I find the basic knife badge EXTREMELY hard to get! Its impossible to run at a person that has a rifle, with a knife, without getting killed. Even if you keep jumping you will still get shot and killed. If you sneak up behind someone like who is prone, or a sniper, then a knife kill is pretty easy. But having the chance to do that 7 times in one round is just ridiculous! HOW do i get the basic knife bage? Not even when i play on 2 1/2 hour 64 player maps, am i able to muster 7 knife kills!
+3|6854|England, UK
You're not supposed to run at the person. You're supposed to catch them off guard, it's easier than it seems. Try to sneak up on people proning, squads or people reloading.

But yeah... if you think 7 is hard, expert requires 18 in a round, although ironically I got that the first round I tried.

I <3 knife.
The Easiest way to get basic is what UK said... and btw i would wait til you have the required 50 kills with a knife then go and try again... that way you get better practice at sneaking up on people and get basic & vet at the same time.
I got all my Knife badges using the assault kit on Karkand.
I just ran around flashbanging everybodys ass,then when they are blind, stick em fast and move on to the next.
You can sometimes get 2 or 3 with 1 flash.
It also helps when a squad member with the Medic kit follows you,gives ya cover and heals you when you need it.
j00baroni w/ l33t sauce

I got it with medic pre-1.2...yes, bunny hopping, prone-spamming, and dolphin diving help

But I got 17 in one round without really trying, so it can be done
--I have all 3 badges, and like you, I found it nearly impossible in the beginning just to get the basic badge.  I found the following to be helpful:

1) Don't spend a lot of time trying to get this on a full 64-player server.  Tickets get lost way too fast, too many guys running around etc.  I would say the optimal is a 20-25 player server running 64 or 32 player maps.

2) You need to create situations where you have the advantage through flanking.  Try approaching enemy positions from odd angles.  Don't try to go from your own spawn flag directly to an enemy spawn flag.  The natural front line will be in your way.  Instead, take a wide route to their flag, and come in from the side.  For example, I had a great deal of success coming in from the north or south of train accident when the main fight was between that flag and the suburb on Karkand.

3) Watch for neutralized flags.  Soldiers capturing flags by themselves tend to be very predictable.  For example on Sharqi at the city entrance.  9 times out of 10, a flag capping infantry will be prone around the corner from the flag, facing out toward the low sandbag wall.  You can run around the building and easily catch him by surprise.  In fact, every time you come to a flag, think about where you would go first to defend.  Typically, the enemy will do the same thing, and you can use that to your advantage.

4) Generally you want to avoid running across open areas.  Stay near buildings and in small alleyways.  If you get into a fight with a guy who is planning on shooting you, your best bet is probably to dive at his feet and swing the knife.

5) Stay calm and be patient.  I found myself charging into crowds of enemies and getting very frustrated when I got gunned down.  Sometimes the opportunity just isn't there.

6) Try playing as sniper.  Although I got the expert badge as a medic, I've found that the sniper uniform is similar enough between the teams that people will tend to hold fire longer on a sniper that is close to them.  The coloring on the uniform just isn't as obvious.

7) Staying away from the 'main fight' is often useful, because you can avoid the enemy UAV.  The UAV is the cause of may failed surprise-attempts.

8) Avoid vehicle heavy maps, or maps that involve a lot of running.  Karkand and Sharqi are the top two maps for the knife badge, I think most players agree with this.
+34|6894|stop corecting my grammer!!!!!
you want to know how to get knife kills/??  go assault and get a f2000 if possible and throw flashs after the yblow the enemy will be stuned and will back into  a corner and you can then knife em
+8|6896|Newcastle, Aus.
i got my gold on the rooftop spawn at mashtuur city at the mosque spawn point, it was their last outpose, lots of ppl spawning up there, just run, dive, stab repeat. ul get it pretty quick that way

yeh, sometimes its good to go medic aswell.
Not at all just takes a littel statigy and talent.
Mod Incarnate
I think you would get your basic knife badge in no time if you stopped making redundant posts on this site. What do you think thats going to accomplish? Lets see, first you posted this thread in bf2 chatter, "titled How the hell do i get the basic knife badge?"

