If they keep gameplay like it is my ratio will keep going way to easy to aim people now !!Before they could start diving away now they cant !! The only things i find sad with the patch is that now when im in a jet i dont find any chalenge in chassing another jet it as become way to easy...Ground AA that powerfull is GREAT but having the jet misiles as strong as that breaks the fun of dogfighting even the noobs that are happy cause they can kill any good and average jet easyly in a dogfight will get bored cause its to easy...
Kinda make jet chassing boring now !!
And the delay before shotting while jumping bug anoys me soo bad...you jump a tiny litlle fense fall in front of an enemy, touch the ground, aim at his forehead  and push the trigger but nothing fires...cause theres like a delay after you touched the ground.....so he kills you and you get mad, throw your mouse at the monitor, monitor blow, scartered glass blind you and you cant play video games anymore so you sue the companie that made this laggy game cause there was no sticker saying that getting mad at the game can cause injurys 
Anyway i just hope they find the middle ground with the next patch !!!
If they keep gameplay like it is my ratio will keep going way to easy to aim people now !!Before they could start diving away now they cant !! The only things i find sad with the patch is that now when im in a jet i dont find any chalenge in chassing another jet it as become way to easy...Ground AA that powerfull is GREAT but having the jet misiles as strong as that breaks the fun of dogfighting even the noobs that are happy cause they can kill any good and average jet easyly in a dogfight will get bored cause its to easy...
Kinda make jet chassing boring now !!
And the delay before shotting while jumping bug anoys me soo bad...you jump a tiny litlle fense fall in front of an enemy, touch the ground, aim at his forehead  and push the trigger but nothing fires...cause theres like a delay after you touched the ground.....so he kills you and you get mad, throw your mouse at the monitor, monitor blow, scartered glass blind you and you cant play video games anymore so you sue the companie that made this laggy game cause there was no sticker saying that getting mad at the game can cause injurys 
Anyway i just hope they find the middle ground with the next patch !!!
i'd imagine DICE are delighted with the gameplay changes - all the nonsense that certain maps were becoming support and sniper only and that planes and attack choppers were now useless were well and truly debunked
i only wish that the transports from the beginning were all relatively equal but no matter
1.21 is to fix the bugs in:
- AT
- AA
- invisible buildings
- Sounds
- Multiple or misfires
- Crash bug in Special Forces
- Battlerecorder
- Medic Defibs
- Flare spamming
- Game Crashes
- Server filters

none of which i have personally experienced but if they exist they should be fixed
bad touch

Thanks Fuckheads For Delaying Ef For A Patch That S Going To Blow As Bad

was his name-o
+0|6857|SE Pennsylvania
If they could finally fix the damned E-glitch, I'd be content.
ahh man the one where you get in a tank or something then get out then get in then get out then get in man that one piss's me off
The Soup Nazi
+18|6940|North Lauderdale, FL

mjw wrote:

...its just all these whining kids with no god damn pubes on their balls...
I'm not a kid and I don't have pubes on my balls.  You figure out the rest.... 

Last edited by The Soup Nazi (2006-02-20 12:43:19)

Do ya think they will actually test this new patch before turning the beast loose onto the unsuspecting public???

It is a sad thing to have a patch come out to fix "problems" only to have  a whole new set of problems appear!!!

Last edited by BangStick_ky (2006-02-20 12:42:48)

I don't think there will be an increase of bugs.
Patches normally come in pairs - The update, then the fix.

Personally i hope they don't change anything else significantly because of everybody whining.. Things are much better now as they are.
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6818|NT, like Mick Dundee

mjw wrote:

ffs, wat a load of bullshit. Theres nothing fucking wrong with the god damn patch its just all these whining kids with no god damn pubes on their balls, complaining about every fckin thing.
This patch made this game much more balanced and i seriously hope they don't fuck it up again.
Do you know how many friggin bugs and shit this patch caused...

Alone in the last couple of days I have had more incidents of the red/blue name bug than ever...

Oh, and punkbuster and the patches are fuckin up the performance of the game on low end machines...
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|6962|Marathon, Florida Keys

VeNg3nCe^ wrote:

mjw wrote:

ffs, wat a load of bullshit. Theres nothing fucking wrong with the god damn patch its just all these whining kids with no god damn pubes on their balls, complaining about every fckin thing.
This patch made this game much more balanced and i seriously hope they don't fuck it up again.
+39|6889|Amsterdam,The Netherlands
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO now i will have to download like for a f*cking week to fianally get EF!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i at least hope that they put at least a new map with the patch to compensate the delay of EF but i doubt that.

