Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6920|132 and Bush … 1e1177d6ad
^^ Watch to understand.^^
Eventually Jesse steps in.

A good question is asked here. What about George Bush and Bob Jones University? When’s the media going to lift its total-radio-silence embargo on that?

In case you don't know what he is talking about.

The appearance by George W. Bush last Wednesday at Bob Jones University, in Greenville, South Carolina, is an event which deserves more attention and analysis than the perfunctory reports provided by the American media. The leading candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, endorsed by the vast majority of Republican senators, governors and congressmen, spoke before several thousand students at an institution which is a bastion of Christian fundamentalist bigotry.

Founded by Baptist evangelist Bob Jones Sr. in 1927, who was succeeded by Bob Jones Jr. and now Bob Jones III, the university has been notorious for decades for providing a Biblical sanction for old-fashioned Southern racism. Until 1971 the school refused to admit blacks; for a number of years after that it would only admit married blacks, in order to forestall the possibility of interracial relationships.

In 1975 Bob Jones University adopted campus rules which explicitly forbid interracial dating, a ban which remains in effect to this day. A letter from the university in 1998 defended the ban on religious grounds, citing the Biblical story of the Tower of Babel: “God has separated people for His own purpose. He has erected barriers between the nations, not only land and sea barriers, but also ethnic, cultural, and language barriers. God has made people different one from another and intends those differences to remain. Bob Jones University is opposed to intermarriage of the races because it breaks down the barriers God has established. It mixes that which God separated and intends to keep separate.”
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Typical white person.
+389|7079|San Antonio, Texas wrote:

Ironically, the policy was not instituted in response to concerns of white parents, but came after an Asian family threatened to sue the school when their son, who was a student at the school, nearly married a white girl.
But still, it's bullshit that there is still segregation in our schools.

Last edited by {M5}Sniper3 (2008-03-19 22:17:54)

+5,233|6849|Global Command
We just don't need any more reasons to hate W, but the press is always busy giving them.

Who was the random repetitive black dude?
+127|6978|WPB, FL. USA
Sry, your thread fails on the merit of facts - you need more training from the great and powerful master baiter OB2Cameronpooh
. . .
Who cares, G.W. is on his way out. This presidency will be over soon enough. Will history judge him well? Eh... I doubt it but all things historic/political are spinnable. Good or bad president? Doesn't matter he is going to join the ranks with dad and Bill as an ex-president.
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

It would only be hyocrisy if it were McCain speaking at Bob Jones U.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular

Gee, the Bob Jones University sure knows a lot about what God wants and doesn't want. And of course, they know it in a language that wasn't even around at the Tower of Babel.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2008-03-20 08:41:49)

Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6920|132 and Bush

Okie doke, since people seem clueless (Due to no fault of their own). This happened when Bush was campaigning for President in 2k. It's not a hit on Bush, I know he is on his way out. It's a question of selective coverage.

AAFCptKabbom wrote:

Sry, your thread fails on the merit of facts - you need more training from the great and powerful master baiter OB2Cameronpooh
Thanks for the advice.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
+3,611|6941|London, England
Not that far off from a Madrassa eh folks
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

I'm not clueless. I realize it was referencing Bush's 2000 campaign. I also remember that his campaign caught heat for it.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6920|132 and Bush

FEOS wrote:

I'm not clueless. I realize it was referencing Bush's 2000 campaign. I also remember that his campaign caught heat for it.
No it did not. At least not mainstream heat.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
+3,611|6941|London, England
I always wonder how Bush managed to win the Primary elections/Debates and then manage to win the actual Presidential elections, there are so many hurdles to go through to stop morons getting in power yet he and so many others have done it.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6920|132 and Bush

Mek-Izzle wrote:

I always wonder how Bush managed to win the Primary elections/Debates and then manage to win the actual Presidential elections, there are so many hurdles to go through to stop morons getting in power yet he and so many others have done it.
His Dad was not a Moron.. his brother isn't neither. Powerful families go places. His record in Texas wasn't to bad also.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

Kmarion wrote:

FEOS wrote:

I'm not clueless. I realize it was referencing Bush's 2000 campaign. I also remember that his campaign caught heat for it.
No it did not. At least not mainstream heat.
Well, that's where I heard about BJU for the first time, so it must have gotten some attention.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
. . .

