Boots SJ
+6|6345|Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
OK I am going to build a new system but of course here is my dilemma do I go with the AMD Phenom or the Intel Quad I see Intel is coming out with new Quad cores and was thinking I might get one of those but of course its the computer world and asking for Processor advise is always impossible because people usually just stick to strictly AMD or Strictly Intel

All I really know is I really need a new damn system my current system I have to run BF2 on all low settings and it still doesn't run it well lmao

anyway any help would be greatly appreciated

sorry for you English Professors trolling the forums looking to correct everyones post if there is any Grammatical or Spelling errors you can /Fail my post and feel inferior cause you can correct peoples post ***god I hate The manual spell checkers on forums***
Cholera in the time of love
Intel's better (more reliable, btter quality/price ratio)+ more widely supported
I like pie.
A generally unremarkable member
im not gonna dingnify that with an answer
I don't come here a lot anymore.

Intel. <- That's what the following 30 replies are gonna say, with the exception of some trolls and/or fabois.

Intel is seriously the superiour CPU manufacturer at the moment, even considering an AMD quad core at the moment is worth a stoning tbh.
The idea of any hi-fi system is to reproduce the source material as faithfully as possible, and to deliberately add distortion to everything you hear (due to amplifier deficiencies) because it sounds 'nice' is simply not high fidelity. If that is what you want to hear then there is no problem with that, but by adding so much additional material (by way of harmonics and intermodulation) you have a tailored sound system, not a hi-fi. - Rod Elliot, ESP
Boots SJ
+6|6345|Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
Another question when do these new Intels hit the Market and What kind of Price tag comes with it
they hit the market a few days ago. and theyre reasonable. you can get em on newegg.

Last edited by [TUF]Whiskey_Oktober (2008-03-20 19:05:20)

Nymphomaniac Treatment Specialist
+302|6817|Florida, United States

[TUF]Whiskey_Oktober wrote:

they hit the market a few days ago. and theyre reasonable. you can get em on newegg.
I think you're incorrect.  Links?
+270|6687|Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Freezer7Pro wrote:

Intel. <- That's what the following 30 replies are gonna say, with the exception of some trolls and/or fabois.

Intel is seriously the superiour CPU manufacturer at the moment, even considering an AMD quad core at the moment is worth a stoning tbh.
I absolutely LOVE amd, not to mention my processor from amd. But i wont lie to you, intel is the way to go.
Phenumb... quadcore … 1&y=30

and Intel procs are the best right now... not a fanboy...

Last edited by [TUF]Catbox (2008-03-20 19:15:33)

Love is the answer
What is your budget?
Boots SJ
+6|6345|Cape Breton, Nova Scotia

The#1Spot wrote:

What is your budget?
Budget is $1500CDN But I need a monitor too gonna get a 22" Widescreen also I don't need ram or a DVD Rom/burner and a Good video card is a must

Thats the next dilemma was thinking about the 3870 not the X2 version don't want to spend most of my budget on video but I don't want to slack there either

Last edited by Boots SJ (2008-03-20 19:21:31)

Well, first of all, I wouldn't rush getting a new Quad core just yet, but for the AMD quads, its a N O. Just wait on getting one, especially  the newer Intel Quad's. I'm not completely sure about the dates, but there's gonna be 3 new ones, Q9300, Q9450, & Q9550. So just hold on for a bit more, probably another 1 or 2 week(s), depending on what info you can find on it. For me, 45nm technology is a must, especially the QX9650, oc'd @ 4.3 Ghz on air. If you have money to spend, i would highly recommend you getting that, of course, if your purposes are intend to use all 4 cores, then yes, its a must.
like what g-not said.  wait for the new cpus to comeout. 

I don't even know why I have a quadcore tbh lol.  I don't need all four cores for my computer usage. gaming, websurfing. 

I have a Q6600.

My advice would be bias because well, I've been using Intel's cpus for about three years now and haven't touched an AMD cpu.
+630|6786|The Netherlands
Like everyone else: Intel
Go Cards !!
+196|6836|The Ville
Intel by far. In 4 years we will have 16 cores. That and quad sli would be the shit. oh and 16 gigs of ram 4gb in one stick. That's my dream pc.
can detect anyone's visible post count...
+691|6908|Cambridge (UK)
I've not tested the quads from either manufacturer so I'm only going on what I've read, but at the present moment in time, Intel appear to have the edge.

BTW, Boots SJ, you don't need to have an AMD processor if you want an ATI card - not even if you want Crossfire - look for an X38/X48 based mobo if you want to use an Intel CPU and Crossfire.

Obiwan wrote:

Intel by far. In 4 years we will have 16 cores. That and quad sli would be the shit. oh and 16 gigs of ram 4gb in one stick. That's my dream pc.
Having a mini server in your desktop is pointless. This is why amd just brought out their 4 core cpus because games are just now being utilized for 4 cores. Hardware is useless without software.
be nice
+2,646|6595|The Twilight Zone

TSI wrote:

Intel's better (more reliable, btter quality/price ratio)+ more widely supported
+75|6624|Birmingham UK
my overclocked e6750.....can outperform those amd's...

intel ftw...i if you decide not to go quad....then get the e8400

Obiwan wrote:

Intel by far. In 4 years we will have 16 cores. That and quad sli would be the shit. oh and 16 gigs of ram 4gb in one stick. That's my dream pc.
im afraid to say it im not an apple fan boy or anthin....but the new macs...can have up to 32gb ram WTF !

The#1Spot wrote:

Hardware is useless without software.
consider your options ....tbh valid point^^^^

Last edited by 02fxnmaurer (2008-03-21 08:18:08)

Aspiring Objectivist
Intel, your grammer looks correct btw good job! /pass
+91|6864|Oregon … =Yorkfield

the other ones are expected to be widely availiable by the end of the quarter.

penryn is expected in may.

Last edited by [TUF]Whiskey_Oktober (2008-03-21 09:51:03)

+456|6274|Carnoustie, Scotland
Pre dual/quads, AMD reigned, but the torch has been passed.
+581|6530|New York
The way things are now: Intel has better performing chips, but AMD has the better price/performance ratio.
Remember Me As A Time Of Day
imbad @ bf2
intel Quad-core 6600 here, awesome CPU.

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