JayT78 wrote:

Mj.Blindfisch wrote:

Isn't it funny,all the whining everywhere from "castrated" jetwhores and C4-chuckers about the new unfair patch,yet the simultaneous number of players goes breaking records shortly after the 1.2 release....

Need we more proof that with the 1.2 patch they did the right thing?
So True.....
Is it me... or does anyone realize that you wont ever make the higher ranks with that line of thought.

Flying jets is one thing.. raping an airbase for free points as enemy jets are trying to take off or waiting for their plane is n00bish and panyish... BUT... without your plane and helicopter badges.. you will NEVER get above the "Colonel" Rank without Expert plane and helicopter.

Expert Badges
     Armor                400h
     Transport           150h
     Helicopter           400h
     Aviator Badge     300h
     Air Defense         100h
     Ground Defense    60h
          Total Hours:   1410

I have 712 hours of playing. Of which I have my Basic Air Defense, Aviator, & Helicopter. I have Veteran Ground Defense, Armor and Transport.  I lack 1110 hours of just playing in verhicles alone to ever have a chance at the Colonel position.

Brigadier Soldier is 180K points which is 2.5x my current points. Assuming the same rate that is 1050 more hours to get to Brigadier general/soldier. Which will result in another 460ish hours in vehicles leaving me at  180K points needing 650 hours in vehicles to gain the new rank.  700 hours needed for Plane/Helicopter Experts by  WHORING... you can see WHY people are so adamant about playing in planes and wanting to be able to kill effectively without being AA or shot with a machine gun before they are able to make some kills in the game. Albiet, I am a pretty good piloit and I love Dog fighting. I dont base rape which is why I dont have an incredible amount of kills like the base rapers achieve. i myself want to see a massive air battle map like the new armor one where both sides have 1 plane per person and multipole air bases to start from. Massive air battles would be a ton of combat time for everyone.. just like in armor battles..but we all need air time without the pansies complaining about bombs and planes killing their tanks.

Did you also notice that it takes 10,000 kills in a plane and 20,000 kills in a helicopter to get the Combat Medals? i will likely have the hours for badges and the 250 hours for the medal LONG before I achieve those kills.

It's these 2 situations that cause people to want to fly or be in planes constantly. Their goals are nearly impossible without tking to get the vehicle, Whoring the vehicle for hours each night and causing general nuissance with their bickering. 2 hours a night is 200 days in a plane alone. Well they are shooting for an unobtainable goal.. wouldnt that get your nads in an uproar when a patch makes that far fetched dream weven more impossible?  I dont TK for vehicles but I will TK if TK'd, return favors. I love when an admins TK's and then takes a vehicles. you return the TK and get kicked. Admin abuse + stat padding... report it the EA.. love their stats afterwards.

I dont TK, try not to whore.. I like sharing vehicles <if they can fly>..  but because I'm nice about it I have reduced my hours in those vehciles and will never see that Rank. I will take 2 of my BF2 characters to Colonel before I ever see experts in all those vehicles.

Only the true die hard Whoring Pilots will have a chance. once you have Expert Aviator and Chopper the other experts are a snap. Heck you can effectely command from a transport vehicle <car or boat> for transport time.. and you can be a rider in a APC for armor time. Ever wonder why your commnaders were flying around not doing anything. They were pansies wasting commander assets while trying to make flight time. idiots. i'd rather sit in an unused chopper on the deck of the aircraft carrier or in the back of the blackhawk as someone else is flying to get the hours.. but you'd end up dying a lot more and wasting commander assets.

People complain about the Vehicle Whores and about the Tkers when really they should be complaining about the requirements for ranks.

I mean the 2 star general requires the Experts in all combat Kit badges and Brigadier rank. I REALLY think those both should be swapped. you should have ALL of your experts by the Colonel rank. Heck at 2nd Lut (712 hours) I am only 80 hours away from have Experts in every Combat Kit?!?!?! i will have that just after 1st Lut Rank.  I really think they should have made the Requirements different.

My suggestion would be.. all Veteran Kit badges before Sargeant Major. 2 Expert badges before you can get an enlisted rank <2nd Lut>, 4 kit badges before you make Major, All Expert combat badges before you make Brigadier General. Maybe add 1 vehicle to each one of those ranks or in between.. and then have all the Vehicle Experts placed on  "Major General" rank which is  a special rank.

I mean heck I am 80 hours away from having every expert on the list for Major General.. and lacking the ones for Brigadier General by a crapload of hours in vehicles. Does anyone else see the insanity behind these hours?