Mek-Izzle wrote:

I always wonder how Bush managed to win the Primary elections/Debates and then manage to win the actual Presidential elections, there are so many hurdles to go through to stop morons getting in power yet he and so many others have done it.
He came in #2 (in the popular vote) in election #1. In election #2 he was predicted to to be defeated yet on election day he defied the polls (some think easy to access electronic voter fraud via Deibold systems; maybe/maybe not). He's not a moron... he's got personal ego problems and I think he is suffering from early onset dementia.
+3,611|6941|London, England … l_election


Bush: 50,460,110 47.9%
Gore: 51,003,926 48.4%

I don't care what people say, if more people vote for you, you should win. End of story.

That's some mighty fine democracy you're exporting there.
Sounds like Bob Jones University and Obama's spiritual leader  are on the same page.

So what was the connection between GWB and Bob Jones University besides him talking there?  Did he agree with them?  Belong to thier Church?  Have them as Advisors?  Proclaim them as Spiritual advisors?

Just posting this thread goes to show how racists Democrat cool-aide drinkers are compared to Republican cool-aide drinkers.  This is the best you got, nothing about McCain even.  Nothing from this year even.  Nothing relevent. 

The President spoke at a racist school in 2000, wow, that is much worse than going to a racists church for 20 years and having a racist as a close friend, campaign advisor, and spiritual advisor.  Now I hate McCain!  /sarcasm
. . .

Lotta_Drool wrote:

Sounds like Bob Jones University and Obama's spiritual leader  are on the same page.

So what was the connection between GWB and Bob Jones University besides him talking there?  Did he agree with them?  Belong to thier Church?  Have them as Advisors?  Proclaim them as Spiritual advisors?

Just posting this thread goes to show how racists Democrat cool-aide drinkers are compared to Republican cool-aide drinkers.  This is the best you got, nothing about McCain even.  Nothing from this year even.  Nothing relevent. 

The President spoke at a racist school in 2000, wow, that is much worse than going to a racists church for 20 years and having a racist as a close friend, campaign advisor, and spiritual advisor.  Now I hate McCain!  /sarcasm
Maybe just maybe... I don't know, K-man is making this point and nothing more...
When’s the media going to lift its total-radio-silence embargo on that?
Just because I don't give a shit, doesn't mean he doesn't have a point. Nor did he try tie this to McCain in anyway. If anything he's indirectly referencing Obama's (potentially hypocritical) current news coverage (i.e. his pastor) and not McCain. OK.

Please feel free to make sense next time. Cam, infidel, pollux, ????, drool, or whomever thou art.

Last edited by topal63 (2008-03-20 10:18:37)

Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

Mek-Izzle wrote:


Bush: 50,460,110 47.9%
Gore: 51,003,926 48.4%

I don't care what people say, if more people vote for you, you should win. End of story.

That's some mighty fine democracy you're exporting there.
Read this.

In the absence of any other discussion, it's easy to jump to the conclusion that it's bad.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
. . .
LOL (-->), ... In the elections of 1824, 1876, 1888, ... and 2000, ...
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

Just as a counterpoint:

Brutally Honest wrote:

Bush had given a speech. Just one speech at the controversial university, but that was enough to join him at Jones’ hip. Thus, the press piled on:

** Feb 27, 2000 – Los Angeles Times - “Bush is wishing he'd never set foot on the Bob Jones campus”
** Feb 28, 2000 – BusinessWeek - “Bush received an enthusiastic response at Bob Jones U.”
** Feb 28, 2000 – Washington Post - “Bush Caters to the Bigotry of Bob Jones”
** Feb 29, 2000 – International Herald Tribune - “criticized Mr. Bush for speaking at Bob Jones University,”
** Mar 4, 2000 – Seattle Post-Intelligencer - “do we want the ideals of Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson and Bob Jones?”
** Mar 4, 2000 – Dallas Morning News - “a letter of regret for visiting Bob Jones University”
** Mar 4, 2000 – Dayton Daily News - “Gerald Ford says he would not have spoken at Bob Jones”
** Mar 5, 2000 - Contra Costa - "The definition of George Bush's compassionate conservative is Bob Jones III ...
** Mar 5, 2000 – Los Angeles Times - “aggrieved over Bush's visit to Bob Jones University”
** Mar 5, 2000 – Miami Herald - “Bush was insensitive to Catholics by visiting Bob Jones University.”
** Mar 5, 2000 – Chicago Sun-Times - “criticism of Bush for his visit to anti-Catholic Bob Jones University”
** Mar 5, 2000 – Maureen Dowd- “In South Carolina, former Gov. David Beasley … gave a bear hug to Bob Jones Bush.”
** Mar 6, 2000 – Guardian Unlimited - “Mr Bush had to repair the damage done by his appearance at the Bob Jones university”
** Mar 6, 2000 – Philadelphia Daily News - “the Bob Jones affair”

