
Anybody ever shot an actually bolt action rifle with a scope on it? If you have, you'll know it's not difficult to rechamber a round without removing your eye from the scope, and keeping sight on whatever your shooting at.

It would make it more realistic, and easier to track targets.

Any agreements or constructive criticism?
The Forum Alien
+89|6958|The planet Tophet
never shot one but it would be better
than again its a game and it doesnt have to be realistic
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+2|6794|Puerto Rico
this game is all about reality... in every aspect (exept whe a Black Hawk is shooted by tank). In real life that is not possible since the "bolt" is right under the scope, is you try to do it,, u will hit ur face. So, it can't be incorporated in the game, plus, that same thing is the challenge of the sniper kit, try to find the target after u shoot it if u didn't killed him.

PS: The BH thing is because it would be too unfair if possible, so those r things that needed to change to make a good game and give a chance to the player.

It doesn't have to be realistic, but it's a major emphasis in the game.

If games couldn't be realistic, SOCOM would've never lived.
Not Human Anymore
+144|6796|Seattle, WA

Y-D-Donut? wrote:

In real life that is not possible since the "bolt" is right under the scope, is you try to do it,, u will hit ur face.
You've got to be kidding me.... you've never fired a rifle before IRL have you....all the different bolt action rifles I have shot....from different .308's to .223's to my good ol 7.62x54R Mosin Nagant 91/30....the bolt has never even touched my face....I suggest you go do a little target practice, than get back to me.  Maybe you don't have any experience and think that your eye is right next to the scope... its not, you do something called resting your cheek on the stock not push your eyeball into the damn scope. Once again I digress I'm not sure how experienced you are with firearms, you didn't convey that you had any experience so I won't rape you on that aspect.  Just trying to give some constructive criticism.

As for the game feature in question, yeah it would make it more realistic, but hey, than there would be sniper wars right?      Right...........

Last edited by AlbertWesker[RE] (2006-02-20 22:50:54)

Kinda Nice Guy!
+10|6814|In The Zone
I HAVE fired a .50 cal sniper rifle and the Bolt does hit your face (not some piddly little air rifle)

And who said a tank cant shoot a chopper, will the shell just pass straight through it?  Probably, and it would leave a nasty mess behind.  OF COURSE A TANK CAN SHOOT A CHOPPER.  Just because its hard to do in real life doesn't mean its impossible.

Some of you people need to think outside the box once in a while
Ive shot quite a few weapons before, and I disagree with the statement that this game is all about realism. Ive gotten shot before, (In Game), from about 20 feet away and didnt hear the rifle go off. Theyre trying to blend real life aspects such as accuracy with arcade features, such as taking six .223 rounds to the chest/back. Although its possible to survive such a pounding, I seriously doubt youd be able to move. 

As far as the scope comment goes: Yep, you can maintain your sighting on most bolt actions while in operating the bolt, (but thats a matter of cartridge length and the models individual bolt draw), but if they wanted to make it 100% accurate to real life... we would be in for some major trouble. The slightest inconsistancy of movement between the head and arms while looking down the scope would cause you to lose your sighting; weather effects such as heat, cold, and wind would cause the bullets path to be less than straight; you would also actually suffer the true damage and felt recoil/shock of the weapons.

Although I have absolutely no problem with realistic shooters, (I actually prefer them), thats a long leap from what EA has going now. And as the latest patch shows, making such great bounds in a single publish can be very chaotic as far as player satisfaction goes.

If there was one thing Id like to see enter the game, its realistic recoil and shock effects. Id rather fight the kick of an assault rifle with my mouse than to be subject to the games translation of its accuracy in auto. That and it would be cool to see your screan knock back and to have your screen blur and grass ripple from the shockwave when you let a round loose from the M95.

Last edited by Psychosis (2006-02-20 23:15:39)

Not Human Anymore
+144|6796|Seattle, WA

Psychosis wrote:

As far as the scope comment goes: Yep, you can maintain your sighting on most bolt actions while in operating the bolt, (but thats a matter of cartridge length and the models individual bolt draw), but if they wanted to make it 100% accurate to real life... we would be in for some major trouble. The slightest inconsistancy of movement between the head and arms while looking down the scope would cause you to lose your sighting; weather effects such as heat, cold, and wind would cause the bullets path to be less than straight; you would also actually suffer the true damage and felt recoil/shock of the weapons.
Exactly +1

DazBurt, yeah on the .50's sure, but that isn't what I was talking about, I was talking about most modern bolt action guns, and by most I mean a good deal...Like psychosis said it depends.

