
kR4MR wrote:

I can tell you right now that it is a glitch, I was a major with 300,000,000 points for 1 login, back to normal now 
I don't doubt it, but coming for Gene who has more accounts than brain cells kind of makes people doubt anything he posts.
Sponsored by Ready Brek... The Nation's Favourite
+7|6701|Farmland, England
One thing that is strange is, that the date enlisted is mid-october 2005. Not really much i can say about that. There looks like a possiblity of a glitch, but his "real" stats only add up to just over 1000 global.

Just cant get my head around it.

oh well nothing to lose sleep over. ;p
usmarine2005, Fuzzball_the_Shooter, it's fine that you hate him, take it outside. Not in this thread.

Sgt.Gene, if you were looking for a interesting discussion I recommended you not reply in the same manner again.

Sgt.Gene wrote:

JESUS U PEOPLE R DUMB... go into BFHQ and look at it your damn self... use your brains y dont ya!

r u retarted???? GO INTO BFHQ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HES #4 BEFORE U GO AND CALL THAT PHOTOSHOP CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DONT BE A MORON!
If you expect people to stay on topic, stay away from your CAPS key and !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11. It's only going to attract flames... Internet 101.

As for the General account, could be a glitch, hack, who knows? All we can do now is look at it and go ooooooooh aaaaaaaaaah!
I cnat slpel!!!
Moderating! Finally someone's fed up with flaming and off-topic'ness!

Thank you afrojap!
i guess this goes to show that ea can edit stats they r just to lazy to!!!!

Horseman 77 wrote:

Sgt. Gene had his stats reset for hacking and stat padding,
so if it aint photo shop, I'd say hes well on the way....   to being a Private for the 3rd time.   

           Remember me Gene ?
ITS NOT MY ACCOUNT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and i NEVER hacked
i only padded

Last edited by Sgt.Gene (2006-02-21 19:11:46)

Peruvian Cocaine
+261|6804|Toronto Canada
this guy is uber h4x

DaVeWaVe wrote:

I only knew this cus i was looking at my new sarge major rank.

Had a quick glance at the top 10 seeing any changes, and saw 3 stars on one guys rank.

Still looks like a test account, testing the new general ranks. Main reason it looks like a test account is because it does'nt show stupid amounts of points on combat/teamwork or commander scores whatsoever, just global. They did the same thing with some pervoius test accounts. (such as the accounts for the new ranks we have working now)

So basically nothing really to be worrying about. :p

mega edit*
I'd also like to point out, that the picture is not photoshopped :p
i dont think its a test account because the account doesnt have all the expert badges
Read my sig *shakes head is dissapointment*....
THE ANSWER TO ALL THIS: Its a EA testaccount... that is testing Euro force, and the new patch 1.21. Hope he is testing it carefully this time...
<~~~ *gives props to (EUS)Gen.BadSnipaDay*
awesome sig!!
he needs medals that he doesnt have...look at the latest medal he got,it is a basic
Look at his last three awards earned, something medic, something engineer, and a bronze(wasn't really paying attention). You can't get that high without having those awards so either it's a test account or he hasn't gotten any other type of award in a VERY long time.

In hindsight, I only read the first page of posts.

Last edited by CRUSHER (2006-02-21 19:52:22)


Friluftshund wrote:

Moderating! Finally someone's fed up with flaming and off-topic'ness!

Thank you afrojap!
Thats off topic too.
just nothing
Sorry but, how the hell do you photoshop a webpage like you suggest? Look at the damn URL, it's not picture.
BF2s Frat Brother
YAWN......who cares..............Time to crack open a 2 6
+0|6679|Sydney, Aus
its a glitch happens all the time
Mod Incarnate
Omgzor, its nitro92... (i think)

Hows the hacking going?

If youre not nitro92 then just ignore me.

And on topic, I'm going to go with stat tracking glitch, unless this guy actually managed to haxor the EA stat computers and make himself a 3 star general...
This is definitely a test account by EA... How would one achieve 300.019 global points with 649 team score, 372 combat score and 49 command score, while playing for approximately 6.5 hours and have only one bronze star, one silver star and 4 basic combat badges... not to mention, that this account has 35 registered games... It seems some people do not realize that testing a patch requires some live-testing to see how data is transmitted to the stats-servers, how it is handled there and the like. You cannot test that in a lab environment... it can only be tested "in the wilds".... hence there are several constructed accounts to actually manage that.

Technically, it is EA hacking EA... or Dice hacking Dice... or Dice hacking EA with their knowledge... So what's all the fuss about it?

Last edited by BEE_Grim_Reaper (2006-02-21 23:29:12)


DeathsTouch wrote:

Shut up. It's not that I'm dumb, it's that I'm lazy. Try posting a stat link in order to avoid confusion, thx.

Edit: And besides, you seem to be a hypocrite in calling us dumb. Look at the active currently has 1684 points total, with 6 hours total play-time. Now, look at the score of the picture. That score belongs to someone by the name of "JumpNShoot". The active account is Tube-vision.usa. Also, there are no three star generals in the game, because no one has all of the expert badges in all of battlefield 2. This is photoshopped, so shut up.
Even after your edit you're still dumb.  CHECK HIS STATS, MORON.
You am dee best!
+34|6735|RCM Headquarters
Actually, Trigger, it is possible to use a different url for a page.  Ghosting parsed URL's, I believe.  Email scammers do it all the time.  Make it seems like youre going to Ebay, but in reality, you go to a copy "photoshopped" if you will, even if the URL says "".
+34|6787|stop corecting my grammer!!!!!

Sgt.Gene wrote:

DeathsTouch wrote:

Ah ok, then it isn't photoshopped, your stats simply clashed with someone elses...weird? As for the three star general, there isn't such a person with that rank who knows why that happened.
well... he might have hacked... like this other guy his name was SickMind around september he mysteriously had 12 billion points. i personally think its a hack but there are also glitches like this to
no it was like 1.2 milloin the 1st sargent major ever this was bfor 1,03 and sergent major was at 1 million ithnk
This account has already been reported to EA by the BF2RS program. I'm pretty sure this topic could be closed now!

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