Go Ducks.


djphetal wrote:

And Ironchef is right... His comment is out of place in this thread, but 9/11 has been milked dry by politicians, especially republican presidential candidates by the name of Giuliani.

America should be over it by now. Of course we'll always remember when it happened, and the date will stick with us, and it's okay to mourn and honor those who died... But it's been 6 and a half years. We are not victims any longer.
I'm right in my characterization of political desecration of that horrible day which is perfectly valid as a conversation piece, and for this board where I don't wish to reveal my diminishing personal feelings towards the events of that day.
Good point. I rescind my comment about it being out of place.

I agree with all aspects of your argument.
Commie Killer
I was 11 years old, I remember, the school decided not to tell us about it, and leave it to for our parents to do. Anyways, I came home, and my grandmother and grandfather were there, they usually are, and I started working on my homework near the TV... First thing I saw was papers and dust in the street, and a bleeding black woman, looked like someone who worked in a office, young, mid twenties probably. My first though was another bombing in Israel, then I started listening, and watching, I cant really describe how I felt, numbed, then angered, then numb, it was a odd experience really. I had been in the towers the Saterday or Sunday before. Remember for days afterwards not hearing the planes going past, my house is on a flight coridor for Flordia, planes are up there, probably 15,000+ but still climbing out of the airport, was amazing, not hearing any of those 737s going over head.

Whole thing was one big "holy shit, this aint good" moment, even at that age.
+129|6871|Austin, TX/San Antonio, TX
I had just gotten into class when I heard my friends and the teacher talking about planes hitting the world trade center.  At first I assumed that it had been some sort of tragic accident, not a terrorist attack, since no one would really give me the specifics.  Our school kept the news quite and cut off the internet, so I really didn't know what had happened until I got home that afternoon and turned on the television.
+3,611|6775|London, England
I was 11 years old, I remember, the school decided not to tell us about it, and leave it to for our parents to do.
Typical over dramatisation again. This is what I mean.
+877|6115|Washington DC

Mek-Izzle wrote:

On 11/9, I saw it on the TV when I got home from school and thought "wow oh shit"

And that's that. I was a kid (i think 12). No, there was no innocent "daddy ere their people in the building" nor did I cry at night. It was simply "oh shit" - I knew what happened, but that was it. There. I'm not going to make up dramatic bullshit.
Yeah, obviously being really shaken by this is dramatic bullshit. You're smarter than that, Mek.
Commie Killer

Mek-Izzle wrote:

I was 11 years old, I remember, the school decided not to tell us about it, and leave it to for our parents to do.
Typical over dramatisation again. This is what I mean.
Yeah, but hell, its America, some parent would sue the school and probably get away with it...

Im guessing thats what your talking about?

Mek-Izzle wrote:

I was 11 years old, I remember, the school decided not to tell us about it, and leave it to for our parents to do.
Typical over dramatisation again. This is what I mean.
I smell conspiracy
Wiki Contributor


What's 9/11?  Oh, that little tool republicans use to strike fear in the hearts of Americans to vote for them.  Bummer I can't remember what it means tho...
Fuck you.
+3,611|6775|London, England

Commie Killer wrote:

Mek-Izzle wrote:

I was 11 years old, I remember, the school decided not to tell us about it, and leave it to for our parents to do.
Typical over dramatisation again. This is what I mean.
Yeah, but hell, its America, some parent would sue the school and probably get away with it...

Im guessing thats what your talking about?
+385|6645|Northern California

Gooners wrote:


What's 9/11?  Oh, that little tool republicans use to strike fear in the hearts of Americans to vote for them.  Bummer I can't remember what it means tho...
Fuck you.
Awwwww...did i hurt your little feelings?
Wiki Contributor


Gooners wrote:


What's 9/11?  Oh, that little tool republicans use to strike fear in the hearts of Americans to vote for them.  Bummer I can't remember what it means tho...
Fuck you.
Awwwww...did i hurt your little feelings?
He, I'm not even American, but i think it's still sad to see innocent people die, tell me if I'm wrong.

I'm sure it would have been a different story had someone close to you been affected by the attack.

Last edited by Gooners (2008-04-08 13:56:23)


Gooners wrote:


Gooners wrote:

Fuck you.
Awwwww...did i hurt your little feelings?
He, I'm not even American, but i think it's still sad to see innocent people die, tell me if I'm wrong.

I'm sure it would have been a different story had someone close to you been affected by the attack.
He never said it wasn't sad, he just said it was abused by the Republicans. I believe a certain man didn't shut up about it for about 6 years, and tried to run a presidential campaign off it.
Wiki Contributor

ghettoperson wrote:

Gooners wrote:


Awwwww...did i hurt your little feelings?
He, I'm not even American, but i think it's still sad to see innocent people die, tell me if I'm wrong.

I'm sure it would have been a different story had someone close to you been affected by the attack.
He never said it wasn't sad, he just said it was abused by the Republicans. I believe a certain man didn't shut up about it for about 6 years, and tried to run a presidential campaign off it.
He doesn't know what 9/11 is?

