+-2|7022|England, UK

ExitWound wrote:

PKMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM What a Weapon that is now Fuck the new sniper wep the PKM should be in the sniper kit!!
Amen to that.

Last edited by General_CoLin_Tassi (2006-02-18 03:16:24)

I hope you all realise that the new sniper is the exact same thing as the other sinpers, except with a new skin and sound?  And a longer draw time?  I feel bad for anyone who actually unlocked that thing.

Oh yeah, the P90 is garbage.  Don't get it.  It is a tad bit more accurate than the other AT SMGs - otherwise, still a very bad weapon.  Jeez, how could EA not have upgraded the SMGs?  They could have atleast given them non-BB round clips!

Last edited by Sh4rkb1t3 (2006-02-17 20:03:04)

Excellent excellent patch. It improves things quite a bit.
+8|7026|South Australia

Sh4rkb1t3 wrote:

I hope you all realise that the new sniper is the exact same thing as the other sinpers, except with a new skin and sound?  And a longer draw time?  I feel bad for anyone who actually unlocked that thing.!
Not so. L96 has less deviation when zoomed for one. Ive also noticed more 1 shot kills since using this than compared to the M95 or type 88.
+3|7031|Coeur D' Alene, ID
I don't know about a lot of you, but I am noticing a trend in forums regarding BF2.  It seems that the only people that post are the people that have a problem with the game.  It is one of the most popular online games right now, you can get online and find thousands of people enjoying themselves living vicariously through this game.

If you look at how the world works:  The reason why we have fraud alerts on credit cards and fraud protection is because 5% of the population abuses other peoples privacy, the reason we have camera's in convienence stores is because 5% of the population wants to rob the store, the reason why we have warning stickers that tell us to not blow dry our hair in water is because 5%(hopefully not that high) of the population is to stupid to know that electricity and water don't mix.(for those of you that are going to blast my numbers, I know that they probably are the most accurate, but you are looking at the wrong side of my point).  This list of things go on and on.....the point to this is that the people that are blasting and yelling and kicking and screaming wrong doings on EA are going to ruin it for the rest of it.  As soon as EA feels they are losing money or that this endeavor isn't profitable, we won't see patches and improvements towards the much as they say they do it for the love, they are a business and do it because they make money...flat out that is why they are here.  Unless some of the folks that actually appreciate Dice and EA for their efforts and the amazing talents that these folks have, we are going to lose them as allies in making the best game online even better. 

If you look at the complaint pages compared to the love page, it is disturbing the difference.  I personally don't feel that this is an indication to the patches success, it just is an indication and proof that it is easier to complain and feel powerful, than it is to compliment and feel proud of what you have said.  The reward of complaint is getting your way and showing the world you have the power to do that...the power of compliment is a thank you, there is no material reward for it.

We all need to seriously think about how productive a post will be.  Don't bitch, bring a thought out solution to the problem.  Don't complain or insult the other people because you feel that you are right and no one else is, bring a mature solution to how you feel so that EA can look into everything. 

I have pulled 10 random posts and looked into stats when I can find the persons names.  The trend is that the people yelling are the jets/helicopters/and people who used the grendade launcher a lot.  This is selfish, as you all are EXTREMELY TALENTED at what you do, but having a 8:1 kill to death ratio proves that there needs to be a balance.  Prove that you are as good as you are to us ground pounders by adapting to the stronger defense.  In war, if you are getting slaughtered by an enemy, you don't take it, you got to the drawing board to learn new a sense EA gave us better weapons to defend the ground from jets.  You now have to adapt and learn new tactics.  All the bitching in the world won't help this, only your talents and hard work did.  Praise EA on giving us the best game ever, don't manifest what would be perfect for you, just love what you love, don't like what you don't like, but let the rest of us enjoy the game.

