Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6577|Long Island, New York

Lotta_Drool wrote:

MADD is now going after GTA4 for Drunk driving.

Link http://www.dailytech.com/MADD+Thompson+ … e11660.htm


MADD released a statement saying, "Drunk driving is not a game, and it is not a joke.  Drunk driving is a choice, a violent crime and it is also 100 percent preventable."

The organization is also trying to convince publisher Take-Two Interactive and developer Rockstar Games to stop distribution of the popular game "out of respect for the millions of victims/survivors of drunk driving."

In GTA IV players can "drink" at bars and then afterwards have the option of hailing a taxi, walking off their intoxication, or throwing caution to the wind and driving drunk.  When driving drunk the view blurs and its harder to steer.  Players recover from intoxication after several minutes in-game.

So the million dollar question is " Does Violence in Games, Lyrics, T.V., and Movies desensitise people from violence "?

Well I say the answer is obviously YES.  Especially in people with brains that are still developing.  I know some people are going to flame me and say I'm wrong and that if that was the case then people would be going around shooting each other all the time, well look at the paper 'cuz there are a significant number of people who are attracted to needless/pointless violence and stupidity.

If you are a parent think about this, what if instead of a game where murder and mayhem was simulated and to an extent glamorized, it was Suicide that was simulated and glamorized.  Would you want your son/daughter sitting around playing that game for hours and hours.  Do you think suicide would go up among teens?  Would it make you uncomfortable and realize it is unhealthy and dangerous for your kid.  If this is the case why would it be ok to give your kid a game in which the object is to go around hurting other people?  Are you willing to risk your kid hurting someone else but not himself?

Honestly I think that a lot of games, music, and movies are out of control nowdays and poisoning society.  There are so many worthless peices of shit raising more worthless pieces of shit that it makes me want the US to enact sterilizing people based on criminal record, drug use, and education.  I still remember when the people on Jerry Springer weren't mainstream yet I have been meeting these people more and more.

So what do you say, Is there any correlation between societal decay and what we turn to for entertainment.

Then stop posting on a fucking forum for a war game if you think violence in video games causes violence in real life.

Last edited by Poseidon (2008-05-01 20:22:18)

I know that people who play excessively violent video games often enough can be desensitized to violence.  I'm not saying that a few violent video games are inherently bad for you; some people haven't recognized that the world really is a violent place.  I just don't think that parents should be letting their young children play excessively violent video games.  I've played my share of violent games, but I was 12 when I first started with games like goldeneye for the N64 and a couple of marginally violent video games.  I knew kids who were playing the most hateful junk they could get their hands on at age 8, then they would get all angry and start drawing disturbing images.  Violent videogames are little different from violent movies.  They need to be watched and enjoyed in moderation and at the right age so that you can appreciate them.
At the moment, society and pop culture in general is causing much more damage than videogames ever could.  When music about "killin' my ho' nigga" and related nonsense is mainstream, we know we have a problem.  We have such a problem right now.  Society's glorification of the "gangsta'" is truly dismal.  Basically, the message is that: You can do whatever the hell you like to anybody, as long as you do it with a certain style.  That is the current problem.  Intellectualism is ridiculed and "you're so mean" has become a complement.  As the degradation of American values progresses, manners quickly disappear to be replaced by fleeting pop-culture memes.  I witness this happening all around me and I cry for future generations.
Conservative Roman Catholic
+280|6514|Foothills of S. Carolina

No, I don't believe violence in video games, movies, or TV causes or create violent people. I also agree with a few of the posters, GTA IV, or any game for that matter, should not be blamed for anything. It has a mature rating for a reason. Its up to the parents to moderate and sanction what their children watch, play, and read. If the parent fails, the child will learn to fail as well.
You with the face!
I think it MAY desensitise a small portion of players.  (If it does, movies are a MUCH greater factor!)  However, there are MUCH greater factors to violence!
Parenting, peers, and personal values are MUCH MUCH more important.
MADD clearly has issues diferentiating between fiction and reality.

Why are they going after GTA4 and not 3, 2 or 1?
+447|6887|Seattle, Washington, USA

I think violent video games probably do desensitize people in some cases a little bit.  But in my case, I like violence in my entertainment. I like Tarantino movies, I liked Sin City, I like driving down the road in GTA multiplayer with my friend hanging out the window shooting up the sidewalk and the cops. In real life, I feel faint at the sight of blood, I've never gone so far as to even break some one else's bone, and I hate seeing even a dead deer on the side of the road.
I would just like to point out that everyone who has posted in this thread, other than me, is wrong.  I also would like to especially point out Poseidon's post because he was the most wrong.
Of course constant exposure to anything will desensitise you to it. Violence is no exception. Blaming video games alone, though, is ridiculous. There are many more prominent influences in society that are much worse. The problem is parenting, as others have said. If kids can't handle it, their parents need to act, and the signs of this are often very obvious. There's no excuse for not taking action as a parent when action is required.

