+429|6597|Chicago, IL

SenorToenails wrote:

S.Lythberg wrote:

nukchebi0 wrote:

Wait, this is Vegas.

Don't we thank the terrorists?
no, they missed New Orleans
No they didn't.  Everyone knows that al Quaeda made the levies fail.  Duh!
but they didn't finish the job
has joined the GOP

S.Lythberg wrote:

SenorToenails wrote:

S.Lythberg wrote:

no, they missed New Orleans
No they didn't.  Everyone knows that al Quaeda made the levies fail.  Duh!
but they didn't finish the job
and they would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for that darn FEMA and that meddling Micheal Brown!

ATG wrote:

1) What do you think the United States would do if a small nuclear device were detonated and there was no smoking gun leading to a Osama Bin Liden?
Id get Powell out of retirement and send him to the UN with evidence drew up by a pre school class of kids with "Iran did it" wrote with crayons on  a sheet of paper.

ATG wrote:

2) You are President of The United States, what would you do?
Pick a relatively week middle eastern country with oil and bomb the shit out of it, job done. Fly the real bombing suspects family out of the country in a private jet and then do nothing about finding the bomber. I would then get all my mates and campaign funders to rebuild said leveled middle eastern country at a honest profit while the people of said middle eastern country welcome us with open arms as liberators and champion's of justice and integrity.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6688|Long Island, New York

SenorToenails wrote:

S.Lythberg wrote:

nukchebi0 wrote:

Wait, this is Vegas.

Don't we thank the terrorists?
no, they missed New Orleans
No they didn't.  Everyone knows that al Quaeda made the levies fail.  Duh!
They started the wild fires too, didn't you know? Well, that's what Fox News told me...

ATG wrote:

Dateline March 22nd, 20??

A Hiroshima sized blast devastated a large swath of down town Las Vegas yesterday at noon.
No group has claimed responsibility.

Sporadic celebratory gun fire could be heard over Tehran and in Gaza, across Pakistan and outside the Green Zone, but all in all the world is tense and waiting Americas inevitable response. 

The governments of China, India and Syria were among the first to offer assistance.

A exodus of Biblical scope is taking place as Millions flee the Southwest.  The government has set up a series of relief stations where citizens can refill their water containers. Winds are moving the fallout East, South and North. There has been no official estimate of the casualties, but the immediate number could top five hundred thousand people with untold thousands fleeing on foot on black top and through the desert.

Authorities urged calm, but the press conference became a spectacle as the White House spokesmen was ejected from the stage when he began to scream into the microphone that ' we are all going to die. "

1) What do you think the United States would do if a small nuclear device were detonated and there was no smoking gun leading to a Osama Bin Liden?

2) You are President of The United States, what would you do?
The improbability of all this aside I would say the following:

1) The current administration would probably unilaterally declare war on Iran as they would see it as their golden opportunity to do so, in the same way that they used 9/11 hysteria to sneak the Iraq mission past the US public.

2) I would close all ports, airports and border crossings immediately for fear of another immediate attack and deploy the army across the country. First and foremost I would concentrate on relief efforts in which time some organisation may have claimed responsibility. If no culprit became obvious then I would have to simply get the CIA on the case to try and piece together who did it: a nuclear device entering the US HAS TO leave fingerprints somewhere - as seen in the Polonium 210 saga in London. There are too many potential enemies of the US to simply presume a culprit. The most obvious sources at this current moment in time would be either North Korea, Pakistan or Russia. A highly improbable candidate would be Israel, attempting to draw the US into a wider war in the middle east for their benefit (by leading them to think it was say Iran). China would have no interest in attacking the nation that buys all of their shitty plastic goods.
I would equip every single entry point to the US with radiation scanners and ensure that traceability of all internal nuclear materials was locktight. I would implement Israeli style border security along both the northern and southern frontiers - with ditches, fences and infra red detection systems all along them.
If it ultimately turned out to be some relatively minor multinational dissident group (the most likely scenario) then there would not be a lot you could do in terms of military retaliation. From nations in which members are suspected to be hiding I would then demand in private that the CIA and special forces be allowed to scour their country with carte blanche to kill all members of the organisation responsible with immunity from the law. Those who will not accede to the request will have their entire US aid package withdrawn indefinitely. Respect for and co-operation with those authorities that agree will be paramount.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2008-04-30 03:46:32)

Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

CameronPoe wrote:

1) The current administration would probably unilaterally declare war on Iran as they would see it as their golden opportunity to do so, in the same way that they used 9/11 hysteria to sneak the Iraq mission past the US public.
As much as everyone seems to love Bush bashing in this thread, it couldn't be Bush, based solely on the date provided.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular

ATG wrote:

1) What do you think the United States would do if a small nuclear device were detonated and there was no smoking gun leading to a Osama Bin Liden?
I think you would see the ACLU all the sudden vanish and almost overnight local policy would start to gravitate to see the United States gravitate to a police state. Troops stationed in Iraq would be become uncontrollably violent.

ATG wrote:

2) You are President of The United States, what would you do?
Not sure, after having bombed one my own cities to turn my country into a police state I might just use it as blank check to invade which ever I wanted.
Here is what I would do.

1 Shut down the borders, Start going through the population with the brain scan lie detector test to test national loyalty and issue US citizenship cards based on results, imprison all noncitizens and use them in Vegas to clean up ground zero and such, immediately start bombing campaign on Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan, N. Korea, Canada, and France that would level all their major cities with conventional weapons.

2 Bang an ugly intern in the Oval Orfice.
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
It's an interesting premise, because seeing how it's Las Vegas the blast wouldn't really effect to much surronding it. Also since it's "Sin City" I belive that it might devide our country as alot of OUR religious nut jobs would see it as a sign from god, and probably gain momentium.. At that point we'd have much more problems in our own borders then worring about other countries.

If I were president during this time I'd lock down our borders as best as I could. Keep shipping going and start to build a new infastructor
+65|6468|Sarasota Fl

ATG wrote:

Dateline March 22nd, 20??

1) What do you think the United States would do if a small nuclear device were detonated and there was no smoking gun leading to a Osama Bin Liden?

2) You are President of The United States, what would you do?
I would invoke my powers via order PDD-51 and have Ozzy perform at my world take over ceremony Muauaua /evil delusion it was me and not Bush
Cowboy from Hell
1-Find evidence blaming Iran.

2-Invade Iran.
+385|6642|Northern California

ATG wrote:

Dateline March 22nd, 20??

1) What do you think the United States would do if a small nuclear device were detonated and there was no smoking gun leading to a Osama Bin Liden?

2) You are President of The United States, what would you do?
1) The USA, being already hyped with fear and paranoia would ransack store shelves like we do every time our cozy little shangrila is threatened.  The Media would spread more rumors and lies then they ever had before in the interest of "informing the public first!!"  The uniting of angry and scared Americans would be awesome..even if for the wrong reasons and if it would only last the typical 6 months of flag waving and patriotic slogans placarded on all our cars.

2) If BUSH was still president, I would assume it was he who secretly had the nuking happen so he could stay in power on some bogus executive order.  If it were Clinton, she'd probably hold up until she found someone with reasonable suspicion of committing the massacre and make attacks.  I think Obama would do the same thing, but with more style and he may bend to public opinion more and hasten the retaliatory attacks..even if it meant settling on some bad guys who may or may not have done it.  If McCain were president, he'd probably nuke N Vietnam to get back at those yellow bastards!

If I were president when such a thing happened, I'd put my intelligence community to work endlessly until they found a badguy, and I'd decide if their intelligence was legit or not.  I'd not attack until I was absolutely certain, even at the peril of polls saying 99% of American's want us to bomb someone..in other words, I'd do a Jimmy Carter kind of thing and take the hit.  My political career wouldn't be more valuable than the lives of fighting men and women I'd put into action on a whim.