Good luck joining the Vehicle whores... apparently there are 52000 people on at night trying to be in the vehicles that you are going to want to be in....

Last edited by DeZwarteMaan (2006-02-21 14:54:04)

Pope Picard II

Mj.Blindfisch wrote:

"On a more pleasant note, Battlefield 2 hit somewhat of a milestone last night with over 52,000 simultaneous players. This is the highest number of players we’ve seen at one time for Battlefield 2 and almost 4 times more than the peak number of Battlefield 1942"

Isn't it funny,all the whining everywhere from "castrated" jetwhores and C4-chuckers about the new unfair patch,yet the simultaneous number of players goes breaking records shortly after the 1.2 release....

Need we more proof that with the 1.2 patch they did the right thing?
Are you kidding me? Honestly, spend some more time thinking about what you say, you bought that hook line and sinker.

First they address that they are immediately working on solutions to the problems because they did NOT get 1.2 right. If 1.2 was so great they wouldn't be working on 1.21 "around the clock" whether or not you put much stock in their words. Then they try to smooth everyone's volatile nature over by saying oh by the way, we've seen the highest number of players ever last night.

They don't say how many players were peak before the patch, nor is the peak a completely relevant statistic given that you need to see the average user base, and patch 1.2 is just getting settled down so that all the users are keen to try it out. You will always notice a peak in players when a new patch is released; everyone wants to try it out. Let's not forget the fact that they do not mention fixing anything with the account servers or stats servers dealing with this increase in load due to users.

What you want to test for is to see how many stick around a few weeks after, and you still have to factor in that BF2 continues to be a growing community as more purchase the game to try it out, regardless of the patches released. The patch isn't so horribly bad that anyone wants to leave BF2 forever either. So basically it's great that BF2 is growing, but this is expected of this high profile game series, and saying so doesn't mean 1.2 patch is the next best thing since sliced bread.

Anyways, regardless of statistics, the point is the 1.2 patch did not work out the way a majority of people wanted it to, and saying that look we have all these users, therefore the 1.2 patch is great, is a bad conclusion to draw. There are LOTS of problems with 1.2, and the balance issues remain, except opposite in orientation now. Admitting that problems exist, does not mean that BF2 is a horrible game, or that everyone is a whiney c4, jet, tank, etc. whore. It just says look there are these problems, lets fix them to the satisfaction of a majority of users and move on with the fragging.

Next time you want to get up on your soap box, at least present a reasoned argument. Anyone can jump to conclusions (esp. with statistics) and EA just used that statistic to smooth everyone over so that the community would calm down knowing change is still in the wind and we aren't stuck with the bad sides of 1.2, but we will keep the good changes.

As for you guys saying everyone is whiney bitches with no balls, take a look at the community on this website. With previous patches, there has been lots of whining, but the majority of people have kept their traps shut, especially the more mature users on this site. With this new patch, practically everyone has had their say, showing you that the patch is a lot more volatile then previous ones. The part that gets me, is that in majority, the mature people on this website just want a little balance, but theres always one or two outspoken flamers talking out of their ass. Listen, it's not like everyone wants dolphin diving/bunny hopping/c4 chucking/aa/vehicles identical to 1.12, they want some more balance.

So stop immaturely flaming people saying this patch rocks, there's no problems with it, its "realistic" (gag) and you guys are just whiney babies who want to be some type of whore. This is what your arguments boil down to. Nevermind entering into the arena that you can play what you want, when you want, and how you want, and that there has always been vehicles to be used in the BF series, and jumping, throwing, etc. is and has been part of the game. So you can suck it up too, child. This game is still good, it just needs a bit of re-tweaking.

BTW, the game isn't about realism, it's about balance, so stop bringing the realism argument up; you all passed grade 12, and I'm sure you can figure that one out.

mjw wrote:

ffs, wat a load of bullshit. Theres nothing fucking wrong with the god damn patch its just all these whining kids with no god damn pubes on their balls, complaining about every fckin thing.
This patch made this game much more balanced and i seriously hope they don't fuck it up again.
Lol!!! I'm sorry, I just had to get in on this one too. This has to be one of the most ignorant posts that I have ever seen. I do agree this patch was a step in the right direction, but come on, to say it's perfect? So the name tag color issue isn't a problem? Getting shot by someone and you don't hear any sound isn't a problem? The medics' pads are OK too?

BangStick_ky wrote:

Do ya think they will actually test this new patch before turning the beast loose onto the unsuspecting public???

It is a sad thing to have a patch come out to fix "problems" only to have  a whole new set of problems appear!!!
I worked at Compaq/HP for years in testing software fixes, hardware issues, etc....