Psychosis wrote:

If there was one thing Id like to see enter the game, its realistic recoil and shock effects. Id rather fight the kick of an assault rifle with my mouse than to be subject to the games translation of its accuracy in auto. That and it would be cool to see your screan knock back and to have your screen blur and grass ripple from the shockwave when you let a round loose from the M95.
If its recoil was enough to blur your eyes and have grass ripple shouldn't it 1 shot? O_o

My most played kit is sniper and I have no problems with it except that the .50 cal can't one shot kill people if you hit them in the body, but the .50 cal from the hummer can >_<
Not Human Anymore
+144|6796|Seattle, WA

wtf.panda wrote:

My most played kit is sniper and I have no problems with it except that the .50 cal can't one shot kill people if you hit them in the body, but the .50 cal from the hummer can >_<
Thats a big +1
The Microwave Man
Being an owner of a Dragunov it's nice to see EA made it possible to keep your eye in the scope like you can in real life . Just wish it was more powerful though . 7.62x54R is a hell of a big round - one shot and your dead . I've had many occasions where I shoot someone in the head like 3 times and they still don't die . Not sure if it's a hit box problem or what but it simply feels pretty weak .
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+2|6794|Puerto Rico

AlbertWesker[RE] wrote:

Y-D-Donut? wrote:

In real life that is not possible since the "bolt" is right under the scope, is you try to do it,, u will hit ur face.
You've got to be kidding me.... you've never fired a rifle before IRL have you....all the different bolt action rifles I have shot....from different .308's to .223's to my good ol 7.62x54R Mosin Nagant 91/30....the bolt has never even touched my face....I suggest you go do a little target practice, than get back to me.  Maybe you don't have any experience and think that your eye is right next to the scope... its not, you do something called resting your cheek on the stock not push your eyeball into the damn scope. Once again I digress I'm not sure how experienced you are with firearms, you didn't convey that you had any experience so I won't rape you on that aspect.  Just trying to give some constructive criticism.

As for the game feature in question, yeah it would make it more realistic, but hey, than there would be sniper wars right?      Right...........
4 your information... I do fire weapons, my whole family is into the sport. If you don't belive me, check the Weapon Handling and Posesion Databases of Puerto Rico and look 4 licence # 353104. Mainly im into shotguns and assault rifles. My grandfather owns a M95, which I use regulary, AND U MUST MOVE THE FACE FROM THE SCOPE TO RELOAD THE CHAMBER. Before macking any guesses on people's life, ask first.
Want glazed or chocolate?
+2|6794|Puerto Rico

DazBurt wrote:

I HAVE fired a .50 cal sniper rifle and the Bolt does hit your face (not some piddly little air rifle)

And who said a tank cant shoot a chopper, will the shell just pass straight through it?  Probably, and it would leave a nasty mess behind.  OF COURSE A TANK CAN SHOOT A CHOPPER.  Just because its hard to do in real life doesn't mean its impossible.

Some of you people need to think outside the box once in a while
I meant shooting it down with 1 shot. Sorry 4 not specifying.
if you want realisme go play Americas Army...nothing close to it:P
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|6922|AUS, Canberra
you can reload a .308 .223 and similar sized cartriges with your cheek on the but as they are all short action calibres, when you step up to the flatter shooting rounds such as .270 and 30-03 the bolt is almost a a full 2 inches longer so it does become difficult some times to do. then you have the big boyz like the 300 winchester magnum which requires a long action.

but the fact it when im hunting i never keep my gun scoped in when i reload as kangaroos,wild pigs and deer dont stay the fuck still so you need to look at them for a split second out of the scope and then re-aim, its not practical to scan the entire area with a high power scope as you field of veiw is so limited.
Not Human Anymore
+144|6796|Seattle, WA

Y-D-Donut? wrote:

AlbertWesker[RE] wrote:

Once again I digress I'm not sure how experienced you are with firearms, you didn't convey that you had any experience so I won't rape you on that aspect.
Before macking any guesses on people's life, ask first.
READ my post again and my other post, I WASN'T referring to the Barrett and I didn't ask directly but I didn't assume ANYTHING.....please read all letters of posts.  Thanks.
+101|6828|Southern California
BF2 Sniper rifles should reflect IRL counterparts some can, some can't stay inscope.

As to tanks shooting at helo's again let's review ballistics and survival. I am not aware of any tank to helo engagment on the IRL battlefield maybe someone else has data. I do know that is is entirely possible to target low-slow flying objects with a near mile-per-second main gun round. It's just like anything else. If you see a target that fits your weapons capabilities (range-speed-direction-elevation) then shoot the SOB. If nothing else you make the bastard glitch for a half second and his missile goes into the dirt. If a tank round passes thru a helo it may only do $1.98 worth of material damage but it may just suck the pilot right out the 2" hole it leaves on the way out due to dynamic overpressure. Yes depending on the type of round fired Some rounds will just melt the poor sucker instead.

