Germans did 911
+427|6827|Disaster Free Zone


DrunkFace wrote:


maybe it will be through mathmatics like " Contact " or we could meet at Devils Tower
ummmmm wat?
" to think we will ever have any meaningful communication or contact "

watch the movies " Contact " and " Close Encounters of the Third Kind " and you know what I'm talking about
One can not travel faster then the speed of light. /current scientific knowledge.
Therefore... to get to or just to communicate with aliens would be "impossible and completely impractical"

Nearest star: 4 light years (A minimum of 4 years travel). possible, but unrealistic. Also you have restricted the search for life from billion of billions of stars to one.
Nearest galaxy: 25000 light years (a minimum of 25000 years travel). Impossible.
+2,187|6714|Mountains of NC

DrunkFace wrote:


DrunkFace wrote:

ummmmm wat?
" to think we will ever have any meaningful communication or contact "

watch the movies " Contact " and " Close Encounters of the Third Kind " and you know what I'm talking about
One can not travel faster then the speed of light. /current scientific knowledge.
Therefore... to get to or just to communicate with aliens would be "impossible and completely impractical"

Nearest star: 4 light years (A minimum of 4 years travel). possible, but unrealistic. Also you have restricted the search for life from billion of billions of stars to one.
Nearest galaxy: 25000 light years (a minimum of 25000 years travel). Impossible.
have you seen those moives bc it doesn't take a light year to get down to blockbuster ....... trust me they will answer all your questions
+5,233|6675|Global Command

DrunkFace wrote:


DrunkFace wrote:

ummmmm wat?
" to think we will ever have any meaningful communication or contact "

watch the movies " Contact " and " Close Encounters of the Third Kind " and you know what I'm talking about
One can not travel faster then the speed of light. /current scientific knowledge.
Therefore... to get to or just to communicate with aliens would be "impossible and completely impractical"

Nearest star: 4 light years (A minimum of 4 years travel). possible, but unrealistic. Also you have restricted the search for life from billion of billions of stars to one.
Nearest galaxy: 25000 light years (a minimum of 25000 years travel). Impossible.
Defining the universe by the laws of physics as we understand them is about as intelligent as believing  that dogs do not have souls.
Germans did 911
+427|6827|Disaster Free Zone

ATG wrote:

DrunkFace wrote:


" to think we will ever have any meaningful communication or contact "

watch the movies " Contact " and " Close Encounters of the Third Kind " and you know what I'm talking about
One can not travel faster then the speed of light. /current scientific knowledge.
Therefore... to get to or just to communicate with aliens would be "impossible and completely impractical"

Nearest star: 4 light years (A minimum of 4 years travel). possible, but unrealistic. Also you have restricted the search for life from billion of billions of stars to one.
Nearest galaxy: 25000 light years (a minimum of 25000 years travel). Impossible.
Defining the universe by the laws of physics as we understand them is about as intelligent as believing  that dogs do not have souls.
Until things are proved otherwise it's all we have to go by. And its much better then just making shit up.
Veritas et Scientia
+444|6276|North Tonawanda, NY

ATG wrote:

Defining the universe by the laws of physics as we understand them is about as intelligent as believing  that dogs do not have souls.
I would much rather define the universe in terms we know/understand, while simultaneously recognizing that it will change and that there are definitely things we do not understand.  Put that against "Why try?", and any scientist or critical thinker will know which is the better choice.
+721|6727|the dank(super) side of Oregon
It will be much easier to simply fold space and time in half.  enough gravity can do the trick.
There has been/will be another life form existing in the universe at some stage. The Universe is VERY old and in that time, one planet out of the Trillions out there cannot be the only place that developed life.
The chances of there not being/not going to be/not have been are very remote.
I believe we will one day be able to travel to other galaxies and find evidence that a life form did exist at some point in time.
+5,233|6675|Global Command

SenorToenails wrote:

ATG wrote:

Defining the universe by the laws of physics as we understand them is about as intelligent as believing  that dogs do not have souls.
I would much rather define the universe in terms we know/understand, while simultaneously recognizing that it will change and that there are definitely things we do not understand.  Put that against "Why try?", and any scientist or critical thinker will know which is the better choice.
Well, of course. And well stated sir.

I'm just saying people saying " the speed of light is the end all " and being sure about it is as dogmatic as a fanatical religious kookjob.

Look how far we have come in the last 150 years.
If the rate of growth is linear the we will have Mobius Strip Expressways in a few generations carrying us to other stars and galaxies.
Penicillin was invented in 1928 and had a profound effect on people and science.

Some day, maybe tomorrow the Break through will be made; a new technology that will change our work forever, 2012???

Last edited by ATG (2008-03-18 21:42:20)

Veritas et Scientia
+444|6276|North Tonawanda, NY

ATG wrote:

Well, of course. And well stated sir.

I'm just saying people saying " the speed of light is the end all " and being sure about it is as dogmatic as a fanatical religious kookjob.

Look how far we have come in the last 150 years.
If the rate of growth is linear the we will have Mobius Strip Expressways in a few generations carrying us to other stars and galaxies.
Penicillin was invented in 1928 and had a profound effect on people and science.

Some day, may tomorrow the Break through will be made; a new technology that will change our work forever, 2012???
I agree.  The last 200 years have been very exciting in the history of science, and I can only hope that the next 200 will be even more so.

