been posted tbh
that, and:CommieChipmunk wrote:
been posted tbh
Rules wrote:
Use descriptive and appropriate titles when creating a thread. Titles such as, “Help!” “OMG WHAT DO I DO!!?1?@” and “L4m3rS Ar3 5tup1D…” will not generate helpful responses, and ultimately cause more work for users trying to find threads on a given topic.
Creepy little bitch of a thing.
Wow im retarded
By a mod no less.CommieChipmunk wrote:
been posted tbh
Happens to the best of us. Hit the "delete" button on your first post and this all goes away.The_Lance_117 wrote:
Wow im retarded
This topic has been discussed previously -- Please use the search feature to find the previous thread. {quote}
Sorry, but Kmarion got to it first.
Sorry, but Kmarion got to it first.
I need around tree fiddy.