by Dr.Battlefield (2006-02-23 11:04:49)

Ya, i miss the sniping where you would stalk a target until he stopped for w/e and got him in the head, and those lucky shots where you got him on the run.
all your base are belong to us

Arkanon wrote:

Is it harder to hit with the new sniper rifle?

For the first time in many hours of play, my sniper rifle accuracy has fallen below 50%. Which seems right, because these days it seems to take several shots to a static target to get a kill.

I can be prone, 200m from an enemy soldier who is stationary, and have the crosshairs lined up the way I always would have done. But it'll take three or more shots to finish them.

Is there a trick to the sniper rifles since the 1.2 patch, or did they make it harder to hit a target now?
nah it has improved since the patch. I do find it odd sometimes though.. I mean I will have my xhairs dead on someones face, and it will sometimes totally miss. not sure why, maybe lag, but it pisses me off lol.
mantisboy sniper

MarkyMark wrote:

Nope, thinks its just you buddy. Sniping has become alot easier with the L96. One thing it might be though, is when I first started using it, I had to adjust from dealing with the crappy m95 scope to the much better l96 scope (in my opinion). Just a suggestion
I have to agree with MarkyMark.  I've put down my M24 for the L96.  I've been scalping people quite a bit lately with this new unlock.

« DTB »
+3|6733|London, UK
No_Smoking, that's exactly what I'm talking about. A shot that should not miss, and it does. Several times. Like there's an invisible barrier protecting the enemy soldier. It seems especially bad when I'm trying to hit an enemy sniper who's on a metal catwalk, even if I'm higher than he is.
+45|6781|Toronto, Canada
Yeah the hitboxes seem to be messed up with this patch as well.  Especially when they are prone on catwalks, near walls or complex terrain.  I have found if you aim for the neck area you get more headshots, this was true with the M95 before the 1.2 patch and it still applies to this one.  I only need a few more points to get my last two unlocks which would be the L96A1 and the P90!

I still love my M24, but the L96 will be definite keeper when I am on the MEC or PLA side.

You seem to have some very high accuracies with weapons but pretty low K/D ratios for those weapons. It looks like you are spending to much time lining up those shots and getting yourself killed because you aren't firing back enough. You have like 25% accuracy and a K/D of .39 with the support weapons. Those babies were made to spit out a barrage of fire, thats what the big clips are for. You need to pull that trigger man, keep those bullets flying and a few will hit the bad guys. If you step into the rain a drop is bound to hit you. Make it rain baby... make it rain.
accuracy of the m24 and l96 are exactly the same, and the m24's accuracy hasnt changed a noticable amount to me and it was the ONLY gun i used prior to the patch. Now the l96 is exactly the same except reloads and draws faster so its a better gun to carry.  the M95 has improved accuracy but still doesnt not compair to m24/l96.  Use it when you sneak into air fields and get close.  If you take a shot and you know it should have hit and didnt then you're dealing witha clipping error ( on your screent he shot look clear but in 3rd person your barrel is in the ground or otherwise impaired) just quickly hold your duck key to change your angle slightly and fire again.

Last edited by Noriveia (2006-02-23 14:01:15)

crimson wolf you have no idea what your talking about, it still takes skill to snipe and bullet drop RARELY ever works.

Dr.Battlefield wrote:

Where did all medics go lol? It was easy to find a medic before the patch, now it's much easier to find the ammo. So I'm using a medic kit until new changes...
I'm glad somebody else noticed this.  It's freakin tough to find a medic on some maps.  Used to be teams were starved for support dudes, now it's flip-flopped and teams are starved for medics.  Over the last month I've been playing a lot of medic just to get the time in and do something different.  Pre-patch there would sometimes be squads where half the squad was medics.  In a 64 player map you could probably easily count on 6-7 medics per side, sometimes more.  Now I might be 1 of ONLY 3-4 medics on my side in a 64 player map.  I played 64 player Sharqi last night and I was one of 2 medics on my side.  There were red death halos everywhere because of the dearth of medics.

thatol wrote:

Ya, i miss the sniping where you would stalk a target until he stopped for w/e and got him in the head, and those lucky shots where you got him on the run.
Shots on the run aren't lucky shots,that's the big share of my sniper hits,people rarely stand still now that every 2nd person on the server is a sniper with an L96A1.
I think the accuracy is just ideal now,I got one-shot-kills today on Kubra Dam on distances of about 300-350 meters.
The only thing I'm still working on is the bulletdrop,sometimes I hit perfectly,other times I just mess it up big time.
Member since 1984
+113|6717|Denver, CO
there seems to be some lag related issues with this patch both relating to the sniper rifles and AT weapons.  AT rockets go straight through vehicles once in a while and with the sniper rifle I can see the puff come out of their head but they just keep on running and the green x does not flash between the crosshairs only after another 1 or 2 shots they finally fall.  The ping on these servers is not bad i range from 30-60 so I don't really understand why its lagging.
Well, I dont know. Bullet drop still exists as I experienced, and I noticed that the m95 is a bit more accurate, but I still use the m24. I dont have bf2:sf though and Im curious about the l96 or whatever it is.
Could someone post a screenshot of it while it is scoped in? I'd like to know how the sights look like.
I think it is easier. Mostly because you can now consistantly use the same rifle on both sides. The crosshair on the new rifle is skewed a little to the side, like how the m95 was a little high. Bullet drop does exist, absolutely without a doubt only at 300M ish and if you are not shooting with a steep down angle.

Last edited by Doctuh (2006-02-23 17:40:17)

Aspiring Objectivist
It looks like the m95's scope , the l96 owns , my sniper k/d has doubled from its previous weak score.
I didn't use sniper rifles at all before the patch, but I have been using them a bit after and I can't say that they are very accurate. The programming is all fucked up though. I can hit stuff at great distances standing up, but many times I will go prone and shoot someone 20 yards away from me in the head 3 times without anything happening, then after that goes on for a bit they will see me and kill me. This is on servers that I am pinging 30-50 to on as well. I almost feel like they work just as well if not better standing up and basically running and gunning with them.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6755|Riva, MD
If you can't hit with the new sniper rifle, you just suck.  It's really not that hard to use at all.
I have noticed my M95's bullet seems to sail "high". Aiming lower is key with the new patch. I personally still love the M24 though, just because.
The accuracy has been adjusted a lot if the new patch and i am a sniper so i know it is the best weapon in teh game if u know how to use it right!

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