Dilbert_X wrote:
FEOS wrote:
Sorry. That logic simply fails.
Not really, its easy enough to train without destroying something in the process.
Do you let off a nuke once a week for practice?
Do you release anthrax over a major city once a year just to make sure your ready?
Do you use DU munitions within range of populated areas in the US just to be sure they still work?
No you don't. Active sonar use by submarines is fairly irrelevant, and as far as I know AQ don't have submarines.
Not always.
You don't need to let off a nuke to train on nuke delivery tactics. We do, however, launch missiles regularly to ensure they still work and we can launch them without problems.
You don't need to release anthrax itself...but we have (and do) release non-toxic traceable compounds on populated areas to test tracking, response, and containment.
We don't use any kind of munitions within range of populated areas...that's why we have special ranges set up for munitions release/testing. Very similar to the oceanic range the Navy uses for their anti-sub exercises under discussion. And you know what? There are real, live animals (not people) living on those ranges...they are not sterile environments.
You keep talking about populated areas--you do realize the case involved sea mammals and not people, right?
And the use of sonar isn't just by the subs...it's more for the anti-submarine forces searching for the subs.
AQ isn't the only thing the US military must be prepared for...particularly the Navy. To assume that you must only train for the current fight and not be prepared for others is ridiculously short-sighted...and fails.