As for the people that respect the game.  Let your voice be heard!  We need to support EA and Dice to keep improving their product.  They are doing it for free right now, let's not push our luck!

over all, im realy happy with the patch, extremely, but the bugs are preventing me from buying euro forces when it comes, i stopped playing for like 2 months, and now im playing again, but a few problems that wernt addressed in this patch, and the new problems are realy making it hard for me to want to spend more money on this game!
im surprised so many of you dont find them an issue, because they shit me to tears
+3|7031|Coeur D' Alene, ID

FourStars wrote:

over all, im realy happy with the patch, extremely, but the bugs are preventing me from buying euro forces when it comes, i stopped playing for like 2 months, and now im playing again, but a few problems that wernt addressed in this patch, and the new problems are realy making it hard for me to want to spend more money on this game!
im surprised so many of you dont find them an issue, because they shit me to tears
HAHAHHA shit me to tears is an awesome phrase!!!! LOL

No problems with bugs at all...I have had my comp restart on me a phew times, but nothing that prevents me from playing...except the people with the aim bot that pisses me off
+36|7096|Forster NSW
P90 aint bad if you can aim it, Sniper Rifle OWNEZ
new AA is good but a bit too good,

and air to air combat is easy

+2|7004|King's Island
All in all I really like the feel of this patch.

No more constant, risk-free base-rape from above on every server with planes/helicopters.

Good pilots and gunners can still do their thing, but have to use the brain and cooperate one hell of a lot more, as GotMex? pointed out.

My only gripe is that air-to-air missiles are a bit too foolproof while the jets still reload their (now next to useless) flares so slowly. Pure dogfights are short and far between. But if that is what it takes to make the majority of fighter pilot bother to engage air targets with regularity, then so be it.
patch is okay could be better as in some maps tow missile just passes through other wagons
+0|7012|NC, USA
It causes the game to be a bit more realistic and not that fake crap. Now you can actually miss shot with the sniper rifle. It's more challenging.

fuzzyballs44 wrote:

No problems with bugs at all...I have had my comp restart on me a phew times, but nothing that prevents me from playing...except the people with the aim bot that pisses me off
lol i think its an aussie phrase,  not sure if many others use it!
but yeah ive had quite a few bugs happening, the most recent being i couldnt see the enemys weapon, which was a little frustrating, but none the less, im so happy with the game from an infintry point of view

Flyboy63 wrote:

Sh4rkb1t3 wrote:

I hope you all realise that the new sniper is the exact same thing as the other sinpers, except with a new skin and sound?  And a longer draw time?  I feel bad for anyone who actually unlocked that thing.!
Not so. L96 has less deviation when zoomed for one. Ive also noticed more 1 shot kills since using this than compared to the M95 or type 88.
Look at the ****ing stats of the weapon in the Wiki.  It is the exact same god damn thing you moron.  You judge a weapon based on experience, there are too many uncontrollable factors - PING, LUCK?  Not only this, but the patch just came out!  So the margin of error in your originally flawed test is HUGE! 

Sorry but I have no tolerance for the idiots right now.
how come you guys get to test the new unlocks while the patch is only here for a couple of days!
My 9 year old son (VonDutch1Junior) also had the luck to open some... He's pretty damn good though, so I guess he earns it...
First man on Mars
+9|7011|England, GBR
It's fuckin ACE!

one bad thing.......... I think the noob tube should not have had it's power reduced as much as it has or it's blast radius as much as that has.

Thing is, to me, just stopping the bunny hopping / dolphin diving was enough... and well, now to me the Assault class has no point to it. But luckily, I still like the F2000. and the nade launcher is still ok when you hit it dead on!
Sure i'm happy about the patch...

Lets face the truth...the only thing i hated about 1.12 was that a good pilot and two gunners were able to win the game. This is no joke...without antiair and the former chopper armor it was almost impossible to shoot down a good pilot...and repairing is just a matter of half a minute...then the crazy splash damage. And in comparison you got the MEC chopper...well armored, stronger and more accurate weapons, but no splash damage...and everyone who ever used the Blachawk gun knows that without splash not even half of the kills are possible.

Mashtuur rocks now...its fair. And in my opinion everything with the new patch is fair (except the too accurate PKM...they should reduce the damage a bit, or the accuracy, but who cares)

I like that the patch took everything back to the ground...choppers and planes now are tactical weapons...if you are at the right spot at the right time you can do an impressive surgery strike. I made many of my points being gunner in the attack chopper...and i really had fun cuz my pilot and clanmate is a very very good pilot. But in fact thats not Battlefield for me. This is technically a First Person Shooter, i agree with that, but this is not an Ego Shooter nor a two-man shooter. Everything that people are moaning about was in favor of teamplay.

In 1.12 i liked to play all classes..cause i am a teamplayer...many points don't mean much to me...i like these situations when you win the round...and i often lost a round sitting as gunner in the chopper having 120 points...looking on the radar and realizing that we got no flags...that sucked.

