+5|6676|MA, USA
Stupid things I have done while being a sniper:
My stats:
Sniper    Time: 70:19:21, Kills 817 Deaths 803 Ratio 1.02

I have played the sniper kit for just over 70hrs and have done some Dumb things (from time to time)…

1: Had a great hiding spot, just under a wide bush, enemy tank rolls up close to me, instead of SPOTTING the tank, I accidentally FIRE at the tank. I might as well as just stood up and done the Jig….you know what came next…  Tank Master KILLS (M1-Abrams) Pengfixx

2: Called to the Commander for ammo instead of my Squad Mates, and had a lovely supply crate dropped next to me, telegraphing my great hiding spot to everyone around.

3: Continued to lollygag near said Supply Crate while everyone pounces on my location.

4: Play sniper kit for a long time on map, run out of ammo (mostly misses mind you), switch to the kit of the nearest dead body, then crawl around map forgetting that I am NO longer wearing my ghille suit. Continue to look at approaching troops, and be totally dumb founded as they add me to their kill stats….think the movie “Predator” when Bill Duke says….”I seeeee you”

5: Continue to think that the artillery firing off in the distance couldn’t POSSIBLY be intended for me. Why would enemy commander waste a perfectly good artillery barrage on one little ole sniper like me?  …DEAD.

6: Thinking…, “Wow! I bet they won’t expect me to be on THIS rooftop.”

7: Calling to Squad Mates for ammo, (remembered lesson from 2 & 3….) have Support mate run up next to me, and then basically stand there over me. Hmmm what exactly IS the point of me lying down here?

8: Forgetting that SOME players have TURNED OFF all dynamic Lighting and Shadows settings for video performance…hmmm seems pretty dark in here, sure I’ll camp here for a while… way that MEC over there can see me in here….DEAD.

9: Little more obscure, I am not the Dumb one here, this did actually happen...
A co-worker and fellow BF2 player, spent a portion of lunch describing to me his favorite spot on Ghost Town to snipe from.

Later that night….our team-speak went something like this…(names changed to protect the shamed)

Him:         Hey you on tonight?
Me:        Yeah, what server?
Him:        IP #,#,#,#…yeah lets squad up together
Me:        Okay sure.

Him:        Ghost-Town 24/7 COOOOL!!!
Server:        Auto balance = 1
Him:        SAS
Me:        Spetznas

Him:        Going SNIPER
Me:        Going SNIPER
Him:        Forming squad, running to favorite spot
Me:        ……silence….

Him:        All Set
Me:        Are you in your spot?
Him:        Yeah! Let’s ROCK
Me:        ……silence…..
Server:        ME KILLS <M95> HIM
Me:        Yep thought so. Good spot. I like it very much.
Him:        <<Dead>>  Doh!
+153|6678|Manchester UK
LMAO! Great post!

Pengfixx wrote:

1: Had a great hiding spot, just under a wide bush, enemy tank rolls up close to me, instead of SPOTTING the tank, I accidentally FIRE at the tank. I might as well as just stood up and done the Jig….you know what came next…  Tank Master KILLS (M1-Abrams) Pengfixx
God I hate that.
lol that is hilarious. atlast someone is taking battlefield not to seriously hooray!!
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
I play with a bunch of people from my job too, We use teamspeak and for some reason I'm always on the other team.

Them. "Ok spawn up here xx on this map"
Me thinking hahaha
Them "ok I'm going to climb up here cover me"
Me being sniper "plants claymore"

XXX <dead>

Them "ok I'll be right there to heal you"
Me Claymore again

XXXX <dead>

God I love that

Pengfixx wrote:

8: Forgetting that SOME players have TURNED OFF all dynamic Lighting and Shadows settings for video performance…hmmm seems pretty dark in here, sure I’ll camp here for a while… way that MEC over there can see me in here….DEAD.
I found out that the hard way too...
Pre 1.2 I have tripped on my own clays accidentally. I also consider it to be an honor when the enemy commander fires arty at you instead of a location that needs it the most, because that must mean you are really good lol.
+1|6686|People's Rep. of Massachusetts
Hey Peng ...

That was a rotten trick you played on me ... your co-worker!!!