Last edited by SenorToenails (2008-03-18 21:46:12)


ATG wrote:

SenorToenails wrote:

ATG wrote:

Defining the universe by the laws of physics as we understand them is about as intelligent as believing  that dogs do not have souls.
I would much rather define the universe in terms we know/understand, while simultaneously recognizing that it will change and that there are definitely things we do not understand.  Put that against "Why try?", and any scientist or critical thinker will know which is the better choice.
Well, of course. And well stated sir.

I'm just saying people saying " the speed of light is the end all " and being sure about it is as dogmatic as a fanatical religious kookjob.

Look how far we have come in the last 150 years.
If the rate of growth is linear the we will have Mobius Strip Expressways in a few generations carrying us to other stars and galaxies.
Penicillin was invented in 1928 and had a profound effect on people and science.

Some day, may tomorrow the Break through will be made; a new technology that will change our work forever, 2112???
I believe in the olden days, many scientists said that no one would ever break the sound barrier.
How wrong were they?

100 years ago a plane took off for a few seconds, would any of them then believe 60 years later a man would land on the moon?
Veritas et Scientia
+444|6276|North Tonawanda, NY

Hakei wrote:

I believe in the olden days, many scientists said that no one would ever break the sound barrier.
How wrong were they?

100 years ago a plane took off for a few seconds, would any of them then believe 60 years later a man would land on the moon?
All I need to say about scientists of old:  "Aether".

What idea from our era will get looked back upon and laughed at in 100 years?  There will be something.

Last edited by SenorToenails (2008-03-18 21:49:40)



Reciprocity wrote:

any lifeform with the capacity to travel, with purpose and haste, through space, would have no problem fucking us up at their whim.  what would we do?  shoot them with nukes or lasers?

If aliens ever knock on our door we need to be polite and courteous.
I smell a thread in the works bc of this thread

" 100 aliens vs the entire USMC " or " 100 aliens vs all the SAS "

I know someone will do it ................. who will it be
i did
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6747|132 and Bush

Amnesty tbh.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
+405|6609|A W S M F O X
I saw this one movie where all these aliens came and were like "Sup bitchez" and broke out with the lazors and shit, and peeps were all "AGGGHHHHHH" and blowing up.

Probs liek that one movie Im thinking.
Depends.  Do the aliens have oil?


" 100 aliens vs the entire USMC " or " 100 aliens vs all the SAS "
What about 10 aliens vs the entire 18th century British army?

Last edited by Pubic (2008-03-19 00:10:40)

Goodbye :)
+399|6626|Somewhere else

If it was a discovery of something far away, Britney Spears definitely would obscure it in the news.

If they dropped by the Whitehouse, i'm afraid alot of the tinfoil hat types would stir up some shit, religeous nuts would go apeshit; fruit punch parties hardcore, People would panic, Rednecks would take to the streets, and the militray would suddenly, by coincidence, begin developing weapons to fight in outer space.  Russia would say that the UFOs are allied with the U.S. to attack the motherland,

Political parties would find some way to try to buy them into thier party, they would take a look around and say "Fuck this, we'll come back when you all get your heads out of your asses" and be gone for a while, Britney Spears would then make everyone forget what happened after she eats feces at a resturaunt.

Fox News would claim it never happened, or some crazy shit.
+405|6609|A W S M F O X
"100 aliens vrs tacobell employees"
can detect anyone's visible post count...
+691|6912|Cambridge (UK)
We'd all go mad and start eating each others brains.

Mmmm. Braaaains...

Actually, chances are, it wouldn't change anything by one iota.

'The Damned'
Alan Dean Foster
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Michael Crichton

Scorpion0x17 wrote:

Actually, chances are, it wouldn't change anything by one iota.
A bit more than that, perhaps. I could just imagine the sheer amount of human arrogance that would be snubbed at such a discovery.
Vela Incident
+1,652|6714|NYC / Hamburg

there is only one solution


once upon a midnight dreary, while i pron surfed, weak and weary, over many a strange and spurious site of ' hot  xxx galore'. While i clicked my fav'rite bookmark, suddenly there came a warning, and my heart was filled with mourning, mourning for my dear amour, " 'Tis not possible!", i muttered, " give me back my free hardcore!"..... quoth the server, 404.
can detect anyone's visible post count...
+691|6912|Cambridge (UK)
Looks good. But... The aliens live amongst the Pleiades...
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

People will use it as proof that Obama is actually an AQ sleeper...

On a serious note, the people who are saying interstellar travel is impossible based on our current understanding of physics haven't looked into quantum physics. It is part of our current understanding of physics, but is in its early stages. Fully leveraging that bit of science will change our world...guaranteed.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
+3,135|6884|The Hague, Netherlands

FEOS wrote:

People will use it as proof that Obama is actually an AQ sleeper...

On a serious note, the people who are saying interstellar travel is impossible based on our current understanding of physics haven't looked into quantum physics. It is part of our current understanding of physics, but is in its early stages. Fully leveraging that bit of science will change our world...guaranteed.
people saying it is impossible just can't see it happening..

like when we went faster then sound
the earth was flat
earth was the center of the universe
first plane > fighter jets

I mean our understanding of space is very little at this point so who knows what we can/come do/up with in the future.

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