I will just tell you the advantage of this everything in a comprehensive way, and maybe you understand it:

Spec Ops: It was always a tactical class...and a stealth can lay C4 and block tank, no apc will pass...thats just provide your team a armor-free battlefield...its not for dont have to jump from roofs throwing your C4 hundreds of yards onto the top of a tank...just be fast, lay it down...let the tank see it: and tell him: Not this street, buddy!

Sniper: You always had the problem, that USMC rifle was much better than M95 (more accurate). Now accuracy is same, damage same...everything cool. You dont blow up your teammates anymore, and you can secure your back with the claymores. The trick is to play tactically and to position yourself on a nice spot. If you are clever you don't take every shot. Take the 95% head shot only and noone (except the commander) knows your location. And if the commander uses Arty on you, just smile...cuz one arty on you is one arty less on your spawn or your team.

Assault: Don't know what the people are moaning still got the grenade launcher and it bounces around corners. They reduced the damage radius a bit, so maybe the moaners are to lazy to aim. I never had to jump around a corner while shooting...sidestep works very well. Cool armored class.

Support: In my opinion the PKM is a bit too strong but i can live with that. And i still don't see too many people using them on servers. You cant throw packages from one end to the other end of the map...but lets be honest...just do a step more and everything is fine.

Tech: Yeah, one of the classes that make sense now. How funny were these moments when you laid some mines in mashtuur or gulf of oman...the tank comes, sees 4 black spots on the yellow ground, shoots them and passes...damn, that sucked! Now you can lay mines and be sure, that the enemy needs some teamwork (tech) to remove them.

Medic: Definetely the strongest class with the best unlock weapon (g36e), making points like shit by reviving teammates, and throwing healing packages. Nothing changed...sure, revivng is more tricky then before...but maybe try it without proning?!?

Anti-Tank: In 1.12 the best way to kill a tank was Spec-Ops or tank. I never came to the crazy idea to choose antitank...cause in the worst case you need up to 5 rockets (thats almost the full baggage of rocks). They took the spec ops the ability to throw the C4 and forced him to work in stealth. Now the antitank is the only class who can agressively take out a tank, his rockets move nicer.

Airplanes: The times of easy flying are over. They switched the airspace from offensive to defensive area. You now have to exactly plan your route, to react on AA and to fight against other jets. You cannot do the boring ammuntion-bomb base-ammuniton-bomb base- route anymore. You now have to do exactly where to hit with your bombs and then go to repair/reload (maybe three or four times). I like flying airplanes and i see this as a challenge.

Helicopter: Same as ultimative killing machine anymore. Short surgery hits...flying in, killing 3-4 people...leaving, doing reps/reload...searching for another target area where noone supposes you to attack. You can still fly very nicely around AA if you start to think a bit...sometimes your gunner needs to sweep a AA with his rocket...thats what it should be...tactical weapon.

In total i see the patch this way: They took it from the Ego-Shooter-guy who runs through the map and puts a grenade in everything that moves and gave it to the team players who play to win the round regardlessly of theri score. Just face the fact: a squad of 2 Medics, 1 assault, 1 support, 1 Antitank and a specs... you can patch as much as you will, you will never win this...shoot one with the PKM, sniper two of them down with sniper, use tanks, apcs or chance...fact is: Teamplay wins the round, the map and the game.

I hope that everyone reading this realizes that this is definetly not an ego shooter...i'm very exerienced with ego shooters like Q2, Q3 etc. and now i changed to tactical shooters...and this is one, you can tell by the "no chance situations"...if you are medic and you face a have no chance...this wont happen in ego-shooters. EA and DICE made a nice game, ok? You moaners bought it, and you like it if youre played many many hours all maps, you now every trick and so on...but you can't moan that the game doesnt work like you want. You have to follow the rules of the game...and the important facts like weapon damage, accuracy, damage radius dont mean a shit in here...if you got a good team you survive a PKM, an M1A1 or a horde of assaults.

Thank you for reading and i hope we all have some good times with the new patch...