W.e I might have mistook what he said but I can tell how he feels about it.
+385|6645|Northern California
Gooners, it was satirical criticism.  I didn't feel like answering the OP question with the typical "I was taking a turd when I heard on the news.." so I thought long and hard about what 9/11 means to me is best represented by those in political circles for pandering for votes and striking fear into people (like me) who suffered greatly from that day.

And I did have a personal stake in it as my sister was exiting the tunnel from Hoboken in a bus that rides by the WTC towers on her way to work.  It was a matter of lucky timing, and she was the one who called me directly that morning and told me to turn on the news (6 or 7am pacific time).

Ok, there.  Is that all better now?

Last edited by IRONCHEF (2008-04-08 14:18:15)

How can I forget. I was in 6th grade, and my mum was freaking out. I didn't know what to make of it at that time because I was an ignorant, blubbering idiot back then. It was after 9/11 that I began to take more notice of the world around me, politics, current affairs, etc.

It's also my sister's birthday. Yeah, hard to forget now.

Strangely enough, my birthday (Oct. 7) was when the USA began to invade Afghanistan. Coincidence?
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6696|Texas - Bigger than France


I'm right in my characterization of political desecration of that horrible day which is perfectly valid as a conversation piece, and for this board where I don't wish to reveal my diminishing personal feelings towards the events of that day.

Further, I completely BLAME all the hype, political fear mongering, movie making, bickering, conspiracy theories, etc for removing how I felt that day.  I noticed in the following months and years how much of my genuine horror and vivid memory I had of the actual day was REPLACED by the stories of others (fact and fictional)..I saw how the memory of the dead were replaced with foolish "FDNY" stickers (what about PAPD and NYPD??) because some marketing asses thought they'd capitalize and commercialize that sacred day...the ribbon magnets, the TV specials, the misdirected warfare with the mastermind mocking and laughing at us in his cave, the political campaigning where apparently we're in a different world or state of mind..yet there's been very little done to secure this country, it's borders, ports, water sheds, chemical and nuclear facilities, population centers, etc....

Yes, I obviously remember the whereabouts and feelings I had that day, and I believe I've shared them on this message board at least once in the last couple's hardly a debatable topic or unique from others here.  But what impassions me is the betrayal of my feelings by my country and it's leaders, hence my venting.
Then why not start another thread?

This one is about how important this event played in your own life, and wasn't meant as an opportunity to minimize the impact of the day.

You have a valid point.  Your timing just sucks.
+385|6645|Northern California

Pug wrote:


I'm right in my characterization of political desecration of that horrible day which is perfectly valid as a conversation piece, and for this board where I don't wish to reveal my diminishing personal feelings towards the events of that day.

Further, I completely BLAME all the hype, political fear mongering, movie making, bickering, conspiracy theories, etc for removing how I felt that day.  I noticed in the following months and years how much of my genuine horror and vivid memory I had of the actual day was REPLACED by the stories of others (fact and fictional)..I saw how the memory of the dead were replaced with foolish "FDNY" stickers (what about PAPD and NYPD??) because some marketing asses thought they'd capitalize and commercialize that sacred day...the ribbon magnets, the TV specials, the misdirected warfare with the mastermind mocking and laughing at us in his cave, the political campaigning where apparently we're in a different world or state of mind..yet there's been very little done to secure this country, it's borders, ports, water sheds, chemical and nuclear facilities, population centers, etc....

Yes, I obviously remember the whereabouts and feelings I had that day, and I believe I've shared them on this message board at least once in the last couple's hardly a debatable topic or unique from others here.  But what impassions me is the betrayal of my feelings by my country and it's leaders, hence my venting.
Then why not start another thread?

This one is about how important this event played in your own life, and wasn't meant as an opportunity to minimize the impact of the day.

You have a valid point.  Your timing just sucks.
Awww, another little emo!  Should I dumb down my posts even more now?  You know, if you'd take a closer look instead of just flipping out, you'd see that my post is making some conversation...yeah, even some "debate and serious talk" unlike the the weenies (usmarine who started it off) who just can't control themselves.

You all act like this is some solemn, humbled, place of reverence and not that chopping block of reason it is.  You fags have NO problem debasing things that are sensitive to me, so F&*# YOU for getting sensitive about my post..that isn't even distasteful...but "ill timed."  Seriously, what is so ill timed about a thread asking "where you were" when "it happened?"  If it was "how do you feel about 9/11 now?"  Then it would be a conversation piece, and a reverent, hopefully respectful one.

Bunch of hippokrits 'round here.

Last edited by IRONCHEF (2008-04-08 14:28:27)

UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6696|Texas - Bigger than France


Awww, another little emo!  Should I dumb down my posts even more now?  You know, if you'd take a closer look instead of just flipping out, you'd see that my post is making some conversation...yeah, even some "debate and serious talk" unlike the the weenies (usmarine who started it off) who just can't control themselves.

