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Here we go one more time! v4 of the most popular get together - the BF2s Team Fortress 2 event! All of v3's spaces were filled within just a matter of days, most within a matter of hours - the event is continuing to grow massively. Well; here we go again!
Don't have Team Fortress 2? You can buy it on STEAM for just $29.95 + Tax - rated an incredible 92 on the Metascore system, if you don't have this game - you need to get it now! This get together will be UK/EU based, but US are welcome to join as long as their ping is under control (recommended <115 to keep other players from experiencing lag)
[Countdown: 13 April 2008 19:25:10 GMT]
Date: Sunday 13 April 2008
Time: 8.30PM GMT Time
Server: KNTL TF2 Server
Password: tf2awsm
How to join:
I will be starting a mass conversation via STEAM. I will then join the server and people can just follow. Alternatively, you can join by opening your console (` key if you have console enabled) and typing connect tf2awsm (thanks Peter for IP)
1 kylef kylef 2 Zimmer dave12630 3 liquidat0r adam_liquid 4 DoctaStrangelove DoctaStrangelove 5 The Sheriff surgeon_bond 6 teek22 teek22 7 Lucien Lucien 8 Kptk92 Kptk92 9 Eldu -- 10 FloppY_ ShawN89 11 NooBesT noobest1 12 Cha0sg0d Cha0sg0d 13 r'Eeee r3eee 14 SamTheMan:D samtheman53 15 Miggle Miguel_Diaz 16 Varegg Varegg 17 Undetected_Killer Fiyah! 18 ShowMeTheMonkey ShowMeTheMonk 19 haffeysucks haffeysucks 20 Poseidon Poseidon417 21 Spidery_Yoda spidery_yoda 22 Ned_Z Tetn1s 23 Fat_Swinub Fat_Swinub 24 Heavy_Guns_91 Heavy_Guns 25 Reserve: Joker8Baller --

Last edited by kylef (2008-04-13 12:25:37)