When we have groups like MADD, though, yelling, kicking and screaming about insignificant parts of a game to score cheap points for the moral police on a target as obvious as GTA IV, it's very difficult to take them seriously. There's nothing wrong with GTA IV, but GTA IV is not for everyone. There are many things that aren't for everyone, and parents need to realise that parenting involves more than setting boundaries that coincide with legislation.
I suspect something is amiss

Volatile wrote:

Poor parenting leads to violence, nothing else.
I think you can extend that with a combination of poor parenting together with allot of Video violence could increase the risks. Then again Video violence alone won´t ( iom ) increase any real violence there´s several reasons behind such behaviour. Friends and Family will make allot more impact on a kid than any game.

And let be realistic there´s a 18 years age limit on this game that´s up to the parents to actually endorse this and any healthy kid at the age 18 won´t take any damage playing games violent or not then there´s obviously a deeper problem if that´s the case.

Last edited by madmurre (2008-05-02 08:01:02)

Go Ducks.
I would never let a fifteen year old play GTA4.
Just my personal belief.

.Sup wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

Don't blame the videogames, blame the stupid parents letting 10 years old kids play M rated games.
Played the gta series since I was 11 (GTAIII) and I am not mentally damaged by the game but I had to go to a friends house to play it. Currently 17.

Last edited by The#1Spot (2008-05-02 13:30:07)

'Light 'em up!'

The#1Spot wrote:

.Sup wrote:

sergeriver wrote:

Don't blame the videogames, blame the stupid parents letting 10 years old kids play M rated games.
Played the gta series since I was 11 (GTAIII) and I am not mentally damaged by the game but I had to go to a friends house to play it. Currently 17.
That sounds like me lol.

The again I owned MGS 1 when it come out (98) and it was classed as a 15. What I have noticed is that in recent years the age certificate has been put on the box in the same way as a movie age restriction. Used to just be 18 games, but now its 15, PG and U. Also takes up half the front of the box lol.
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6581|Texas - Bigger than France

Lotta_Drool wrote:

So the million dollar question is " Does Violence in Games, Lyrics, T.V., and Movies desensitise people from violence "?

Honestly I think that a lot of games, music, and movies are out of control nowdays and poisoning society.  There are so many worthless peices of shit raising more worthless pieces of shit that it makes me want the US to enact sterilizing people based on criminal record, drug use, and education.  I still remember when the people on Jerry Springer weren't mainstream yet I have been meeting these people more and more.

So what do you say, Is there any correlation between societal decay and what we turn to for entertainment.
Yes.  We are becoming entertainment for us is evolving to what is normal Japanese TV fare.

But, with all this talk of blaming poor parenting, is the "M" rating effective when the game publishers essentially market the game to kids?  Remember big tobacco lost some big lawsuits in this area.

(Posted here too, because of almost duplicate topics)
Ok, here is your prof that you are all wrong.  I was 17 and decided that the world sucks, I was poor, and had not future.  So I came up with the plan of going into the AirForce for Air traffic control so I could get the GI bill and learn a trade that I could apply in my Civi life while in college.  Well then when I turn 18 I kept seeing a comerical for the Army with a M1 tank hauling ass and jumping a creek.  This gave me a great big hard on and I said to myself " self, that is some bad ass shit and if I go into the Army it will be a bunch of hot roding around in a fuck an Aye tank jumping shit and then there is the partying in the bar like on the Movie Stripes ".  So not only did I convince myself to throw away my well layed out plans and fuck up my life, but I convinced my best friend to also.

Fast forward 4 months to an extremely large black man in a brown round who is very racially insensitive toward me having what he referred to as a "Niggerism on my stupid white ass" because my boots aren't shinny enough.

Fast forward 4 more months to me freezing at 3am in a mud puddle during a downpour providing security for an defensive position that is clearly surounded by the friendly state of Texas while I have zero visability, will to live, or warmth.

Fast forward 4 years to where I get out of the military and find out that there is little demand for Tank Commanders in the civilian work force.

So my shattered life is prof that one dumb ass commercial played over and over was enough to scew my reality of what the Army is to throw away reality for a shit sandwich with extra shit.
+3,936|6539|so randum

Lotta_Drool wrote:

Ok, here is your prof that you are all wrong.  I was 17 and decided that the world sucks, I was poor, and had not future.  So I came up with the plan of going into the AirForce for Air traffic control so I could get the GI bill and learn a trade that I could apply in my Civi life while in college.  Well then when I turn 18 I kept seeing a comerical for the Army with a M1 tank hauling ass and jumping a creek.  This gave me a great big hard on and I said to myself " self, that is some bad ass shit and if I go into the Army it will be a bunch of hot roding around in a fuck an Aye tank jumping shit and then there is the partying in the bar like on the Movie Stripes ".  So not only did I convince myself to throw away my well layed out plans and fuck up my life, but I convinced my best friend to also.