This was just a slice of what the press ran with at the time, and continued throughout the campaign. Remember this was about the issue of simply making a speech at the place. Bush had issued a letter of apology and it should have been over, but the MSM persisted right up to the last days of the election:

** Oct. 09, 2000 – Time - “Remember Bob Jones?”
** Oct 13, 2000 – Boston Globe – “Governor Bush, you say you are a `uniter,' but how could you speak at Bob Jones University”
** Oct 22, 2000 - St. Louis Post-Dispatch -  “At the same time, he spoke at the ultraconservative Bob Jones University,”
** Oct 23, 2000 - Philadelphia Inquirer -  “Hughes, did not buy Bush's promises of inclusion, especially after his visit to Bob Jones”
** Oct 26, 2000 - Associated Press – “suggesting Bush was anti-Catholic after Bush spoke at Bob Jones University”
** Nov 1, 2000 - Los Angeles Times – “then took a hard right turn, heralded by a fiery defense of conservative values at Bob Jones University in South Carolina”

And even as Gore hadn’t tried to make it an issue, the press was still begging him to right into the final days:

11-02-2000 - Julianne Malveaux, - The Sun Reporter – “Why won't Al Gore talk about Bob Jones University?”
Here's a Google link that can provide others.

Last edited by FEOS (2008-03-20 10:34:27)

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular

topal63 wrote:

Lotta_Drool wrote:

Sounds like Bob Jones University and Obama's spiritual leader  are on the same page.

So what was the connection between GWB and Bob Jones University besides him talking there?  Did he agree with them?  Belong to thier Church?  Have them as Advisors?  Proclaim them as Spiritual advisors?

Just posting this thread goes to show how racists Democrat cool-aide drinkers are compared to Republican cool-aide drinkers.  This is the best you got, nothing about McCain even.  Nothing from this year even.  Nothing relevent. 

The President spoke at a racist school in 2000, wow, that is much worse than going to a racists church for 20 years and having a racist as a close friend, campaign advisor, and spiritual advisor.  Now I hate McCain!  /sarcasm
Maybe just maybe... I don't know, K-man is making this point and nothing more...
When’s the media going to lift its total-radio-silence embargo on that?
Just because I don't give a shit, doesn't mean he doesn't have a point. Nor did he try tie this to McCain in anyway. If anything he's indirectly referencing Obama's (potentially hypocritical) current news coverage (i.e. his pastor) and not McCain. OK.

Please feel free to make sense next time. Cam, infidel, pollux, ????, drool, or whomever thou art.
OH wow, so my post doesn't point out that Obama's story vs GWB story don't even compare in news worthiness and one points to endorsement of racists views and the other doesn't has nothing to do with the OP's post.

Please feel free to go back to sitting on the T.V. watching the couch.
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

topal63 wrote:

LOL (-->), ... In the elections of 1824, 1876, 1888, ... and 2000, ... can focus on that. Or you can read the entirety of both sides of the argument.

You know...whatever you think is reasonable.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
+3,611|6941|London, England
It doesn't matter. If you're in a room and there's 10 people and 6 vote for you and 4 don't, why would you expect the 4 to win.

It's not the "big states" fault that they have high populations, it's a moot point. More people voted for Gore, more people wanted Gore. I wouldn't be giving a shit if it wasn't for how Americans talk like they're the greatest thing to Democracy since Sliced Bread. You heard me

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