
How do you get a buzz before playing BF2?

Weed24%24% - 44
Booze21%21% - 39
Crack6%6% - 12
Meth6%6% - 11
Coke8%8% - 15
Pills8%8% - 15
Soda24%24% - 45
Total: 181
Diazepam, Codeine, Hyoscine Butylbromide... but thats just my regular medication :s
Mass Media Casualty

DU wrote:

MMMMM Sounds like a christain bible basher.
AH HA HA HAA!! You don't know how wrong you fucking are! Aw man! That's the funniest comment I've read here!
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Mass Media Casualty

monkeyboy wrote:

Do you have any evidence for your schoolboy rumours?

What the fuck are you on about? Weed doesn't suppress vomiting at all. If anything it encourages it. Uppers like meth and cocaine let you drink more, but even these don't stop you vomiting, they just  stop you feeling so tired, so you're alright to carry on afterwards.

And no........ its not true either that meths makes you kill people either. Just makes you talk a lot and makes you oblivious to the fact you're annoying the hell out of everyone.
Well it's been proven that alcohol and weed isn't a good combination, sounds to me like you're just dismissing that because you like beer and weed sometimes. That's okay, I have nothing against it. Everything in moderation okay.
Anyway, different people have different reactions, and as for "schoolboy rumours," fuck you. A mate of mine died of alcohol poisoning when he was drinking and smoking weed. A parimedic explained to my mate at the time, and explained to me and my other mates later that it was excess consumption of both alcohol and weed that lead to him to not expell, (vomit,) the poisons in his body, and lead to them being absorbed into his bloodstream.
Don't let this completely put you off okay, according to my mate he drank about a bathtub full of alcoholic beverages, so honestly it might have had the same outcome wether he smoked weed or not, but I only know what the parimedic told me.

Oh, and here's some evidence to show what P can do. Note, can do, this guy was probably a wacko anyway, (he was proven to be guilty and not insane, even though he tried the old 'crazy eyes' thing in court.)
http://www.nzherald.co.nz/section/story … d=10127775

(Okay, so he didn't kill one of them, I didn't get my facts right, but he killed the other dude with the gun, which I also forgot about.)

Anyway, P is crap, it dosn't give you a buzz it just makes you fucken paranoid and enhances a few colours shapes and patterns. Marijuana does that without the violence. Have you ever met an angry pot smoker?

Anyway, different reactions for different people, you can never know what you're going to get. I have no beef against Marijuana or Beer or LSD, or most drugs really, some of them are responsible for the best music of the 60s 70s and 80s, (even 90s,) but Methamphetimine is crap, it has done nothing but destroy lives. Feel free to disagree with me, but don't say that this is just "schoolboy rumours."
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Asbach and Coca Cola and BF2 all at the same time.
bad touch

[]D [] []\/[] []D
+177|6779|United States

SilentSin wrote:

I think it'd be hilarious if BF2 has Methheads, Cokeheads, and Crackheads. Funny shit.
What do you mean, "if"?
Tyferra a question, is your middle name wanker?
was his name-o
+0|6742|SE Pennsylvania
All of the above.
Some nice gentle tunes to calm my mind before battle.
All I do is listin to some music that gets me amped up, usally I listin to Saliva "your disease" or "boom" by pod and others to get me amped .
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|6848|Marathon, Florida Keys

stryyker wrote:

l33t m3ns3ck5 - or not
Look at all the kids trying to be cool naming all the alcohol and drugs they use wile playing BF2 not like we belive any of you ofcourse.

Not to mention sitting on you're gut for hours playing BF2 and drinking beer and eating pizza = big no no.
Light up a fresh blunt and sing my bf2 troubles away.
Occasionally I'll take a shot or two of Jager. Or a Bud Light. But not so often.......

Tyferra wrote:

sounds to me like you're just dismissing that because you like beer and weed sometimes. That's okay, I have nothing against it. Everything in moderation okay.
A mate of mine died of alcohol poisoning when he was drinking and smoking weed.
No... i'm not dismissing it because of that. I don't drink alcohol at all or smoke weed. Stopped all that years ago.

I'm sorry about your mate, however as far as i'm concerned if somebody drinks until they're sick then they're a fucking idiot. I'm not saying they deserve to die or anything... just it's a fucking stupid thing to do.

I have a good wank to spur me on before battle. Hence the name.
Mass Media Casualty

DU wrote:

Tyferra a question, is your middle name wanker?
Dude, fuck you. Have I ever said anything against you, (apart from just then,)? I found it funny because I am anti-religeon. A proud athiest and I make my views known, especially to my creepy cult-type-christian relatives, (Aunt, Uncle, three Cousins.) I didn't expect you to know that and it wasn't an attack on you in any way. Calm down.

And I have two middle names, niether of them is Wanker.

Monkeyboy, don't be sorry about that dunce. As far as I'm concerned he had it coming, and you're right to call him a fucking idiot. Just offering some proof to the whole 'schoolboy rumour' thing though, although I was sixteen when that happened.

You should come to New Zealand sometime, especially Dunedin in Otago University "O-Week." It's times like that you start thinking that drinking until sick is a national past time.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon

monkeyboy wrote:

Tyferra wrote:

sounds to me like you're just dismissing that because you like beer and weed sometimes. That's okay, I have nothing against it. Everything in moderation okay.
A mate of mine died of alcohol poisoning when he was drinking and smoking weed.
No... i'm not dismissing it because of that. I don't drink alcohol at all or smoke weed. Stopped all that years ago.

I'm sorry about your mate, however as far as i'm concerned if somebody drinks until they're sick then they're a fucking idiot. I'm not saying they deserve to die or anything... just it's a fucking stupid thing to do.

I have a good wank to spur me on before battle. Hence the name.

Tyferra wrote:

DU wrote:

Tyferra a question, is your middle name wanker?
Dude, fuck you. Have I ever said anything against you, (apart from just then,)? I found it funny because I am anti-religeon. A proud athiest and I make my views known, especially to my creepy cult-type-christian relatives, (Aunt, Uncle, three Cousins.) I didn't expect you to know that and it wasn't an attack on you in any way. Calm down.

And I have two middle names, niether of them is Wanker.

Monkeyboy, don't be sorry about that dunce. As far as I'm concerned he had it coming, and you're right to call him a fucking idiot. Just offering some proof to the whole 'schoolboy rumour' thing though, although I was sixteen when that happened.

You should come to New Zealand sometime, especially Dunedin in Otago University "O-Week." It's times like that you start thinking that drinking until sick is a national past time.
Message for both of you:

Enemy Boat Spotted.

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