That's the last time i mean he will talk sniper-shop with you at lunch you rotten no good bastredge!!!

BTW ... who won that round again??????????????????

bad touch

70 hrs and only 800 kills? a little AFK action there mabye?

stryyker wrote:

70 hrs and only 800 kills? a little AFK action there mabye?
He probably name every bullet.
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
Wow yeah that is low I'm at 16 hrs and have about 650 kills
+5|6676|MA, USA
>> a little AFK action there mabye? <<
TLA (Three Letter Acronym) Noob here...what is AFK?

I am a really really really patient sniper. Almost like role play. I find a spot, stick with
it, try to support the guys out there taking flags, cover them, pick off the C4er's sneaking up on
my teams tanks, etc... I get a lot of "thanks" from other squads when they realize how I am supporting

Naming the bullets....hmmm....YES indeed.

I have also been know to take out a chopper now and then...not the pilot...the WHOLE chopper.
So what if it was a smoldering handicapped near junk item, lumbering back home....I mean that IS
why I have a scope isn't it.

As 4 N3v3rf0rg3tUSA...all I can say is that his LONG Nickname is like a giant RED pointer to where his
head used to be.  Then again, I DO miss allot. Damm Thick M95 crosshairs....cannot wait for the next
unlock in the kit.
You should have posted your 'true' sniper kills, instead of the kit as you are:
Sniper Rifles 58:12:58    478 kills    496 deaths  0.96   38.07% - not too bad, average I think, I'm at:
Sniper Rifles 48:17:07 1,160 kills 1,005 deaths   1.15   49.05% - also quite average

I can't tell you how many times I've done the SPOTTED thing and bam, the damn gun goes off!!! lol
I don't mind asking for a supply crate, I do mind when I don't ask for it and it crushes me as I'm scoping my next target!!! arghhh
I also love it when I join a squad to be a "team player" and everyone leaves then rejoins - then they all spawn on me to give away my great snipe hideout!!

Pengfixx wrote:

Damm Thick M95 crosshairs....cannot wait for the next
unlock in the kit.
You will love the L96 - if it shot through glass it would be perfect!
I cnat slpel!!!
AFK = Away From Keyboard...

Do you often find a quiet spot to hide when you'r role-playing?
+5|6676|MA, USA
LW_Cobra said:
You should have posted your 'true' sniper kills, instead of the kit as you are:
Sniper Rifles 58:12:58    478 kills    496 deaths  0.96   38.07% - not too bad, average I think, I'm at:
Sniper Rifles 48:17:07 1,160 kills 1,005 deaths   1.15   49.05% - also quite average

100% agreed, hadn't really thought about it, as it was more about how much an Ass I am in the kit and less about flexing my STATS. But the next time I will grab the more revelant stat.

And so basically I am even LOWER kill score then the other number, so not only am I naming the bullets, I am also autographing them with Caligraphy before sending them on their way...albiet most likely high and to the left into a poor unsuspecting wall post.

I hope that instead of think me incompetent they actually just think I am messing with them:

What is the line in the movie Silverado...the guy says that they should charge in becuase the guy keeps "missing" them, and John Cleese's character says..."You Fool. He has HIT everything he has AIMED at."

Most likely they just think I suck.
Sniper Rifles      53:05:24      1,186      285      4.16      45.96%

Gotta get that K:D up with the sniper rifle. Snipers contribute a lot of things to their team. But they must come out ahead or else they are just a ticket drain. After about 20 hours in you should be killing a lot more than dying.

Last edited by Doctuh (2006-02-23 17:31:34)

is drunk and crazy

Pengfixx wrote:

Stupid things I have done while being a sniper:
My stats:
Sniper    Time: 70:19:21, Kills 817 Deaths 803 Ratio 1.02
Youve spent that much time as sniper and thats all the kills/deaths youve had?

