lowing wrote:
Masques wrote:
Masques wrote:
You don't have to search far to find muslim groups denouncing hateful imams or speaking out on violence. You won't find them on TV much because peaceable individuals trying to facilitate dialog don't rouse the rabble. Get a few unshaven goons screaming "Durka Durka, Mohammad, Jihad!" and you boost the ratings and the bottom line a little.
Not true, any Islamic leader that spoke out continuously and consistently about this issue would get air time. THe problem is there simply isn't any voice loud enough.
Yes, there is. They're always speaking out. You just seem not to pay attention to that fact. There is at the very least 3 or 4 broadcasts a day in the UK where well known public figures who are Muslims speak out against terrorism. Maybe they don't show them over in the US, I don't know. The more developed and forward thinking the
nation, the more moderates speak out.
In any case, you are comparing countries that are at starkly different levels of development. No (or an insignificant amount of denounced by the moderate majority) anti-semetism from Christians in the US, perhaps, but look at Eastern and Central Europe - then tell me there are no Christian anti-semites with no local moderate majority to keep them in check. You are comparing Muslims from quite underdeveloped countries in the Middle East to a highly developed country like the US. They are simply not comparable.
lowing wrote:
I will debate with you as long as you want to, but I will not let you tell me that am paramount to being the next fucking Hitler because I do not want to live in a Muslim community nor want to have my nieghborhood turned into one.
Not paramount to being Hitler (in fact that doesn't make any sense, I think tantamount is the word you were looking for), but that opinion does make you a bigot and Islamophobe (Islamophobia is defined as "prejudice against Muslims"), which has been demonstrated quite clearly and concisely throughout this thread. All of your squirming to avoid these unpleasant labels is futile since they fit you to a tee.
Some further examples:
lowing wrote:
I do not like Islam and I do not want it around me.
lowing wrote:
I do not want it in my country let alone my neighborhood. Islam is a religion that is 180 degrees out from what we as Americans practice morally, freely and equally.
I admit, my opinion contradicts a persons constitutional right to freedom of religion, but I feel the spirit of this assumes your freedom of religion does not hinder another persons freedoms, rights or privileges. Islam clearly does this.
lowing wrote:
It is the moderates that are always offended by our way of life. It is the moderates that rioted over the cartoons. It is the moderates that ae always calling for censorship. It is the moderates that expect appeasment to accomadate them.
lowing wrote:
The intolerance and violence is at the core of what Islam is and I would rather they practice it back in the region they already destroyed and leave western society alone.
Here's some more of your utterly contradictory stuff...
lowing wrote:
I also have never said I do not like Muslims, I said I do not like Islam. If you can tell me that is ok for Muslims to differentiate between Israel and the Jews, then I damn well am allowed to differentiate between this religion and its teaching and the individual people that are US citizens and follow it.
Yes, you have said you don't like Muslims. When you systematically tried to demonstrate, in a laughably weak manner, that all Muslims are the same and that moderates are just Muslims who haven't gotten pissed off enough to blow stuff up:
lowing wrote:
Think this through logically, Islam teaches and practices hate and intolerance. If "moderate Muslims" can come unglued over polical cartoons then I maintain and will believe that "moderate Muslims" can come unglued over anything they do not like.
Not one article I have read says these riots and protests and murderr and violence was committed by anything other than ordinary Muslims. No extremest groups claimed responsibility for any of it so it is absurd to deny who really was at the heart of it all.
lowing wrote:
Every other extremist activity has been claimed by extremists. All of the Muslim world erupts in protest and or riots and violence
lowing wrote:
We do know why the riots happened the MUSLIM community TOLD US WHY the riots occurred. Sorry if that is inconvenient for your defense of them.
lowing, you are a very scared, small minded, little person. Who happens to be both a bigot and an Islamophobe. Your pitiful attempts to slander the Muslim community as a whole and group them all together is proof of that. What is even more repulsive is the way in which you attempt to laugh off these labels, as though they are being used in an over the top manner, when in fact they are being used in perfect textbook context.
I'm not claiming you want to see all Muslims eradicated or anything so drastic, you just don't want them around you because of their religion (a point you have made numerous times). This makes you an Islamophobe and a bigot. Although of course I completely expect an utterly pointless response from you claiming to be neither of these things because you don't like the negative connotations of the labels.
Last edited by Bertster7 (2008-03-22 03:09:17)