Also, if I never found a bad guy, I'd have to have some serious speech writers work their magic and let people know we simply won't just be rounding up the usual suspects and that we'd just have to sit like victims with no retaliation. And yes, my polls would plummet and I'd probably get impeached, but oh well.  This is assuming that American's are still bloodthirsty people who want to avenge an attack at any cost.  People cheering in Iran and Gaza is NOT a reason to bomb them...and yes, there'd be many, many more countries cheering such an event.

Last edited by IRONCHEF (2008-04-30 09:31:45)


If that happened Jack Bauer would come and kick some mother fucking ass.
edit: Misread the OP

1) What do you think the United States would do if a small nuclear device were detonated and there was no smoking gun leading to a Osama Bin Liden?

Panic, get really fucking angry, take a swipe at some of their enemies.

2) You are President of The United States, what would you do?
- Secure the area. (locally and abroad)
- Cleanup/relief.
- Investigation and retaliation.  This means reserves, volunteers and if numbers aren't high enough, a draft.

Last edited by Pubic (2008-04-30 18:45:27)

Aspiring Objectivist
1st of all it would never happen because this is one of the great play spots for terrorists, 2nd I'm glad I moved away lol.
We would investigate it & find where it came from quite easily CSI style. We would then strike back giving a warning to all the civ's to evac...

If I was the president I would gain world support just like after 9/11, do you remember how scared the world was waiting for our response.
This time though I would keep world support until the entire world was on lock down & we found the ones responsible. I would also pressure the UK to put the holocaust teachings back in school regardless if it offended muslims or not, tolerance is something they really need to learn,[rant] just like I tolerate idiots on the road everyday, the religious freaks & the brain dead masses that have become so apathetic they bury their heads in the sand & do nothing hoping someone else will.[/rant]

jsnipy wrote:

Troops stationed in Iraq would be become uncontrollably violent.
From kicking soccer balls around and building schools to...


Of course!

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

1) Find someone to blame.
Pretty much yeah,.. they'll probably pin it on Osama even without a smoking gun.
Пушкин, наше всё
+387|6475|New Haven, CT

Pubic wrote:

This means reserves, volunteers and if numbers aren't high enough, a draft.
We don't need extra people to press a button.
Veritas et Scientia
+444|6281|North Tonawanda, NY

nukchebi0 wrote:

Pubic wrote:

This means reserves, volunteers and if numbers aren't high enough, a draft.
We don't need extra people to press a button.
Starship Troopers (The Movie)


        Sir, I don't understands who needs a
        knife in a nuke fight anyway...
        All you gotta do is push a button, sir !

    Zim yanks the knife out of the post.

        Put your hand on the post, private.

    Ace obeys. Zim throws, sticks his hand to the post.

        AWK !

        The enemy cannot push a button if you
        disable his hand. MEDIC !
+226|6893|Tír Eoghan, Tuaisceart Éireann
First and foremost i'd make sure i'd invested heavily in a pharmaceutical company that produces radiation sickness tablets & a company that produces air filtration systems- no harm in making a few dollars along the way eh? it's the American way!!

Last edited by IG-Calibre (2008-05-01 02:04:25)

Anger is a gift
+174|6784|Sin City

I live in Las Vegas. Downtown could use a small nuke to clean it up a bit.
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

D6717C wrote:

I live in Las Vegas. Downtown could use a small nuke to clean it up a bit.
Tru dat.

Every time I go to Vegas (at least once a year for 1-2 weeks), I spend my time further and further from the strip.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
Investigate who is responsible.

SenorToenails wrote:

S.Lythberg wrote:

nukchebi0 wrote:

Wait, this is Vegas.

Don't we thank the terrorists?
no, they missed New Orleans
No they didn't.  Everyone knows that al Quaeda made the levies fail.  Duh!
No, it was George Bush.

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