While I can't quote chapter and verse anymore, I know two things. The US Army has commented affirmatively on the use of maingun engagement of enemy helos and I have practiced that in tanks at the USArmy Armor School and the National Training Center so there is a small bit of IRL in it somewhere.

If you can't hide, and you can't anymore...the best weapon a tanker has to shoot down an unsuspecting helo is the maingun, next the commander's .50 then any and everything that can be brought to bear.

Last edited by OpsChief (2006-02-21 22:39:35)

+101|6828|Southern California

wtf.panda wrote:

My most played kit is sniper and I have no problems with it except that the .50 cal can't one shot kill people if you hit them in the body, but the .50 cal from the hummer can >_<
Doesn't the IRL M2 .50cal hit about 30-40% harder then the sniper .50? The real problem is can anyone do anything if hit by any .50 cal anywhere on their body? that is after flying a couple of feet from the shock.

OF COURSE we don't shoot at people with .50s because that violates the law of war so we are in fact shooting at their equipment.

I guess I've stirred up quite a topic here. Interesting.

Now, this game may not be completly realistic, but the guns shape and measurements have no reason to be innacurate correct? I don't see a pistol with the shape of a plasma pistol from Halo.

So, let's base our assumptions on real life occurences shall we? Take a look at this picture. That shows a person with farely large goggles on with their face to the scope with the bolt handle fully extended.

So, L96? Face stays on the scope.

Let's try the M24. Now, This* picture isn't as good, but it's workable. If you look at the persons face position, it's about 3-4 inches from the closed bolt. Now, if you look at the election port, it's about 2 inches long. So, the bolt will likely go just over two inches, leaving just under 1 inch of space.

M24? Face stays on the scope.

Google images couldn't provide me with any images of a person shooting the M95, but we have a forum member with personal experience. The face must come away from the scope.

So some guns should be able to rechamber a round without moving their sight from the scope, but the M95 shouldn't.

*That picture shows an airsoft weapon, but on the website that picture came from, it gives details of their equipment, and that is an exact replica with a different barrel (meant for airsoft rounds).

If you feel the need to discuss tank shells, make a new thread. This is not the place.

Last edited by Defiance (2006-02-21 22:51:32)

+27|6802|Mashtuur Boulevard
I was playing Wake last night and our forces were pinned down at the South point by tons of snipers etc..  a bug allowed my to fire the M95 and stay scoped till I could fire again..

It wasn't bad, but personally I am glad that the rifle unscopes between shots as most people will have to re-assess where their target is again while they chamber another round.  Gives the snipers a little more balance interms of fairness to opposition.  The sniper has the distance advantage aswell as the 1 or 2 shot to kill advantage.  Not having to re-check their target, would make it difficult to close distance or lose a sniper sight on you.
what is airsoft anyway might be a stupid question but i never eard of air soft before ?
anyone can give me a clue ?
Want glazed or chocolate?
+2|6794|Puerto Rico

J0hn.F.Kenedy wrote:

what is airsoft anyway might be a stupid question but i never eard of air soft before ?
anyone can give me a clue ?
Airsoft is a sport originated in Asia (plz correct me if im wrong), simmilar to Paintball, where the guns shoot little plastic BBs. Mostly all of the Airsofts are exact replicas of real weapons. Some of this gun can also shoot metal BBs and small paintballs.
Want glazed or chocolate?
+2|6794|Puerto Rico

OpsChief wrote:

Doesn't the IRL M2 .50cal hit about 30-40% harder then the sniper .50? The real problem is can anyone do anything if hit by any .50 cal anywhere on their body? that is after flying a couple of feet from the shock.

OF COURSE we don't shoot at people with .50s because that violates the law of war so we are in fact shooting at their equipment.
I didn't know that. Thanks 4 the info. By the way... do you know why is this??  I know the answer might be 700 feet long, so if there is no problem, please teach me a bit more about the Rule of War.

Rules of engagement, Geneva (sp?) convention, some other things.

If a 1/2 inch wide slug of lead hits you, you won't be very humanly shaped anymore.

It's considered inhumane, even though if it hits your chest youll be dead before you feel it.

Last edited by Defiance (2006-02-22 15:01:09)

Want glazed or chocolate?
+2|6794|Puerto Rico
Right... has sence.  in my opinion... to hell with that. The more dead he is, better 4 everyone.

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