If we released fixes without testing them I would guarantee the public wouldnt have been buying our pc's and/or laptops?!?!

Process:   Create > Test > Fix bugs > ReTest > Fix more bugs > Final Test > Quickly fix any major issues > Quickly debug again > Release to public. Debug pretty much was Take software run in thru everything the software could possibly do. 

to use example...

Create patch for BF2. Run each map in 16, 32 & 64 player mode. Jump in every vechile and fire their weapons at another target. Use every kit and fire their weapons at targets that die.. jump hide, crouch run, fire try each thing that each weapon could do. hrm.. placing C4 on a wall of a building just above your head... CANT?!?!? barely above eye level.. what crap is that? AT missiles fly thru a moving vehicle?!?!?! Firing a TOW from the Humvee crashes the server.. hrm you think the basic test would have discovered this?

I consider myself to be a pretty elite Test Engineer. I can only expect that other companies would follow testing procedures in the manner I briefly mentioned. Who are they beta testing these patches with 14-21 year olds on some random server who barely understand why not to TK for fun?

Personally I would debug these given half a chance, and with my 8 years of software debugging skills I probably would give them lists of issues... or is this why they dont get testers like me?!?!?! I have recently moved out of the R&D testing and into security Risk Analysis. Therefore doing anything related to Testing is not considered work related and I would be more than happy to help EA out...Just as long as my test time counts towards my stats hours..

I just hope they give the testing stages a glimmer of thought. I know it costs money... but dont the repatches cost more? At least thats what I learned in Software Project Management courses. It always costs you more to fix it afterwards rather than to fix it before you release.  

mjw wrote:

ffs, wat a load of bullshit. Theres nothing fucking wrong with the god damn patch its just all these whining kids with no god damn pubes on their balls, complaining about every fckin thing.
This patch made this game much more balanced and i seriously hope they don't fuck it up again.
That is so true,  made me LOL!
+85|6904|good old CA
euro force postponed? damn.
Hopefully they'll just fix the bugs, the new game works well with the new changes. Ok yes def. bugs, they do exist and they are annoying. I've seen them. So lets hope they get their act together and get BF2:EF up soon with a new update to fix all this problems. Hoping that its more of a big patch then a seperate game such as SF is. But know it probably won't be, wish the new maps would just load up along side normal BF2 maps. In sequence.

mjw wrote:

ffs, wat a load of bullshit. Theres nothing fucking wrong with the god damn patch its just all these whining kids with no god damn pubes on their balls, complaining about every fckin thing.
This patch made this game much more balanced and i seriously hope they don't fuck it up again.
They are probably going to fix the bugs like the SF crash, the M203/GP30 still blowing up at your feet, maby tweak the helo/jet HP's. That sort of thing. Probably nothing ground breaking.

[CANADA]_Zenmaster wrote:

BTW, the game isn't about realism, it's about balance, so stop bringing the realism argument up; you all passed grade 12, and I'm sure you can figure that one out.
Well, that's not completely true. Yes, it is about balance, but it is also about realism and fun. There is a fine line that EA has been trying to follow to make the game as sim as they can while still making it appeal to the casual gamer, meaning more of an arcade warfare style of gaming.

Last edited by OnePumpChump (2006-02-20 15:36:03)

+76|6929|Antwerp, Flanders

BangStick_ky wrote:

Do ya think they will actually test this new patch before turning the beast loose onto the unsuspecting public???
Of course they will. You, me, all of us, we're the suspecting public and we're gonna test it for them. Every1 here always whines about how buggy the game and its patches are, but can you name any game with a beta test team as big as BF2's?
I want my money, or my bud!

JayT78 wrote:

Mj.Blindfisch wrote:

Isn't it funny,all the whining everywhere from "castrated" jetwhores and C4-chuckers about the new unfair patch,yet the simultaneous number of players goes breaking records shortly after the 1.2 release....

Need we more proof that with the 1.2 patch they did the right thing?
So True.....
YA just dismiss the fact that all the people that quit a while back probably downloaded the patch to try it out and try 2 new guns.  Dont count your chickens til they hatch.  Wait 2 weeks then see what the populations are like.

   Online games always have a surge in players after a patch.  Common sense.  Doesnt mean the patch was any good.
+0|6909| Bosnia & Herzegovina
"45 Bugs created by the 1.2 patch (and counting), and 5 bugs fixed by the 1.2 patch"

pathetic EA...
I'm glad they are doing a fix. Maybe this will help solve a lot of the lag problems for people and in turn, make the game even better.

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