Then you come to bf2 complain and post another one titled "Basic knife badge TOO HARD TO GET!" I believe this was the reason you were demoted in the first place. Have you learned nothing?
I like the flashbang idea that sparklet had. I think that'll work! Dont you have to unlock flashbangs first? How do you choose between flashbangs and grenades? How long does the stun affect of a flashbang work?

Last edited by TJ_Houshmandzedah (2006-02-23 21:09:31)


TJ_Houshmandzedah wrote:

I like the flashbang idea that sparklet had. I think that'll work! Dont you have to unlock flashbangs first? How do you choose between flashbangs and grenades? How long does the stun affect of a flashbang work?
Flashbangs come with the F2000.

I got my basic knife tonight, first time I really tried for it. Pretty easy, just sneak up on people and stab them in the back.
+37|6801|Montréal, Canada
lol its only 7 kills with a knife, just walked around where the ennemy spawn and look for snipers on their bellies and knife them up.

Take a server with like 24 players on a 64 player server and 300+ tickets so u gonna have PLENTY of time to get 7 knife kills

even if u die 30 times, u gonna have ur badge
+18|6793|Baton Rouge, LA, USA
basic and vet are easy...

I can easily get 10 kills a round in karkand...would've gotten my expert there too if it weren't for a couple of convienient arrivals of Armors

got expert the other day on Ghost Town in only 2 rounds of trying
Aspiring Objectivist
Sharqi, middle mec spawn point, great knife kills.
+37|6801|Montréal, Canada
i got mine playin Mashuur city, and got my kills around the Mosque and the backyard where the tank spawn:D
El pistolero
Of Course its easy with flashbangs and a good pc with good connection.
Try to take knife badge with slow connection and a simple graphic card, with LAG every 20 secs.
And those tanks create lots of lag to a guy with a basic pc.
Say Hello to My 11-87

El pistolero wrote:

Of Course its easy with flashbangs and a good pc with good connection.
Try to take knife badge with slow connection and a simple graphic card, with LAG every 20 secs.
And those tanks create lots of lag to a guy with a basic pc.
You shouldnt be playing this game then.
+37|6801|Montréal, Canada
if its ur computer and ur internet connection that suck ass, well dont come complain that some badges are hard to get, DICE/Ea are for nothing in this.
Hmm, I never even really tried assault kit for knife - but the extra armor and flash should come in handy

I've been shooting for expert with medic for the most part.  I've gotten up to 16 kills ( all knife ) in a round - so close .. yet so far.

but you'll get the hang of knife eventually.   7 in a round is nothing. 

Er, another trick is to look at the scores on a server you connect to  

the more ... erm ... not so hot people on at the time, the easier it is to get.  Just hop on and you're good to go ( haha )
Check your AA alarm...
+82|6940|Idaho, USA / Age 30
I am working on my knife badge now.  I have just gotten my pistol badge and working on getting my vet badge for my pistol also.
Check your AA alarm...
+82|6940|Idaho, USA / Age 30
Good Advice from everyone thank you.  I will try the things that people suggested especially use the assualt kit.
u suck
Playdough! Nope C4...
+6|6869|Toronto, ON, CAN
Not the typical, but I got mine (vet and basic at the same time) on the Night flight maps in Special forces... I just stood under a lamp, so all the guys with night vision on couldn't see me... wait for them to run to the flag in the middle, walk behind them - stab... walk back.
I had 4 guys trying to have me kicked for stat padding. It was the funniest play I have ever had. 15 knife kills and 3 deaths. Flashbangs work well too, but not on the night maps... the "victim" tends to just remove the night vision, and his eyes heal too quickly.

Best spot to hide from the vampires is to stand in the spotlight!
+37|6801|Montréal, Canada
i would use medic and used it, so if u received some damage u can heal urself.

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