Sniper Kit: Time 34:01:51 Kills  1,171 Deaths 1,224 Ratio 0.96

Sniper Rifles:  Time 25:08:44 Kills 783 Deaths 825  Ratio 0.95

My ratio has gone down since the AWP introduction, which I don't have cause I wasted my unlocks, so now im working my ass off as medic and spec ops to get my rank up

Last edited by E7IX3R (2006-02-23 18:28:16)

+5|6676|MA, USA
Ahem, again please refer to the theme of the thread....STUPID things I have done.
Apparently.. ALOT...maybe the first stupid thing was picking the sniper KIT
Certainly NOT proclaiming to be a very good sniper.

But DUDE, I was getting a WICKED tan on this Beach in Oman, I mean like
wow, small breakers, wind at 2 knots,  .....AFK...Now I get it !!
A stranger in the dark

Stupid things I have done...
Mmmh where start?

Most obvious:

Laying down on a rooftop and spotting an enemy on another rooftop... Okay take it slow, he's laying down, I have time. Okay calculate distance, calculate needed lead for a descent shot, aiming carefully, steady with the gun... carefully... hehe he's toast. Hey what's that, why is he aiming at me?

Server: [M95] Me

+1|6686|People's Rep. of Massachusetts

cpt.fass1 wrote:

Wow yeah that is low I'm at 16 hrs and have about 650 kills
Individual stats do not make you a good team player ... This is a team game right??? Anyone??

.. I'll take Peng on my team thx (as long as I can mute him on teamspeak occasionally
+5|6676|MA, USA
Thx man, I FEEEEEEEEEEl the love.

Also on # of Kills, gotta add in
Kill Assist  646

The majority of these are sniper shots that I placed into someone that a team mate then finished off.
So add that to the effort, again my skill lacked for me to do 100% of the job, but that guy was
down real low and squad XXX went and had an easy time of it because of my contributions.

Yes, yes, I know....don't bother making the counter point that even a badly wounded enemy could have
killed my team, and they would have rathered seen a duffel bag on the ground...

Just saying that the 646 should be considered in addition to my sniper rifle kills.

Last edited by Pengfixx (2006-02-24 10:09:16)

+45|6781|Toronto, Canada
Stupid things I have done...

1) Try to shoot at the peephole on an APC to try to kill the passengers inside.  Then immediately get blasted by the 20mm cannon.

2) Go up a crane. Make 13 kills before most of my victims go sniper and I have four M95's as well as other small arms fire shooting at me.  I even had a guy shooting at me with Stingers from the Hotel emplacement!  PING PING PING... poke head out PING! Just hearing the bullet whiz by my ear and hit metal behind me.  I then decide to get out of Dodge but my parachute doesn't open, I fall to my death. You should have seen all the "LOLs" after that.

3) I am sniping on a hill, I hear a parachute and look up.  I see a supply crate coming down directly over me.  Hmmm I didn't ask for supplies. I continue to look straight up at it like a deer looking at headlights of an oncoming car.  Let me tell you that I now frequently switch the flag/item indicators on and off with the left Alt key to prevent this from happening again.

4) Another instance of a deer caught in headlights.  I was sniping a squad and one of them was an anti-tanker.  I kill him but the Eryx is still coming straight for me.  I cannot move, I am paralyzed and awed of this conical shape coming straight towards my eyes.

Well, this one isn't so much stupid but I just wanted to put it in because the above poster brought it to my attention concerning the kill assists.  I was going for my expert pistol badge numerous times being a sniper and shooting the enemy once in the body and then finish him off with the pistol.  Well a lot of the times my team would finish him off before I would because I tend to follow one or two squads and take flanking positions for support fire, counter-sniping and long range killing against infantry and mounted machine gunners.

Well that contributes to these stats:

Sniper Rifles      48:42:10      1,218      559      2.18      50.82%

3,136 Kill Assists Actually I shouldn't complain, I need to get 30,000 team points to get the Medal of Valour.

Last edited by CackNBallz (2006-02-24 12:22:17)


CackNBallz wrote:

Well that contributes to these stats:

Sniper Rifles      48:42:10      1,218      559      2.18      50.82%

3,136 Kill Assists Actually I shouldn't complain, I need to get 30,000 team points to get the Medal of Valour.
Awesome Kill Assist count.  But yeah, playing the team sniper is harsh, with your team mates stealing the kills.  For me, 585 sniper rifle kills, but 966 team assists.

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