Fast forward 4 months to an extremely large black man in a brown round who is very racially insensitive toward me having what he referred to as a "Niggerism on my stupid white ass" because my boots aren't shinny enough.

Fast forward 4 more months to me freezing at 3am in a mud puddle during a downpour providing security for an defensive position that is clearly surounded by the friendly state of Texas while I have zero visability, will to live, or warmth.

Fast forward 4 years to where I get out of the military and find out that there is little demand for Tank Commanders in the civilian work force.

So my shattered life is prof that one dumb ass commercial played over and over was enough to scew my reality of what the Army is to throw away reality for a shit sandwich with extra shit.
How does that relate to games in anyway?
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6581|Texas - Bigger than France

FatherTed wrote:

How does that relate to games in anyway?
I think he's talking about the idea that kids are impressionable.

FatherTed wrote:

How does that relate to games in anyway?
You're not really a priest, are you?
+3,936|6539|so randum

Lotta_Drool wrote:

FatherTed wrote:

How does that relate to games in anyway?
You're not really a priest, are you?
google it.

Kid's are impressionable yeh, but where that takes them depends on the quality of parenting, end of discussion.
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella

FatherTed wrote:

Lotta_Drool wrote:

FatherTed wrote:

How does that relate to games in anyway?
You're not really a priest, are you?
google it.

Kid's are impressionable yeh, but where that takes them depends on the quality of parenting, end of discussion.
Google it my ass, I have been a child and a parent so put that up your WIKI.
+3,936|6539|so randum

Lotta_Drool wrote:

FatherTed wrote:

Lotta_Drool wrote:

You're not really a priest, are you?
google it.

Kid's are impressionable yeh, but where that takes them depends on the quality of parenting, end of discussion.
Google it my ass, I have been a child and a parent so put that up your WIKI.
up my Wiki? Google Father Ted, and that's where my UN comes from.

You may have been a child, and now you're a parent, but hell guess what...

I'm a kid now, going through all these "influences in the media", and through good parenting, it hasn't affected me in the slightest.
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6577|Long Island, New York

Lotta_Drool wrote:

I would just like to point out that everyone who has posted in this thread, other than me, is wrong.  I also would like to especially point out Poseidon's post because he was the most wrong.
Do me a favor - Cry a little more. Everyone but you is wrong, eh? Sounds pretty elitist and narrow-minded to me...where have we seen that from you before? Oh yeah, every Muslim thread ever created on this forum.

You know damn well you're wrong, and you won't admit it. You're posting on a forum for a war game and yet you think video games cause violence. If you think they're so bad, stop playing BF2 and stop posting on a forum for it.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6577|Long Island, New York
In addition - there have been a lot more murders that have come from gang violence than violent video game violence. And guess what influences gangs? Rap music. Very, very easily.
+447|6887|Seattle, Washington, USA

Lotta_Drool wrote:

Ok, here is your prof that you are all wrong.  I was 17 and decided that the world sucks, I was poor, and had not future.  So I came up with the plan of going into the AirForce for Air traffic control so I could get the GI bill and learn a trade that I could apply in my Civi life while in college.  Well then when I turn 18 I kept seeing a comerical for the Army with a M1 tank hauling ass and jumping a creek.  This gave me a great big hard on and I said to myself " self, that is some bad ass shit and if I go into the Army it will be a bunch of hot roding around in a fuck an Aye tank jumping shit and then there is the partying in the bar like on the Movie Stripes ".  So not only did I convince myself to throw away my well layed out plans and fuck up my life, but I convinced my best friend to also.

Fast forward 4 months to an extremely large black man in a brown round who is very racially insensitive toward me having what he referred to as a "Niggerism on my stupid white ass" because my boots aren't shinny enough.

Fast forward 4 more months to me freezing at 3am in a mud puddle during a downpour providing security for an defensive position that is clearly surounded by the friendly state of Texas while I have zero visability, will to live, or warmth.

Fast forward 4 years to where I get out of the military and find out that there is little demand for Tank Commanders in the civilian work force.

So my shattered life is prof that one dumb ass commercial played over and over was enough to scew my reality of what the Army is to throw away reality for a shit sandwich with extra shit.
Don't blame the commercial. That is what it aimed for, yes, but it's your fault that you were stupid enough to fall for it. Blaming games, music, any media as the cause of violence is laying the blame on the wrong people.

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