P.S. I know that there are definetly toooooo many posts on this patch, but i read many of them and I'm missing the teamplay component in them. Everyone is talking about points, ranks and stuff. That means nothing...really. This is a game, try to be as ambitious in real life as you are in here and everything.
I like the new patch, planes and helicopters where too overpowered, so I'm glad they cut down on their HP. Now theirs good ballance. Theirs nothing worse than getting plane bombs dropped on you every 5 seconds of respawning >_>
i hate it because i can't bunnyhop like i used to and there is no way in hell i can avoid the AA in jet its impossible i get around 70 points in a game now whereas it used to be 120+

=[4th]=$chofield wrote:

i hate it because i can't bunnyhop like i used to and there is no way in hell i can avoid the AA in jet its impossible i get around 70 points in a game now whereas it used to be 120+
wrong forum, and YEAH i LOVE the new patch
+3|7031|Coeur D' Alene, ID

Zar_Niko wrote:

Sure i'm happy about the patch...

Lets face the truth...the only thing i hated about 1.12 was that a good pilot and two gunners were able to win the game. This is no joke...without antiair and the former chopper armor it was almost impossible to shoot down a good pilot...and repairing is just a matter of half a minute...then the crazy splash damage. And in comparison you got the MEC chopper...well armored, stronger and more accurate weapons, but no splash damage...and everyone who ever used the Blachawk gun knows that without splash not even half of the kills are possible.

Mashtuur rocks now...its fair. And in my opinion everything with the new patch is fair (except the too accurate PKM...they should reduce the damage a bit, or the accuracy, but who cares)

I like that the patch took everything back to the ground...choppers and planes now are tactical weapons...if you are at the right spot at the right time you can do an impressive surgery strike. I made many of my points being gunner in the attack chopper...and i really had fun cuz my pilot and clanmate is a very very good pilot. But in fact thats not Battlefield for me. This is technically a First Person Shooter, i agree with that, but this is not an Ego Shooter nor a two-man shooter. Everything that people are moaning about was in favor of teamplay.

In 1.12 i liked to play all classes..cause i am a teamplayer...many points don't mean much to me...i like these situations when you win the round...and i often lost a round sitting as gunner in the chopper having 120 points...looking on the radar and realizing that we got no flags...that sucked.

I will just tell you the advantage of this everything in a comprehensive way, and maybe you understand it:

Spec Ops: It was always a tactical class...and a stealth can lay C4 and block tank, no apc will pass...thats just provide your team a armor-free battlefield...its not for dont have to jump from roofs throwing your C4 hundreds of yards onto the top of a tank...just be fast, lay it down...let the tank see it: and tell him: Not this street, buddy!

Sniper: You always had the problem, that USMC rifle was much better than M95 (more accurate). Now accuracy is same, damage same...everything cool. You dont blow up your teammates anymore, and you can secure your back with the claymores. The trick is to play tactically and to position yourself on a nice spot. If you are clever you don't take every shot. Take the 95% head shot only and noone (except the commander) knows your location. And if the commander uses Arty on you, just smile...cuz one arty on you is one arty less on your spawn or your team.

Assault: Don't know what the people are moaning still got the grenade launcher and it bounces around corners. They reduced the damage radius a bit, so maybe the moaners are to lazy to aim. I never had to jump around a corner while shooting...sidestep works very well. Cool armored class.

Support: In my opinion the PKM is a bit too strong but i can live with that. And i still don't see too many people using them on servers. You cant throw packages from one end to the other end of the map...but lets be honest...just do a step more and everything is fine.

Tech: Yeah, one of the classes that make sense now. How funny were these moments when you laid some mines in mashtuur or gulf of oman...the tank comes, sees 4 black spots on the yellow ground, shoots them and passes...damn, that sucked! Now you can lay mines and be sure, that the enemy needs some teamwork (tech) to remove them.

Medic: Definetely the strongest class with the best unlock weapon (g36e), making points like shit by reviving teammates, and throwing healing packages. Nothing changed...sure, revivng is more tricky then before...but maybe try it without proning?!?

Anti-Tank: In 1.12 the best way to kill a tank was Spec-Ops or tank. I never came to the crazy idea to choose antitank...cause in the worst case you need up to 5 rockets (thats almost the full baggage of rocks). They took the spec ops the ability to throw the C4 and forced him to work in stealth. Now the antitank is the only class who can agressively take out a tank, his rockets move nicer.

Airplanes: The times of easy flying are over. They switched the airspace from offensive to defensive area. You now have to exactly plan your route, to react on AA and to fight against other jets. You cannot do the boring ammuntion-bomb base-ammuniton-bomb base- route anymore. You now have to do exactly where to hit with your bombs and then go to repair/reload (maybe three or four times). I like flying airplanes and i see this as a challenge.