You all act like this is some solemn, humbled, place of reverence and not that chopping block of reason it is.  You fags have NO problem debasing things that are sensitive to me, so F&*# YOU for getting sensitive about my post..that isn't even distasteful...but "ill timed."  Seriously, what is so ill timed about a thread asking "where you were" when "it happened?"  If it was "how do you feel about 9/11 now?"  Then it would be a conversation piece, and a reverent, hopefully respectful one.

Bunch of hippokrits 'round here.  I read your posts.  I said you have valid points about politicizing tragedy.  It doesn't fit in a "let's remember thread".  It would be a little more impactful if it was in a different thread.

If you wish your points to be buried by go fuck yourself, be my guest.
+385|6645|Northern California

MAGUIRE93 wrote:

Today my teacher was talking about how we could forget what we had for breakfast but we would never forget where we were on that day. I remember when it happened. I was in second grade doing my spelling words. Then a teacher came in to our class and talked to my teacher in the hallway. She came back in and sat down and i saw tears in her eyes. Years later on that day our teacher told us what happened. During lunch most of the teachers were watching what was going on. I remember after lunch our teacher just gave us our work and didn't say a single word all day. When i went home and saw the planes flying into The Twin Towers i had no idea what was going on. I asked my father what happened and he said we were being attacked. When i herd that i knew there was going to be some type of conflict and that the people that committed the horrible acts would pay. What where you doing on that day?
So the "go fuck yourself" avalanche here is because I didn't post what I was doing, or because somebody got their feelings hurt because i didn't stay on topic and they thought i was belittling the events of that day?

Forgive me for trying to make a discussion out of this thread.  It's a nice informational thread that belongs in the "everything else" forum otherwise.
Wiki Contributor


Gooners, it was satirical criticism.  I didn't feel like answering the OP question with the typical "I was taking a turd when I heard on the news.." so I thought long and hard about what 9/11 means to me is best represented by those in political circles for pandering for votes and striking fear into people (like me) who suffered greatly from that day.

And I did have a personal stake in it as my sister was exiting the tunnel from Hoboken in a bus that rides by the WTC towers on her way to work.  It was a matter of lucky timing, and she was the one who called me directly that morning and told me to turn on the news (6 or 7am pacific time).

Ok, there.  Is that all better now?
yeah, sorry I'm in a very bad mood:|

Raga86 wrote:

Playing Diablo 2 when people in the chat tell me to watch the TV. I remember making fun of the people in the chat cos I didnt not for a second believe it was true until I saw the images on every news channel...
same for me!  I woke up and as usual didnt bother turning on the TV I rarely watch.   logged in to Diablo 2  and everyone was going on about an attack on the twin towers.  after about 5 minutes of people saying the same stuff in the chat I figured it must be true and turned on the TV. I thought at worst it was another bombing. and as I was getting a grasp on what had happend the 2nd plane hit.
High Angle Hell
+182|6348|Schofield Barracks

Commie Killer wrote:

I was 11 years old, I remember, the school decided not to tell us about it, and leave it to for our parents to do. Anyways, I came home, and my grandmother and grandfather were there, they usually are, and I started working on my homework near the TV... First thing I saw was papers and dust in the street, and a bleeding black woman, looked like someone who worked in a office, young, mid twenties probably. My first though was another bombing in Israel, then I started listening, and watching, I cant really describe how I felt, numbed, then angered, then numb, it was a odd experience really. I had been in the towers the Saterday or Sunday before. Remember for days afterwards not hearing the planes going past, my house is on a flight coridor for Flordia, planes are up there, probably 15,000+ but still climbing out of the airport, was amazing, not hearing any of those 737s going over head.

Whole thing was one big "holy shit, this aint good" moment, even at that age.
They wouldn't tells us what was going on either. Another thing i remember is tons of C-130s and some C-5as flying right over my house. That was all i herd all weekend. During the night it seemed to be even louder.
I was in 4th grade when kids just started going home. I had no idea what was going on and found out what had happened when I got home. I'm sort of glad the school didn't tell us what happened because that would be pretty scary to know that we were attacked.

EDIT: I'm actually reading a book for English called Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close Jonathan Safran Foer. It's about a 10 year old boy that lost his father in the 9/11 attacks and he believes that it was the man that jumped out of the twin towers. It's an ok book if you are interested.

Last edited by avman633 (2008-04-08 17:13:11)

O Canada
+1,596|6559|North Carolina
My college roommate woke me up in time to see the second plane hit the 2 Towers live on TV.  That was a pretty fucked up feeling to say the least....
I was in the 8th grade.  In my 1st period science class.  The principal turned on the intercom and informed everyone what is going on and don't panic.  My teacher turned on the television and we sat there watching the news for the rest of the class period.   

Later during the day, slowly, kids were being pulled from classes by the requests of their parents.  By lunch, a quarter of the students went home.

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