Helicopter: Same as ultimative killing machine anymore. Short surgery hits...flying in, killing 3-4 people...leaving, doing reps/reload...searching for another target area where noone supposes you to attack. You can still fly very nicely around AA if you start to think a bit...sometimes your gunner needs to sweep a AA with his rocket...thats what it should be...tactical weapon.

In total i see the patch this way: They took it from the Ego-Shooter-guy who runs through the map and puts a grenade in everything that moves and gave it to the team players who play to win the round regardlessly of theri score. Just face the fact: a squad of 2 Medics, 1 assault, 1 support, 1 Antitank and a specs... you can patch as much as you will, you will never win this...shoot one with the PKM, sniper two of them down with sniper, use tanks, apcs or chance...fact is: Teamplay wins the round, the map and the game.

I hope that everyone reading this realizes that this is definetly not an ego shooter...i'm very exerienced with ego shooters like Q2, Q3 etc. and now i changed to tactical shooters...and this is one, you can tell by the "no chance situations"...if you are medic and you face a have no chance...this wont happen in ego-shooters. EA and DICE made a nice game, ok? You moaners bought it, and you like it if youre played many many hours all maps, you now every trick and so on...but you can't moan that the game doesnt work like you want. You have to follow the rules of the game...and the important facts like weapon damage, accuracy, damage radius dont mean a shit in here...if you got a good team you survive a PKM, an M1A1 or a horde of assaults.

Thank you for reading and i hope we all have some good times with the new patch...


P.S. I know that there are definetly toooooo many posts on this patch, but i read many of them and I'm missing the teamplay component in them. Everyone is talking about points, ranks and stuff. That means nothing...really. This is a game, try to be as ambitious in real life as you are in here and everything.
This is one of the most thought out posts I have EVER seen on BF2....I agree completely, I have a post somewhere in this system that says just about the same thing.  A strong team will be unstoppable, and the points will come naturally as you own every situation.  The game is not designed around a lone wolf concept.
I got to play the new patch today and I have to say I'm in love. I don't know if it's that I'm getting better or the patch has helped me out, but I did better today than I ever have. I normally do awful on Kubra. I made veteran spec ops on Kubra and finished second on a server of 64 players.

I love flying the heli, but I found out what everyone is talking about with it being weaker. You know what, I'm glad. I always felt cheap as a gunner, sweeping over a spawn and killing 5 guys, then sweeping back and killing 3 more with little to no risk. Today, when I was hit by a rocket and had to make it back for repairs immediately, I knew things were different and I'm glad. I avoided AA because I never felt like it was worth my time. In a blackhawk, if I got hit by a rocket, I used to laugh it off and keep trucking. Now, it makes more sense that if a rocket hits it, the planned trip just got shorter.

I played the anti-tank class, a class I used to hate because it seemed pointless. You couldn't kill a tank or APC effectively unless it was already severely damaged. I was surprised to see them go down more easily. It's an armor piercing rocket! It's supposed to be able to make armor into swiss cheese and finally, it's worth playing.

I don't have any complaints. I never noob tubed. I never bunny-hopped or dolphin-dived. My style has not been cramped by this patch and it has only made my style of play more viable. Thank you Dice and EA.
all in all I like it.  The stinger/linebacker/etc actually is useful now.  Last night on dragon valley I was tearing up the enemy choppers and planes to the point they quit flying, UNTIL.....a different set of pilots showed and started to fly tactically, then it was about plane = 2, AA = 1....gotta give props to those good pilots that have learned to adapt, and using AA is actually fun now, 2/1 now as opposed to 8/1 from an average pilot and 15/1 from a good pilot before the patch.  I am about 2 hours from qualifying for vet air defense, and now it is fun to play instead of frustrating
+6|6964|Weymouth, England
I love the aa fix. i managed to get my aa ribbon last nite. Anybody who wants theirs should play kubra dam and go on the mec base aa gun.
I played for the first time yesterday with the patch. And I loved it. I think the AA is powerful, but then 2 missles should do alot of damage. Sure a differance from before when choppers were everywhere. Not anymore. I like the fact that friendly mines and claymore dont kill you. But im sure we will see alot of deaths froms claymores now.
All in all im very happy.

Nice post Zar_Niko...great read

Last edited by canadianmadcow1701 (2006-02-20 15:34:36)

could be better but not so bad !
and more realistic than previous one isn't ?

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